Approval Seeking
Old Bob was traveling with Little Billy & a donkey. Old Bob led the donkey. Little Billy walked along behind them. The 1st village they came to, people said Old Bob was a fool not to ride. To please them, Old Bob climbed on & rode. When they got to the next village, people said Old Bob was cruel to make Little Billy walk while he rode. To please them, he got off & set Little Billy on the donkey. But in the next village, people accused Little Billy of being lazy to make Old Bob walk. "Why don't you both ride?" Old Bob climbed on & off they rode. In the next village, townspeople were indignant! "You're forcing that donkey to carry both of you! How can you be so cruel?" When last seen, Old Bob was carrying the donkey. Too many of us are carrying the donkey. Who measures our success? Whose approval do we seek?
Let's look at 1 Th 2:1-8. 1You know, brethren, our visit to you wasn't a failure. What happened? Before coming to you, 2awe suffered & were insulted in Philippi. Acts 16:12-40 says Philippian Jews were so displeased Paul got a beating, jail, & a one-way escort out of town. Humanly? A failure. Next stop? Thessalonica. There, too, people weren't pleased. Acts 17:1-9 says it started ok. But in only 3 weeks, he had to flee a mob of angry Jews. At night. After dark. Humanly? More failure.
How did Paul see it? 2bWith God's help we dared to tell you his gospel in spite of strong opposition. So what? Doesn't Paul remember? He was in Thessalonica only 3 weeks. After he left, Jewish legalists slandered him. "Paul's teaching is in error. To be saved, you must obey the Law. Besides, Paul's motives aren't pure. He's only trying to trick you." How do we know their slander? Look Paul's response. 3aThe appeal we make doesn't spring from error or impure motives. Jewish legalists accused Paul of impure motives & error. Even in Paul's day, some preachers preyed on women in their congregations. Nearby religions used prostitutes in their worship. If Jews get people to believe Paul is sexually immoral (impure), it'll discredit him. Paul isn't having any of that. Nor is his teaching in error. Legalists say he's preaching that we don't have to obey the Law. The truth? Humanity hasn't been able to obey the Law since it was given. So Paul preached the good news that Jesus paid Law's sin-debt. He gives us His righteousness for our unrighteousness. So, if we're dead to sin in Christ, we aren't under the Law. We're resurrected to new life in Christ. That's the good news. It's true. Jesus' resurrection is the proof. Christ died for us. He rose to the new life He freely offers to us. And Paul offers us the gospel just as freely. 3bNor are we trying to trick you. It's no trick! The gospel is more real than this world is. How? Our inclusion in God's eternal Kingdom will last forever! The world won't.
As for Paul? 4aWe speak as men approved [δοκιμαζω] by God to be entrusted with the gospel. δοκιμαζω = approved & tested. God has tested Paul well. Refined him like pure gold. He's approved & tested. Paul's trials have changed him. How? 4bWe aren't trying to please men but God, who tests [δοκιμαζω] our hearts. Whose approval does Paul seek? God's. The God who sees our heart motives. Paul's motives? Tested. Pure. He still acts on life's stage. But his audience? It changed. Paul now plays for the audience of One. We're all approval seekers. But whose approval do we seek? Others'? Our own? Or God's? Paul learned what we need to learn. Only if we seek God's approval will we earn a reward that lasts forever.
Seeking the Lord's approval changes the way Paul witnesses. 5aYou know we never used flattery. Flatterers don't communicate. They manipulate, they tell partial truth or outright lie. Why? Control our decisions for their gain. Not Paul. He preaches truth. Not like so many in his day. (Or ours.) A flatterer's good news? "God loves you. God has a plan to bless you. Reach out & grab it. God wants only good things for you." Paul's Good News? God's Gospel. We are saved. But it took the death of God's Son to pay our sin-debt. Paul spoke honestly (but lovingly) of sin & judgment. He leaves unbelievers no reason to boast. Paul's method is as pure as his motive. He presents God's Word in the Holy Spirit's power. He then trusts God to work. Preach cheap grace? What itching ears want to hear? The prosperity gospel? No way. Not Paul.
Paul's enemies accuse him of being in it for the money. Preachers of his day (ours too) often were. But Paul? 5bNor did we put on a mask to cover up greed. In 1 Ti 5:18, Paul did say the worker is worthy of his wage. Congregations should support their preachers. But Paul wasn't in it for the money. The proof? Everywhere Paul preached, he refused financial support. He supported himself by working long hours. His preaching? At night & on the sabbath. No greed there! 5cGod is our witness. All Paul does is for God, his only audience. The Witness to all we do. The tester, & approver of our hearts. God is Paul's witness: he's speaking the truth. The proof? 6aWe weren't looking for men's praise. Not you or anyone else. Only God's approval.
Paul could've asked Thessalonians for financial support. Room & board. Clothes worn out from his travels. Other necessities. Any preacher could ask. As an apostle, wasn't his right to support even stronger? 7aAs Christ's apostles we could've been a burden to you. Good preachers are worthy of their congregation's support. Apostles, even more so. Paul could've demanded support. Paul never exercised that right. He plied a trade so as not to be a burden.
7bInstead, we were gentle among you. How gentle? 7bLike a mother caring for her little children. Just so, Paul nurtured baby Christians in each new congregation he founded. Paul had a huge heart for his flock. Why? Paul's heart reflects God's heart. God loves everyone He created. He loves us so much He chose to come & die in our place. Paul knows God's love. God's love for him & for others. The result? 8aWe loved you so much we were delighted to share with you not only God's gospel but our lives as well. If we love someone, what's the most loving thing we can do for them? Share God's message of good news in Christ! Paul was eager to do so. He was just as eager to share himself. How much time & energy does it take to nurture a young child into maturity? Lots! For as long as he could, Paul cared for each member of his flock. In person. Even after he was driven out of a community, he kept writing. 1 Cor & 2 Cor, 1 Th & 2 Th. Members of his churches all experienced growing pains as they matured in Christ. In Paul's letters we see his continued care. Why invest himself so much in each church? In the Thessalonian church? 8bYou'd become so dear to us. Dear! In only a few weeks. God's love.
By seeking Christ's approval, Paul shows us how to go about producing the fruit Christ expects. Paul shows us how to engage in mission. Be as gentle as a mother nurturing young children. As we witness to unbelievers, don't start, "Filthy sinner!" Rather, tell the truth in love. All sin & fall short of God's glory. Sin's penalty is death. But God loves us so much He made a way for us to live. Start with love, & love's demand for truth & purity. But start gently. Be affectionate & giving. Shared the gospel & our lives with our hearers Work as hard as Paul did at it. And let it all flow from trying to please Christ. Not ourselves. Not others.
For all of us, part of our testimony, our witness, is the way we live. We've heard Paul urge us to do everything for Christ's approval. So, what will we make different? What will we change? Not sure where we should start? Look for "pinchy" areas. Areas Jesus is conforming us to His image. Recognize that any suffering is part of picking up our cross & following Him. And then? Choose to live every moment for Jesus. Keep choosing. Work in the yard for Jesus. Fix dinner to please Him. Helping our spouse to please Him. When planning our next activity, ask what'll please Him. When we're relaxing, please Him. We all seek someone's approval-but whose? Ours? Others'? Or Christ's? If we keep pleasing ourselves or others, God will bring us to a crisis where we have to choose. His approval? Or human approval. Paul is urging us, now, choose Christ! Keep seeking His approval. Over our own. Over the approval of all others. If we don't choose Christ? We'll end up carrying a donkey.
Approval Seeking - 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
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