Simon the Magician

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Simon the Magician

Acts 8:9-24

Where are we in the outline of the book (1:8)?

Jerusalem (Acts 2-Acts 7) - Judea (Acts 8:1-4) - Samaria (Acts 8:5-25)

The remotest parts of the world (Acts 9-end)

Simon’s background

  1. He was a magician (vs9)
    1. Magic

                                                               i.      May be more than magic tricks

1.      Matthew 24:24

2.      2 Thessalonians 2:9

                                                             ii.      The magicians of Pharoah (Exodus 7:11-12, 22)

1.      Turned staffs into serpents

2.      Turned water to blood

  1. He was claiming to be someone great (vs9)
  2. People called him the “Great Power of God” (vs10)
    1. What was important to Simon?

                                                               i.      Prestige, fame and of course the uncompanying fortune

  1. He had been “astionishing” them for a LONG time

Simon’s conversion

  1. Simon believed at the preaching of Philip along with many other men and women and was baptized (vs12)
  2. Began to travel with Philip (vs13)
    1. He was “constantly amazed”  at the “signs and great miracles taking place” (vs13)

                                                               i.      How hard would it be to impress a magician with magic?

                                                             ii.      Clearly he saw things that he had never seen an ordinary magician (or himself) do.

Apostles send Peter and John to Samaria

  1. The apostles send Peter and John (vs14)
    1. Why did they go? - Peter and John go to Samaria and pray for the Christians there to receive the Holy Spirit (vs15)

                                                               i.      The Holy Spirit had “not yet fallen on them, they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus” (vs16)

                                                             ii.      They were laying hands on them (the Christians) and they (the Christians) were receiving the Holy Spirit (vs17)

  1. What is this talking about?
    1. The people received the “gift of the Holy Spirit” when they were baptized (Acts 2:38)
    2. This is the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit

                                                               i.      “fallen upon them”

1.      same word used about the Spirit “falling” on Cornelius – resulting in the speaking in tongues (Acts 10:44; 11:15)

2.      Peter said they received the Spirit just like they had at the beginning (Acts 10:47; 11:15, 17)

The need for miracles in the early church

  1. What is the purpose of miracles?
    1. Confirm Jesus as the Christ (John 20:30-31; Acts 2:22)
    2. Confirm the true apostles (2 Corinthians 12:12)
    3. Confirm the word preached (Mark 16:20; Hebrews 2:4)
  2. Why did the Samarian Christians need to be able to perform miracles?
    1. Look at the list of miraculous gifts (2 Corinthians 12:6-11)

                                                               i.      Wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, distinguishing of spirits, tongues, interpretation of tongues

    1. A new group of Christians need to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to teach truth without error and prove that their teaching was from God (not false) #. To confirm the word preached (Mark 16:20)
  1. With the Bible complete do we still need miracles to confirm the word?
    1. 2 Peter 1:3He has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness through a true knowledge of Him… #. 2 Timothy 3:16All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

How the gifts were given

  1. Simon SAW that “the Spirit was bestowed (given) through the laying on of the Apostles hands” (Acts 8:18)
    1. Simon was able to SEE this – it was obvious!
  2. Philip was there and was able to perform miracles (vs13), but he couldn’t give the Holy Spirit to them
  3. ONLY the Apostles had this ability – “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (Acts 1:8)
  4. After the last Apostle died how would the gifts be passed on?

Simon’s reaction

  1. He offered them money for the ability to GIVE the Holy Spirit to others by laying hands on them (vs18-19)
  2. What is Simon still thinking about?
    1. Fame and fortune – He offers money because he can make money with the power
  3. Peter condemns Simon’s motives and commands him to repent! (Acts 8:20-24)
  4. Simon appear to be sorry – asks for prayers (vs24)
    1. Note that he does not say that he is sorry
    2. Note that he asks for prayers so that he will not be punished

                                                               i.      IF he repents (changes), he won’t be!!!

Simon held onto his old way of life when he became a Christian – he was still more interested in fame and fortune than serving God and submitting to Him. Rather than seeing that he could play a part in helping the church grow – he saw the power of God as a way to get rich and powerful! Remember verse 11 – he had been doing these things for a long time – sometimes it is hard for us to change our ways – but that is what REPENT means.

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