2015-04-12 Luke 11:29-36 The Trouble with Signs (1): The Sign of Jonah
(Luke 11:29-36)
April 12, 2015
Intro – The first time I was ever in Boston I quickly found a great difference
between there and where I lived in SoCal. In SoCal, if you want to go to
Disneyland or Sea World, you don’t need GPS. Signs from LA to San Diego
point you exactly where you need to go. The closer you get, the closer and
bigger the signs. We’d just tell out-of-town friends, “Follow the signs.”
Believe me, it’s not like that in Boston. I wanted to find the historical places -Boston Tea Party – Old North Church. Drove for hours, finally had to ask!
Eventually found one tiny sign that announced that the Boston Tea Party
happened here in Dec 16, 1773. Finally found a sign for the Old North Church
one block away. No wonder you couldn’t find it. If you hung a lantern today,
the only people who would see it are the people in the high rise across the
street. Years later I was looking for Winter Street. I found Summer Street on
the Boston Common so I parked knowing Winter had to be close by, but after
2 hrs searching, finally had to ask. I was told, “Just go down Summer for 2
blocks; it turns into Winter! Summer turns into Winter! Who knew?!
I learned signs are not always dependable. And what is true physically is true
spiritually as well. Signs are not dependable. Yet, thousands of people today
worship at the cult of the spectacular. Looking for signs – signs to show God
is real; to produce a tingly feeling; to meet my personal selfish desires. Signs
have become 21st century idols. Faith depends on God producing on demand
some flashy, awe-inspiring miracle, and without signs people get insecure,
frustrated and helpless. Samuel Goldwyn once expressed his philosophy of
film-making, “I want a film that begins with an earthquake and works up to
a climax.” That’s how some people look at XN faith. We’ve made idols of
miracles and are operating outside of God’s purpose for our time and place.
Does that mean God never does miracles? Not at all. He makes new creations
of repentant, broken people every day. There is no greater miracle than that.
Furthermore, He acts providentially, within the laws of nature, every day,
fulfilling His promise that “for those who love God all things work together
for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” We can never
limit God. But miracles which set aside nature’s laws are not a major part of
His plan for here and now for reasons we will see. In all of history, there have
only been 3 times when nature-bending miracles were a major factor in
God’s plan. The first was when the Israelites were released from Egypt. In
that spectacular preview of redemption, God revealed His power in mighty
ways over a short period of time to effect the release of His people. But
remember, for the next several hundred years, God referred Israel back to
those signs. He did not make a bunch of new ones!The second great period of
such miracles was during the time of Elijah and Elisha as God unleashed His
power to encourage His people from idolatry. The third period of miracles
was in Christ’s time and the early days of the apostolic era. The power of God
was seen then as never before or since. But other than those periods, miracles
have been seldom and random – not the norm.
Why? First, God prizes faith over certainty. In fact, He demands it. Miracles
on demand fly in the face of that principle. Second, the cure for unbelief is not
signs; it is the Word. That’s how He wants to capture our hearts. It is the Word
that is “living and active sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb 4:12). Paul
says in Rom 10:17, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the
word of Christ”, not the miracles of Christ. Those will be plentiful in our
future. Yes, they will. But it is to His Word that God points us for now. He
desires those who love and trust Him for Himself, not for His blessings.
There are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity. Faith grows proportionately to our
time spent with Him in His Word and in prayer. Signs are not dependable as
foundations of faith; the Word is.
That is the message of our text. The background goes all the way back to Luke
11:14, “Now he was casting out a demon that was mute. When the demon had
gone out, the mute man spoke, and the people marveled.” Jesus has performed
a marvelous miracle, healing a mute (and Mt 12:22 tells us, blind) man who
was demonized. Many marveled. But not all. His increasing opposition
accused Him of operating by Satan’s power (15) – a charge Jesus answers in
vv. 17-28. Others (v. 16) were still on the fence. So they, “to test him, kept
seeking from him a sign from heaven.” He deals with that demand beginning
in v. 29. Four very helpful principles about signs come from His answer.
One Sign is Never Enough
Faith that results from signs always needs another sign. That’s because such
faith is focused on the sign, not on the reality. It’s like someone following the
signs down the freeway to Disneyland. They can become so focused on the
signs that they miss the mighty Matterhorn outside the right side of the car.
That’s the problem with signs. Faith is placed in signs, not the Savior!
