Gospel of John - Outlines

Gospel of John Bible Study  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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D.A. Carson - Pillar
I. The Prologue (1:1–18)
II. Jesus’ Self-disclosure in Word and Deed (1:19–10:42)
A. Prelude to Jesus’ public ministry (1:19–51)
1. John the Baptist’s relation to Jesus (1:19–28)
2. John the Baptist’s public witness concerning Jesus (1:29–34)
3. Jesus gains his first disciples (1:35–42)
4. Jesus gains two more disciples, Philip and Nathanael (1:43–51)
B. Early ministry: signs, works and words (2:1–4:54)
1. The first sign: Jesus changes water to wine (2:1–11)
2. Jesus clears the temple (2:12–17)
3. Jesus replaces the temple (2:18–22)
4. Inadequate faith (2:23–25)
5. Jesus and Nicodemus (3:1–15)
6. Extended comment I (3:16–21)
7. John the Baptist’s continuing witness concerning Jesus (3:22–30)
8. Extended comment II (3:31–36)
9. Jesus and the Samaritan woman (4:1–42)
10. The second sign: Jesus heals the official’s son (4:43–54)
C. Rising opposition: more signs, works and words (5:1–7:52)
1. The healing at the Pool of Bethesda (5:1–15)
2. Jesus’ response to opposition (5:16–47)
a. The relation of Jesus to his Father (5:16–30)
b. The witnesses concerning Jesus (5:31–47)
3. The feeding of the five thousand (6:1–15)
4. Jesus walks on the water (6:16–21)
5. The ‘Bread of Life’ discourse (6:22–58)
a. Searching for Jesus (6:22–26)
b. The true manna (6:27–34)
c. Jesus the bread of life (6:35–48)
d. Eating the flesh of the Son of Man (6:49–58)
6. Divided opinion and divine initiative (6:59–71)
7. Skepticism and uncertainty (7:1–13)
8. At the Feast of Tabernacles I (7:14–44)
a. Jesus’ authoritative teaching (7:14–24)
b. Who is Jesus Christ? (7:25–36)
c. The promise of the Spirit (7:37–44)
9. The unbelief of Jewish leaders (7:45–52)
Excursus: the woman caught in adultery (7:53–8:11)
D. Radical confrontation: climactic signs, works and words (8:12–10:42)
1. At the Feast of Tabernacles II: Jesus’ debate with ‘the Jews’ (8:12–59)
a. The authority of Jesus’ testimony (8:12–20)
b. The origin of Jesus’ authority (8:21–30)
c. The children of Abraham (8:31–59)
2. Jesus heals a man born blind (9:1–41)
a. The sign (9:1–12)
b. The investigation by the Pharisees (9:13–34)
i. The first interrogation of the healed man (9:13–17)
ii. The interrogation of the man’s parents (9:18–23)
iii. The second interrogation of the healed man (9:24–34)
c. The sight of the blind and the blindness of the sighted (9:35–41)
3. Jesus as the shepherd of the sheep (10:1–21)
a. The ‘figure of speech’ (10:1–5)
b. Misunderstanding (10:6)
c. Expansion (10:7–18)
d. The reactions of the Jews (10:19–21)
4. At the Feast of Dedication: Christological claims and open opposition (10:22–39)
a. Jesus the Messiah (10:22–30)
b. Jesus the Son of God (10:31–39)
5. Strategic retreat, continued advance (10:40–42)
III. Transition: Life and Death, King and Suffering Servant (11:1–12:50)
A. The death and resurrection of Lazarus (11:1–44)
1. The death of Lazarus (11:1–16)
2. Jesus the resurrection and the life (11:17–27)
3. Jesus outraged and grief-stricken (11:28–37)
4. The resurrection of Lazarus (11:38–44)
B. The judicial decision to kill Jesus (11:45–54)
1. The plot and its paradox (11:45–53)
2. Jesus’ response (11:54)
C. Triumph and impending death (11:55–12:36)
1. The setting: the Passover of the Jews (11:55–57)
2. Mary anoints Jesus (12:1–11)
3. The triumphal entry (12:12–19)
4. Gentiles trigger Jesus’ announcement of the ‘hour’ (12:20–36)
D. Theology of unbelief (12:37–50)
