Exodus 7 - The Weighing of The Heart
Good morning.
the one in that song that says
these are the Lord of our shame.
no question in my mind that runs through your heart sometimes in those Quiet Moments when no one's around.
We know what Satan is according to God's word is that he's an Accuser. Fills our thoughts and fills our hearts with a sense of Shame. I'll sing about this for just a second. This is not just within this room or Christian. This is everybody on the world. Pretty Romans 1. Is the sense of comes in her guilt or sense of Brokenness and yet and yet it's not just Brokenness. It's not just accidental. It's not just something coming from the outside. We know that not only is the world broken but every human heart knows that inside we we were exposed our thoughts were known if our Deeds were really seen by everyone we would want to be naked and not ashamed right like in the car we would want to cover up and here's the deal. It's not just an accident. It's not just innocent. It's not just mistakes. It's Rebellion it sound is that we want to do this thing. And there is not a single place you could go and there's not a book you could read in any Library throughout history. There's not a guru or a magician or a or a soap strong enough to clean your soul as one single place. You can go it's free to you. It's available to you. It is paid in full but there is nowhere else except for the blood of Christ. Who is the Lord who takes away our shame and gives us life abundant life eternal. And freedom and Redemption, I mean if that's not worthy of Praise You Don't Have you don't have options before you friends? But one you have one and it's full and free. It is full and free that we praise God this morning when we pray for us. We're going to be reading from Exodus 6:26 to 7:13. If you want to open your Bibles quickly their father, we love you. We love to dwell on your were we have in our minds this capacity to be so bored. With the magic of the world around us. It is brimming with Grace trees and fall leaves and cool breezes in the full moon. Breath in our lungs beating Hearts. We don't control even one of them site from our eyes smells mother knows the beautiful sound of kids laughing in the nursery.
Comfortable chair and bibles and screens and Truth in the midst of a world of confusion and chaos and lies and accusation. This is a glorious morning. We are in the house of God has come to you with Thanksgiving as we feast in the name of Jesus. You hear our prayers to the name of Jesus. We love you Christ. Amen. Amen. You guys are standing you were going to read God's work together. Exodus 626-2713 These are the Aaron and Moses to whom the Lord said bring out the people of Israel from the land of Egypt by their hosts. It was they who spoke to the Pharaoh king of Egypt about bringing out the people of Israel from Egypt. This Moses into this Aaron on the day when the Lord spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt, the Lord said to Moses. I am the Lord tell Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say to you, but Moses said to the Lord behold, I am on uncircumcised list How Will Ferrell listen to me. And the Lord said to Moses see I have made you like God to pharaoh and your brother Max McLean reads it way better than I do. His voice is so much more full and wonderful. See I have made you like God to Pharaoh on your brother Aaron Shelby your Prophet you shall speak all that. I command you and your brother are and she'll tell pharaoh to to let the people of Israel go out of his land, but I will harden Pharaoh's heart and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt Pharaoh will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my host my people the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgment. The Egyptian shall know that I am the Lord when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring the people of Israel out from among them Moses and Aaron did so they did just as Lord commanded them when they spoke to Pharaoh, then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron Winn Farrow says to you prove yourself by working miracles in you shall say to Aaron take your staff and pass it down before Pharaoh that it may become a serpent to Moses. And Aaron went to Farrah and did just as the Lord commanded Aaron cast down his dad before pharaoh and his servants and became a serpent then Pharaoh summon the wise men of the sorcerers and they magicians of Egypt also did the Same by their secrets for each Man cast down his staff. They became servants, but Aaron's staff swallowed up their steps still Pharaoh's heart was If you would not listen to them as a lord had said this is the word of the Lord you may be seated.
By the way, I'm not sure if you knew this but in the ancient Church fathers the preacher with sit and the congregation would stand for the surface if you're feeling fancy next week. We'll try it.
