Youth Revival - (W. 1 - Genesis 22:1-19)
Where Worship Begins
Where Worship Begins
In response to Abram’s act of faith, God promises certain blessings
Thus not only will a childless, barren couple birth a nation, but also the morally barren world will flourish again
Third, the mention of a great name, or reputation, highlights the spread of Abram’s influence to a world that needs to imitate his faithfulness. God’s name will be honored as Abram’s is honored, so the blessings of his fame will enhance God’s reputation as well
Fourth, God’s protection insures the new nation’s future
Fifth, the notion of all nations being blessed by Abram seals God’s plan for worldwide renewal of human beings. All persons are infected with and affected by sin. The results of this fact have been catastrophic. Now God identifies an individual through whom the Lord’s plan can be revealed. Abram’s faith can replace Adam and Eve’s doubts about God’s commands, can offer further insight into how evil’s head will be crushed (cf. Gen 3:15),
Having adopted circumcision as a sign of the covenant (17) and having received his heir after twenty-five years of waiting (21:1–8), Abraham is tested when God commands him to sacrifice Isaac, the son of promise (22:1–2).
Here “faith” and “fear” amount to the same thing, obedience
Once again faith works itself out in actions that have their basis in trust in God alone. Abraham trusts God even when the Lord commands the unthinkable, indeed when God commands what seems to be the irreparable removal of the key to the promises in Genesis 12:1–9. The Lord honors this faith by offering renewed reassurances of blessing (22:15–19)
First, it is clear that only one deity appears in this story
Second, this one God relates to people on a personal basis, communicating commands, promises and guidance through each successive decade
Third, the promises of heir, land, nation and international blessing require faith on Abraham’s part
Fourth, God’s promises to Abraham provide a framework for the rest of the Old Testament, indeed for the rest of the Bible
Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the Old Testament Chapters 21–22
Satan tempts us to bring out the worst in us, but God tests us to help bring out the best.
Begin with talking about the revivals in church history.
The Great Awakening
The Second Great Awakening
The Jesus Movement
Talk about trends and how it always seemed to start with young people seeking God.
Genesis 22:1-19.
Context of Abraham’s life:
12 -
13 -
14 -
Genesis 22. The first time the Hebrew word for worship shows up in the Bible was when Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham told his servants that he and Isaac were going to go and "worship" on the mountain.
The cool thing about worship is that God can use it to revive our hearts. Revival happens through worship when we:
Revival Follows Faith
Abraham had a relationship with God.
In order to be “revived” you must first be “vived.”
12 - Abram at that time put his faith in God.
Faith was followed with blessing from God.
Revival requires Surrender
Abraham had already surrendered 4 things…
look in verse 1 - “after these things...”
What four things did Abraham surrender?
His Land
His Country & Relatives (Gen 12:1 - Matthew 10:34-39)
His Lot
His Nephew Lot (Genesis 13:1-8, 2 Peter 2:7-8)
His Layout
His own plans - Ishmael (Genesis 17:17-18)
His Love -
His own Son
This is the first time in the Bible that the word “love” shows up.
The word means to have great affection for or to care for
What do you love more than anything else?
Revival Requires Obedience
Faith should always result in obedience.
“Go sacrifice your son.”
What has God commanded us to do?
Seek Him.
What did Abraham say this test was?
Genesis 22:5 - we are going to go and worship.
Revival Requires Truth
the truth is, this experience was about the gospel.
The similarities in Jesus and Issac.
Without the gospel, we won’t ever have salvation, and we won’t ever be revived.
Psalm 51:12 - restore unto me the joy of my salvation
Isaac & Jesus promised sons
both were miraculous - Jesus more so, because He was born of a virgin and sinless!
Both brought Joy to their Father
both were persecuted by their brothers and obedient unto death
Christ crucified between 2 thieves… two young boys were with isaac
issac questioned his father - where is the Lamb? // Jesus asked “My God, why have you forsaken me?”
here’s the point: revival happens when we focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ!