Prayer matters part 3
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The prayers we pray matter
The prayers we pray matter
New series “seasons”
We’ve been through a couple of weird seasons in the last couple of years. There’s no denying that or hiding it
But I believe that God has been preparing us and has greater things ahead for Cornerstone
So we are going to share what we believe those things are in this next series
So if you have been wondering what is next here make sure you don’t miss out in a couple weeks.
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So we’ve looked the last couple of weeks at a conversation the disciples had with Jesus
They ask him “Lord, teach us to pray.”
And I think we would all agree that prayer is important, but does it really matter?
If we look at this conversation and ask well did this impact the disciples?
They asked Jesus to teach them to pray…but what happened next?
This morning we are going to look at a letter written by a man named Paul
And Paul wasn’t one of the original disciples but he clearly was taught by them and influenced by their teachings
And as we read his letters to the church it becomes evident that prayer mattered greatly to him
He states over and over...”Pray.”
So, this morning we are going to look at a letter that he wrote to Timothy - a young student of his.
In this letter he gives instruction to Timothy for all kinds of life and ministry situations that Tim was facing and would face
In this specific passage paul speaks simply but powerfully about prayer and why it matters so let’s take a look at 1 Timothy 2:1-6
1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—
2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior,
4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,
6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.
There are many things in life that form us
Our surroundings
Our upbringing
Who we hang out with
Who we listen to
We know that sin deforms us
Some things even try to reform us
Education seeks to inform us
But the reality is, is that only Christ can transform us
Look life is messy and tough and complicated and confusing but there’s good news if you are a believer.
The Lord doesn’t expect us to do everything
But He does expect us to do something
We talked last week about praying for the Spirit and part of what the Spirit does is make us more aware of the things the Lord desires for us
He helps us be more aware of opportunities around us to pray, to live out and witness for Christ
And that’s exactly what Paul tells Timothy here in Chapter
So what we see through Pauls instruction to Timothy is that
Our prayer impacts others
Our prayer impacts others
This isn’t some little people of advice he gives. Look at the wording
He says I URGE you. I implore you. I beg you!
Don’t forsake prayer
And what do we pray about or for?
Paul gives 4 different Greek words here to represent 4 distinguishable nuances that Paul wants to specify for how we pray.
Petitions: These are prayers for God to provide all needs. Or to pray for that which is lacking. Both physical and spiritual
Prayers: Petitions made that God would increase all the good things we have. And can also give emphasis to the desire to come to God. And in this context to bring those for whom you are praying for before God.
We talk a lot about not falling into the prosperity gospel
But it’s ok to pray for blessings and you see it even more in Scripture when someone is praying for someone else's blessing
We just need to remember that our hope is not in what God does for me but in what He has already done for me
So if He does not give you the jacked up 350 you’ve been praying for, for 3 years you must remember He gave you His son who died in your place so that you could life to the fullest here on earth and eternal life with Him instead of being dead with no hope and destined for hell
Intercessions: prayers for others, to keep evil from them, and/or bring good things to them.
This means to speak or appeal to someone on someones behalf
In the spiritual sense, it’s going to war for your brother or sister
There’s this story in Exodus 17 where the Amalakites attack the Israelites - Moses, Aaron, and Hur
There have been times in my life where, if I’m honest, have struggled to pray. I was angry at God, I was confused, I just struggled. But I have people in my life who interceded on my behalf
It’s important to pray for one another. It’s important to have people around you that pray for you
And let me just say that more often than not its seems to me that it’s the men who struggle with this. Men this should not be so.
Thanksgivings: giving thanks for the good things God has done and will do for us and others
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a call to remember all that you have and all that you have to be thankful for
And if you have nothing else you have Jesus
Now Pauls request is that these prayer not be made just for ourselves but for all people and specifically those in authority over us
We sure can complain in a hurry. We will get out and protest in a hurry. We will rally and march and pitch a fit when things don’t go our way. But not pray
We will gather to watch sporting events, take our kids to ball field. Gather to see a movie or hang out.
But less and less to gather and worship and even less to gather and pray.
Look your greatest opportunity for change is not in the voting booth your greatest opportunity for change is on your knees before the King of kings and Lord of lords
But why? What is the result of our prayers?
Listen I struggle with this question. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around God’s sovereignty and my ability to effect change through prayer.
If I’m honest, I don’t understand exactly how it all works but I do know it works. Because scripture says it does. And here paul tells us that our prayer produces
Quiet, peaceful lives
It’s hard to bash someone your really praying for
Godliness and holiness
We become mindful of God
Thoughtful and considerate of others
And what God desires for you and me and all those you come in contact with is salvation. To come to a knowledge of the truth of the gospel
So yes we pray for our needs. But we are also called to pray for others
For others needs
Others blessings
Others salvation
Giving thanks for them
And we can only do this, come to bat on someones behalf because there was One who did it for us
Jesus - Gospel
So why pray.... because;
Prayer changes everything
Prayer changes everything