1. The prediction of Scripture (12:37–43)
2. The authority behind Jesus’ promise—and threat (12:44–50)
IV. Jesus’ Self-Disclosure in His Cross and Exaltation (13:1–20:31)
A. The last supper (13:1–30)
1. Jesus washes his disciples’ feet (13:1–17)
2. Jesus predicts his betrayal (13:18–30)
B. The farewell discourse: part one (13:31–14:31)
1. Jesus predicts Peter’s denial (13:31–38)
2. The promise of a place where Jesus is going (14:1–4)
3. Jesus as the way to the Father (14:5–14)
4. The departure of Jesus and the coming of the Spirit of Truth (14:15–31)
C. The farewell discourse: part two (15:1–16:33)
1. The vine and the branches (15:1–16)
a. The extended metaphor (15:1–8)
b. Unpacking the metaphor (15:9–16)
2. Opposition from the world (15:17–16:4a)
3. The work of the Holy Spirit (16:4b–15)
4. The prospect of joy beyond the trouble of this world (16:16–33)
D. The prayer of Jesus (17:1–26)
1. Jesus prays for his glorification (17:1–5)
2. Jesus prays for his disciples (17:6–19)
a. Jesus’ grounds for this prayer (17:6–11a)
b. Jesus prays that his disciples may be protected (17:11b–16)
c. Jesus prays that his disciples may be sanctified (17:17–19)
3. Jesus prays for those who will believe (17:20–23)
4. Jesus prays that all believers may be perfected so as to see Jesus’ glory (17:24–26)
E. The trial and passion of Jesus (18:1–19:42)
1. Jesus arrested (18:1–11)
2. Jesus before Annas (18:12–14)
3. Peter’s first denial (18:15–18)
4. The interrogation of Jesus before Annas (18:19–24)
5. Peter’s second and third denials of Jesus (18:25–27)
6. The trial of Jesus before Pilate (18:28–19:16a)
a. Pilate questions the prosecution (18:28–32)
b. Pilate questions Jesus (18:33–38a)
c. Barabbas (18:38b–40)
d. Jesus sentenced (19:1–16a)
7. Jesus crucified (19:16b–30)
8. The piercing of Jesus’ side (19:31–37)
9. The burial of Jesus (19:38–42)
F. The resurrection of Jesus (20:1–31)
1. Peter and John at the empty tomb (20:1–9)
2. Jesus appears to Mary (20:10–18)
3. Jesus appears to his disciples (20:19–23)
4. Jesus again appears to his disciples—including Thomas (20:24–29)
5. Conclusion: the purpose of the Fourth Gospel (20:30–31)
V. Epilogue (21:1–25)
A. Jesus appears to his disciples by the sea (21:1–14)
B. Jesus and Peter and John (21:15–24)
C. The greatness of Jesus (21:25)[1]
Grant Osborne – Cornerstone
I. Prologue (1:1–18)
II. Jesus Prepares for His Ministry (1:19–51)
A. John Answers the Pharisees (1:19–28)
B. John’s Witness to Jesus (1:29–34)
C. The First Disciples Come to Jesus (1:35–42)
D. Philip and Nathanael Come to Jesus (1:43–50)
E. Jesus Unites Heaven and Earth (1:51)
III. The Public Ministry of Jesus: Signs and Teaching (2:1–12:50)
A. Glory Revealed: the Beginning Stages (2:1–4:54)
1. The first sign: water into wine (2:1–12)
2. Confrontation in the Temple (2:13–22)
3. Inadequate faith based on signs (2:23–25)
4. Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about regeneration (3:1–15)
5. Life and light confront the world (3:16–21)
6. John the Baptist exalts Jesus (3:22–30)
7. The glory of the Son (3:31–36)
8. Jesus converts the Samaritan woman (4:1–42)
9. Healing and conversion in Cana (4:43–54)
B. Jesus and the Feasts of the Jews—Conflict and Fulfillment (5:1–10:42)
1. Jesus heals a lame man on the Sabbath (5:1–15)
2. Conflict over Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God (5:16–30)
3. Witness and unbelief (5:31–47)
4. Jesus feeds five thousand (6:1–15)
5. Jesus walks on water (6:16–21)
6. Jesus, the Bread of Life (6:22–58)
7. Division among Jesus’ disciples (6:59–71)
8. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (7:1–13)
9. Conflict at the Feast (7:14–52)
10. Excursus: the woman caught in adultery (7:53–8:11)
11. Jesus, the Light of the World (8:12–20)
12. Jesus warns the unbelievers (8:21–30)
13. The children of Abraham and the children of the devil (8:31–59)
14. Jesus heals a man born blind (9:1–41)
15. The Good Shepherd and his sheep (10:1–21)
16. Jesus at the Feast of Dedication claims to be the Son of God (10:22–42)
C. Final Events: The Raising of Lazarus and the Beginning of Jesus’ Passion (11:1–12:50)
1. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead (11:1–57)
2. Jesus anointed at Bethany (12:1–11)
3. Jesus’ triumphal entry (12:12–19)
4. Jesus predicts his death (12:20–36)
5. The unbelief of the people (12:37–50)
IV. The Last Supper and Farewell Discourse (13:1–17:26)
A. Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet (13:1–17)
B. Jesus Predicts His Betrayal (13:18–30)
C. The Farewell Discourse (13:31–17:26)
1. The first discourse (13:31–14:31)
2. The second discourse (15:1–16:33)
3. The farewell prayer of Jesus (17:1–26)
V. The Arrest, Trial, and Passion of Jesus (18:1–19:42)
A. The Arrest of Jesus (18:1–11)
B. Jesus’ Trial before Annas and Peter’s Denials (18:12–27)
C. Jesus’ Trial before Pilate (18:28–19:16a)
D. The Crucifixion of Jesus (19:16b-37)
E. The Burial of Jesus (19:38–42)
VI. The Resurrection of Jesus (20:1–21:25)
A. Jesus’ Appearances in Jerusalem (20:1–31)
B. Epilogue: Jesus’ Appearance in Galilee (21:1–25)[2]
Andrew Lincoln – Blacks
A. The prologue
1. The Word in relation to God and creation
2. The witness of John the Baptist to the Word as light
3. The Word in the world and the two types of response
4. The community’s confession about the Word
B. Jesus’ public mission (signs of glory)
1. Beginnings: John the Baptist’s testimony; the response of Jesus’ disciples
(i) John the Baptist’s testimony
(ii) The response of Jesus’ first followers
2. The opening of Jesus’ mission: from Cana to Cana
(i) Water into wine at Cana
(ii) Jesus and the temple
(iii) Reaction to Jesus in Jerusalem
(iv) Jesus’ discourse with Nicodemus
(v) John the Baptist’s final testimony
(vi) Jesus and the Samaritan woman
(vii) Return to Cana and healing of the official’s son
3. Revelation and testimony in controversy with ‘the Jews’
(i) Healing of the man at the pool
(ii) Jesus’ discourse on his relation to the Father, judgement and testimony
(iii) The feeding of the five thousand
(iv) The walking on the sea
(v) Jesus’ discourse on the bread of life
(vi) Defection of some disciples and Peter’s confession
(vii) Jesus goes to the Festival of Tabernacles
(viii) Jesus’ teaching on the law and the Messiah and the response
(ix) Jesus’ teaching on living water and the response
(x) Jesus’ teaching on the light, his departure, true discipleship and Abrahamic descent
(xi) Healing of the man born blind
(xii) Jesus’ discourse on the sheepgate and the shepherd
(xiii) Jesus at the Festival of Dedication
(xiv) Transition: Jesus beyond the Jordan
4. Conclusion: move toward the hour of death and glory
(i) The raising of Lazarus
(ii) Transition: the approach of Passover
(iii) The anointing at Bethany
(iv) The plot to kill Lazarus
(v) The entry into Jerusalem
(vi) The Greeks and the coming of the hour
(vii) Summary statement about the response to Jesus’ signs and words
C. Jesus’ farewell, passion and resurrection (departure as glory)
1. The farewell
(i) The footwashing
(ii) Jesus’ prediction of his betrayal
(iii) Jesus’ farewell discourse (part one)
