Getting Through with God
Getting Through with God – 1 Peter 4
ð Open to 1 Peter 4. In 1 Peter, young Xians struggling. Persecutions of Nero were still localized, which was good; but were occurring in this locality, which was not. Peter writes to these Xians in modern Turkey to encourage them to keep eyes on Heaven through their struggles.
o He writes to remind them to live faithfully, live holy lives in spite of the troubles you’re up against because you did the right thing in becoming a follower of Jesus Christ.
o Specifically, look PM @ ch. 4, where Peter provides some essentials for fighting Xian battle.
ð Need reminders once while don’t? Like 1st cent. Xians, need also be reminded we are doing right thing. This life IS better, obed. to God, fellowship w/ Xians IS best choice, tho sometimes fierce battle!
ð As look thru ch.4, Peter reminds that Xian life is about developing – maturing. He’ll remind us that to get thru this battle we need to develop minds and actions, and our communion with God and each other – and our motivation? We will receive our due reward.
° T – Let’s look then at 4:1-2 and see what Peter has to say about…
I. Developing a Christ-like Attitude (RD 4:1-2)
A. Phrase “same mind” – purpose; better – “attitude.” Xian w/ world’s attitude toward spiritual matters is on losing side already in this battle. As face struggle of faithfulness, need to be armed w/ Christ’s attitude! What is that? Says, “Not about ME! About giving up my desires for will of God!”
1. It’s attitude that says Paul in Phil 2:8 (RD) - Christ’s attitude one of humility and obedience.
2. No more evident - Matt 26, Garden of Geth, rpt in vs. 35, 42 – “Not Mine, but Your will be done.”
B. Pablo Casals greatest cellist ever live. Asked, 95, why practice 6 hours each day. “Feel like I’m making progress.” That’s what want – progress! Developing Christ-like attitudes will take work – effort – intention! May take until 95 to say “making progress”, but keep practicing! You see…
1. Satan wants us to think like world thinks. Wants us to not oppose sin, but to get used to it!
2. Guy came in store in Stw, from stockyard. Smelled from distance. Got to know and asked ever bothers him. Said, get used to it. What?! But that’s how Satan wants us to think. Wants us to get used to smell.
C. He wants us to get used to what used to be repulsive. Wants it to become not so bad anymore. When that happens, he wins another battle in war. That is NOT how Christ thinks – not His attitude. In John 8, shows compassion and tenderness to adulterous woman, but says STOP!
1. In Mt 23, surrounded by “religious”, describes sinful attitudes just like He sees them (RD 23:28).
2. Battle begins/ends in hearts, minds, & attitudes. Must not be like world’s. Philip’s puts Rom 12:2.
· T – Next essential in our development to wage this battle is…
II. Developing a Christ-like Lifestyle (Already said “not spend time in lusts, but God’s will”; RD 4:3-5)
A. Peter has also already told these Xians this. Look back in 1:13-16. This may be cornerstone psg for entire epistle (RD). Peter’s concern is that these new Xians will, because of persecution and struggle, retreat back into former lives just because it’s familiar – comfortable!
B. You know, not getting political here, but I love Al Gore. He is a great resource for quotes! Once when speaking on the environment (imagine) he said, “It isn’t pollution that’s harming the environment; it’s the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.”
1. Convoluted stmnt - how are w/ sin? Think: “I’m just going back to old lifestyle a bit – not really harming, is it? Not struggling w/ sin in life – just lewdness, lust, immoral behavior, that’s all!”
2. Pete says don’t go back! Will be those just can’t hang out w/ anymore – places just don’t go cuz of R w/ God. Cuz we have, like Paul in Col 3:9-10, taken OFF old man - put on NEW! And our co-workers and friends will find that strange! May even speak poorly of us.
3. So, Pete also answers question: How deal w/ peer pressure? Remember they will answer to God. Says we’ve spent enough time in that life – move on!
C. Comes to sin, must develop lifestyle simply doesn’t include in lives – or lose battle. Sin must stop, not just slow down. (Police story). Peter reminds us - to get thru this struggle, sin has to stop.
· T – Another essential development in waging this battle Peter briefly touches on, as will we is…
III. Developing a Prayer Life (RD 4:7)
A. As deal w/ diffic. in battle, risk alienating selves from God. May start think we’re off in some way cuz of what’s happening to us. Also, cuz of new way of life, may feel like stranger – even more alienated. Why Peter says, as NIV, we need to be “clear minded and self controlled” and PRAY! Can’t quit on prayer! Paul says Rom 12:12 (RD).
B. If don’t have someone to “talk” to, battle will be amazingly tough! Influences pound on us trying to pull us back to that old man. Need to turn to God for strength. John Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, “Prayer will cause a man to cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer.” So true!
