How Sweet the Sound - What is Grace
How Sweet the Sound
ð Confession. Many don’t know me…<<PP>> Dr. Phil fan. Good advice. Tells, “I want you to make the most of your life!” Like, “responsible for actions” idea. Offers solutions to folks affected by bad choices. But, see some problems - think, <<PP>> “Problem is SIN! Anyone see that?” Psych. "positive thinking" do-it-yourself schemes won’t erase sin. “Make most of life” – can’t DO that when comes to sin! Only <<PP>> God's grace through Jesus Christ can save men from our sin problem.
ð Paul, in Eph 2:8, couldn’t been more clear, more forceful stating salvation from sin, our hope of redemption is based SOLELY on God’s grace. (RD Eph 2:8). <<PP>>
ð And THAT is amazing! Yet, as beautiful idea as it is, grace is concept many find hard to understand & harder to accept – probably cuz of 2 extremes: too far one or other – either “license” or Paul really means is you’d better “dot I’s & cross T’s” to obtain grace. But, I hope this morning, through God’s Word to hopefully clearer picture as what God’s grace truly is.
° T – 1st, let’s get an idea<<PP>>
I. What IS Grace?
A. “Grace” - Gk word “charis” – like – “charity.” Defined as gift, something rec’d w/out being earned. Sure heard many various definitions: “Getting what need ISO what deserve”; “GRACE IS EVERYTHING FOR NOTHING TO THOSE WHO DON’T DESERVE ANYTHING.” All OK…but, I’ll…
1. Defer to Paul’s description: Rom 5:6-10 (RD). Well said. Simply stated, <<PP>> grace means God offers salvation from sins EVEN though, because of our sin, we don’t deserve it in ANY way!
2. All sin–you, me, every great person–people who sin. If got what had coming–condemnation. Period. But, grace gives forgiveness we don’t deserve ISO punishment we do. OK–let’s define some terms; may help.
B. Work 8-hr, rec’s fair pay, wage. Competes, receives trophy, prize. Rec’s recog for svc, achieve-award. But, we don’t want wage of sin – death! Can’t win salvation; don’t deserve it awarded – yet receive gift anyway--<<PP>> God's unmerited favor. THAT’S what mean when we talk about the grace of God!
C. Grace made possible by death of Jesus for our sins. In letter to Gal, Paul explains we never save selves by deeds, even deeds of Old Law! If possible Jesus not need to die! Gal 2:21 (READ). Problem is…we all sin! No righteousness of own to present to God – not deeds, not law-keeping! <<PP>> If God doesn’t extend grace – we’re done for! Yet – He does!
° T – So – it’s GREAT concept! Ought to jump all over it. But we don’t. Why? <<PP>>
II. Why is Grace So Difficult to Grasp?
A. Grace is hard to understand – better said, “easily misunderstood” – maybe what makes it so difficult to accept. Maybe our own inclinations making us confused – “can’t be that!” Several reasons:
1. Want what we have coming! If not - “not fair!” Becomes a prob when talk about sin, forgiveness. <<PP>> Last thing we want-what deserve; but “don’t do any favors!” (Bill paid) Know guilty-can’t imagine God accepting us. But see-that’s just it! God doesn’t accept sin! 1 Jn 2:1-2 (RD). Christ substitute – thru Him, God not see sin! Doesn’t care ‘bout past–wants future. He offers our need – GRACE!
2. Next – opposite of 1st. We don’t think we’re that bad! <<PP>>Make a few mistakes but no big deal. Treat our sins like minor injury can treat on own. Not it! We need Great Physician. Need to see our sin as God sees. Eph 2:1 – “dead” in sin! God’s grace our ONLY hope!
3. 3rd reason <<PP>>misunderstanding nature of God. Some think of God as like us – unforgiving. How could He forgive? Some think of God as harsh judge waiting for you and me to mess up so He can practice punishment on us! TRUE – God is judge of unrepentant and disobedient. But, just as true <<PP>>1 Jn 4:8 (RD). <<PP>>1 Tim 2:4 (RD). Wants saved more than anything. Why else send Son?
B. Last idea we’ll look at, some have <<PP>>wrong motivations for serving God. Guilt motivation will only go so far! <<PP>> Yes, guilty! But, gratitude motivation will sustain “R” much better. Growing to understand God’s grace go much further toward making effective servant than guilt ever could.
1. <<PP>>Being “perfect” another wrong motive. Perfectionism notion we can’t be acceptable to God until have it all right! Never do it all right! Only Jesus did that!
2. Pleasing his God goal of every Xian – be realistic – just mess up! Oh, may have good days or even weeks. But, we HAVE to rely on God’s grace and not hope of “getting it all right”!