The reason going back where in Exodus 17. I'm going to go back just a little bit and I know gay preach the beginning of of Exodus 6, and we got to the genealogies the last half of Exodus 6, and I'm not going to preach on the genealogy today. I want to let you go to your own set of you can go read through those names and list of of generations, but I do think it's important for us to understand the exercise 614 su-30 is written there for a specific reason. Why do you think there's written this list of names the glucose? father to son father to son household to household Is your reading these paragraphs hundreds of years are going by why do you think God would do such a thing? Because the god of Genesis who makes promises to redeem is the god of Exodus who is doing the redeeming and he is faithful to family line through family line as year passes year at generation goes to generation as fathers become grandfathers and great-grandfathers. God is doing his work amongst his people and his God sets up. This world that we still live in Right Touch the chairs touch something around you are living in this story the promises that God has made he is fulfilling and in fact, you're showing us to Exodus in the loud megaphone style how God will accomplish what he promises after we are just sitting and enjoying and relishing the god of the Bible. He has a long history of keeping his promises. What's look at Exodus 6 28 through 7 one together? I'm leaving the Lord spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt. The Lord said to Moses. I am the Lord tell Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say to you. Motorcycle Lord, I'm a man of unclean lips Will Ferrell listen to me. Lord said to Moses see I have made you like gone to Pharaoh in your brother Aaron Shelby the front if you've been following us through this Exodus Series so far you kind of seen the blossoming of Moses this kind of young preserved man. Write his it was preserved in the in the basket in the River Nile during the persecution from that particular Pharaoh on the first born sons and then he rose up as he was adopted into the house of Egypt and he was kind of puffed-up. It seemed a little bit of young Scrappy pride and he tried to be a Lord and protector even of the Hebrew people their strengths that ended up in Murder. But he was fleeing rides in his humility. He went out into Midian Into the Wilderness and stay there for forty years became a apparently a family man. Hadn't had a family but became old. I didn't God Is Now using Moses to lead his people out of Egypt and we had this marked a different kind of from now on with life of Moses. Moses is really kind of Humble, this may be more accurate to say he has been humbled. And how old is he in the story? Do you remember he dating is dating?
I mean it part of it is that he's not trusting in the Lord and he's been humbled and you have this incredible stark contrast in these verses with me looking at. the pride of feral and humility of Moses Pride vs. Humility not just in their actions and in their word put in the flavor of their hearts, and I'm kind of in titling this sermon if you care the weighing of the heart and you'll see why does minute Praise the lord. We should always remember. This is always weighing the heart religion ways. The Deeds puts them on the scale tries to down to receive people do this would like some kind of scale scales riding kind of tap it and I ain't trying to get it just right so their balances What religion does visits all of its time taking the little need Rover? Am I just right am I falling in my within the boundaries? How can I measure just right with the Lord is weighing the balance of your thoughts your actions your motives who you are. He has made you not just your actions. We're going to see The Marked difference between how the Lord weighs the heart of a prideful Man versus a humble man. Moses has low fever and older we can Flash he is made an ambassador for. That's what this is saying when it says that I'm going to make you like God to Pharaoh. He's not actually making him a deity He Is We can just see if in the verses before he says I am the Lord tell Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say to you in another words Moses is acting as an ambassador Before the Throne of Egypt and he is a representative of God's voice there an errand is speaking on behalf of Moses as a profit than true prophets would speak in the name of the Lord interesting ly enough this kind of same phrase comes out in acts when an axe 20 it says for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. turn on always happening in this story where Moses is acting what we're about to see as a representative of gone, but we to we to When we speak need not fail to present the whole counsel of