God’s Still At Work
Illus.: Talk about walking through one of the darkest seasons of ministry. I had been through such a relational and spiritual battle. It was so hard that it left me wondering if God was done with me.
Note: we tend to all feel that way after a long spiritual battle.
We’ve all been a little disappointed at the way things in our lives have happened...
These things can make us feel like the best is behind us.
Have you ever wondered if God was still at work?
It’s easy to wonder this when we look at our...
However, today as we look at an encounter between the prophet Elisha and a widow, we will learn that God is still at work even when it seems that He is not.
Let’s read this encounter together.
[READ 2 Kings 4:1-7]
In this encounter between the prophet Elisha and widow, we learn four reasons why we can know that God is still at work in our world and lives today.
God is not hindered by our circumstances.
God is not hindered by our circumstances.
Now the wife of one of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord, but the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.”
Let’s consider the circumstances of...
(1) The nation of Israel - things were bad in Israel. They were worshipping false Gods. They had an evil king Jehoram who was tracing the footsteps of his dad - Ahab.
(2) The prohet Elisha - he was the newly minted prophet who had just followed in the footsteps of the great prphet Eljah. His leadership has not been tested or proven yet.
(3) This widow - her husband had died and bill collectors were knocking at the door. They were about to take her two sons into slavery to pay off the debt that she owed but could not pay.
The circumstances in this moment were bad. However, as we read the rest of the encounter, these circumstances were no thing for God. They weren’t even a speedbump for him.
Ilus.: Talk about how I hated speed bumps when I first learend to drive. I would avoid them at all costs. The reason is that I had not learned to smothly navigate them. They were rough, because I approached them roughly.
This encounter found in 2 Kings 4 reminds us that our circumstances are nothing for God. Just because our situation is bad doesn’t mean God has stopped working or is unable to work.
Like this encounter here, it maybe that God is allowing a situation to be set up so that He gets the glory. A situation that makes it impssible for man to handle. A situation that only God can fix.
Illus.: When we look at the events of the past year, mnay of us find ourselves looking for the reset button. However, I wonder if this is exactly God’s plan. He has allowed all of this so that we would trust Him more than our circumstances.
Remember, God’s not hinder by your circumstances.
God is not limited by what we have or don’t have.
God is not limited by what we have or don’t have.
And Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me; what have you in the house?” And she said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.”
Notice a couple of things here...
(1) Elisha’s questions
What shall I do for you? - The answer was obvious.
What do you have in the house? - This was the important question. It important becuase it revealed this widow’s faith or lack of faith.
Sometimes God asks us to do things that reveal to us where we are with regards to trusting Him.
For this woman it was all about what she had of value.
Has God asked you a question lately that pointed out where you stood with Him?
(2) The widows response
She said that she had nothing except a jar of oil.
She was focused on what she didn’t have.
Do you do that? Do you focus on what you don’t have?
Illus.: Moses story and my call to ministry. Neither had a good public speaking voice.
God was focused on what she did have.
It doesn’t matter what you have, when you offer it to the Lord.
Illus.: Talk about the boy in John 6 who had two fish and five loaves of bread and Jesus fed 5,000 men with it.
God needs less than you think to move in your life.
The question is will you allow what little you have limit you from seeing God move in your life?
Remember, Jesus said that if we had the faith of a mustard seed we could move mountains.
God works most often in the secret place rather than the public place.
God works most often in the secret place rather than the public place.
Note: This does not mean that God hasn’t, can’t or won’t work in public ways. He has, he does and He will.
In order to get this reason, let’s check out...
Then he said, “Go outside, borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels and not too few. Then go in and shut the door behind yourself and your sons and pour into all these vessels. And when one is full, set it aside.”
There are a couple of things that I want to mention here...
(1) It’s obvious that God is about to do something.
(1) It’s obvious that God is about to do something.
Check out what they were told...
Collecting vessels
A lot of empty vessels
Pour the oil you have into these vessels
When one is full, set it aside (WAIT!)
They had to know that God was up to something.
Folks, I want you to know that God is up to something in the life of our church. I want you to know that He isup to something in your life, even if you can’t see it. Even if the well seems to be dry.
We need to stop looking for God to do some big public thing and start looking for how He is working in the secret places our hearts and lives.
(2) It’s obvious that God intended to perform this miracle in secret.
(2) It’s obvious that God intended to perform this miracle in secret.
Check out the situation...
No Elisha
Just the Woman and Her Sons
God set Up the perfect scenario where he would reveal his power to this woman.
God tends to do this. He tends to work best when no one is looking.
Why shut the door?
Now this is just my opinion, but I do have some proof to back it up. Here’s my answer to the door being shut.
When God does a work in a public place there is cheering for a moment, but when he does a work in the secrecy a person’s heart that will last for a lifetime.
Here’s my proof...
Daniel - when everyone was bowing down, he was praying in private. He got thrown in the Lion’s Den and lion’s got lock jaw. What happened in the secret of Daniel’s prayer room had a bigger impact than any public display could have.
Peter - in the book Acts he was confused about the Gospel going to the Gentiles. God gave him a private, secret dream and it changed his perspective. He even started taking the Gospel to Gentiles himself.
Jesus - Sure, Jesus did a lot of public work. However, the greater work we see being done when he was alone with God the Father. As a matter of fact we don’t see Jesus do anything significant where a season of being alone with the Father is not mentioend in close proximity to its occurence. Why? Some of the greatest work Jesus did while here on earth was done in the secret place.
What about you?
God will not work beyond our readiness.
God will not work beyond our readiness.
So she went from him and shut the door behind herself and her sons. And as she poured they brought the vessels to her. When the vessels were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another.” Then the oil stopped flowing. She came and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live on the rest.”
There a couple of quick observations that I want to point out here...
(1) God showed up big time for this widow.
(1) God showed up big time for this widow.
Check out what God did for this widow...
The miracle
The debts paid off
Extra to live on
How has God worked in your life In times gone by?
(2) The oil stopped flowing when the vessels were full.
(2) The oil stopped flowing when the vessels were full.
Imagine that it was an assembly line. She asks for another jar because the oil was flowing and her son said - WE ARE OUT. Then the oil stopped flowing.
Notice, that she did not complain because the oil stopped flowing. She rejoiced in what she was blessed with.
When is doesn’ t seem like God moving we need to be rejoicing in the ways that he has.
One more thought...
Note: 2 Kings 4:3 - Elisha tells her to collect jars and “no too few”
This woman could have gotten more oil had she collected more jars.
The same is true for us. If we prepare our hearts for the Lord to move, he will fill us up.
However, this requires us to make room by...
Repenting of sin
Spending Time With God
Worshipping God with our Whole Hearts
So, what now?
What do you need to do to make room for God to move in your life?
Let go Bitterness
Trust Jesus for salvation