C. Peter emphasizes clear thinking and alertness nec. in prayer. Prayer too often a cold, rational act done oh, so properly.
1. Peter knew about heartfelt, mind-engaged, agonizing prayer, didn’t he? Again in Mt 26 finds Peter there in Garden w/ Christ being reminded to pray WHILE He prayed.
2. Continual aware of God’s presence/power not just reserved for Pete & apostles. Prayer-filled life provides constantly open line communication w/ God. Paul says, 1 Th 5:17-18 (RD). Amazing God wants hear from US!?
· T – All about “me.” I do? (Attitudes, lifestyle, prayer life) Development needs grow outward too…
IV. Begins to discuss: Developing in Relationships
A. When times tough, so easy to be irritable, anxious. Usually receives brunt of this? (Husbands wives) (RD 4:8-9). Even in difficult circum. need be guarding our relationships w/ one another. Living for Christ, Xian life, is an individual choice, but a community exp. It is our love for each other that binds us together. That love must be fostered – developed!
B. Article: wrote Editor, left church “gone 30 years, tons sermons, can’t remember any. Wasting time, so are preachers!” (Don’t “amen!”)
1. But, response to letter: “Been married 30 yr, wife cooked some 32000 meals. Can’t remember last week’s, but know each gave me nourishment, would have died if not eaten them. Likewise, had not gone to worship, spiritually dead today.”
2. Heb 10:25 huge “go-to-church-verse.” But, read w/ 24 (RD). Our love for other nourished by being together – encouraging other. BUT – more…We don’t love each other if we grumble about and fault-find in out brethren. Love is our ability to look beyond one another’s faults.
3. Also, our love manifested when greet each other in homes (great at that!) AND, more specifically, by manner in which we are hospitable to guests in assembly! (Stranger-lover) Love and hospitality is a reflection of Christ’s love in our hearts. But, not finished. Look at vs 10-11 (RD).
C. Our love is also shown in service to others. Each one should use gift given from God to glorify God and strengthen others. When we serve out of love for JC, we’re showing honor to our God. Must be careful in our service to remember who gave us strength to do our good works.
· T – Peter given much to think on. Apparently knows it. He ends section regarding development with…
V. Our Motivation to Get Through (RD – 12-19)
A. Rejoice when we participate in suffer of Christ! Hmm. Can’t help think of Jm 1:2 (RD). But, what Pete says is since God allowed Jesus’ persecution then, don’t surprised you, too. Instead, says, keep on rejoicing – interesting cuz assumes already rejoicing. Saying they should keep on rejoicing, however, in salvation – not necessarily trial.
B. Missionary asked how so cheerful thru so much adversity. “Suppose sent on journey said have cross roaring river, face forest of wild animals. I’d feel satisfaction when encountered cuz I’d know I’m on right path.” So it is w/ Xian life.
1. Peter reminds – ought to expect struggle for name of Christ! When we encounter slander, when old friends don’t get it why we don’t run w/ them anymore and lash out –hurts, yes; BUT - you know you’re on right path!
2. Why Peter says God’s judgment starts here – His house – church. Saying God is going to allow pers. to His church. Talking bout phys pers whole chap. But, remember vs 14 – God is with you! Spirit of glory rests on you in this battle.
C. Peter concludes by asking, “If it is w/ pers. that righteous allowed to live, what happen to those not God’s.” If God allows Xians, His people, go thru persecution on earth, what God do to those persecuting? Outcome, end result, is punishment.
1. See - God’s jdgmnt allowed Jesus killed. God’s jdgmnt then will certainly allow Xians to be persec. But - in all this - just keep entrusting selves to faithful Creator. Don’t worry about those persecuting. Pray for them! But, don’t allow them to pull you away. Cuz – also stated in vs 13 - if they face punishment, we will see God - not in fear, but in exceeding JOY!
2. Suffering not to keep from doing what is good. Remember you have committed your soul to Him – and do right thing!
ð Xian life is about developing – maturing. In battle we’re in must develop to think like Christ, live like Christ, need to be unceasing in prayer! And must guard our relationships, because it’s all worth it. Remember Christ’s suffering – and expect your own. But look forward to the JOY.
ð Africa, yrs ago, tribe elect king 7 yr. Old one killed! King luxury, absolute power. Remarkably, many wanted! Think crazy! Why want temp pleasure knowing you’ll die!? But, we do same. So many give up in battle – go back, knowing spiritual death waits. Peter’s message: You’re doing right thing! Don’t go back!
ð My – our message to you AM same: hang on! If haven’t grabbed hold of Xian life, do that this PM. God requires your immersion into DBR of Christ. Can! But, if struggling to hang on, let us help.