Christ Our Coming King

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That I can stay so far. The day's been a pretty awesome boss.

All right. I woke up this morning super excited because one of the great things about being A discipleship Pastor versus just being a youth pastor is what they've just talked about is being able to have a little bit more added to my plate and one of the things I get really super excited about his preaching and teaching. And so today I get to do this three separate times. So when my alarm went off I was already awake and thankfully with the time rolling back the Sun was shining right in my face and it was like God saying you're ready for the day. So it was a great morning and just being able to come up here and know that I'm getting ready to talk to you guys about the most exciting thing that we get to share with people about Jesus and that is Christ Our coming King. I want to also say to guys Maranatha expression mean the Lord is coming and one of Jesus ascended into the clouds in for many months and years after Jesus left. This is what Christians would say to one another as they were passing each other along the road. It was just an idea of being able to express that excitement about the Lord is coming back again. Amen. He is coming now, unfortunately at that time, they thought he was coming in the very near future. So they were rushing they were preparing they were getting themselves ready for when Jesus came back and what they didn't realize is that that wasn't exactly what he had in mind. He wasn't just going to come back immediately. He said a charge to them when he told them to go and make disciples. Now the area that Jesus cover through his time here on Earth was actually pretty small the distance between Nazareth and Jerusalem is about 50 miles. So the area of the sheet covered with all that much now if you think about Paul, however, he traveled a great deal. He was all over the place. I think I did the math. He travelled like 12,000 miles. It has three missionary Journeys in his final journey to Rome. that's a long way to go but I think we all know how big the world is it so God had this idea that he wanted every year to hear. His name so our work is not done Chrysler coming King is the fourth pillar of the Christian Missionary Alliance is for Full Gospel. It is the culmination of Christ's victory over sin and death and the Redemption of his people it is universally believed throughout Christian faith in all denominations that Christ will return at some point in time. Now the manner in which she will return is always up for debate obviously, but why does the CMA consider this pillar? Part of their Doctrine the fourfold gospel take the through a journey from when we become a part of the body of Christ until we are glorified by him and his return Paul cause or Paul calls the return of Christ Our blessed. Hope it's so diverse. I want to look at real quick before we jump into her or passage. Here is Titus 2 11 through 13 for the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation for all people training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly possessions passions and to live self-controlled up right and godly lives in the present age waiting for our blessed. Hope the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. It's awesome that this is what is described is our blessed. Hope. How many of you guys have ever hoped before?

Why hope everybody's raise their hand. Hope your foot hoping for something made for your living without hope that's a pretty it's pretty boring life. When I was growing up, I hoped at the age of 14 to be able to become a pastor cuz that's really really really what I wanted to do. Now. I had a lot of people in my life that influenced me. I have my youth pastor. I have my grandfather. I had many many many people in my life that really poured into me and taught me about Christ. And it was that just motivation and hope that guided me through the the coming years of being able to do that. I also wanted to become a father. Now my dad was 35 years old when I was born if you might be sitting here thinking well, that's not too old. Well for me, that was old. Cuz I was really into sports and my dad was kind of overweight just like I am now. Thanks Dad for the jeans and when he was 45 and do his getting in the fifties was kind of the time that I was playing sports and I wanted to come out and play with me and he was tired. Get a long day at work and he wasn't exactly the most athletic person either. So I kind of told myself back of my mind. I wanted to have kids early. So I was the crazy guy who had four kids by the time you're 25. two or more sitting back there and 70s a couple weeks ago my twelve-year-old just beat me at Sprint. So we are never racing again.

But hope brings us passion. Hope brings us happiness that in sometimes that hope brings us. Peace and where we are today. So when the Bible tells us that our blessed hope is the second coming of Christ. We have something to look forward to. Don't want to start off with number one is the promise that Jesus made to us. He has made a lot of promises to us. But the one promised that we Proclaim to be that blessed. Hope is the one that he is coming again this promise even bring us hope when our world continues to fall deeper and deeper into darkness since his accession Scholars have made hundreds of prediction is when Jesus return because of the wickedness of the Earth.

We've had Riders all over you all the time writing about all this is one that Jesus is going to come back. This is when the world's going to end. There was a guy back in 1988 that wrote a book that said you was going to come back on this week Rosh Hashanah. He sold 4 1/2 million copies.