God before the world is watching. I don't don't miss this quick with a verse about what's Happening Here. Because we are often that's what we are called to be the light to the world the aroma of Christ and the Very words of God to the world. How do you thought about that at all? Is that in your thought in all this week and what you're planning to do that the capacity for you to speak in to live and to work. Is it your capacity as you made in the image of God to actually reflect to God to a world that doesn't know what he's like. Exactly. That's what sin is a sentence of Maria Brokenness of our image that we display with our lives and actions and motives what God is not like But because we've been redeemed in Christ, the Christian church is a light to the world that shows what God is actually like in the midst of election season, right when the world is is kind of a muck and crazy and there's no truth. We need hope we need change right we want these things would it not be would it not be at the church was this clear picture of that truth and let me just make this very clear to in our society. Truth is Neon Bright in our decided to Society of of half-truths and deception and we don't know what what our lives are for. I don't even know what the Line in the Sand that is Neon Bright. Hated it loved but it is an anchor to hold onto with an anchor to hold on to it. And that's what we are called to be overcome. The whole counsel of God will keep looking on Exodus 7 2 through 5, you shall speak all that. I command you and your brother Aaron she'll tell pharaoh to let the people of Israel go out of his lamp, but I listen to this but I will harden Pharaoh's heart and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt stop right there. I will talk about this for a second because we've already seen this before that. God has told Moses. I am going to harden. Pharaoh's heart does it sound like you? Is it sound like? May God can a binding his hand was he giving him all these plagues and then he has hardened his heart. He has no choice on the matter. It's not. f*** white what's happening here? Cuz what do you think that would do to your thoughts of God right forever reading about this and God has hardened his heart and and he's getting condemned and and you should change but God has hardened his heart. He has no say in the matter. What's interesting food if we read the context of this will somehow it's praised Pharaoh hardened his own heart in 713 + 714 + 722 + 815 + 819 + 872 + 934 + 935 as a reference numbers, and then listen to the beginnings of Exodus towards the latter chapters of Exodus. It's the phrase changes and God hardens Pharaoh's heart in 9:12 in 10:20 and 10:27 and 11:10 and 14414 8 1417. In other words, this is something we can learn from. Pharaoh's heart hardened set I'm not going to pay you. I Don't Need You Who Who Are You his heart was hard
Getting evidence of who Yahweh is Moses comes and tells him get out of here. I don't need you. I don't listen to you. I Am The Sovereign here get out of my court. His heart was hardened. Another word, what he wanted to do each time. This isn't a god going. You know what I'm just going to I'm going to do this and you have no choice Kids Choice was raining free. And he chose each time to deny the Lord. I will not listen to you. I don't need you. You're not my thority. You're annoying me get out of here. That's what the inner heart says the Lord as a judgment the Lord begins to pull away and Ferris hard Heart Like laid out in the sun being Schoo harder and harder and more brittle and brittle I'll reason why we can learn from this because this works the exact same way today and the hearts of of us the hearts of the world the hearts of the people we live in but our hearts don't want Authority. I just don't they would love to work submit. They met a friend of that. We don't want to submit to God. We don't want the North or the other of we don't want rules of us. We don't want him telling us what to do. We are trapped and slaves to our own choices and God by his Mercy the grace. To soften the heart Ezekiel 36 and Jeremiah 31 are these capstone's in the Old Testament verse says God is coming to take the Heart of Stone replace it with a heart of Flesh are stone that doesn't feel anything for God and put it a heart of Flesh that actually feels and obeys in response to the Lord. The friends Romans 1. It's kind of more describes our de Paul describes this in Technicolor. That is terrifying. But those who know about the Lord those who see the Lord those who have that line of Truth drawn in their life. And if they don't want it, they don't want to go around it. I don't need it. Forget you I'll do what I want. Get out of here. Those who Rage Against the Lord will actually one they get what they want.
