SOLA GRATIA LIVING: Living in Grace-Based Relationship with God

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*SOLA-GRATIA LIVING: Living in Grace-Based Relationship with God  Exodus 33:1-19; 34:8-10

*What is grace?  Are you living in it, Will Alexis?  Are you a stranger to the grace of God, under his righteous frown, found favour in eyes of the Lord, and know His smiling blessing upon you.   The good news for believers – met living Christ, heed His word, - Sola Scriptura

Who find in Him, not in religion or Good works – but His exchange on Cross, new life in resurrection! – Solo Christo;  Those who

*All of you share in God’s grace with me... filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God Philippians 1:7


A. UN-GRACE But let’s start with what we all know too well. That’s not grace but un-grace!  Comes in many forms we’ve all experienced this week doesn’t it?  Tasted negatives I’m sure:  Return tit for tat.  Eye for an eye – un-grace is justice without mercy ...pound of flesh, see even david struggles with this kind of vengeance...  Also dish it out!

Truth and Reconciliation Commission in SA – cycle of violence, hate, hurt, only broken by forgiveness Not cheap I’m sorry’s but real interaction of  truth, hurt, interchange: lives intersecting we’ll go on together. In Canada last week, abuse of Native schools;  resigned, unable to tell their stories untold /impossible!

But more subtle forms of un-grace too.  Look positive especially to religious people!  

I’ve ever earned it, so I’m entitledto… Maria in the Sound of Music... Somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good.  ..  Karma

Pelegainism – says, gives us all a kind of jump start, booster of grace, and then its up to us to follow through with good works that will save us.  Where the Red Fern Grows

 Grandpa: Well, it’s been my experience God helps those who help themselves. Now, don’t get me wrong.

If God wanted to, he could give you hounds as easy as cuttin’ lard. But that wouldn’t do much for your character.

Something like 75% evangelicals surveryed said biblical idea.  And 25% thought a quote from Bible!

Of course grain of truth here – God uses means we must be diligent in using those means –

But as basic approach to life? God is distant, He leaves the living of life up to me: that’s ungrace! 


Fundamental q: Do you live in a universe where there is a God of sov unfailing grace is in your life! 

Or: Do we live in a universe where you only get exactly what you deserve, justice will condemn us all?  A hard nose judge of a God, Are we people who with a little help from God just might be able save ourselves, save our world, or make it to heaven?  Or is it as OT puts it Salvation is from the Lord.

Satan was counting on that.When Adam and Eve fell into sin, both A & E, as well as Satan are surprised! Satan thinks his temptation has wrecked God’s plan, wipe it out.  A& E in bushes, shame, give up!

But God comes ,calls, covers them in their shame... Gives them first promise of Grace –

     send a Saviour from Eve`s seed – he`ll crush Satan.  ... that seed is Christ –

Out of ashes of all that`s lost – new way of victory, of flourishing life, of glory of relationships, kingdom!

That’s the surprise the covenant of grace Alexis is initiated into, but she & we must personally exp God`s grace:

Story is told of a man who fell off a cliff, but on his way down managed to grab a branch. He broke his fall but before long he realized that he could not pull himself back up onto the ledge. Finally, he called out, "Is there anyone up there who can help me?" To his surprise, a voice boomed back, "I am here and I can help you, but first you're going to have to let go of that branch." Thinking for a moment about his options, the man looked back up and shot back, "Is there anyone else up there who can help me?"

We are looking for someone to save us by helping us save ourselves.  But God says you must let me do it!

B.   WHAT THEN IS GRACE?   The Saving Favour of God

Not a state to be earned by bargaining with God: I have so much faith, acted so diligently.Danger in rel homes!

I’ve earned my way into heaven, entitled to easy life!  Islam never sure. RC friend fight darkness enough!

In some circles grace is like a substance dispensed by church – faith alone channel..

Sometimes so stress Sov of God, think its mysterious spiritual substance, like a divine energy the zaps you!

But you know what the plain truth is?  Grace is what we read in the OT use of the word: favour.

Grace is God looking on us with favour, mercy, God saying I want to and I will deliver you!

B.   WHAT THEN IS GRACE?   The Saving Favour of God You want to know if you have the grace of God? 

Tell me are you at a place in a relationship w God: where you are embraced by strong love of God?

Isn`t that the heart of what Moses is asking for:  If your Presence does not go with us… Exodus 33:15 

Think about it Israel just really blown it; Israel saw God, made cov, !Moses up the mountain, as

                       Aaron and the people making godds like the nations, throwing a wild party.

