Comforted By His Absence

Easter 2020  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Comforted by His Absence
Easter 2020 – Ian Stamps, 04/12/2020
January 2011 – Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple goes on medical leave. He was very hands- on as CEO. Apple stock dropped 2.25% equal to $7.2 billion.
August 2011 – Steve Jobs retires. Apple stock drops 0.7% equal to $2.24 billion.
October 2011 – Steve Jobs dies. Apple stock drops 0.7% equal to $2.24 billion.
A $12.1 billion fluctuation in stock value over one man!
TS – There are people whose presence in our lives makes us feel better/makes life better.
· Parents when you were a child
· Lifelong friend just a phone call away
· A co-worker who supports you
It’s part of what makes this season such a challenge – being separated from some of these people. But this is nothing new. It’s always been true – even at Easter.
1: Comforted by His Presence
· Countless times – Jesus teaching somewhere; walking somewhere – healing people along the way. He brought comfort to those around him.
· The disciples caught in a boat and a storm blew up quickly. Water coming over the sides of the boat. They thought they were going to die. Jesus is asleep in the back of the boat. They wake him up and he calms the wind and the waves. They’re freaked out a bit . . . but still comforted.
· Jesus crucified. A thief on the right and on the left. One mocked, the other cried out for forgiveness. Jesus declared that this one would be with him in paradise. Moments before death, comforted by Jesus’ presence.
2: Frightened by His Absence
· A few close friends – Lazarus, Mary, Martha
o Lazarus gets sick and dies. Jesus isn’t there to heal him.
o Lazarus’ sisters are stressed, anxious, and mourning when Jesus arrives.
o Both say essentially the same thing: If you would have been here . . . !
· On one occasion Jesus tells his followers to get into a boat and he would met them on the other side.
o He walks up to them, on the water, in the middle of the night.
o Scared to death, they think it’s a ghost. Jesus is not seemingly there to help.
o Says “it’s me” and all fear is gone.
· Jesus lets the cat out of the bag – he’s leaving
o He’s going to the cross to die for the sins of his people
o How do they react? They flip out! Where are you going? We’ve left everything to follow you . . . now you’re leaving us?!
o Frightened by the prospect of his absence.
TS – Many times people were comforted by Jesus’ presence and frightened by his absence. Only one time were people comforted by his absence:
Luke 24:1-7
His absence from the tomb makes all the difference in the world. As great as Christmas is, as much as we may speak of his death, it is all for nothing if didn’t rise from the dead.
Said it before – the resurrection of Jesus is the hinge pin of Christianity. If it’s not true, the whole thing falls apart.
John Stott – “Christianity is a resurrection religion. The concept of resurrection lies at its heart. Remove it and Christianity is destroyed.”
1 Corinthians 15:17-19
· Faith is useless
· Still guilty of your sins
· The dead in Christ are lost
· We’re more to be pitied – losers and suckers we are
1 Corinthians 15:20
· Faith is most useful aspect of life – encompassing
· Sins are forgiven
· Dead in Christ are with him in eternity
· We’re not wasting life
1 Corinthians 15:58
His absence from the tomb is indeed comforting. But it doesn’t stay there.
Comfort turns into Confidence.
Once you fully embrace this is true, once you identify with the resurrected Jesus, knowing sins are forgiven, faith is transforming you, hope of eternity awaits you . . . What do you have to fear?
Philippians 1:20-24
This is the description of someone’s life who believes Jesus is risen from the dead:
· Continue to be bold for Christ
· Life brings honor to Christ
· Live for Christ, dying is even better
· More fruitful work for Christ
· Long to be with Christ – far better for me
o Only 3-times comparative in the Bible
o Only time God puts triple emphasis on something
Because Jesus is risen, the absolute worst thing the world can do to me – take my life – turns into something far better for me.
So since we are comforted by an empty tomb, we face the world with confidence of the empty tomb:
· Death is defeated
· Sin is forgiven
· Eternity is secure
· This comfort and confidence is only for the Lord’s people
· If you have not placed your trust in Christ, today is the day
o Sinner – separated from God
o Jesus died on the cross for the sins of his people
o He rose from the dead to secure eternity
o If the Lord is opening your eyes to the beauty of the truth of his grace to save sinners . . . then:
o Believe, Repent, Confess, and be Baptized
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