Forget to set up with soft and quoted that at the end of people's life unless you say to the Lord your will be done. The Lord will look back to you one day and say your will be done. You don't want to be here. You won't be right. You don't want my Authority or my love affection and the free gift of Grace. You want your own sufficiency in the fish sits efficiency of your Idols you can have They will rob, you know, your aunt will be destruction. The technical description from Paul is this from Romans 1. Just listen, just listen to this. For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and the unrighteousness of man. Who buy their own righteousness? What do they do with it? What is it? What is the culture like ours A decadent unrighteous culture like I was relieved do What's truth or we suppressant? It's there and it's inconvenient. What can be known about. It's plain to them because God has shown it to them for his invisible attributes namely coming from his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world right read Mere Christianity, right? The towel people have known this forever and the things that have been made so they are without excuse for although they knew God they did not honor God with him as gone or give thanks to but they became futile and they're thinking listen to this and their foolish hearts. For darkened claiming to be wise in themselves. They became fools, they exchanged the glory of the immortal gone for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping thing. Therefore gon give him up the lusts of their hearts. I got gave them over to the less. They already had two impurity to the dishonoring of their bodies amongst themselves that they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and they worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator that is totally describes our culture. Creador whose blessed forever for this reason God gave them over to the dishonourable passions for their women exchanged natural lotions for those that are contrary to Nature their men likewise, give up natural lotions with women and consumed with passion for one another men committing Shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their air and since I did not see fit to acknowledge God God gave them up to a debased mind to do it or not to be done. It were filled with all manner of unrighteousness evil and covetousness Mouse they are full of envy and murder and strife and deceit and maliciousness. They are gossips Landers haters of gone insolent hottie boastful inventors of evil disobedient to parents foolish faithless heartless ruthless, though. They knew God is righteous decrees that those who practice such things deserve to die, right? They know it. They not only do them, but they give approval to those who practice. What's the message marinating this for a sec? Is gone this tyrant's write this this bean counter right measuring the things we do know, he's measuring their hearts. They say give me kids but this is going to be accurate and I think you're nice looking Odyssey. Screw. You need your Authority. I will do whatever I want and though they know truth. They just suppressant and all sorts of things flow from are we are culture of maliciousness and covetousness. Are we a culture of lies and deceit or a culture of dishonoring parents or a culture of homosexuality? We have culture of things. Not only that we do them, but we give approval to those who do them we are. But if people out there we we are such were some of us in 1st Corinthians. God redeems out of the line in the murkiness of a mind that suppresses truth. If God does not give his grace you and I will be like feral our end will be that we continue the hardener heart. We continue to Blind RI we continue to say I don't want to see get out of here. I don't know who you are. You're bothering me. I don't need you. And we will try to live the life to the fullest eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you die.
Praise God who breaks chains not only does God make promises in Genesis to bring a blessing to the people, but the people who willfully say screw you I don't need you and I'll worship these Idols of Exodus about to show us that they're going to do when they worship the golden calf and you and I go and do this in the Lord of our shame not only creates us and loves us but in that Shaymin in that Rebellion he continues to come in and he comes is Emmanuel God With Us. We still don't like them. Right and he sees his truth is inconvenient. He bothers us he has to break us. He has to break him by his Mercy. He doesn't it's his kindness leads to repentance. Don't listen to me this morning. I think I was just religion. This is just an impressive. It's his kindness that leads us to repentance. Why does he love you like that? This is how we know what love is Jesus Christ laid his life down for sinners. Not just for those who deserved it not just for Israel because they were lovely because of his Mercy, but he gives Mercy John Calvin says, in fact God will that Pharaoh should pertinaciously resist Moses in order that the Deliverance of the people might be more conspicuous. Other words. God says look, I'm going to harden his heart. I'm telling you beforehand so that your Redemption is glorious. I'm not just going to save you. I'm going to be at this guy around for a little bit watch going to be fireworks. God is making sure that we know that he is the one doing the redeeming not Moses. It's not Aaron. It's God. And then our lives the same same way. We give glory to King Jesus. It's not philosophy. It's not Comfort. It's not Reformation protestantism. It's Jesus. It's Grace. Your education in recents does not save you by your reputation. Businessmen's don't save you kids no matter how good or bad you are does not say it is the grace of God. It is hers all praise. It comes to that singular source of Jesus later. Calvin says he again for pounds in this place has highest judgments in order. The Israelites may expect with anxious inattentive mine's is magnificent and wonderful mode of operation rights in other words. That's kind of crazy when you go. Hey, I'm going to I'm going to use your deliberate the Israelites and you marching to Paris Court. God says let the people go and Israel in Fairless who uses no get out. What are you do?
God let you down.
