Revelation 2

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Revelation 2

What type of church are we? We will have a comparison of the seven churches in these two chapters
What type of church was Ephesus?

Verses 1-7

a. Throughout our look at the seven churches we are going to see a recurring theme at the beginning of each section. We will see the church that is being written to, and we will see that He knows the works they have done. We are going to see, typically, a description of Christ derived from the vision, a commendation of the congregation, a rebuke for spiritual deficiencies, a correction for what is wrong, and a promise to overcomers.
b. We first have the church at Ephesus. Ephesus was the most important city in Asia Minor when Revelation was written. It was the center of the worship of Artemis, the goddess of fertility. It was a strategic commercial center and a great seaport.
c. So first, the works, they cannot bear those who are evil, they have tested those who claim to be apostles and found them to be liars. We have studied this before in that we must test those who claim they come from God to see if they are telling the truth. They have persevered and had patience and have labored for Jesus and had not become weary. So far we are doing good.
d. Here is the bad. It says that they have left their first love. They are now a loveless church. What would their first love be? I mean they were doing things in for Jesus’ name right? Matthew 22:37-38 tells us from the greatest commandment to “love the Lord your God” This is the first and greatest commandment. Leaving this love means a great diminishing of the church’s initial love, or they turned away from the love of the Lord.
e. This is why it is so important to study the Bible. Remember we have the book of Ephesians. They are to remember where they have fallen from, just a generation earlier they were commended for love, but they were also commanded to grow in love.
f. They were told that they need to repent from this and return to their first works. They were to remember them. They were to return to them. They were to regain the lifestyle that they had before they departed from their first love. they did have one more thing going for them. They hated the Nicolaitans. This was a heretical group that troubled the churches at Ephesus and Pergamos. Their teachings were immoral and probably idolatrous.
g. He gives them a final warning, that everyone who has ears, should hear this. This means they better listen and they better change.
Ephesus was a loveless church
What type of church is Smyrna?

Verses 8-11

a. Smyrna was an important seaport 35 miles north of Ephesus. The presence of a Roman imperial cult and a large Jewish population made life difficult for believers in Smyrna. However, we see that the church in Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only two of the seven not rebuked by Christ in some way.
b. First, the works, he knows about their tribulation, their poverty. He also knows of the blasphemy of the ones that say they are Jews but are not, but a synagogue of Satan. Ouch. Glad we are not them. These Jews were either Jewish proselytes or Jews who refuse to believe the scriptural proof that Jesus is the promised Messiah. They were probably persecuting the believers.
c. However, they are still going to have tribulations or trials. The time of trial shall be short, but the duration of their joy will be forever. But if they are faithful, then they will receive the crown of life. This could be like a victory wreath of the martyr. This is like the same thing in James 1:12 that also promises the crown of life to believers who persevere under trial. This will result in the ultimate enjoyment of life in God’s kingdom.
Smyrna was a persecuted church
What type of church is Pergamos?

Verses 12-17

a. Pergamos was the ancient capital of the province of Asia. It is also said this is where parchment was first used. Pergamos means Citadel in Greek. It was located 50 miles north of Smyrna and was situated on a high hill dominating the valley below.
b. First their works. they dwell where Satan’s throne is. This implying that satan’s authority and power were honored either openly or in effect. But they hold fast to the name of Jesus and did not deny their faith, even when Antipas was martyred.
c. But this is what was against them. There were still those who held on to the doctrine of Balaam. This was the same belief from the Old Testament. Balak had hired Balaam to turn the hearts of Israel away from the Lord. Similar seduction was taking place in the church at Pergamos, especially in regard to idols and sexual immorality. They also were allowing those to hold on to the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which if you remember from earlier, He hates.
d. It might seem odd to us that he said that those who overcome would receive the hidden manna, but to those in Pergamos, it would make sense. See, believers in Pergamos were involved in pagan feasts where they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. The promise is to those that refuse to compromise and partake of the feasts. For them, there will be a better banquet in heaven. They are promised supernatural sustenance in the resurrected state to enable them to function effectively in Christ’s kingdom.
e. As far as the white stone is concerned, there is a lot of debate out there for this. But we do know that this would be some sort of token from Jesus of his favor which would have some word or name inscribed on it, which would be of use to the person who received it alone.
Pergamos was a compromising church
What type of church was Thyatira?

