1 Corinthians 11:17-34

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Early Elementary School - looking around for open eyes.

We Look Back

We look back to the Passover - The lamb was consumed for the strength of the people, the blood was smeared on the mantle and doorposts for their salvation.
We look back to the covenant making God - I will be your God and you will be my people.
We look back to the promise of a new Covenant, on the hearts of men.
We look back on the sacrifice of Christ in fulfilment of passover, and covenant. “However, this “remembering” is not simply the recalling of historical facts. It is a participation in spiritual realities. At the Lord’s Table, we do not walk around a monument and admire it. We have fellowship with a living Saviour as our hearts reach out by faith.” (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 606). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.) We participate then, in this covenant as Christ writes his law on our hearts.

We Look Ahead

From the day of Christ forward - we look ahead to the coming of the Holy Spirit - the great fulfilment of Jeremiah’s prophecy of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31) In this covenant we are made to look like Jesus, and someday it will be completed when we see him (1 John 3:2)
We look ahead to that great and glorious day when Christ returns, for indeed, we proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes!

We Look Within

Good news - It is not the “unworthy” who cannot come to the table!
This passage sets up a juxtaposition between judge and discern which is difficult to see in the English. If we’re willing to discern what is before us (the body of Christ) and what is in our hearts, then through that discernment we are saved from the judgement to come.
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