Everyone wants a place to belong. The me generation is gone and people are finding value in belonging. Even the people who didn’t want to be labeled in any group, hang out in groups. Goth, etc. Cheers….sometimes you wanna go…
As a Christian you will not make it unless you know how to belong. Without Christian fellowship you won’t make it. (Three-legged stool) God is interested in community as well. Some people would say that the entire main theme in the Bible is community.
As we enter the New Year soon, I want us to really check ourselves. Tonight I talk to Forerunner, and hopefully challenge those who belong to this ministry to go to new heights.
Talk of belonging can scare people. Because they have been rejected or are afraid of being rejected. Rest assured that this is not some Christian club, some exclusive hideaway with members only, or a collection of cliques. This is a ministry, which says come as you are.
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!!! God’s Community
God as Trinity enjoys perfect community
Invites us to join – let us make man in our image
Perfect community in the Garden.
We broke community through our sin, rest of OT is leading up to the work of the Cross where Jesus secures the way to restore community if we wish to.
John 15:9 (NKJV) “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.”
So the Lord is drawing us into community with Him. But it doesn’t stop there.
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!!! Community with each other
God expects us to not only get along, but to have love for each other and serve one another. This might sound like I am blowing sunshine up your backsides, but it is true. I know how different things are everyday for you at school and even at home, but things can be different and better here.
College real friends.
Colo 3:14 (NIV) And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
1Cor 12:26 (NIV) If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
Just to be real and to clarify things there are those that would destroy community if they could.
It is my area and sometimes JCore’s to deal with that when and if it arises.
Every shepherd had a staff, and it wasn’t just for a walking stick.
Sometimes they are sheep who have lost their way, sometimes they are wolves coming to destroy and devour.
Again I am talking to Forerunner tonight, those that know my heart. I am not someone who bashes people if they make a mistake. Their isn’t some rigid behavioral code posted on the wall.
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!!! Inclusive Community
We are always seeking to include others. We are open to all. After all if we were to just sit back and rest with what we have, we would begin to die because God cannot abide in disobedience. He has commanded us to reach out, to “make disciples”
If you have been coming even for just a little while you should be walking in here like you own the place! Like you have taken ownership of what God is wanting to do. Not only should you be trying your best to bring people and introducing them to others here, but whenever you see someone new you should make a beeline for them before service, during greeting, and after service.
Don’t stalk them, but make them feel welcome. If you want to help us with what we call follow up, which is calling people that come, taking them out for a coke or just to hang, let your small group leader know. If they feel like your giftings line up with this kind of area, they will give you a little training and get you started.
God wants to do something amazing in this city, and I want Forerunner to be on the front lines of it…after all that is where we get our name from.
Going to talk more about these things at our Fire and Ice winter retreat, make sure you sign up in back!
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