Marriages are Tricky Business
We are called to a life-changing and personal realignment, the conversion of either spouse in a married relationship holds potential problems both between the couple and between the society in which we live. Converted spouses experience confusion as to how they are now suppose to embrace this new identity in Christ and how it affects the way that they relate to their spouse.
1. Wives who submit to their husbands show a fundamental identity change of attitude.
The fundamental attitude as a servant of God
Each time a wife models godliness, that’s another moment her husband is not being influenced by the godless desires that lay claim to his soul.
The fundamental attitude to serve your husband for the sake of Christ.
The fundamental attitude of your marriage to Christ
Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel—rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God (vv. 3–4). This biblical text is not commanding ugliness so that a woman’s outward appearance cannot possibly disguise evil in her soul. Rather, Peter is telling women not to be caught up in an ostentatious display of beauty, because the most beautiful thing about them is their soul. What will win a man to the things of God is the hidden person of the heart.
2. The most beautiful thing about a woman is the incorruptible nature of her soul.
In the Roman world it was assumed that wives would conform to the religious practices of their husbands. This became an issue in Roman history when many women were attracted to the cult of Bacchus or to the worship of the Egyptian goddess Isis. The rituals of Bacchus had been banned by the Roman Senate; the senators saw a threat to the state in the participation of women in bacchanalian revelries at night in the mountains.5 These suspicions were later directed against Christians. In the eyes of imperial Romans, here was another subversive Eastern religion threatening the stability of the home and of the state.
Curl climbs on top of curl and over the forehead there arose something which at its best looked like the chef d’oeuvre of a master pastry cook and, at its worst, like a dry sponge. At the back the hair was plaited, and the braids arranged in a coil which looks like basketwork.
For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves (v. 5). Peter instructs his readers to consider the examples that God has given from history, those holy women in the past who were adorned with these qualities. There was Ruth, Esther, and Mary the mother of Jesus. These holy women trusted in God. They adorned themselves in the manner in which Peter has just spoken, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror (vv. 5–6).
3. Husbands who know their wives honor their wives as a container of God’s grace.
Live considerately with your wives is literally, ‘living together according to knowledge’ (for the use of the participle as imperative see the note at 1:14). Peter does not specify what kind of knowledge he means by ‘according to knowledge’, so some general phrase like ‘in an understanding way’ (NASB) is a good translation