(iv) Jesus’ farewell discourse (part two)
(v) The prayer of Jesus
2. The passion
(i) The arrest
(ii) Jesus (and Peter) under interrogation
(iii) Jesus’ trial before Pilate
(iv) Jesus’ crucifixion and death
(v) The burial
3. The resurrection
(i) Discovery of the empty tomb and appearance to Mary Magdalene
(ii) Jesus’ appearance to the disciples
(iii) Jesus’ appearance to Thomas
(iv) The purpose of the narrative
D. The Epilogue
(i) The miraculous catch of fish
(ii) The rehabilitation of Peter
(iii) The role of the beloved disciple
(iv) Conclusion
Grant Osborne – Verse by Verse
I. Prologue: The Word made flesh (1:1–18)
A. The essence of the Word and creation (1:1–5)
1. The divinity of the Word (1:1–2)
2. The Word in the old creation (1:3)
3. The Word in the old and new creations (1:4–5)
B. The witness of John the Baptist (1:6–8)
C. The coming of the incarnate Word (1:9–14)
1. The coming of the true light (1:9)
2. The rejection of the Word by the world (1:10–11)
3. The Word as accepted (1:12–13)
4. The incarnation of the Word (1:14)
D. The greatness and grace of the Word (1:15–18)
1. John’s further testimony (1:15)
2. Grace received from the Word (1:16–17)
3. The revelation of God by the One and Only Son (1:18)
II. John witnesses about Jesus (1:19–34)
A. The revelation of John’s identity (1:19–23)
1. Their questions (1:19–22)
2. John’s witness about himself (1:23)
B. The revelation of John’s mission (1:24–28)
1. The question about his baptism (1:24–25)
2. John’s answer (1:26–28)
C. The witness of John about Jesus (1:29–34)
1. Initial testimony to the Lamb of God (1:29–31)
2. The deeper witness of the Spirit (1:32–34)
III. Jesus begins to form his band of disciples (1:35–51)
A. The first three disciples come to Jesus (1:35–42)
1. John’s continued witness (1:35–36)
2. Interaction with the two disciples (1:37–39)
3. The aftermath: Andrew brings Peter to Jesus (1:40–42a)
4. Jesus’ prophecy and witness about Peter (1:42b)
B. Philip and Nathanael come to Jesus (1:43–51)
1. Jesus takes the initiative (1:43–44)
2. The invitation to Nathanael (1:45–46)
3. Jesus encounters Nathanael (1:47–49)
4. Jesus the Son of Man (1:50–51)
IV. The public ministry of Jesus: signs and teaching (2:1–12:50)
A. Glory revealed: the beginning stages of Jesus’ ministry (2:1–4:54)
1. The new wine and the new temple (2:1–25)
a. The first sign: turning water into wine at Cana (2:1–12)
b. Confrontation in the temple (2:13–25)
2. Nicodemus and the new birth (3:1–21)
a. Introduction: encounter at night (3:1–2)
b. First dialogue: the new birth (3:3–4)
c. Second dialogue: water and Spirit (3:5–8)
d. Jesus confronts Nicodemus’s ignorance (3:9–12)
e. Jesus’ heavenly authority (3:13–15)
f. Commentary: life and light confront the world (3:16–21)
3. The Baptist testifies to the glory of Christ (3:22–36)
a. The Baptist’s final witness (3:22–30)
b. Commentary: the glory of the Son (3:31–36)
4. The Samaritan woman and return to Cana (4:1–54)
a. Return to Galilee through Samaria (4:1–6a)
b. Initial encounter: request for water (4:6b–9)
c. Second encounter: offer of living water (4:10–12)
d. Third encounter: water of life (4:13–15)
e. Fourth encounter: awareness of her marital situation (4:16–18)
f. Fifth encounter: growing awareness and worship (4:19–22)
g. Sixth encounter: true worship is in Spirit and truth (4:23–24)
h. Seventh encounter: Jesus identifies himself as the Christ (4:25–26)
i. The disciples’ return and the woman’s witness (4:27–30)
j. The mission discourse (4:31–38)
k. The harvest: Jesus as savior of the world (4:39–42)
l. Healing and conversion at Cana (4:43–54)