God says, I’m a holy God, removes His presence from the centre of the camp, tabernacle.

   in ch32, If I go with you in life now, I might destroy you, Now is a time for you to stop, mourn,  I will decide! 

God later says, I’ll start over again with Moses because I have an irreconcilable problem w Israel! 


Moses fully understands the problem: If you’re presence doesn’t go with, in middle of people, can’t go on – Without you favour of living in the very centre of our life, it’s  impossible to be God’s people on earth! Dead end.  If Israel can`t live in a friendship with God, forgiveness of sins, interest of sending His Spirit and Word to make us Holy – if God’s favour not on us - No grace – favour of God on sinners.  No future! 

*This is what Eph 2:1,3 captures in saying we are by nature children of wrath: curse of sin has corrupted and twisted us.  Dead in transgressions &sins

See we are that stiff-necked people before God – doomed, defiant. Like Adam & Eve scared!

*The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace…. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God! Romans 8:6-8

*Jesus says: Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.  Until admit this never throw self on mercy of God!

Deep truth needed to understand grace – humanity left in its own fallen nature can’t know God!  And this is why it must be God’s grace alone,

    His grace, His Presence by the Holy Spirit in us, find us, and changes us, and saves us! 


This is what is at the core of grace, God loves us in spite of our sin and inability, he comes to us!

So God gave Israel Moses, mediator. He’s like Father in tears face those that broke into SA church – saying son not come back, by condemning you to death – but for real forgiveness to happen – own up to – condemn act as evil – offer of new way – olive branch   - I`ll show my favour...

Way of undeserved favour that absorbs all the cost, the justice, into itself, starts to reverse suffering

Grace is the only way out of the downward spiral –

So God sent Israel Moses, who prayed for and won Israel’s new start! But now He has given the whole world His perfect Son.  Jesus says in John 6:44 No one can come to unless the Father who sent me draws him.  He says:  When I’m lifted up on that Cross – I’ll draw all men to myself!  


That`s what Sola Gratia is all about – throw out the old rule book of un-grace living!

And say, in Christ, I need God in pure love to forgive and set up His tent in cetnre of my life!

Not cheap grace, costly grace.  It`s like Jean Valjean in Les Mis, convict steals bishops silver candle sticks, brought back by police.  Bishop says I gave them.  Then comes his Choice,

If I receive this grace  must let go of all his bitterness, running from people, crime;

grace will revolutionize his life . Becomes factory owner, costly giving to workers, in revolution. 

See this is God`s goal with grace to His people:  the end result is that you and I,

   like Israel will have God in our lives in a saving way again! God in the middle of the camp. 

In the middle of Alxeis home, middle of our lives here in Exeter! Like Israel a light in the world!  

*     Well what are the signs that is starting to happen in our children?  Happened in us? 3 of them!



i.  Forgiveness:  Look at Moses`prayer in 34:9  Although  this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wickedness and our sin, and take us as your inheritance. Exodus 34:9

Dare we believe this about God and ourselves: that before God in our fallen nature we are stiff-necked!  That because of our sins, it all hangs in the balance for us and our world!

Read Ex 32 – open question; God had made cov of grace, but they blew it rejected it;

Could God take them back?  God`s threat is to withdraw his saving presence, foretaste of hell, We all need to admit in our sin that’s where we stand, or once stood!


A grace-relationship with God– starts with recognition that we need mercy

Conscience, Law of God, Spirit’s hand heavy on us – Ask your self whether bothered by sin,   Whether take forgiveness for granted like kids do a warm house, a tv, video games:

Not privilege, I deserve I’m entitled to it!  Think of the shortcomings ,in your life:  treat bro sis, the poor! You really want to be free: grace starts by realizing we need it by forgiveness & cleansing,

* That  only Christ can give, I can never earn!  Seeking a righteousness can’t muster up, but is in Him!


Baptism says we have a mediator, not Moses but Jesus who alone can solve guilt shame, get mercy!

But if you’ve experienced that first stirring of the Spirit: grief for sins, desire to be freed, renewed!

Compunction.  It will lead you to a second step, beyond just feeling, guilt or shame! 

Huge question: what do we do with our guilt, failure, shame, hurt – sulk, defeat, leave in room…

You know what Moses did just before this passage? God withdrew presence from middle of camp.  I can`t go with you! So Moses goes outside camp to a place called the Tent of Meeting

God is can’t live close to me, God meet me here. You who believe come worship God, with me.

Find God face to face, my friend! Old ways of our religion fall short now! Declare old self unsafe building!

So God if you’re going to save us, it’ll have to be pure grace, on God’s term in that Tent of Meeting!


Congregation that tent of Meeting is Jesus! died outside the camp ... deal with all sin!