Well that day came and passed he wrote for more books claiming that he knew the date. How many more copies do you think you sold?

The Bible tells us stop trying to figure it out because you're not going to know Jesus is going to come like a thief in the night. but when he comes every eyes going to see in Acts chapter 1 verse 6 to 11 and we just got done reading. Jesus is kind of giving them that promise of saying so when they come together, they asked him Lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? He said to them it is not for you to know times or Seasons that the father has fixed by his own authority, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria and to the end of the Earth and when he had said these things that they looked on he was lifted up a cloud took him out of their sight and while they were gazing into the heavens as he went the whole two men stood by them and white robes and said men of Galilee. Why do you stand looking in the heaven? This Jesus was taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven. So they asked him. Why aren't you starting the kingdom now? Everyone is just seeing you. being raised for the Dead he was raised from the dead for 40 days. hundreds of people saw him you would think that would be enough. Hope to light that fire.

But no.

Because even those that were around Jesus still crucified him.

You see it was more about them than was about him. And his charge to us is that he wanted the gospel the word to go all throughout through some Judea throughout the entire Earth. millions of people billions of people now But you need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. and on that day He will come back when everyone is hurt. And that is why the CMA has placed this as number four on their pillars of the fourfold Gospel. This is the most important piece when it comes to bring the gospel to the Nations. It's a give the Blessed hope that Christ is coming back again. Amen.

We want to see as many people as possible. Come to know Jesus as their personal savior. We must be ready. number two a gentleman visiting a certain school gave out that he would give a prize to the pupil whose desk he found in the best order when he returned. But when will you return some of them asked that I cannot tell you was the answer a little girl who had been noted for her disorderly habits announced that she meant to win the prize you her schoolmates Jared at her why you're always out of order by the way. My desk is always out of order. Oh, but I need to clean it the first of every week. Buster Posey comes at the end of the week. Someone asked then I will clean it every morning. But he may come at the end of the day.

For a moment the little girl was silent. I know what I'll do. I'll just keep it clean.

kids take note You never know. What will come and do a surprise inspection always keep it clean raise your hand if you've ever been the military. Yeah.

How is basic training? especially in the mornings when the girls are just came in at three 4 in the morning turned on the lights and everything had to be cleaned.

411 weeks I woke up in the dark. That means no lights on we were not allowed to turn the lights on drill sergeant turn lights on everything had to be clean bathrooms have to be clean beds made Uniforms on ready to go in the dark. Because we had to be ready. We had no idea until that light came on when they were walking through that door. Sometimes we stood there for half an hour. Sometimes it's still there for 30 seconds. Sometimes that light came on. There are three four guys Mosey around we took care of them later.

We had to be ready. How are you getting yourself ready for when Jesus comes?

We need to stay do we need to stay around Christians?

It says that we're supposed to go out to the entire Earth. But there are a lot of Christians just believe that as long as we keep the company of other Christians, that will be just fine.

And we don't allow other people into our circles.

Do you guys think that's the right way to be?

How about choosing to study? overaction

You hear a lot about people that like to study the Bible. They like to learn more about Doctrine and Theology and and really academic people. But then there's no action. They don't actually go out and teach people what they just learned.

Is being ready to include others?

What is Jesus really trying to get across to us when he says be ready? Be ready for my return.

What about placing ourselves In Harm's Way?

At the height of World War II Dietrich Bonhoeffer wasn't was imprisoned for taking a stand against Hitler yet. He continued urge fellow Believers to resist Nazi. Tyranny a group of Christians believe that Hitler was the anti-christ asked Bonhoeffer. Why do you expose yourself to all this danger? Jesus will return any day and all your work is suffering will be for nothing. Bonhoeffer replied if Jesus returns tomorrow then tomorrow I'll rest from my labor. But today I have work to do I must continue the struggle until it is finished.

If you believe that it's easy to be a Christian today, you're doing it wrong.

I know I sound blunt. Are you doing it wrong?

Are you taking hoping it though?

It is not easy to be a follower of Christ. There's a reason why Jesus says take up your cross and follow me. The cross was not easy to bear. It was Agony walking down the streets.

But if that Agony that pushes us to make sure that everybody that we come in contact with in our lives knows the name of Jesus. We must be ready. You must be ready to share the gospel not just to say hi and move on. We live in a town. That is so small that we should know almost everybody. right

We had a lot of people that came through last night the church for the trick-or-treat 131 bags of candy. That's a lot of candy. What a while I've been touched just from two hours.