Verses 18-29

a. Thyatira was a city with a large military detachment about 30 miles southeast of Pergamos. Recognized for its wool and dye industries, the city was also noted for its trade guilds.
b. Their works. love, service, faith, and patience, but the last are more than the first. As love is inward, service would be its outward manifestation. Faith and patience would be connected as well. We see though that Thyatira works exceeded their first. They were acting more and more in accordance with the nature and claims of the Christian profession. This is an honorable commendation, and one that every Christian, and every church should seek.
c. Yet, here we have something against them. They allowed Jezebel to teach and seduce his servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. It tells us that he gave her a time to repent and she did not. So instead he is going to cast her into a sickbed and those who follow her into tribulation. This would be a bed of pain. The harlot’s bed and a sick bed are brought together. One cannot be indulged without leading on to the horrid sufferings of the other, but no one knows how soon that will happen. Those who follow her will be dealt great suffering. This is nothing compared to the great tribulation that will happen.
d. To those who have not known the depths of Satan may be the secrets known by those initiated into the things of the devil. There was considerable satanic influence in Asia Minor in John’s day. We can contrast this with the the deep things of God found in 1 Cor. 2:10 .
e. But to those that overcome, those that keep his works until the end, they get the privilege of ruling and reigning with His kingdom and sharing in His royal splendor. This section goes on and uses a quote from Psalm 2:9, which prophesies the Messiah’s all-powerful role, link overcoming believers with the earthly rule of Christ, that we read about later on.
Thyatira was a corrupt church.
What type of church was Sardis?

Chapter 3, verses 1-6

a. Sardis was located 30 miles southeast of Thyatira, and had been the capital of Lydia. The worship of the Roman Caesar and of Artemis, were active here.
b. There isn’t much to say good about Sardis. It tells us that they have a name and are alive, but they are dead. They have fooled themselves, but not God. they have not had their works perfect before God. This can be a little confusing as no one’s works are completely perfect before God. Those who won’t be written in the book of life will be judged according to their works.
c. Christ gives the warning that he will come unexpectedly as a thief in the night, which is a reminder from Matthew 24:36-25:13. We must be alert and ready for his coming.
d. There are a few names that have not defiled their garments. They remained faithful to Christ. They have had victory over sin and have demonstrated a practical righteousness. Those who have not defiled their garments will walk with hi in white, for they are worthy. They will have white garments which symbolizes the Lord’s recognition of godly character and faithful service in this life. The book of life is the list of the eternally redeemed.
e. I want you to understand, that this is not saying that one can lose their salvation, when it talks about he will blot out their name. Christ will make sure that the faithful believers name and works are not erased, but will be remembered and honored.
Sardis was a dead church
What type of church was Philadelphia?

Verses 7-13

a. Philadelphia, which means brotherly love in Greek, was a small city located about 40 miles southeast of Sardis. Its location, vineyards, and wine production made it wealthy and commercially important. The key of David represents authority as the one who opens and shuts the door in the Davidic kingdom, a prerogative that is Christ’s as the rightful son of David.
b. We see a little bit of the same from Philadelphia as we did in Smyrna. Their works; they have persevered in the faith, kept the word of Christ and honored his name. We can see that there is no criticism for this church.
c. He has opened a door that no one could close, this could mean that he has opened the door for evangelism, a door of spiritual usefulness. Those in Philadelphia who ultimately belonged to Satan, though they claimed to be Jews outwardly, would ultimately be forced to worship before the church and to acknowledge that Christ has loved His own.
d. As a christian, we must always be ready for Jesus’ coming. His suddenness should be an incentive to persevere in faithful service.
e. The crown signifies the royal authority given to the victorious coheirs of Christ. The judgment seat of Christ will be an occasion of either reward or great regret.
f. The pillar is the most stable and permanent part of a building. To be a pillar in the temple implies a prominent place of service in Christ’s kingdom..
Philadelphia was a faithful church.
What type of church was Laodicea?

Verses 14-22

a. Laodicea was 45 miles southeast of Philadelphia and 90 miles east of Ephesus. It was a wealthy city with thriving banks, a textile industry, and a medical school. The city was also known for its sparse water supply. All of these characteristics are played upon in Christ’s message to the church.
b. The church at Laodicea had nothing good to be said about. Everything that is said about the church was criticism. It starts off by saying they are neither cold nor hot, but they are lukewarm. He wishes they were cold or hot. Cold water is refreshing, ht water is useful for medical purposes. Lukewarm water is not worth anything. They were doing things half heartedly. They were also self-satisfying.
c. They were self-deluded.They were wealthy and because of this, it assumed that it did not need anything, when in actuality, they were spiritually impoverished. They thought because they had the best clothes, they were ok, but they were spiritually naked. They were blind to spiritual realities. But Christ provides spiritual gold, heavenly white garments, and healing eye salve to all who repent.
d. God’s love manifests itself in rebuke and chastening when we go astray. The intent of the Lord’s discipline is for our profit that we may be partakers in His holiness. The proper response to God’s loving discipline is to repent and be zealous, or to move away from a dangerous, lukewarm spiritual state. These beleivers needed to change their perspective and seek the spiritual riches of the ultimate Overcomer.
e. I have heard it said before that this verse where he says I stand at the door and knock was about Jesus wanting to enter into a persons heart, but I like what the commentary says, because it is eye-opening. This pictures Jesus seeking entrance into His own church for the purpose of renewed fellowship. We need to be careful that we don’t get so caught up in doing things, that we keep Jesus out of his own church.
f. To those that overcome all this will be able to sit down with Jesus. They will share in his victorious experience that he had on this earth. The victory of the believers leads to the privilege of sharing Christ’s own earthly throne.
The church at Laodicea was a lukewarm church.
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