We see this in v. 16. Jesus has just restored the blind, mute man to perfect
health and “the people marveled” (v. 14). Yet v. 16 tells us, “while others, to
test him, kept seeking from him a sign from heaven.” Despite the marvel
they’d just seen; despite miracles all over Galilee, including raising dead
people, these demand more. Faith based on signs always needs just one
more! Know why? It worships the miracle rather than the miracle-giver.
Jesus had an opinion about sign-seekers in v. 29: “When the crowds were
increasing, he began to say, “This generation is an evil generation. It seeks for
a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Here’s some
of the most morally upright people of their time, but Jesus calls them evil. It’s
the same word He uses to speak of Satan as the “evil” one. They’ve accused
Him of being in league with Satan; now he turns the tables suggesting it is
they who are evil as Satan. He sees the heart of unbelief at the root of the
request. He knows faith built on signs isn’t faith at all. He’s seen it all before.
After Israel was freed from bondage in Egypt, Moses sent spies to look things
over in Canaan. Two of them, (Caleb and Joshua) return saying, “Wow! God
is good. This land flows with abundance. Yes, there are some powerful tribes
there, but God has removed their protection. Let’s go take it.” But the other
10 thought otherwise: “Hey, there are some tall dudes over there – fearsome!
It seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them. (Num
13:33). It would be a suicide mission to go there!” Guess who the people
sided with? Num 14:2 “And all the people of Israel grumbled against Moses
and Aaron. The whole congregation said to them, “Would that we had died in
the land of Egypt! Or would that we had died in this wilderness!” Remember,
these people had seen the greatest array of miracles of anyone in history.
They’d seen God demolish the greatest army on earth just to protect them.
These people knew miracles. The problem was they didn’t know the miraclemaker! God says in v. 11, “How long will this people despise me? And how
long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs that I have done
among them?” Jesus had seen it all before. When faith is based on signs,
there is always a need for one more.
Jesus saw it in His own time. He’d fed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. So they
all believed, right? Came to faith in Christ? I wish. Next day they are looking
for more food, but Jesus challenges them in Jn 6:27 “27 Do not work for the
food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son
of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal.” 28 Then
they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” 29 Jesus
answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he
has sent.” Believe in me. Have faith in me. So they do, right? Well not quite.
V. 30: “So they said to him, “Then what sign do you do, that we may see and
believe you? What work do you perform?” What sign?! I just fed 5,000 of you
yesterday out of nothing. What sign? Do you see, Beloved, one sign is never
enough. The sad end to this story is in v. 66: “After this many of his disciples
turned back and no longer walked with him.” Faith that is dependent on signs
is not true faith. It worships the miracle. Pray for the miracle – yes! But trust
in the miracle-worker – whatever the result! Check out Daniel 3 to see an
example. I’ve known Christians who live completely defeated lives because
they didn’t get their miracle this week, or they didn’t get the one they wanted.
The trouble with signs is, it always takes just one more.
The Ultimate Sign Has Already Been Given
In vv. 29-36, Jesus specifically answers the demand that He give another sign.
In the first part, 29-32, He identifies two witnesses who will testify against
His audience at the final judgment. These are the most moral, upright, selfrighteous people on the planet at the time of Christ, but in rebelling against
Him they are the ultimate in wickedness. Two non-Jewish, pagan witnesses
will put them to shame – the people of Israel’s arch enemy – Nineveh, and the
Queen of Sheba. Each teaches a different lesson about signs and belief. From
Jonah – the ultimate sign has already been given.
29 “
When the crowds were increasing, he began to say, “This generation is an
evil generation. It seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the
sign of Jonah.” Their demand for a sign implied Jesus hadn’t done enough,
that He was to blame for their rejection – because he didn’t perform to their
expectations! It’s a wicked request because it comes from a heart of
Jesus quickly lets them know, He doesn’t answer to them; they answer to
Him. He tells them “no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” So,
what is the sign of Jonah? Some have pointed to v. 32, “for they [Ninevites]
repented at the preaching of Jonah” and suggested that the sign of Jonah was
his preaching. Jesus’ point was the Ninevites repented with no sign at all
except Jonah’s preaching. Thus the repentant Gentiles will condemn these
spectacle-seeking Jews who refuse to believe despite incredible signs. And all
of that is true – but the sign of Jonah has much deeper meaning than that.
Several things suggest this. First, the word “sign” inevitably refers to a
miracle in the Bible. Preaching is an act, not a sign. Second, the sign is Jonah
himself, not just his preaching. And Jesus’ ultimate sign is Himself, not just
His preaching. V. 30: “For as Jonah [person, not preaching] became a sign to
the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be to this generation.” Third,
when we compare with other Scripture the situation becomes crystal clear.