B. Jesus and the festivals of the Jews (5:1–10:42)
1. Healing of the lame man on the Sabbath (5:1–15)
a. Jesus and the man at the pool (5:1–5)
b. Healing on the Sabbath (5:6–9a)
c. The Sabbath controversy (5:9b)
d. Interaction with the leaders (5:10–13)
e. Reaction to Jesus (5:14–15)
2. Conflict over Jesus’ claim to be Son of God (5:16–47)
a. Thesis: sharing the Father’s work (5:16–18)
b. The present: sharing life and judgment with the Father (5:19–24)
c. The future: sharing final life and judgment (5:25–30)
d. Witness and unbelief (5:31–40)
e. The unbelief of the Jews (5:41–47)
3. Jesus the Bread of Life (6:1–59)
a. Introduction: two sign-miracles (6:1–21)
b. The Bread of Life Discourse (6:22–59)
4. The loss of some disciples (6:60–71)
a. Grumbling and apostasy (6:60–66)
b. The faithful Twelve (6:67–71)
5. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (7:1–9:41)
a. Attempt of Jesus’ brothers to get him to go (7:1–13)
b. Conflict at the feast (7:14–52)
c. Excursus: the woman caught in adultery (7:53–8:11)
d. Jesus the light of the world (8:12–30)
e. The children of Abraham (8:31–59)
f. The cost of discipleship: the man born blind (9:1–41)
6. Jesus at the Feast of Dedication (10:1–42)
a. Transition: the Good Shepherd and his sheep (10:1–21)
b. The Feast of Dedication (10:22–42)
C. Final Events: the raising of Lazarus and the beginning of Jesus’ passion (11:1–12:50)
1. The raising of Lazarus from the dead (11:1–57)
a. The death of Lazarus (11:1–16)
b. Jesus the resurrection and the life (11:17–32)
c. Jesus’ outrage at the power of death (11:33–37)
d. The miracle: Lazarus raised from the dead (11:38–44)
e. Result: the plot to kill Jesus (11:45–57)
2. Final scenes leading to passion week (12:1–50)
a. The anointing at Bethany (12:1–11)
b. The triumphal entry (12:12–19)
c. Gentiles lead to the final prediction of the coming “hour” (12:20–36)
d. Unbelief as the fulfillment of prophecy (12:37–43)
e. Final charge to believe (12:44–50)
V. Last Supper and Farewell Discourse (13:1–17:26)
A. Jesus and the Passover meal (13:1–30)
1. The washing of the disciples’ feet (13:1–17)
a. The scene (13:1–2)
b. The washing of the feet (13:3–5)
c. The dialogue with Peter (13:6–11)
d. The explanation of the event (13:12–17)
2. Jesus predicts the betrayal (13:18–30)
a. The contrast with the eleven (13:18–20)
b. The prophecy of the betrayer (13:21)
c. Discussion over what is to come (13:22–27)
d. The final stage is set (13:28–30)
B. The first discourse: glory (departure) and the Paraclete (13:31–14:31)
1. Prologue: Glory, love, and failure (13:31–38)
a. Glory and departure (13:31–33)
b. The new love commandment (13:34–35)
c. Peter’s betrayal prophesied (13:36–38)
2. Jesus the way to the Father (14:1–14)
a. Preparing a place for them (14:1–4)
b. Two reactions (14:5–11)
c. Promises of power via faith (14:12–14)
3. The coming Paraclete, the Holy Spirit (14:15–31)
a. The promise of the Holy Spirit as Paraclete (14:15–21)
b. The coming of the Father and the Son (14:22–24)
c. Jesus’ departure and the promise of divine peace (14:25–31)
C. The second discourse: love, hatred, the Spirit, and joy (15:1–16:33)
1. Love and unity in the community (15:1–17)
a. The vine and the branches (15:1–6)
b. Explanation of the parable (15:7–17)
2. The hatred of the world (15:18–16:4a)
a. The hatred of the world explained (15:18–25)
b. Jesus’ mission continued (15:26–27)
c. The problem of persecution (15:16:1–4a)
3. The work of the Paraclete (16:4b–15)
a. Jesus’ departure (16:4b–7)
b. The work in the world (16:8–11)