As a church. We have so many people sitting here today. Just think of the hearts in the mines in the lines that we can touch. If we're just ready. Ready to include everyone. It's around us. in our lives

Romans 8:18 through 25 says for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation Waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility not willingly, but because of him who subjected it in Hope. It isn't hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption in obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the Pains of childbirth until now and not only the creation but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for the adapt for the adoption as Sons the Redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved now. Hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees. But if we hope for what we do not see we wait for it with patience.

Paul he explains that the suffering that is going on in this world is worth enduring to experience the Blessed. Hope of Christ's return. Are coming King has prepared A Place For Us in his kingdom. So I really want to focus on verses 24 through 25 for in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not really hope. For who hopes for what he sees. But if we hope for what we do not see we wait for it with patience.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing?

Jesus understood this concept of when our focus is on him. Our focus is in ourselves. When we see things for ourselves that hope diminishes because will is that it?

None of us have ever seen heaven. None of us have ever seen the presence of God completely. There's only a handful. but even been in that type of presents It's amazing the Bible describes.

But if we hope for that. Imagine what we can share with those who have never even heard Jesus's name. Even our best imaginations pale in comparison to what heaven will actually be. And for those who have no faith. They have no hope. I want to I want to show a video right now. It's actually a song many of you probably know it. We're going to fast forward to the minute 30 mark on it.

I can only imagine what it will be.

narwhal are you sad? I Can Only Imagine what my eyes will see Wednesdays I Can Only Imagine

I Can Only Imagine

or in Longview

I Can Only Imagine

I Can Only Imagine when that day comes and that's fine standing in the Sun. I Can Only Imagine

I Can Only Imagine

Only Imagine


I Can Only Imagine


forever worship you

I Can Only Imagine

If you got time for that song. That song came out about 20 so years ago.

This band was told if you've seen the movie span was told that they wouldn't make it. And I wrote that song for Amy Grant. Then Amy Grant give it back to him. The rest was history greatest Christian band ever.

Because he at home.

Barney Miller lost a lot of Hope when he had to deal with the abuse abuse from his dad. But it was actually.

Jesus commanded that

President Obama number 3 How do we finish the task? The Angels who came to speak to those watching Jesus ascended ask them. Why do you stand? They have received their tasks now. They must finish it. Go throughout the world proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ who will be coming back. Maranatha We are not done. Jesus has given those who are lost these final days of grace and mercy and we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are all missionaries. in God's creation with the gifts of the Spirit of God has equipped us with all that we need to make disciples. So what is holding us back? Finishing the task will not be easy and it will take sacrifices in a commitment to lay down our lives for the for the cause of Christ. It's what he did for us so that we could be with him in heaven. We need to finish the task or finish the race. Jesus has already said that he will come back. If you are save today, he will come for you. But if there's other people in your life that you know do not have that Saving Grace that have not made that commitment to Christ. Pray earnestly for them. It's seek them out and share within the Blessed. Hope that is Jesus our coming King and then

Jesus is going to be super excited what he gets to come back cuz he's ready to come get his bride groom. But God said it's not time. Every day that we live on this Earth is another day of blessing. It's another day of Grace. It's another day of Mercy that God is showing to his creation and saying I'm giving you one more day. One more day to make a difference one more day to spread the gospel one more day to give you the opportunity. to repent one more day.

We can't give up. We can't be short timing. You military guys, especially when those days started getting down to when you knew you were getting out when you knew your contract was going to be out. It's already called that short timing.

But I think the guys are sitting in this room. You guys weren't short-timers you work till the very last day. Cuz you understood what it meant to serve.

Remember what it means to serve your Jesus?

I want to end with a a short story. Years ago a father coached a team of eight year olds for this man's head is his father coached a team of eight year olds. He had a few excellent players and some who just couldn't get the hang of the game. So I'm going to baseball dad's team didn't win once all season. But then last inning of the last game his team was down only by one run. There was one boy who had never been able to hit the ball or catch it with two outs. It was his turn to bat. He's the prize the world. He got a single. The next batter was the team Slugger best player on the team. Finally. The dad's players might win a game. The Slugger connected with the ball and as the boy who hit the single ran the second he saw the ball coming toward him. Not so certain of the baseball rules. He caught it.

final out dad's team lost Quickly, however, my father told the team to start cheering. The boy be named but never occurred to him that he had lost the game. All he knew is he and hit the ball and he caught it both for the first time.