C. Tragedy is we tend to limit own forgiveness! And until we escape these attitudes, we throw away only way to be set free! God gave His word to remove doubt & unbelief, not to enslave & fill us w/ guilt. Only your approach to God and what He’s asked you to DO can limit His forgiveness!
° T – Well – so far heard explanation of grace & some of difficulties, let’s let Bible talk – look at…<<PP>>
III. Grace Shown in the Scriptures
A. Luke 15:11-32 paints one most beautiful pictures in all Scripture – <<PP>>Prodigal Son. Inheritance – blew it – desperation, goes crawling home to be hired hand. At least he won’t starve! <<PP>>What he deserved! But, instead, father do? RD 22-24! <<PP>>Instead Father runs to him – accepts! THAT’S the grace of God! But, keep in mind – couldn’t extend grace if son didn’t come to him. Another great parable in…
B. Matt 20:1-16 – story Jesus told really irks many of us! <<PP>><<PP>>Laborers in Vineyard. Owner hires workers for normal wage. Thruout day repeats offer. End of day, pays all the same wage. Those worked all day, sweated all day – cheated! OK – I sympathize with these! But, listen to owner’s response – RD 13-16 (NIV). <<PP>> “Not fair,” you say. Right! That’s the point! Thank God it’s not! Regardless of how long/short we serve, <<PP>>we all get the same offer from God - what is NOT deserved - forgiveness! That’s the beauty…that’s what’s AMAZING about grace.
C. Now, one more - interesting<<PP>> – turn 1 Tim 1:12-16. <<PP>>Paul – former Xian co-killer. Look what he says. (RD). Even Paul shown grace – why this written? So we can see if <<PP>>THIS guy – blas., pers., shown grace, no one beyond God’s grace – not even ME! See - if salvation NOT by grace, no one makes it. But – cuz <<PP>>IS dependent on God’s grace, everyone who responds - CAN be saved!
T Now, seen the beauty, love of God. Have to close with a warning. We must…
IV. Avoid “Cheapening” Grace
A. Mean? Dietrich Bonhoffer, Luth. theo, coined term “cheap grace.” Not run down, facts – Luth. theology, based on M. Luther, centered on “faith alone.” Escalated by others into idea - simply believe in Jesus and grace is handed out. More to it than that, but let’s just focus on that idea.
1. Problem– <<PP>>belief with no action contradicts Bible! Jms 2:19 (READ). Contradicts every passage that describes our obedient response to God’s grace. Contradicts Ananias’ instructions for Paul in Acts 22:16 (READ). He’d seen rez Christ – surely he believed.
2. Also contradicts Luther! His teaching on “justification by faith” to avoid Roman Catholic practice of ritual & deeds necessary for salvation. Just went too far. But, even he understood faith & obedience & connection. He created, in trans of NT, word <<PP>>“glaubensgehorsam.” Combines German – “faith” and “obey.” Means, “obedience of faith.” Faith is cause; obedience is effect! He’s right on!
3. Obedience to God’s commands brought grace to Abe-liar, David-wife-stealing murderer, Peter-back-stabber, 1 Jn 5:3 (RD). Faith that accepts what God says and does what He asks WILL save you. That’s just what Paul said back in Eph 2:8 – “saved by grace…through faith!” So what is CG?
B. Cheap grace - grace we have invented for ourselves. “CG” - preaching forgiveness w/out requiring repentance, baptism w/out responsibility, communion without confession. “CG”-grace w/out discipleship, grace w/out taking up cross, <<PP>>grace w/out commitment to “R” with Jesus Christ!
C. Grace expensive!! Oh, it’s free to recipient; but costly to donor. To even use word cheap in same breath with grace of God in salvation seems almost blasphemous. You see…God’s grace - cost Jesus His life.
1. Some insult grace, reject it, trample on it, disgrace it, but that does not lower its infinite value.
2. Costly grace is in reign & rule of J.C. It’s kind of grace for whose sake a man will pluck out the eye which causes him to sin. It is grace that <<PP>>causes true disciple to leave his nets and follow him.
ð God’s unmerited favor – getting what we desperately need ISO what we deserve. Can’t say it’s fair – not! We get the opposite of what we deserve. Tough to grasp for us. That’s just the point slaver trader John Newton was making when, in 1779 he penned words, <<PP>> “Amazing grace…like me.” Grace IS amazing. Most powerful, amazing force in the universe! And, it’s our only hope.
ð BUT – up to you to decide what to do in response to grace. It is a gift from God, but every gift has to be unwrapped. That’s what God is waiting for you to do.
ð He wants you to trust in His power to forgive! He wants you to give up whatever’s keeping you from coming to Him or living for Him! He wants you to repent and be immersed, like Saul, for forgiveness of sins! And wants you to know that living with Him, sins continually forgiven. THAT’S amazing grace. Won’t you respond to it today…