Christ like Moses identitfies totally with us in our suffering, sin, feeling of God forsaking us.  Like Moses cried out as  Jesus would on the cross:

        blot me out of your book if possible – let them live flourish... for glory of your name.

Have you will our children have an encounter with Jesus like that at the Cross. Experienced total forgiveness?

              , not a 2nd chance, but a new life!  Complete acceptance and the saving presence of God flooding their lives!

That`s to experience God`s grace, let go of the branch of old religion, let Jesus renovate your life!

Next sign of living in a relationship of grace is in Moses request: 


ii.  Teaching By God  If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so that I may know you and continue to find favour with you!  Exodus 33:13

Grace is a relationship with God,.an ongoing one.  Not just once and for all forgivenss, heaven.

*But ever growing like God living in the middle of the Israelites, pres, word, action, judgments!

Like God living among Philippians: sharing grace, filled w fruit or righteousness that comes from Jesus!

*I used to think of grace as a state, chemical state, static – believe this, in it, end of story; get on with life any old way.  But let me ask: What’s God `been teaching you lately – anything? Empty page?

I know here and at home young children coming to understand basics of gospel – but question

But the question is: How is the grace, presence of God, affecting the rest of your life`s story! 


Moses knew God well, but he says, I can`t go on... till I get this vision of God`s glory!

What about you and me: Gospel of John says Jesus came full of grace and truth

   He is the tabernacle of God, tent of meeting,  He said:  I have have shared my glory with them! 

*If it’s true that you have grace, favour with God, then in Christ see more and more of God`s Glory!   Moses says I can`t get go on, face another day without your grace, speak to me direction, encouragement

If God lives with you, then his grace, will rescue you from destruction of sin, heal you from effects of others sin, raise you up with Christ; flooding you with love of God, equip you for service!

And so like Moses, like Israel you say, Now I can go up  into New Land, and God sends His Spirit, His Word, back into the middle of the camp, the tabernacle… He sends Spirit and living Word into the nitty gritty of our lives!  And its like life becomes a gate to the promised land,   lies wide open before

Alexis as a covenant child, has been brought into the arena of grace.  Jesus calls her within His fold,

*Like Jews of Old, heir of promises! But as she grow in an internal, personal way, she must experience grace of  God teaching her!  Talking about personal ethics /holy;   talking about kingdom work - servant

In a very visible way, that happened to Moses end of Ch 34 – saw glory – down mount face glowing.  We will hear Jesus, see His ways, character, find our part in doing His mission will

*And that is indeed what happened with Jesus disciples – on the mount – Heard voice this is my Son in him I’m well pleased Listen to Him – they do and then they go down into the valley doing incredible work of the LORD!  They shine with grace in the world, see Father delighting in them too!

 You can bet as they went in grace felt: you are my beloved son and daughter,  doing my will, I delight in you!

 Let me ask you if any sign of God delighting in you doing what He’s teaching you in here? Sign of grace


iii. Inheritance:  Usually in baptism service speak of inheritance God has given us, in baptism like Jews of old, set apart by God, so that by faith, take hold of great and precious promises!

But this is something more startling – Alexis and you and I – if live in a relationship of grace You know what will happen: we can become God`s great inheritance on the earth!

Although this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wickedness and our sin, and take us as your inheritance! *Exodus 34:9

An Inheritance is something so prized passed down – accumulated wealth – crown prince and princesses.  Like Wooden canoe ...take care of it... last the ages... books hard cover... desire to pass down.... But a person doesn`t get his or her inheritance till it reaches term.


Even for God that`s true – God is pictured throughout Scripture in all of human history:

    Going out to meet us, waiting on us, serving us, protecting us in His covenant of grace

Sense that God doesn`t have fullness of His glory in this world yet,

       until all His children taste His glory and made right by Jesus, Until they shine like Jesus!

Think of it God made a creation that turns against Him, all these lose ends in our world and lives. But the Fullness of his glory is God taking those loose ends and in Christ somehow making something beautiful stunning overcomingly good and victorious and right, in the middle of it all! 

All of history, all of Alexis story will be God waiting patiently, wisely, powerfully, joyfully,

   even heart-wrenchingly bring all things to come to fullness through the grace of Jesus Christ!  

That`s what God says “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you. Exodus 34:10

Congregation do you feel the weight of our sin, and its release in forgiveness of the Cross.

Do you see the glory of Christ ever brighter in His word, and let him teach you daily!

Do you feel that certain hope, that you`re treasured by God, and He`s making the loose ends of our lives into His inheritance of glory 

Those are the signs of grace and we like Moses and Israel pray until we and our children get them!

Its then that this grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.   