Matt tells us exactly how Jonah became a sign. Mt 12:40: “For just as Jonah
was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of
Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” That removes all
ambiguity. Jonah’s 3 days in the belly of the fish are a type or preview of the
death and resurrection of Jesus. Jonah’s experience pointed forward to that.
It differed, of course, because according to v. 32, “something greater than
Jonah is here.” That something is actually some one! And that someone
greater is Jesus. Jonah nearly died; Jesus actually died. Jonah retained a life
that appeared lost; Jesus regained a life that was lost. Jonah’s experience saved
the physical lives of the sailors. Jesus’s death and resurrection provides
spiritual salvation for anyone who will believe. His death and resurrection
paid the price for the sins of the Ninevites who repented at Jonah’s message,
as well as for anyone, anytime, anywhere who will believe.
Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites. He preached that judgment was coming in
40 days if they did not repent. And he no doubt told them he had been saved
after 3 days in the belly of the whale when he repented, the only means of
avoiding judgment. Having heard (faith by hearing), but not having seen
that sign, these pagans repented. But Jesus’ audience, having full exposure to
God’s revelation in the OT and having seen numerous signs, and having yet in
their future the ultimate sign of Jesus’ death and resurrection, were obstinate
in their unbelief. No wonder the Ninevites will one day witness against them.
From the beginning of His ministry, Jesus saw His death and resurrection as
the ultimate sign. When He drove the swindlers out of the temple early in His
first visit, we read in John 2:18-20, “So the Jews said to him, “What sign do
you show us for doing these things?” 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this
temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews then said, “It has taken
forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?”
But he was speaking about the temple of his body.” A new day has arrived.
The temple, the place where God meets man, is no longer the physical
building; it is now the person of Christ. This is a stupendous change. Neither
the people nor Jesus’ disciples understood that yet. But: 22 When therefore he
was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and
they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.”
Jesus points to that ultimate sign that Jonah’s experience prefigured as the one
last chance these people would have. It was coming soon. Did any of them
come to faith as a result? Maybe. Many believed in the early chapters of Acts.
But what about us? Jesus’ passion is a clear reality to us. It’s now actually
happened. And the question for us as for them is what have you done with
Jesus Christ? He can give no greater evidence of His Person and work than
He has already given. It makes all other signs passé. It is the resurrection of
Jesus that is ultimate. Thus Paul says in Rom 10:9, “because, if you confess
with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised
him from the dead, you will be saved.” The trouble with seeking further signs
is that the ultimate sign has already been given. Reject it and hope is gone.
Conc – A little boy, Sammy, was sobbing in his room one night. He had
swallowed a penny and was sure he was going to die. Thinking quickly, Dad
palmed a penny from his pocket and pretended to pull it from Sammy’s ear.
Sammy was convinced. In a flash, he snatched the penny from his father’s
hand, swallowed it and demanded, “Do it again, Dad!” That’s what signseekers do – say to God, “Prove yourself. Do it again. Do it for me!” God’s
definitive answer is, “Look at the cross, and then look at the empty tomb.
I’ve done all I can do. It’s now over to you. Believe, or die in your sins.”
Josh McDowell entered college looking for a good time. He’d given up on
religion long ago. But he was invited to a Bible study. He asked a young lady,
“What do you talk about?” “Jesus Christ.” “Oh, don’t give me that garbage
about religion.” She replied, “I didn’t say religion; I said Jesus Christ.” The
group suggested he examine the claims of Christ and the evidence supporting
Christianity. McDowell took it as a challenge, figuring that if he could
disprove the resurrection of Jesus, it was all down the drain. The evidence he
found became the basis for the great apologetic book of my generation,
Evidence That Demands a Verdict. McDowell found that rather than disprove
the resurrection, the evidence all pointed to its validity.
The greatest evidence is the apostle themselves. Eleven ordinary men, scared
spitless when Jesus was crucified, thinking it was all over. Yet all eventually
gave their lives, alone in far-flung places, preaching the resurrection. No one
dies for a lie, and these guys were in a position to know for sure. They didn’t
die for a lie. When asked why he became a believer, Josh McDowell
answered, “For a very simple reason. I am not able to explain away an event
in history – the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” That is the sign that counts,
Beloved. It is the one that will eventually save or condemn every person who
ever lived. I beg you – let it be the thing that saves you. Let’s pray.