His parents later think they think about that. Their child had never even gotten a game before that season. We never told the boy exactly what happened. We didn't want to ruin it for him and until this day. I'm proud of what my father did that afternoon.

Father we thank you. the amazing and wonderful person that you are

Your Glory shines around us today your presence is ever with us Bourdieu, give us grace and mercy every second of the day.

Lord I pray that as we celebrate our coming King that you helped us to be ready that you helped us to finish this pass you placed ahead of us. To share your gospel to all four corners of this Earth.

Lord you have blessed us so much. And you've given us the Holy Spirit to lead in to guide us to give us the spiritual gifts to make this happen.

Lord some of us have been playing this game or entire life. We've become those Sluggers.

Sometimes we miss the ball but most of time we're hitting it. We need to add to our team. There's a lot of people that don't know how to play. Help us to be great teachers.

Lord is our passion.

That we bring our brothers and sisters with us to have it. That we get to worship you and all of your glory. we can only imagine what it will be like

when we walk side-by-side with you. And we want everyone to share that experience with us.

The Lord as we celebrate your sacrifice as we come to your table today.

Open our hearts and our minds to what you want to teach us to where you want to lead us and guide us. Lord above you we praise you and we do all things in your name,

Well, thanks to covid-19 still with these does anybody not have their communion cups? If if you do not will help pass around. I don't see any hands.

So even after Jesus's resurrection and as he ascended into heaven The people were still asking him. Are you going to start your kingdom now? Are you going to establish Israel again? Jerusalem again is being the capital of the world?

But it already forgotten what you talked about at the table. Do this in remembrance of me? of My Sacrifice

and when they were at that table He broke bread and he passed around the table. And he said this is my body broken for you.

This is something that they hadn't experienced it because Jesus heading to sacrifice yet. They were still trying to understand. What it was are you trying to teach him for the very last time? So as he passed around he said take my body, which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me? Take and Eat

So you can imagine his disciples sitting there around the table? They're eating the spread thinking that. Oh, we know we know the story the pride of life. This is what this is.

Jesus is still talking about being broken.

They still weren't sure what was going on. Then as he took the cup. He passed it around and said this is my blood which is shed for you. for the forgiveness of sin take and drink.

This was his new covenant.

As we share and we remember the sacrifice.

There are also so many other things that we take into account when we think about what Jesus truly did for us. This morning in Sunday school class. We learned about the fall of Man.

And how it only took two chapters for that to happen.

Jesus had to come save us.

We talked about how Jesus could have gotten off of that cross whenever he wanted to. But he chose to stay up there for us. Amen.

I think Pastor Dave that come up.

Something else we also want to do today today is also All Saints Sunday. So we always take some time to remember those from our church who have passed away in the last year. So this last year we had four people pass away and as I read their names and we'll take a brief moment of silence after each name of rice will light a candle back here. But Rob if you could start through the names and remember Joe Amstutz, he passed away on February 18th 2020.

We will remember Jerry Hershey. Jerry passed away on March 13th of 2020.

Helen Myers passed away on August 10th of 2020

And then Betsy Sanders passed away on September 30th of this year.

Please bear with me in prayer as we remember them then this church for so many years people who?

We loved people who we were friends with people who were family members and Lord. I pray that you'll just be with all the families as they continue through the crazy and chaotic here Lord and adding the death of a loved one on top of it is a lot for anyone Lord be with those families bless them and keep them and may they have your peace Lord. We look forward to that day when we will be reunited with our loved ones when we're reunited with our savior in your name. We pray. Amen.

also before he comes up then leads us in our closing song today as we think about the these people needs families. I just want to share another quick announcement. I forgot when I did him earlier. There's some flyers in the back. I made up these flyers about our youth group. Then I handed them out last night as we gave out bags of candy they're back there. If you can think of high school middle school kids who it would be good for them to come and benefit from the youth group grab some and take them to him and share them with them and I got a couple of the kids to ride around on their bikes last night and pass them out around town. So, you know, I keep doing that. It's good way to promote things and I just want to remind you of that so mark

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