Sunday November 1, 2020

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Who Are You, Identity  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  22:56
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Good morning, everyone. How are we doing? How was the visitors last night that folks have an average amount of people stop by or was a little bit quieter this year? Quieter. Yeah, that's kind of been married to.

Also, we know that this week was supposed to be fall back for those who have kids at home. Did that actually work? Did you get your hours extra sleep? I always got up at the same time as usual. So let the They gave me some extra time to prepare this morning that's called of that. We've been working through a series on identity a very basic question one that goes to the core of just about every issue in life. And that is very simply. Who are you? Who are you I can remember in a couple of psychology classes this idea that if we could actually answer that question and and behave like that that a lot of life's issues would be resolved that a lot of attention that people feel would be diminished. It's been my experience that a lot of people's dissatisfaction revolves around that question not knowing who they are and what they're supposed to be doing and how they're supposed to be behaving.

Is that a guy by the name of aw Tozer? Brilliant mind fantastic author? Great leader. He says that the most important thing about you actually the Poco something like what you think about God what you think of when you think about God is the most important thing about you and I wouldn't want to argue with aw Tozer because frankly I'd lose but since he's not here and can't defend himself. I'd say that I disagree with him just a little bit and say that perhaps what Jesus says about you is the most important thing about you. What Jesus says about who you are is the most accurate thing about you what the author of Life says about our identity is the most truthful thing about us. Then when it comes to asking that question, who are you the one who can answer the best is Christ himself?

This is where it gets a little bit confusing. Because one of the things that Jesus says about us, is that where a saint? And I don't know about you. But when I think of a saint I think of somebody like Mother Teresa or or Billy Graham, I think of those kind of people and when I looked in the mirror this morning, that's not who I saw. Parsley because my kid didn't take the extra hour sleep. I didn't see a saint in the mirror. I don't know if you feel differently, but most of the time when I think of saying that's not usually associated with Micah Linkletter. And maybe it's the same for you growing up. I can remember watching a movie and to me it was kind of an old movie The Saint and then I discovered it was actually a remake of an old movie. So it's a a medium old movie. I don't know. And like in that movie, they describe what's required to be a saint and it's like we have to have three Miracles attributed to you and you have to live in especially righteous life and there's all this criteria around it. And when Jesus calls us a saint I'm not sure that's how I feel about myself and maybe the same is true for you.

But it's not just a one-off thing. The people of God are referred to as Saints in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 starting a verse to do the Church of God that is in Corinth to those who are Sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be Saints. With all those in every place who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ their lord and hours remember how this letter would have been received. Remember that in the time that it was written most people were illiterate and so the letter would arrive in the city and all the the Christians from around Corinth wood assembled in somebody's dining room or living room and they open the letter and they'd read it and they are all called Saints. Well, that's alright. That's just Corinth. Right? Like that's just the Church of Corinth. They were especially sorted out they had and if you've studied Corinthians, you know, that's not true. But in addition it's not just the only place that people are referred to as saying that if you take a look at the the letter to the church in Ephesus from Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God to the Saints in Ephesus is that same thing in Romans to all those loved by God in Rome called to be Saints and this pattern continues in Thessalonians and it continues and some of the other letters and the one that stands out of my mind. Usually when we think of the The Book of Revelation, we think of all the other prophecies about the end times but really the bulk of the Book of Revelation at least to my eyes taken up by the seven letters to the seven churches Jesus himself dictator. 7 letters in the Book of Revelation any addresses them to the Saints in the churches? It's not just a select group of people. It's it's the entire church is referred to as a a saint. and I take some getting used to so it's a fair question to ask. Okay, what is a saint like seriously? What is the saying and if I was to go out onto the street and and pull people advised to ask them their General opinion, by the way, I don't think the people would answer polls right now. We in Canada are so tired of hearing about pools in the states that nobody wants to answer any but if I somehow got them to answer one, I think you'd get a response that looks like this a really good person. I like a really good person. Somebody who's dedicated their life to serving the poor somebody who's dedicated their life to taking care of folks somebody who's stood against tyranny and might start rattling off some of the saints that still are around our region. Saint Francis and Saint Xavier people. We named universities after Saint Paul's just up the road say Mary like these exceptional people of the past. Or the the heroes that I've already referenced Mother Teresa Billy Graham. those kind of people but scripture doesn't use the word Saint to refer to really good people. Scripture teaches us that it's not by Merit. bye-bye purpose let me explain. in the temple They'd have pictures for carrying water in they have bulls for holding Embers. Beyblade have different tools for carrying on the different work of the Temple And what? That meant was that leaves things were set aside to be holy. That's what the word Saint means to be. Holy. And to be wholly just means to be set apart. Those pictures for carrying water were holy because they were set apart for God's use those bowls for carrying Embers were holy because they were set apart for God's use that this Clicker. is Holy because it's set apart for God's use that microphone this organ that piano this cheap table from Amazon. his holy because it's set up our for God's use

Things Are Holy because of their purpose not because they're an especially good table or an especially good clicker an especially good picture of water thing is Holy because it's God's and when you start following Jesus you become God. You belong to God. When we follow Jesus, we receive salvation, we receive restoration we get to Lookout on eternity and look at it with hope we get to look at the present and have purpose but we also because we are now set apart for God become holy. In the Old Testament when the people of Israel went to the Temple Mount and Moses met with God and and they entered into the Covenant the people of Israel became holy because they were set apart for God and when you look through the prophets the reason that God starts to get upset with them is because they forget that calling. They forget that title that they belong to God.

I know sometimes in life we get a title before we're ready for it. And that's kind of the case with the word saint. Sometimes in life. We are called things that we're not quite ready to be called yet classic example in my life a brother. I could barely walk when I got the title, brother. There was no way I was able to leave in two at that moment what it meant to be a brother a Defender a supporter and encourager. I was too busy trying to take their food. Be what it meant to be a brother or sister.

The many of you know, this one I was not ready to be a husband when I became a spouse. I thought I was but there was so much more to being a good husband then I understood. But I was still given the title of husband before I was ready. I definitely was not ready to be a parent. I've been a youth pastor for maybe fifteen years of that point and I still don't know how to raise a kid. I'm not ready to be called a dad or a father and get my kid calls me that at 5:15 in the morning.

beautiful thing absolutely

I got a title that I am still living in to it when I think back and I first crop a kids. They called me Pastor. I pray for them on an almost daily basis because I wasn't ready to be a pastor yet. Sometimes we are given a title that we're not there yet.

And that's kind of the point. We were given those titles because of what we might do not because of what we have done. and when scripture calls us is Saint it's because of what Jesus is doing in US of who we are becoming not because of how we blew it or didn't blow it yesterday to be a saint. Is a sign that no God is still at work in me, but I am his.

lakadiya a little bit mind-bending to get our identity around The understand babe. Actually, Jesus calls us that because of what we are becoming. So what should we do? How should we live? For me the first thing is to know your purpose. And frankly, sometimes we overcomplicate this because our purpose comes down to the same two things that it has for every Christian throughout all of history Matthew 22 vs. 34 to 40 is known as the the great commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your might with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself.

And later at the end of The Book of Matthew was the Great Commission. Go into all the world and Make Disciples of all people of every nation baptizing them in the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit teaching them to obey everything. I have commanded. You said Jesus. And he promises I am with you always. Our purpose the purpose of every Christian throughout all of history is bookended by Lee's two passages love God love others and point them to Jesus. That is our purpose.

The challenges keeping to it. Because a lot of us if you're anything like me get distracted trying to move into some of those other titles were talking about we get distracted by what the news is covering we get distracted by something that happened at work and we forget our purpose. I'ma get dragged off base. We get distracted by what the stock market is doing or what the latest crisis in town is. And we forget our purpose.

This is not uncommon in in Hebrews chapter 11. There's a a long list of the saints that have gone before. people like Moses Who was a murderer? And Abraham who is willing to lie about who his wife was people like David who is an adulterer and a murderer and other things.

his long list of of saints that have gone before people like Rahab and and others

these people that God worked through and whose identity was known as a a saint despite what their careers look like. I'm not making light of those other things but I am pointing out that God still work through them and then we read this in Hebrews chapter 12 in frankly. I think it might be a message for all of us. Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. We must get rid of every weight and the sin that clings so closely and run with endurance the race set up for us keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith

me knowing our purpose and keeping our eyes fixed on Christ. That's what it means to live into who God is calling you to be.

You are set apart. If you have followed Jesus you are set apart for God's purpose. God has looked at you and said you are his own and you belong and his family and that means that you're

and we can all acknowledge this. We're not there yet. That when Jesus calls us his saying he is pro a prophesying about our future. We're not there yet. But the encouragement I don't want to get leave you with today is that we are on our way. We're not there yet. But we are on our way in that leads us almost directly into communion. Usually when we celebrate communion. We we point to the night before Jesus was betrayed. At least another moment when communion to celebrate and I'm going to invite the deacons to come up here or helping to leave this morning to say introducing.

The day Jesus rose from the dead. We read about a couple of disciples who are leaving Jerusalem on their way to a city called Emmaus. And as they're walking Jesus comes alongside of them a little early don't recognize him. And he talked for a while and on this journey begins to unpack what it means everything that's gone on and they pull off the side of the road for the night and they stopped at a hotel and they're having supper and then there's loose the sperm. That has become highly symbolic. Then he broke bread with them and they recognized who he was.

Jesus set up. frankly little meal along the way to remind us that we are on the way but he is working in you he was working in me and then we are his people set apart for his purposes. And for that I'm going to ask Mark if you do return Thanks for the bread.

Father in heaven

As We Gather here as we enter a time of remembering Lord A sacrifice is made.

What you undid on the cross?

You pick up Humanity up out of the mire. You set us on our feet and say you can be better.

You can do better.

And you lead a song. Thank you Lord for the sacrifice you made. You broke your body for us you gave up your life for us.

your name on men

on the night. Jesus was betrayed. He had gathered with his disciples. I called them that this bread represents his body broken for my sin and for yours. Let's eat and be grateful.

This table is not an invention of us. It's something that Jesus left for us and when he left it for you and me do you left you words to describe what it meant in a one of those accounts is found in Luke chapter 22 where it says after supper. He took another cup of wine and said this cup is the New Covenant between God and his people and agreement confirmed with my blood which is poured out as a sacrifice for you. And that's what this juice symbolizes. I invite you now to just peel away that next layer as we get ready to take this cup, but I want to remind you as you take it that what Jesus did on the cross was Universe changing. He gave you a new identity. Because it was because of what he did there and spilling his blood that like Jesus himself said he was a sacrifice for you. And so you wonder my goodness. How could I be a saint? How could it be something that I'm not able to because of what Jesus took away took away your sin took away your guilt and it's what gave you and that is a new identity. He actually the Bible actually calls you holy blameless and pure wow. But it's all because of Jesus. So let's say things to Jesus. Let's pray Jesus. I thank you that you died for us that your blood has covered our sins your blood has a tone for us and paid the price that are guilt or demanded the consequences what we've done order. Thank you for this new identity. I think you was a gift from you and we gladly receive it today. Just like we take this cup we gladly receive your forgiveness. So we thank you in Jesus name. I'm in take and drink the Bible says though. Your sins are like Scarlet. They shall be as white as snow.

And then we're going to sing a song now. So I invite you if your

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