Don't Get Put Out
"Man finds, it hard to get what he wants, because he does not want the best. God finds it hard to give, because He would give the best, and man will not take it."
This is a familiar story and situation that has plagued mankind since the beginning of time. Self-Inflected Nonsense (SIN)! Man's original sin and fall from grace. So today, this morning, I want to walk through Genesis chapter 3...and for a thought, let me leave you with this. Don't Get Put Out!
Gen. 3:24, So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden, Cherubim's and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the tree of life.
The story takes place in the Garden of Eden (v.1). Now the serpent was more subtle (slick, cunning, smooth) than any beast of the field which the Lord had made. And he said to the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
See from the start there is something that is out of place with this whole situation, how is it that the birds are chirping, the lions are roaming, the cows are mooing, and the serpent is talking? I don't know how or why, but it is...ant I can promise you this one thing, had that joker rolled up and started talking...there would have not been a verse two! This brings me to my first point, so we Don't Get Put Out!
Point 1: Unauthorized Communication, see wee need to develop spiritual discernment when talking with folks. What are their motives, what are talking' about, is it good for me? For years we thought the devil was that character was a creature wearing a red suit, with red horns and carrying a pitch-fork, naw that ain't the devil, that's a cartoon. See the devil is that slick talking' cunning joker, jokerette.
We like Eve are drawn away by our own desires...2 Tim 4:3, we wanted it, we liked it, we went after it. We get put out by entertaining Unauthorized Communication.
Point 2: Not Playing by the Rules
In sport as well as in life there are rules, rules that provide structure, guidance, safety, security and order!
Eve knew the rules, but fell prey to the cunning persuasion of the enemy and decided to jump offside and eat the fruit from the tree she was told not to! But before judge Eve to quickly, what in the Hel-lo was Adam doing while all these was going on? Adam, should have been over there putting the serpent in-check, he should have taken dominion and subdue the situation...but because they didn't follow the rules they got what they got! Don't Get Put Out!
And because they entertained Unauthorized Communication, and Didn't Play By the Rules...they started the blame game. Adam, blamed Eve, Eve blamed the Serpent and nobody took responsibility for their actions. This brings me to my final and third point:
Point 3: Not Taking Responsibility
We live in a day age where nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions. Everybody blaming everybody...the Democrat's blaming the Republicans and rightful so..., employees blaming supervisor, my brother was blaming the man, and so on and so forth. Again, nobody wants to own up to their own stuff.
I believe if Adam would have stepped up and said God, its my fault...I should have stepped in, it's not Eve's fault...the out come may have been different. But because he didn't the man got put out, and we are paying for the fall everyday.
But I'm so glad that story didn't end at the fall. God had a plan to redeem man...and where the first Adam fell, the second Adam (Jesus) step in and stepped up to redeem man from the penalty of the fall, sin and death. God Bless and Don't Get Put Out!!!