What do you think Moses would have thought of that moment? Praise God who says March in there and tell him to let you go because I can let you go. God is making sure most understands. He will get the glory looking for support Pharaoh will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my horse my people the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgments. Egyptian shall know the eye in the Lord when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out the People Israel from among. Resume outline Pharaoh will not listen to you. Like I said before this this preemptive warning this kind of pre-emptive wisdom of God that was coming to one of the marks of a profit if they truly put forgot that what they would say would actually come to pass and like I said before again, is that when you imagine Ferrell coming out of that meeting and kind of going. All right guys, here's the thing Pharaoh said, nope. Are the people Israelites kind of golf is Yahweh really going to say? Whistling this text the Lord says so that the Egyptians will know who I am. There was like a listen to you. We will do this the hard way. I will if you want to harden his heart, we will show a hard heart. If you want to deny you we will do this with fireworks, but here's an interesting. Here's an interesting comparison of the New Testament and ask for after Jesus had been crucified the people in the church have been gathering together to pray and they're kind of afraid. But listen. Listen, this is almost like you can see being inside of the camp of Israel the people the faithful people live in the missive tough times. This is how they speak. When they were released they went into their friends and reported with the chief priests and Elders had to said to them when they heard it and let their voices together to God instead Sovereign Lord. Listen to their prayer who made the Heaven and the Earth in the sea and everything in there who's through the mouth of Our Father David your servant said by the Holy Spirit, why did the Gentiles rage and people's plot in vain the kings of the earth set themselves. The rulers were gathered together against the Lord in against his anointed for truly in this city. There were gathered together against your holy serving Jesus whom you anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate along with the Gentiles in the people of Israel to do what your hand and your plan had predestined to take place and now Lord look upon their threats and Grant your servant to continue to speak your word with all boldness while you stretch out your hand to heal and signs and wonders are performed for the name of our holy servant Jesus and when they I prayed the place in which they were gathered together was shaken. They're all filled with the Holy Spirit and continue to speak the word of God with boldness. Listen to that language what's happening conspired against Jesus Herod and Pontius Pilate in and were being persecuted. Then we having a gathering our homes and yet this is all under the hand of The Sovereign God everything that you deemed to take place as just taking place with many signs and wonders write their prayers. Lord will help us to be reminded help us remember that even we can't see what's about to happen. You are not only the judge but you're the savior of the God who makes plans and promises and if he got it keeps his promise. they would do well on those two verses going to back and forth this morning for a minute, but Christian if you don't really know God's word, right these prayers won't be your prayers. Your prayers will be just kind of these Meandering boring things like Lord. I just helped me today to call Rich. This is those who know the promises of God know the plans of God Into the Heart of God, they have confidence in God, but even though we can look at things like Moses would have been the Israelites and the early church look like and we will look like in her own day. You can go to Lord. This is what you have planned. This is what you have purposed and as I've mentioned I think 3 weeks ago the events of the Lord's in the duties are About to see in just a second. Again. This is a really sweet verse in Exodus 7 6 and 7. Kids, I want you specifically listen up to this. Moses and Aaron did so fitted dresses Lord Commander
sweet little birds right there in the mail Moses and Aaron did exactly what the Lord told him to do. The qualified he says numbers was 83 years old. And Aaron was 83. When they spoke to Pharaoh, they were old they were weak. They were feeble right? He's that I'm a man of unclean lips. I need help. I need somebody come speak with me. I need a staff. But they simply obeyed is simply a bad B a pastor for a minute and just look at my congregations a simple obedience is atomically powerful simple obedience is atomically powerful. We waste so much time with you Bible studies studies. Simply reading God's word and taking him up in face. One Pastor I know who says one of the best prayers that a Christian can pray is Geronimo a myth. Geronimo amen listen to jump into it or do I trust you Geronimo? Amen? How often is it that we see God using? People who don't seem well qualified hear this old man writes them to use young boys. Sometimes use a strange means stones in a in a slingshot a god gets the glory specifically from those who obey why do we talked about and who are deeply flawed and yet we are calling them Heroes of the faith because they often frequently just simply obeyed that verse is not a small birds in this in this chapter. Moses under the the command of God simply obeyed. One day clothes with pasteurized Myers says desperate times call for Faithful Men not careful men. Careful men come later in right the biographies lauding the faithful men for their courage.
