Short Stop
Short Stop
When God calls you to something great, it is often tempting and easy to stop at “good.” “what if I screw up?” “What if it has really been me so far, if I continue I risk losing it all.” “Surely God would be happy with what I’ve accomplished so far…I am.”
Stopping short of God’s best.
Children of Israel after miracles…let’s go back
“God isn’t as concerned with your comfort as He is with His purpose AND your promotion!”
Saul killing all amalekites, except for the best things. Saved the king and best of livestock. “To obey is better than sacrifice”
The king only shooting 3 times out the window…instead of 5 or 6 times which would have been total. Strike, Strike and keep on striking until the thing isn’t even jerking anymore!
Failed to believe God enough to do it God’s way.
You miss God’s best
Your mission is aborted
Reasons you may stop short: