Not Ignorant
Not Ignorant – 1 Pet 5:6-11 (Sin/Satan – 14)
► Radio one Tues evening – “no news, listen to FM.” Wonder what 12/6/41 was like? Xmas shopping, school-kids hear of far-off war. What doing Mon. 10th of Sept, 2001? Next day after radio, 4/19/95 – OKC bombing. Bet you know on 9/11. Each days b4 horrendous events – not aware, ignorant of about to happen. Then jarred into reality – into struggles of war and terrorism! Never saw it coming!
► Our struggle w/ sin! Satan has strategy for goal of destroying you! What is strategy? Can know? Yes. Told in 2 Cor 2:11 (RD).
► Means we CAN be aware of Satan’s plotting against us. Devil has MO - been same since begin of time. We can become aware of how he works and how we can combat his activities in our lives. Wants to defraud you thru trickery, treachery! Remember - He is after your soul!
► Thru temptation Satan seeks draw us away from God - to destroy us. Therefore, must be totally familiar w/ how tempter uses temptation to defeat us. Let’s study how he works.
· T - Turn Gen 3. Let’s examine his strategy during 1st temptation recorded in Scripture.
I. Satan’s Strategy - (Genesis 3:1-6)
A. Much can learn from 1st tempt. Reveals many clues about how Satan works - what are his schemes. See Satan very __?__- not some dumb creature - not dressed in red suit w/ pointed tail. Attack will be sophisticated, subtle. Notice how he approaches Eve.
1. 1st - attack directed to mind. Began by sowing doubt - doubt concerning God’s Word. God had given His Word to Adam and Eve. His Word should been their only defense!
2. But it became object of Satan’s attack. Satan desires that we begin to doubt God’s Word.
B. Attacked God’s Word 3 ways. 1st - challenged authorship, authority of Word. 1st words Satan uttered (RD 3:1b). How know God really said? Were you there? Notice also in vs 3, when Eve replied, she misquoted Word of God - in fact, added (God didn’t say not touch – 2:17!). Satan knew he was on right track.
1. By ques. authority of Word, also quest. accuracy. If she couldn’t sure God really said what said, then how trust it true? Perhaps something lost in translation when Adam had communicated that word to her. Sound familiar?
2. Finally, he quest. acceptability of Word God supposedly given. Tried appeal to selfish desires; focus gaze, not on goodness of God, but on own self-interest. Boldly declares God has ulterior motive! God trying keep them from something which make them happy. He said, (RD 3:5)
3. So, not only Satan sowing doubt, also issuing denial that Word was true. Doubt and denial always part of his strategy. Goal of course - delusion. Desires to bring delusion to God’s people. Told Eve they would be like God. But – he’ll tell anything want to hear. He doesn’t care what delusion is, as long as draws us away from God’s truth.
C. See happened in 1st tempt? Still happens today. Satan has a Master Plan. Each step we take down that path is another step away from God. Let’s look at Eve’s steps:
1. Some believe no harm in looking. But tempt comes thru eyes many times. In 1 Jn 2:16 told of "lust of eyes." When her look became lust, Satan succeeded getting her take 1st step.
2. Then she took. Now desire had become decision. Taken 2nd step. Satan didn’t force her, she made a decision. He will tempt us, but we must decide.
3. When ate - 3rd step. Choice turned to chain. Satan had just where wanted. Snared by devil.
4. Finally, told she gave to her husband. Final step taken - sinner turned into seducer. Satan desires not only to seduce us, but make us accomplice in seducing others.
5. Satan’s strategy very covert - almost never frontal assault - too obvious. Uses subtlety - seeks to cause doubt authority, accuracy, acceptability of God’s Word. Seeks to deny power of Word, get us to do same - delude us believing lie ISO truth. Minds become battle ground. If can influence way think about God - Word, then can influence way we behave.
· T – So, let’s understand – from Eden, he hasn’t changed. He is deceptive and a seller of lies.
