Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
*Me First*
· There is a question we ask throughout life.
Young – what do with life?
Mid-age – what doing w~/ life?
Old – what I DONE w~/ life?
When don’t have good answer to that question – call of SELF – FLESH rings out loudest! May cause some to max out card; some – new hobby; some – new relationship.
Why? Cuz we all want purpose!
· We will never discover real purpose for our lives, for this cong, until we have /individually/ accepted Christ’s mission for our /personal /lives.
We will never love right, serve right, never grow right until Christ becomes the driving force of our lives and NOT what “I” want – not what SELF wants!
· Our most desperate need as Xians is to have every area of life TOTALLY committed to Christ.
Our culture is not fond of commitment.
o Geo.
Barna – Frog in Kettle – divorce rate climbs to nearly 50%.
But, people also no longer even willing to join clubs, organizations – churches; even book clubs~/CD clubs less likely to attract new members when multi-year commitment involved.
o /Our challenge is to overcome self-pride, prejudice, sometimes even laziness, and once again PUT CHRIST 1st, and NOT “ME FIRST!”/
· Open Bible to Luke 9.
As Jesus went on Earth, crowds followed – drawn by teaching~/miracles.
Some actually wanted to be disciples.
Jesus, b4 going back to Heaven, told apostles to “go /make/ disciples.”
Clearly Jesus WANTS disciples – wants followers.
BUT – Jesus never misleads!
Won’t be easy!
/It will REQUIRE you to commit!
/See, Jesus is searching for those willing to sell out to Him – not in word only, but with ALL.
In text, 9:57-62, we see Jesus respond to 3 would-be followers.
(RD – Lk 9:57-62).
o *T** – *W~/ 1st man, /volunteering /self to follow, we see 1st of 3 issues to deal with.
He says, “I want to be involved.”
*I. *The Problem of ONLY Being “Involved.”
A. Man makes a powerful statement.
Can’t question his sincerity – obviously WANTED to follow!
He wanted to be part of what Jesus doing – wanted make a difference!
All good!
Maybe hear self described.
But, Jesus makes one thing clear – DESIRE to serve must be coupled w~/ right motivation /and/ understanding of level of dedication required.
Man seems willing to be involved.
But Jesus wants more than involvement.
Well, what’s difference?
Imagine big breakfast w~/ pancakes, hash browns, ham and eggs.
Difference btw involvement & commitment seen in ham & eggs.
Chicken was involved – pig was COMMITTED!
HUGE difference btw invovl~/commit.
B. In BA, asked by elder~/minister to start up Home Bible Study groups – similar to Care Groups.
Worked on it; then placed sign-up sheets in adult classrooms (700 ).
“Sign if interested…” 168 signed up! Split into groups – ended up w~/ about 70.
Asked minister, Bill K. His answer, “You asked if they were interested – not if they’d /commit!”/
See – being “involved” w~/ Christ means you can still do what you want, act how you want, feel how you want.
Committed means you’re on call for Christ 24~/7!
Too often we settle for being *involved* in Lord’s work, and not actually *committing* to it!
Jesus tells man, following may mean giving up everything!
Now – don’t have to become homeless.
But – must love HIM more than what we have.
Must love Christ /more/ /than we love staying where we are spiritually!/
Commitment is what He wants from each of us – not just SUN AM – every day!
C. At heart of following Christ is surrender.
Church leaders all over wonder what our dilemma really is.
Many /symptoms!/
But, our dilemma is, how we get Xians to focus our lives on Christ’s mission for us!? Answer is just this easy and just this difficult – surrender self to Christ!
Do it all time, really.
Some surrender to peers, some to desire for more, some to pleasing self.
And truth is we give control of lives to that which we surrender to!
Rom 6:15-16 Paul says (RD) – surrender is NOT optional!
We just choose to whom or what we surrender – to what I want or what Christ wants.
True commitment, not involvement, means Christ is 1st~/foremost!
Anything in the way of our commitment is a stumbling block.
· *T** – *2nd man is asked to follow, but in his response we see another problem we need to deal with…
*(Says, “I need to do something else first.”)
The Problem of Misplaced Priorities
A. Interesting, Jesus /commands/ man to follow!
Uses imperative!
But, this guy answers with his own imperative!
He commands Jesus, “Lord, let ME 1st go bury father.”
When he says “first”’ he means in order of importance – not time!
In original language, time is indefinite.
What mean?
Means very likely father not dead – may not even be /dying!/
This man commands Jesus to allow him to follow Christ on HIS terms.
No crosses, no commitment, no dedication.
Jesus returns command for command, “Let dead bury dead.”
Makes this a matter of authority.
Paul echoes this sentiment in Col 3:17 (RD).
Our lives are to by lived under HIS authority.
That’s who we are…HIS!
B. Wait–let’s back up…man wants to forego following to take care of father.
Sounds like devoted son – what’s wrong here?
Jesus often makes clear that following Him means we must understand issue of priority.
He taught Mt 6:33 (RD).
Things of KOG are what have to be #1 in our lives.
Jesus came to this world to save us from sin – to strengthen us to live life He expects us to live.
Our mission has to be the same.
Build each other up through thick and thin.
Reach lost no matter what.
Whatever we do to accomplish these tasks, Jesus wants this man to know – it’s urgent that it gets done!
Look @ 9:60 (RD).
C. How often is it that we want to “bury our dead” so to speak, before we devote selves to Christ?
Some put family ahead, some put work, hobbies, some just don’t want to get out of comfort zone!
Now, some may be thinking, Sun AM sermon – get those who don’t, to come back!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9