c. The work in the church (16:12–15)
4. Sadness turned to joy (16:16–28)
a. Jesus’ departure and its aftermath (16:16–18)
b. Discourse on joy (16:19–24)
c. Plain talk on his departure (16:25–28)
5. Prediction of desertion (16:29–33)
D. The prayer of consecration (17:1–26)
1. Prayer for Jesus’ glorification (17:1–5)
2. Prayer for the disciples (17:6–19)
a. Jesus’ work among the disciples (17:6–8)
b. The ministry of the disciples to the world (17:9–16)
c. The sanctification of the disciples (17:17–19)
3. Prayer for the unity of the future church (17:20–26)
a. Prayer for unity (17:20–23)
b. Prayer for glory and knowledge (17:24–26)
VI. The arrest, trial, and passion of Jesus (18:1–19:42)
A. The arrest of Jesus (18:1–11)
1. Betrayed by Judas (18:1–3)
2. Jesus goes forth as a sovereign (18:4–9)
3. The arrest (18:10–12)
B. The interrogation by Annas and Peter’s denials (18:13–27)
1. Jesus before Annas (18:13–14)
2. Peter’s first denial (18:15–18)
3. Interrogation by Annas (18:19–24)
4. The final two denials (18:25–27)
C. The trial before Pilate (18:28–19:16a)
1. Outside: the Jews demand Jesus’ death (18:28–32)
2. Inside: Pilate questions Jesus about his kingship (18:33–38a)
3. Outside: Pilate finds Jesus not guilty (18:38b–40)
4. Inside: the soldiers scourge Jesus (19:1–3)
5. Outside: Pilate again finds Jesus not guilty (19:4–8)
6. Inside: Pilate talks with Jesus about power (19:9–11)
7. Outside: the Jews obtain the death penalty (19:12–16a)
D. The crucifixion and burial of Jesus (19:16b–42)
1. The crucifixion of Jesus (19:16b–37)
2. The burial of Jesus (19:38–42)
VII. The resurrection of Jesus (20:1–21:25)
A. The appearances in Jerusalem (20:1–31)
1. The empty tomb and the great race (20:1–10)
a. The dilemma of the missing body (20:1–2)
b. The race to the tomb (20:3–4)
c. The entry into the tomb and apologetics (20:5–7)
d. Seeing and believing (20:8–9)
e. The aftermath (20:10)
2. Mary and the risen Lord (20:11–18)
a. Mary and the angels (20:11–13)
b. Jesus and Mary (20:14–15)
c. The resolution and turnaround (20:16–18)
3. Jesus and the disciples (20:19–23)
4. Jesus and Thomas (20:24–29)
5. The purpose of John’s Gospel (20:30–31)
B. The appearances in Galilee (21:1–25)
1. The appearance to the disciples by the lake (21:1–14)
a. A disappointing night of fishing (21:1–3)
b. The miraculous catch of fish (21:4–6)
c. The recognition of Jesus (21:7–8)
d. The breakfast scene (21:9–14)
2. The reinstatement and commissioning of Peter (21:15–17)
3. The prophecy regarding Peter’s death: “Follow me” (21:18–23)
4. Conclusion: the true witness (21:24–25)[3]
Leon Morris – NICNT
i. The Prologue (1:1–18)
A. The Word and God (1:1–2)
B. The Word and Creation (1:3–5)
C. The Word and John the Baptist (1:6–8)
D. The Word Incarnate (1:9–14)
E. The Word’s Surpassing Excellence (1:15–18)
ii. The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry (1:19–51)
A. The Witness of John (1:19–34)
1. John and the Pharisees (1:19–28)
2. John and Jesus (1:29–34)
B. The First Disciples (1:35–51)
1. Andrew and Peter (1:35–42)
2. Philip and Nathanael (1:43–51)
iii. The Signs and Public Discourses of the Christ (2:1–12:50)
A. First Sign—Water into Wine (2:1–11)
Interlude (2:12)
B. Cleansing the Temple (2:13–17)
C. Destroying and Raising the Temple (2:18–22)
D. Jesus and People (2:23–25)
E. First Discourse—The New Birth (3:1–36)
1. The New Birth (3:1–15)
2. Reflection (3:16–21)
3. Jesus and John the Baptist (3:22–36)
a. A Question about Purifying (3:22–26)
b. The Reply of John the Baptist (3:27–30)
c. Reflection (3:31–36)