Read that again desperate times call for Faithful Men not careful careful men come later and write their biography slotting them for their courage. Hudson young guys called guys adult men women same we want to be fake not careful. Not careful, but we just need to tread lightly. We're going to get through this. We've got a couple years right with make our house comfortable make our life comes full to get our degrees will just do all these things. You want to be faithful Above All Things faithful in the midst of life. Let God be true. Although every man be a liar right by culture wants to suppress the truth with exalt the truth or cousin wants to push it down with raise it up. Right or crisis exalt is a drawing into himself simple obedience blood calls us to go. Let's go the Lord calls us to make disciples. What's make disciples? The Lord says read my word and make it 11 to your feet. Let's read his word. We are people with all sorts of simple commands and yet we think we think just like the floss me see in every magazine rack that there must be some seven steps in secret. We can unlock this key. If only we could find the Passover just delivered that perfect sermon and just Enlighten us enough to this Christianity's becomes real and robust in good then that would really vindicate all this time. I spent on it no simple humble. Beads and walk with your Lord let him be the Good Shepherd and you be a sheep. That's led to Green pasture and Still Waters so that you shall not want simple obedience is atomic lippo in our world and that deal Moody said of Moses, which I thought was really cool Yule movie with Whitney Lee said Moses spent 40 years in Pharaoh's Court thinking he was a somebody 40 years in the desert learning that he was a nobody in 40 years showing what God can do with a somebody who found out that he was a nobody. We we we need to understand this this this. Okay. Well, this is what you say. I will humbly obey Barrow forget you. I'm not a bank is a big difference when did Reformation happen in our world? When is Reformation going to happen? Today right yesterday today. Hey, it happens if the Lord moves through his willing service. The church if my people would humble themselves and pray write this is what we want to be people who are quick quick to abandon the comforting and familiar voice of a Good Shepherd 72134. Lasso selection. This is why that this is entitled The weighing of the heart in the Lord said to Moses and Aaron when Pharaoh says to you prove yourself by working a miracle, then you shall sit and take your staff and cast down before Pharaoh. They may become a serpent. So Moses and Aaron went to fear when did just as the Lord commanded Aaron cast down his staff before pharaoh and his servants and it became a serpent then Faro Summit his wise men and The Sorcerer's and they The Magicians of Egypt also did the Same by their secret hearts for each Man cast down his staff in the beginning Aaron's staff swallowed up their stats. Still there's heart was hardened and you would not listen to them as the Lord had said.
Make a couple of quick remarks before I get maybe the heart of this but here we kind of have this dual right the Lord in Truth versus the illusions of magicians. Here's just the plain fact. There's a lot of commenters that says his kind of tricks. You can do with the snake. Sometimes we do like they will head like this. Kind of get rigor mortis. No no fries. If you guys ever seen like National Geographic in Lacroix bad sharks head one way in the like flip over in their belly weird stuff. Like maybe they did the snake like stick and it's real still with throw it down and it starts the week. Maybe it was like a trick smoke and mirrors. Fully cooked it's been demonic.
The thing is is that in our world not a one-to-one comparison, but often write the true works of God are seemingly counterfeited are the things that our world has to offer the wisdom that you and I sit here and take in from the word of God. There are libraries of supposed wisdom in this world, but is a counterfeit to the truth of the Lord. Play God's word swallows up. Right and devours. It is a bankrupt and faults and yet it is a legitimate attempts to be a counterfeit. There's a bit of a pastor application here for a minute. I can go down the line not just with philosophy. But with with the good life questions about Abundant Life, that's what Jesus promises in him. He thinks your shame away. There was a promise on every corner on a Friday night. I'll be good life. You can be whole and happy and comfortable. You can be successful and wise. It's a counterfeit God's truth is the real thing the real substance and it weighs. The heart is one of the main takeaways was there are two tables that you can eat for metaphorically or two hands. Maybe you can either eat from the hand of the Lord entrusts. Are you can eat from the hand of the of the accuser and of and I both of them said here take from me and eat by the serpent in the garden said here take from me and eat you don't need to eat from him, but they ain't wrong life wasn't the fruit. That was the problem was from whom whose hand they took the fruit from but that's the whole point. Here's why this is called the weighing of the heart with an interesting study of this section. And I didn't know that I had always thought that the the reading of this miracle is that Aaron's staff became a snake but that's not really what the word is. It's in here. It's translated as serpent, but it really could be kind of fits the word Hebrew word which could mean crocodile sea serpent monster in Austin crocodile that's important there. Is there a slide in the hieroglyphs? Okay. This is an interesting hieroglyph. Nibbling, see this.
