How To Obtain Peace
I know people that seem to want nothing more than to see things get stirred up
It appears that trouble and turmoil follows them around and it is the only thing that makes them happy
We live in a world of sin and if you are lost you are held captive to that sin
John 8:34 (servant of sin)
For Christians, we allow Satan to sneak in and, most of the time, we are completely unaware that he is causing trouble in our lives
Sin is chaos, turmoil, trouble and we have to deal with it everyday
If I took a poll, of both lost people and Christian people, and ask, “what is the one thing you desire most in our daily lives”, many would say “peace”
So why do we not have it, like we would like it, it our lives?
We as a culture, a people, encounter conflict so often that we have learned to expect it
Countries are waging wars against one another
We have personal conflicts with our friends and family
As Christians we are right in the middle of a war against good and evil
Face it…its a part of life
Christ tells us we will face conflict
John 16:33 (ye shall have tribulation)
So, how can we have peace?
First, what is peace?
The dictionary defines it as harmony, a state of reconciliation
But, what is the worlds idea of peace?
No war, no conflict
But that is not peace
Lets look again at John 16:33
If peace is a life without conflict then what is it Jesus is saying
He says, “we will have conflict”
And, “may we have peace”
Peace is not the absence of conflict
Peace is harmony and being in a state of reconciliation during times of conflict
In the beginning when God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden of eden, the idea was for them to live and have dominion over th plants and animals and to commune with Him
This was the way God intended things to be
Then, sin entered the world
From that point on man would face hardships and conflicts, but it didn’t mean we could not have peace (I mean true peace)
So how does this happen? How do we achieve “true peace”?
Paul tells us that certain things Must take place to obtain true peace
I. Philippians 4:4 (rejoice)
We must get right with God and rejoice
Wasn’t it like this with Adam and Eve in the beginning?
They lost peace when they hid from God
As long as we resist God we can not know peace
Running from the call to preach for me is a good example
Do we ever hide from God?
That’s why Jesus came and died, to restore peace and give us salvation
When we submit to God’s Lordship then we have taken our first step to true peace.
II. Philippians 4:5 (must show moderation to all)
Moderation = gentleness (gentle behavior)
Not everything or everyone we come in contact with will try and accommodate us in our goal for true peace
Romans 12:8 Paul says that we must do everything in our power to be peacemakers
Matthews 5:9 Jesus says, “blessed are the peacemakers”
We must pursue peace in our hearts
Don’t go out and try to make the situation worse
Why do we have shocks on our cars?
They make for a smoother ride
We must become like shock absorbers in order to find true peace
I’m not the type that likes to give a little during some situations
My dad always said I think I have to have the last word
III. Philippians 4:6 (prayer and supplication)
We must overcome worry and anxiety
Paul says, “in order to do that we must pray”
He is not talking about falling on our knees in desperation
The kind of prayer we need is to fill our hearts and our minds with God
We must let God Soak in
Let our hearts and minds soak up all that God has for us
Then, we must petition to God and tell Him exactly whats on our minds
He already knows our hearts but He wants to hear us confess it before Him
We must face the problem
Then, we must trust in Him
If we do these things, then…
IV. Philippians 4:7 (obtain true peace)
We often want peace but we don't want to do what God tells us we need to do to obtain in
Its not a quick fix
We must be obedient to God
It starts with us regardless of who else is involved
Just because we may be distraught or face with conflict doesn’t mean we can’t have true peace
This peace can only come from God
We must:
1. Get right with God
2. Show gentleness to all
3. Pray and fill our hearts and minds with God
Then, we can have peace amid-st conflict
No matter what we face we can live in peace…