F. Second Discourse—The Water of Life (4:1–42)
1. Jesus’ Departure for Galilee (4:1–3)
2. Living Water (4:4–14)
3. The Woman and Her Husbands (4:15–19)
4. True Worship (4:20–26)
5. The Woman’s Witness (4:27–30)
6. Christ’s Food (4:31–38)
7. Samaritan Believers (4:39–42)
Interlude in Galilee (4:43–45)
G. Second Sign—Healing the Nobleman’s Son (4:46–54)
H. Third Sign—The Healing of the Lame Man (5:1–18)
1. The Healing (5:1–9a)
2. Dispute over the Sabbath (5:9b–18)
I. Third Discourse—The Divine Son (5:19–47)
1. The Father and the Son (5:19–24)
2. The Son and Judgment (5:25–29)
3. Witness to the Son (5:30–47)
J. Fourth Sign—Feeding the Multitude (6:1–15)
K. Fifth Sign—Walking on the Water (6:16–21)
L. Fourth Discourse—The Bread of Life (6:22–66)
1. The Audience Gathers (6:22–25)
2. Food That Abides (6:26–27)
3. The Works of God (6:28–29)
4. The Bread of Life (6:30–40)
5. Christ and the Bread (6:41–51)
6. Eating the Flesh and Drinking the Blood (6:52–59)
7. Words That are Spirit and Life (6:60–66)
M. Peter’s Confession (6:67–71)
N. Fifth Discourse—The Life-Giving Spirit (7:1–52)
1. Jesus’ Discussion with His Brothers (7:1–9)
2. The Reaction of the Multitudes (7:10–13)
3. Righteous Judgment (7:14–24)
4. Is This the Christ? (7:25–31)
5. An Attempt at Arrest (7:32)
6. Jesus’ Return to the Father (7:33–36)
7. A Prophecy of the Spirit (7:37–39)
8. Division (7:40–44)
9. The Failure to Arrest Jesus (7:45–52)
O. Sixth Discourse—The Light of the World (8:12–59)
1. The Witness of the Father (8:12–20)
2. Dying in Sins (8:21–24)
3. The Father and the Son (8:25–30)
4. Slaves of Sin (8:31–47)
5. The Glory the Father Gives the Son (8:48–59)
P. Sixth Sign—Healing the Man Born Blind (9:1–41)
1. The Healing (9:1–7)
2. The Effect on the Neighbors (9:8–12)
3. The Healed Man and the Pharisees (9:13–34)
a. Preliminary Discussions (9:13–17)
b. The Man’s Parents Examined (9:18–23)
c. The Man Examined and Excommunicated (9:24–34)
4. Faith in the Son of God (9:35–38)
5. The Condemnation of the Pharisees (9:39–41)
Q. Seventh Discourse—The Good Shepherd (10:1–42)
1. The Parable (10:1–6)
2. The Application to Christ (10:7–18)
3. The Reaction of the Jews (10:19–21)
4. The Jews’ Final Rejection of Jesus (10:22–42)
a. The Unity of the Father and the Son (10:22–30)
b. A Charge of Blasphemy Rebutted (10:31–39)
c. Retirement beyond Jordan (10:40–42)
R. Seventh Sign—The Raising of Lazarus (11:1–57)
1. The Death of Lazarus (11:1–16)
2. Jesus’ Meeting with Martha (11:17–27)
3. Jesus’ Meeting with Mary (11:28–32)
4. Lazarus Is Raised (11:33–44)
5. The Reaction of Faith (11:45)
6. The Reaction of Unbelief (11:46–57)
S. The Close of Jesus’ Public Ministry (12:1–50)
1. The Anointing at Bethany (12:1–8)
2. The Triumphal Entry (12:9–19)
3. The Greeks (12:20–36a)
4. The Witness of Prophecy to Jesus (12:36b–43)
5. A Final Challenge to Believe (12:44–50)
iv. The Farewell Discourses (13:1–17:26)
A. Two Significant Actions (13:1–30)
1. The Feet Washing (13:1–11)
2. Lowly Service (13:12–20)
3. A Prophecy of the Betrayal (13:21–30)
B. The Disciples’ Questions (13:31–14:31)
1. The New Commandment (13:31–35)
2. A Prophecy of the Denial (13:36–38)
3. Christ, the Way (14:1–7)
4. The Father and the Son (14:8–14)
5. The Coming of the Spirit (14:15–17)
6. The Manifestation of Christ to the Disciples (14:18–24)
7. “I Go to the Father” (14:25–31)
C. The True Vine (15:1–16)
D. Persecution (15:17–25)
1. Suffering for Christ’s Sake (15:17–21)
2. Christ Reveals People’s Sin (15:22–25)
E. The Work of the Holy Spirit (15:26–16:15)
1. The Witness of the Spirit (15:26–27)
