It All Started Here
Read scripture Acts 1:1-11
Background of the book
We know it is written by Luke. His first book was about what Jesus did and taught until his ascension. This book is about the church Jesus established after he went to heaven. This is the account of things that happened right after Easter, right after the crucifixion and resurrection.
Many proofs. Hey, you see a dead guy that ain’t dead no more, you going to ask for some proof too.
This book opens with the key event of Christianity? It is why we are gathered here today.
Resurrection of Jesus. He is ALIVE! It is why we gather on Sunday, it is the day that Jesus walked out of that tomb.
This is key to the NT church.
You can’t be a witness of Jesus without believing in the resurrection of Jesus. The cross is important, his sacrifice is important, but his resurrection is our hope. We don’t talk much about the resurrection anymore. 1 Co 15 (describe passage)
Acts begins to talk at length about the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised a helper when he was finally seated in heaven, that helper is the holy spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third member of the trinity, he is the same as God the Father, and God the Son, co-eternal and co-divine and yet he is different than God the father and God the Son. The Holy Spirit helps Christians live out the Christian life. It is what bears testimony in our lives that we are God’s.
As we go forward it the Holy Spirit that allows us to witness, that gives us victory over sin, that gives us victory over temptations, that gifts us for ministry.
You are at a pivotal point. You are at the same point as the disciples here.
Realize some things about Peter, Paul and the others. Just people. Sinful. Experienced something great.
Didn’t know what the next right thing was.
You know something needs to get done. Jesus will you do this?
You too, if you have believed the claims of Jesus. That he is alive, that are in need of saving from our sins and by faith have turned from those sins. We know there is something more to do. The Holy Spirit testifies within us that we should be. We know Jesus is going to fix it. The question is how? He tells us.
Jesus’ response, “You will be my witnesses.”
What is a witness?
Someone who experiences or saw something.
It is the expectation of every person that has met with Jesus to be a witness.The means to be a witness.
Gave us the ministry of reconciliation.2 Co 5:18-20
Witness? What!?!?
I am sure at this moment there was a look of disbelief on their faces. Two things you don’t talk about politics and religion. Well people talk all the time about politics, so I guess we can finally start talking about religion. But it is a frightening proposition.
How do I get people to believe that a guy who used to be dead, ain’t. Furthermore because of your sin the wrath of God is coming and the only escape is this formerly dead guy. Also, you need faith because you have nothing to offer. How does that sound to you?
Let’s be honest it seems foolish, it seems like folly. But for those of us in Jesus we realize something 1 Co 1:18
1 Corinthians 1:18 (ESV)
Christ the Wisdom and Power of God
18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.So it goes without saying that I need some help. Jesus already knew that. He gave you some might power to be his witness. He gave you Holy Spirit power. Holy Spirit is God. Holy Spirit lives within us, already talked about that.
Holy Spirit power.
dunamis - power, might, strength. ENERGY!!!
We need power. Look at Paul. 1 Corinthians 2:4 (ESV) 4 and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,
Many of us are primed with the Holy Spirit, but we are not powered by the Holy Spirit. That Holy Spirit that gave Paul power is the same Holy Spirit that gives you power.
We know we should live in the power of the Holy Spirit. We know that being a witness is more than just the words I say. It is important to allow the Holy Spirit to move in our lives to make us a bold witness. It is important to allow the Holy Spirit to move in our lives to give us victory over sin (how the world sees me). It is important to allow the Holy Spirit to power our lives to give us victory over temptation (how I see myself). It’s important that I allow the Holy Spirit to power my live because it affects how I bless others (my giftedness).
How do we live with Holy Spirit power?
Faith. When I say faith here I am not talking about the salvation faith. When I talk about faith here I am talking about that thing which motivates you and me. But faith is also about substance. I can have faith and not have any faith. Does that make sense? Heb 11:1
Faith sometimes is a weak stream, others a mighty torrent. It all depends on what you are using to feed your faith, what you are focusing on.
What is the source of our faith?
The source of your faith, or you motivation, to have Holy Spirit power, can’t be you. Why? Because you will eventually get tired. Because you will eventually lose focus.
Jesus is the only way to keep faith. Focusing on Jesus. Taking up your cross everyday. Dying to self everyday. Living for Jesus everyday. You do this your faith will grow. You do this and you will find more and more the power of the Holy Spirit making your a bold witness, freeing you from the bondage of sins, lessening the effects of temptations pull and freeing your to Christian ministry.
Jesus. More specifically his resurrection that releases us from our sin. Set your mind on things above. As you
Do you pray for more faith? Are you seeking areas to be encouraged? Christian are you encouraging your brothers and sisters? Cheer them on.
As you grow in faith, you grow to rely more and more on the power of the Holy Spirit, and that is the ticket to doing great things for God.
Do you see yourself in this story?
This story is our story, this beginning is our beginning, this start is our start. It started here, the question is how are we carrying it on.
Through these words Jesus spoke to all Christians, throughout all of history. Go and be my witnesses.
Being a witness is tough work. There are lots of distractions. The devil is busy trying to keep us from this Jesus commanded work. I would encourage you the next time you find yourself talking about football, the weather, or politics, pray for the Holy Spirit to give POWER and speak just for a moment of the God who saves us from our sins. I promise the more you do that, the more you will be given power to do it over and over.