Gathering Songs;  We Bow Down (SNC 42);  Here I am To Worship

Welcome:  Announcements – Saturday 9:30am Workshop

We Approach the God of Grace

Call to Worship: Psalm 105: 1, 8, 3, 45

L: Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;

        make known among the nations what he has done.

C: He remembers his covenant forever,

       the word he commanded, for a thousand generations.

L: Glory in his holy name;

     let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.

C: That they might keep his precepts and observe his laws.

      Praise the Lord.


Song of Adoration: Be Unto Your Name


Greeting and Mutual Greeting: 


We Seek God`s Grace

Prayer of Confession: Titus 3:5-7 









Song of Assurance:  You are My King



God’s  Covenant-Embrace is Seen

Words of Institution:

Congregation, let us hear the Lord’s command

concerning the sacrament of holy baptism.

After he had risen victorious from the grave,

Jesus said to his disciples:

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,

                               baptizing them in the name

      of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

                                         (Matt. 28:18-20)


God’s Covenant Promises:  






Let us hear the promises of God confirmed in our baptism:


God graciously includes our children in his covenant,

                         and all his promises are for them as well us. 

As in the OT God commanded circumcision

as a seal of the covenant and as a declaration that righteousness comes by faith.

So our children should be baptized as heirs of God’s kingdom and of his covenant. 

As children mature,

              their parents are responsible for teaching them the meaning of baptism.


Baptismal Hymn:  588 God the Father, God of Glory


Prayer of Preparation:


Father in heaven, we pray that you will never destroy us in our sin as with the flood,

      but save us as you saved believing Noah and his family,

         and spare us as you spared the Israelites who walked safely through the sea.
     We pray that Christ, who went down into the Jordan and came up to receive the Spirit,

who sank deep into death and was raised up Lord of life,

 will always keep us and our little ones in the grip of his hand.

We pray that in this baptism you will again be merciful.

Look upon this child Alexis with favor by bringing her

into union with your Son, Jesus Christ, through your Holy Spirit.

May they be buried with Christ into death and be raised with him to new life.

Give them true faith, firm hope, and ardent love so that

                        they may joyfully bear their cross as they daily follow Christ.
May your Spirit separate us from sin and openly mark us with a faith

                         that can stand the light of day and endure the dark of night.

Prepare us now, O Lord, to respond with glad hope to your promises so that we,

and all entrusted to our care, may drink deeply from the well of living water.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!



Our Promises:

Since you, Mark and Jannene 

      have presented these children for baptism,

            we ask you the following questions before God and his people.

1.   Do you profess your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour

     accept the promises of God, and affirm the truth of the Christian faith

   which is proclaimed in the Bible and confessed in this church of Christ?  We  do.

2. Do you believe that your children, though sinful by nature,     are received by God

     in Christ as members of his covenant, and therefore ought to be baptized? We do.

3.   Do you promise, in reliance on the Holy Spirit & with the help of the Xn community,

                 to do all in your power to instruct these children in the truth of God's Word,

                                       and in the way of salvation through Jesus Christ?

Do you promise to pray for them and teach them to pray?

Do you promise to nurture them

     within the body of believers, as citizens of Christ's kingdom?


We  do, God helping us.


The Sacrament:

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

The promises of God’s grace are signed and sealed to us in our baptism. 

in baptism God promises by grace alone to forgive our sins;

       to adopt us into the body of Christ, the church;

       to send the Holy Spirit daily to renew and cleanse us;

and to resurrect us to eternal life.

This promise is made visible in the water of baptism.
            (Here water is poured visibly and audibly into the font.)

Water cleanses, purifies, refreshes, sustains; Jesus Christ is living water.


Prayer of Thanksgiving:

Let us pray.

Lord, Our God, forever faithful to your promises,

Look with kindness on these parents, Steve & Sarah

Let them always rejoice in the gift you have given them.

Grant them and all of us, the presence of your Holy Spirit,

that we may carry out our vows.

That Sophia and all our children may grow

to know you, love you, and serve you and their neighbor.

through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.



The Welcome

Brothers and sisters,

We now receive Alexis DenHollander, into Christ's church.

Do you welcome them in love,

and do you promise to pray for, encourage,

and help nurture them  in the faith?


Disimisal of 3year old – Gr4 Sunday School


God’s Covenant Grace Heard

*Scripture:  Exodus 33:1-19; 34:5-10 p.88

By Grace Alone: Living in Grace-Based Relationship with God 


Responding to God’s Grace

Hymn of Response:  486  Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing


Congregational Prayer



Doxlogy: My Friends May You Grow in Grace

Doxlogy: My Friends May You Grow in Grace

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