I think I can cut her point out the story but this is have you ever heard of the Book of the Dead the Egyptian Book of the Dead at the Egyptian spell book and it was often about how to how do we get the dead? How do we do we do with their souls and you know, the Egyptians right? You can see the pyramids in the coffins. They were really concerned about protecting their soul on death and judgement silver pack them with all sorts of goods and sacrifices and really want to make sure that these people got onto some Grand afterlife. What year is this depiction from The Book of the Dead And here we have Osiris here and here we have a Mot and here we have. Oh, oh boy. What's his name? It's a motel right here is being washed. He's getting prepared cuz he wants to get into the court of Osiris the whole depiction here. And so he's being washed here is a Mot whose head is a crocodile tears the balance. Can you see these scales here? Here to another Egyptian gods one with the the the head of a falcon and one of the head of a jackal and here's the Scribe who's going to record the Judgment of Imhotep. It's a when he comes and Imhotep comes into the scales. Here's the the prayer and here's this the weighing of his deeds right to the prayers that are lifted up for him. If his heart is found in the balance wanting if his heart is not right. But he'll be devoured by a moot the crocodile. It's heart will be destroyed and he will be my guest annihilated in that into the outer Darkness bite. If his heart has found write and balance. He'll go into the court of Osiris. I think it's really fascinating but the Lord goes to Faroe and they have this battle of the snakes and in the Hebrew word. It says and the Lords in a crocodile and just devoured Hebrew the Pharaohs snakes hear the Lord saying your heart is whole entire chapters about the weighing of his heart. It's your heart. It's your heart. It's hard pharaohs City Moses's is is humble. What's the best advice line at the Bible divided of people wouldn't because their skin was darker because they were a different Geographic line is because the people's hearts were against the Lords of Battle of soul and throughout every verse talking about the weighing of the heart. They know who really weighs the heart was not these gods It's the hallway was a God that he did not know another way. You can kind of a trip of this if you want to go proper with the snake. Was it on their head piece the field where a year? It was a cold cock back. You can see this know what the Sphinx looks like in seeing it and on his head piece with a cobra it was because the your Reyes represented his deity. He was the god represented by a cobra hear the Lord swallowing those up, right you are nothing and I'm about to prove it and then we're about to be we're about to get to deploy eggs or often known as the Ten strikes the God will redeem his people. He's giving signs and wonders signs to Pharaoh that you are bankrupt and you are hardened and wondered if the people of Israel, but our God is Not only judge, but he is Redeemer. That's what he is.