2. A Warning of Coming Persecutions (16:1–4)
3. The Work of the Spirit (16:5–15)
F. Some Difficulties Solved (16:16–33)
1. The Disciples’ Perplexity (16:16–18)
2. The Disciples’ Joy (16:19–24)
3. The Disciples’ Faith (16:25–30)
4. The Disciples’ Peace (16:31–33)
G. The High-Priestly Prayer (17:1–26)
1. Prayer for the Glorification of the Son (17:1–5)
2. Prayer for the Disciples (17:6–19)
3. Prayer for Those Who Will Believe (17:20–26)
v. The Crucifixion (18:1–19:42)
A. The Arrest (18:1–12)
B. The Jewish Trial and the Denials (18:13–27)
1. Jesus Brought before Annas (18:13–14)
2. Peter’s First Denial (18:15–18)
3. The Examination before Annas (18:19–24)
4. Peter’s Second and Third Denials (18:25–27)
C. The Roman Trial (18:28–19:16)
1. Jesus Delivered Up to Pilate (18:28–32)
2. Jesus Examined before Pilate (18:33–40)
3. Behold, the Man (19:1–6a)
4. Pilate’s Final Decision (19:6b–16a)
D. Jesus Put to Death (19:16b–42)
1. Jesus Crucified (19:16b–22)
2. The Division of Jesus’ Clothing (19:23–24)
3. Jesus Provides for Mary (19:25–27)
4. The Death of Jesus (19:28–30)
5. The Piercing of Jesus’ Side (19:31–37)
6. The Burial (19:38–42)
vi. The Resurrection (20:1–29)
A. The Empty Tomb (20:1–10)
B. The Appearances (20:11–29)
1. The Appearance to Mary (20:11–18)
2. The Appearance to the Ten (20:19–23)
3. The Appearance to Thomas (20:24–29)
vii. The Purpose of the Gospel (20:30–31)
viii. The Epilogue (21:1–25)
A. The Miraculous Draught of Fish (21:1–14)
B. Peter Restored (21:15–19)
C. The Role of the Beloved Disciple (21:20–23)
D. Authentication (21:24–25)
Appendix—The Woman Taken in Adultery (7:53–8:11)[4]
Kenneth Gangel – Holman
• From the Father (1:1–18)
• Into the world (1:19–12:50)
• Leaving the world and going to the Father (13:1–21:25)
On the basis of Passovers (though it is impossible to absolutely discern the number of Passovers in the text):
• Life up to the first Passover (1:1–2:12)
• First year of ministry (2:13–4:54)
• Second year of ministry (5:1–6:71)
• Third year of ministry (7:1–12:50)
• From the last Passover to the end of the crucifixion week (13:1–21:25)
On the basis of the prologue division, a system which allows 1:1–18 to set the pattern for the entire book:
• Revelation (cf. 1:1–4 with 1:19–6:71)
• Rejection (cf. 1:5–11 with 7:1–12:50)
• Reception (cf. 1:12–18 with 13:1–19:42)
On the basis of the testimony about Christ:
• The testimony of the evangelist (1:1–14)
• The testimony of the Baptist (1:15–36)
• The testimony of the first disciples (1:37–51)
• The testimony of the public ministry (2:1–12:50)
• The testimony of the private ministry (13:1–17:26)
• The testimony of his death (18:1–19:42)
• The testimony of his resurrection (20:1–21:25)[5]
[1] D. A. Carson, The Gospel according to John, The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Leicester, England; Grand Rapids, MI: Inter-Varsity Press; W.B. Eerdmans, 1991), 105–108.
[2] Grant Osborne, Philip W. Comfort, Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, Vol 13: John and 1, 2, and 3 John (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2007), 17–18.
[3] Grant R. Osborne, John: Verse by Verse, ed. Jeffrey Reimer et al., Osborne New Testament Commentaries (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018), 11–18.
[4] Leon Morris, The Gospel according to John, The New International Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1995), vii–xi.
[5] Kenneth O. Gangel, John, vol. 4, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2000), 3–4.
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