Justification by Faith Alone
Justification by Faith - Faith Alone
The article on which the church stands
By George Vasquez
"I will build my Church and the Gates of Hell will not prevail agents it" - Mat. 16:18
While many of today's modern churches offer attractive environments with a positive message geared toward the worship experience, there are also those that diminish the value of scripture to the point of heresy. Are there doctrinal points that weed out falsehood and provide a foundation of unity?
Walter Martin in his book The kingdom of the Cults writes: "While I am in agreement that "in general the cults represent the earnest attempt of millions of people to find the fulfillment of deep and legitimate needs of the human spirit, which most of them seem not to be said. It has been wisely observed by someone that "a man who will not stand of something is quite likely to fall for almost anything." So I have elected to stand on the ramparts of biblical Christianity as taught by the apostles, defended by the church fathers, rediscovered by the Reformers, and embodied in what is sometimes called Reformed theology.
In the Preface to his text These Also Believe, Dr Charles Braden says: By the term cult I mean nothing derogatory to any group so classified. A cult, as I define it, is any religious group which differs significantly in one or more respects as to belief or practice from those religious groups which are regarded as the normative expressions of religion in our total culture.
Paul emphasized how important it is to recognize sound doctrine and teaching that is inspired of God (2 Tim. 4:3,4). He also warned against preachers with deceitful motives resulting in personal gain (1 Pet. 5:2).
Most Christians have no foundation established to rightly defend their beliefs on the authority of Gods word, so how would they know how to encourage someone away from a cult? There are basic truths that have never change, have been carefully studied, and made clear by historical tenants that can be trusted. The five solas are among those.
By; scripture, faith, grace, Christ, and glory to God, Alone
"the article of justification which is our only protection that only against all powers and plotting of men that also against the gates of hell is this: by faith alone apart from works are we declared just. The article of justification is the prince, the master, the ruler, and the judge over all doctrines. It preserves and governs all church doctrine and raises up our conscience before God, without this article the world is udder death and darkness No error is mean, so clumsy, so outworn as to be supremely pleasing to human reason and to seduced us if we are without the knowledge contemplation of this article...the doctrine of justification as frequently urge be diligently learned for in it all the articles of our faith are comprehended and when that is safe the others are safe as well. And again if the article of justification of faith is lost all Christian doctrine is lost at the same time there is no middle ground between these two righteousness the active on of the law and the passive one which comes from Christ. This doctrine is the head and the corner stone it alone begets, nourishes, builds, preserves, defends the church of God and without it the Church of God cannot exist for one hour. Again whoever departs from the article of justification by faith alone doses not know God and is an idolater. When this article is taken away nothing remains but error, hypocrisy, godlessness and idolatry although it may seem to be the height of truth, worship of God, and Holiness. Justification is the chief article of Christian doctrine to him who understands how great its usefulness and majesty are everything is will seem sight and turn to nothing for what is Peter? What is Paul? What is an Angele from heaven? What are all creatures in comparison with the article of justification? For, if we know it we are in the clearest light if we don't know we dwell in the densest darkness. Therefore if you see this article imputed or impearled do not hesitate to resist Peter, or an angel from heaven for it cannot be sufficiently extolled." - Martin Luther
Word Studies
Faith; n. pistis; conviction. Confidence, trust, belief, reliance, trustworthiness, and persuasion.
Justification: dikaíōsis ("justification") is used only in Ro 4:25 and Ro 5:18. It focuses on the acquitted penalty by receiving Christ - i.e. as a person is moved from eternal "condemned" to "divinely pardoned" at conversion. 1347 (dikaíōsis) is the cognate in the dik- word-family which most closely aligns with the theological meaning of the term justification."
Sola Fide
Historically known as the doctrine of Justification by faith alone, is a Christian theological doctrine that distinguishes most Protestant denominations from Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, and some in the Restoration Movement.
The book of Romans uses the word Justification 92 times out of the 229 used throughout the entire scripture. The word justified means "to be declared righteous."
1. Faith comes by hearing - Rm 10:17 (Abraham called, confirmation)
2. Righteousness is a gift - Rm 1:16, 17 (God provides a ram)
3. Imputed/accounted as righteousness Rm. 4:1-8 (blessings are multiplied)
Once upon a time in a land far far away there were parties all over this country. And at these parties was celebrated the end of the tyrannous rule of the bank. To start the festivities the mortgage document stamped "paid in full" was held high and lit a flame.
Our faith is the means of glorifying God by showing his power. (2 Pet 1:11; Heb 11:1) There are recognizable traits that true faith projects as we grow (2Pet 1:8). Its Gods faithfulness - 1 john 1:9
The protestant reformation has come a long way from the burning of books and supposed heretics'.
16th council of Trent was reaffirmed in the 90's at which time "Rome" rejected the teaching of Justification of Faith yet they still want to affirm ecumenical unity.
Justification by Faith Alone - Martin Luther 1483-1546
The True Way to Christianity
This briefly is our doctrine as touching Christian righteousness, contrary to the abominations and blasphemies of the papists concerning the merit of congruence and worthiness, of works before grace and after grace-which monstrous dreams were devised by such as were never exercised with any temptations, never had any true feelings of sin or of the terror of death; and therefore they know not what they say or what they teach. Moreover, they can show no example of any work done either before or after grace that could justify [anyone] before God. Wherefore they are nothing else but vain toys and foolish fables whereby the papists deceive both themselves and others. For Paul here plainly affirms that no man is justified by the works of the Law either going before grace (whereof he speaks in this place) or coming after grace.