II. Some lies Satan tries to deceive us with:
A. Jesus gives perf. descrip. of him in Jn 8:44. Forget pointy tail, red suit – Jesus sums it up (RD)!
B. So, we know he’s deceitful liar – so what are his lies?
1. “Just a Little Won’t Hurt” - If convinced can sin - get away w/, knows you’ll keep on. But – Jesus says in John 8:34 sin always addictive - enslaving. Man 1st startled by sin; then becomes pleasing, then easy, then frequent, then habitual, then way of life. (Get Used to…)
2. “You Are A Failure” - If can convince you’re failure, can cause you lose soul. Simply because you have failed does not make you a failure! Peter tried to walk on water but failed. Sin causes us to doubt. But remember: Peter sinned! Paul sinned! 1 John 1:8 - All fail some – (RD).
a. Be patient! You’re made in God’s image – not image of failure! Don’t get caught in self-pity. Failure only permanent if quit trying! As, I believe bro. Neale Pryor said when he visited for Lect:
b. Failure not final. Apostles may laughed @ Peter - but God chose him to speak at Pentecost.
3. How about – “No one will know”!? You know! God knows - Ps 139 makes clear! (RD 139:7).
C. <<Rpt lies!>> All lies, from Father of Lies. But, don’t have to believe – don’t have to listen.
· T - Really my point! We know he’s a liar – know he’s after us, but what is…
III. Our Response
A. How respond to Satan’s strategy? Need understand truths about tempt. seen in James.
1. 1st must know source of temptation is not God. James 1:13 (RD). God not author or source of temptation, Satan is.
2. 2nd – specifically, tempt. our desires. Jms 1:14 (RD). If not enticed, tempt. powerless. "Enticed" - fish term – “to be lured by bait." Worm like steak to fish. Fisherman baits hook, fish doesn’t know there. Deception - entices fish, sets hook. After that, it’s too late.
3. 3rd idea - must understand there is way out - no temptation is irresistible. In 1 Cor 10:13 (RD). God always provides the way of escape.
B. Having said, look at 5 ways we can handle temptation and defeat Satan’s strategy.
1. Must be aware of strategy. As told in 2 Cor 2:11 – “not ignorant.” Remind self to think about how Satan works. Unless aware of strategy, be caught off guard by subtlety. A good soldier will study his enemy. Don’t be caught off guard.
2. Must anticipate attacks. Ever think ought to exempt from attacks of enemy cuz Xian? Far from it! Now prime target! Be ready! Psg read AM,1 Pet 5:8 (RD). Attacks will come. Will often when least expect them - when weak - when down. Be ready! In fact, anticipate them. Then not surprised at attack. And you will recognize it for what it is.
3. Must guard minds! Since minds where attacks, must protect. In 1 Pet 1:13(RD). Minds must protected from influence of enemy as seeks lead us from truth of God’s Word. As Rom 12:2, minds need renewed if are be transformed by God. Where we focus minds determines vulnerability to tempt. If allow devil to influence how think about God, find ourselves taking step after step away from Him.
4. Must realize our limitations. Quickest way fall into tempt is think above it. Right b4 vs on tempt in 1 Cor 10:13 is vs 12, says (RD). Many thot never happen have wondered how got into mess in. Know limitations - stay away from situations where be enticed to sin.
5. Must depend on God’s resources. We in warfare! Our enemy is powerful. But, as Shad, Mesh, Abed say in Dan 3:17, we serve THE God who is able to deliver us!
C. God given powerful weapons to enable to bring minds in line with truth. Satan attacks mind - sowing doubt, delusion. But as depend on God’s resources, can defeat Satan’s schemes.
► So next time Satan mounts attack against you, see for what it is, refuse to be brought low by his trickery. Instead, resist! As it says in 1 Peter 5:9 (RD). Resist knowing that God will see you through. Don’t let Satan fool you by deceptive scheme. You’re fighting for your soul.
► Morphy story – Want that assurance? Can have it – can have greatest strength on side. Needs you to give life to Him. Initial – baptism. But needs to keep you. Been living Xian life like it’s 12/6/41 or 4/18/95 – blissfully ignorant…yet slipping into sin? God wants you back.