In this by reading this quote from FB Meyer. In God's dealings with his people. He proposed to reveal himself to Egypt so that when he led forth Israel's host and Redemption power from the brickfields of slavery on the resurrection ground. There might be afforded such a display of his love and his pity and his power as the world had never before witnessed Egypt and all the surrounding Nations should know the character of God In The Exodus and the lover and the Redeemer of his own. So it is with the church the apostles tell us that the redeemed men are to be the subject of angelic contemplation in wonder. In the church principalities and Powers gel discern the manifold wisdom and grace of God when God has brought all the ransom host of from the Egyptian bondage of the world to stand the radiance of the Eternal morning. Then the universe shall ring with this description great and marvelous are the works righteous untrue are God's ways and so it is with each individual believe each one of us has been formed for Jesus himself that we might show forth his praise in growing Purity and sweetness in our deliverance from the Klingon Corruptions of the world in The Flash in our patients under tribulation in our submission and steadfast hope in our willingness to sacrifice ourselves for others. Let us be listen to the revelations of what Christ is and what he can make sinful men become Believers are the world's Bibles. By studying which men may come to know the Lord himself. Let us see to it that we are clear and type unmistakable and testimony Pleasants to behold thoughtful and helpful towards all commending the Blessed bridegroom who the world sees not that's good, That was a long quote, but God will get his glory. God will bring truth there all men be a liar though the world suppressant and though we live in a culture of people who applied people who suppressant. The Lord will always fulfill his promises. Believer you are the world Bible. The Bible is also the world's Bible, but we speak it. my simple obedience Moses was recorded in this that means stop Hall of faith in Hebrews 11, right because he simply obey kids young don't simply obey this week you think about what would I do to turn the world upside down? What's not hinged upon your your Radiance of your intellect? Simply obey the the word of God. It's designed his word right to be radical in RH. Go to design The Obedience of Believers to be an oasis in the midst of a groaning desert of half-truths. the Dollar Tree prince. It's not only the Redeemer of Israel. He's the judge of the hearts. He will win in his balance and it will be found one thing. That's the thing the accusers write the scale of your heart if you're thinking this morning, that's what you get out of it. I better have my heart right? Well, that's true. We guess what the scale was lost your riddle in in sin against God our hearts. Love to be hard. We don't want that Authority just as much as Fair of dead by God's grace. This is the offer to you this morning in the cross. By God's grace. He took the plane. He took the punishment. He thinks the rap instead of you. He is the one that gets weighed into the balance the righteous for the unrighteous, and he takes the Great Exchange is what is often called. He takes our sin and exchanges and gives us his righteousness as an act of Mercy philosophical Enlightenment. It leads to a recognition as a human soul that you humble your needs me cry out. Thank you. Are the only thing that you can say this morning? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Holy. Holy. Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Is his kindness of his let us to repentance he is Judge and savior, but he was judge on his own flesh. instead of hours for those who accept him as Savior still in his blood and sacrificing his Flash in our place by this is not juice for you to come sip on for the sweet taste this morning the bitter cup. Remaining of the bitter cup that Christ gave willingly for us or not. Does we come they can mean it just a moment. Let's meganplays. Holy holy holy and be up on the screen. And that is the god before us that is the judge and savior. Our hearts have been weighed and measured and found wanting you and I have not been sacrificed the crocodile will give it over to the wrath of God because Christ has given it for our behalf. We are redeemed. Are you still with thankfulness this morning? Are you still with hope this morning? You should be everything we've learned ganas to promise keeper god of the promise basilur. This is proof of it. Your life is not meant this Monday morning tomorrow or work. in a bank account An Instagram account your life has been designed and planned and redeemed and given Life by the spirit of God abide in him. Obey him with a mission. Simple gratitude is potent and bring the world truth is radically potent in a world. That is so don't be mistaken. Mission field is cross the world course it is, but it's in your backyard and it's in everyone that you see tomorrow. Let's be humbly and simply obedient and filled with gratitude come as you're able and deleted some worship.
I'm sure sometimes it crosses your mind. meditate on Christ
Call of Duty real story, right God with Diemer. The promise maker stupid kind of making sense of of life. new look for holding your hand this the wisdom of God This is the Fulfillment of all those Old Testament stories. God really is a redeemer really is a promise maker. Julie is a judge. He really is a savior. He really is full of Mercy. You really is kind you really is good. He really is Holy. He really knows what he's doing. We have before us is foolishness to the world.
I said your dad came in. What we have in our reality at the Savior who died. Yes for the sins of many the list since right now to our prayers because he's the living raining savior. King Jesus this is not the meal the funeral is the meal the wedding feast. This isn't the alive joystick of a people of God through the funeral of Christ. Rejoice now at the wedding Feast of Christ only through this that those promises are made it's only through that you that your soul is whole it's only through this that the Lord of our shame that is taken away that the send accusations that are very accurate heart that weight on the scale is Condemned is redeemed on the Christ alone. Cuz I raise a toast to this morning the Risen Savior whose blood was broken for our behalf of his blood was shed for us. Let's take us to the Gratitude in our hearts.