2015-12-13 Luke 14:7-11 The Danger of Self-Promotion
(Luke 14:7-11)
December 13, 2015
Read Lu 14:7-11 – A faithful parishioner asked his pastor, “Doesn’t it make
you nervous preaching on sin with all those experts sitting out there in the
congregation?” The answer should be, “No, because I know the worst sinner
is standing in the pulpit.” If you knew what I know about me, and I what you
know about you, we’d know! Nothing is more critical than that we come to
see ourselves as God sees us. That drives a humility that is key to heaven.
James 4:6: “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” It is
really important to be humble – not the “Aw shucks, it was nothing” kind of
humility – but a humility that sees God for who He really is and me for who I
really am. Isaiah was a brilliant, court-educated, spiritually responsive man.
But when he saw God “high and lifted up”, his response was amazing: “Woe
is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips.” That’s humility. And
God doesn’t say, “Oh, you’re not so bad, Isaiah. In fact, you’re the best one
around there.” Rather God accepted that confession and sent an angel with a
burning coal to touch his lips and say “your guilt is taken away, and your sin
atoned for” (Isa 6:6). We know ourselves when we see ourselves as He does.
That’s what Jesus is trying to show the Pharisees here. Remember the setting.
Jesus goes to Sabbath lunch by a leading Pharisee. But it’s a setup. A sick man
has been invited in hopes Jesus will heal him so they can accuse Jesus of
violating the Sabbath. Jesus thwarts that effort by showing their hypocrisy.
They give themselves waivers to help their own animals on the Sabbath, but
object to healing a terribly afflicted man. They are left with no response.
But Jesus isn’t done. V. 7, “ Now he told a parable to those who were invited.”
If they have no further response, He does. So he tells a parable. Now many
teach that Jesus is instructing against being too forward, a sort of commentary
on Prov 27:2, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth.” But while
that is true, that is not at all the point of Jesus’ teaching.
This is a “parable” -- a physical illustration of a deeper spiritual truth. V 11 is
key: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles
himself will be exalted.” Jesus hammers that principle home relentlessly in
Luke’s gospel. It warns against the natural and self-promotion that plagues
all of us. The Pharisees, who considered themselves better than others,
desperately needed to understand this, just as we do. We are all Pharisees at
heart. Born that way. And Jesus is teaching for entrance to God’s kingdom,
something has to change. So – the simple parable and the spiritual point.
The Simple Parable
V. 7 tells us what drove this parable. Jesus had seen something when He first
arrived. “7 Now he told a parable to those who were invited, when he noticed
how they chose the places of honor.” Jesus’ audience for His comments is
“those who were invited” to the party and they are sparked by the scramble
for seating He had observed earlier. Human nature in need of transformation!
A. Human Tendency
In those days at a formal occasion, people didn’t sit at table as we do. They
reclined on couches around a table. Normally each table would have four such
couches, one on each side. One’s rank was reflected by where he was seated.
Top honor was accorded the host who reclined in the middle seat of the host
couch. The most honored guest reclined to his right and the next to his left –
all at the “head” couch, so to speak. The couch to the left included positions
4-6, to the right, 7-9; and the couch at the foot included positions 10-12. Other
tables in decreasing order of honor were included depending on the size of the
gathering. Seating order determined one’s position in the pecking order.
Now, human nature takes over. V. 7, “They chose the places of honor.” They
had no place cards, you see. The host had a seating order in his head, but
without place cards, early arrivers sat as high as they dared, assuming
possession is 9/10’s of the law and hoped they’d get to stay. A guy might know
he could never be #2 in this crowd, but nothing stopped him from trying for
number 4. So he subtly slid in just ahead of someone else heading for that
spot. Everyone was seeking to be near the host, or to be near someone else
who could benefit them in some way. It was the first century version of ladder
climbing as everyone hoped, over time, to gain better and better positions.
Humility in this setting would have been considered a sign of weakness. This
was the kind of infighting Jesus had observed that suggested His parable.
So Jesus addresses this natural inclination to self-promotion. Vv. 8-9: “When
you are invited by someone to a wedding feast (Jesus uses “wedding feast” for
His example instead of dinner party – introducing the subject with sensitivity
and a hope that they will hear), do not sit down in a place of honor, lest
someone more distinguished than you be invited by him, 9 and he who invited
you both will come and say to you, ‘Give your place to this person,’ and then
you will begin with shame to take the lowest place.” We all exaggerate our
own importance. Adlai Stevenson ran for president against Ike in 1952. He
was considered an intellectual. To check it out, on a taxi ride to an airport, he
said to the cabbie, “People say I talk over the head of the average man. What
do you think?” The cabbie replied, “Well, Governor, I understand you all
right, -- but I’m not sure about the average man.” No one wants to be
average, right? We naturally exaggerate our importance, seeking honor!
And we get very clever about it. Remember Senator Sam Irvin who chaired
the Watergate committee. He looked every bit the good-ole-boy country
lawyer. But Howard Baker, the ranking Republican member later wrote,
“When Sam reaches the point where he refers to himself as ‘just a poor old
country lawyer from North Carolina,’ I am motivated to do two things. First,
out of reflex action, I put my hand on my wallet; then, I gently remind him
that while he may consider himself to be just a poor old country lawyer, he
is also an honor graduate of Harvard Law School. That’s when Chairman
Sam raises his magnificent eyebrows, cocks his head, beams his benign
smile and whispers, “Yes, Howard, but nobody can tell it.” There’s pride in
disguise. Another way of seeking honored places at the table. But Jesus knew
the more we self-promote, the more vulnerable we are. He had a better way.
B. Humbling Transformation
But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your
host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ Then you will be
honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you.” Try a little humility.
The Greek philosophers and ancient people in general would never have given
this advice. Humility is a purely Christian concept. Jesus is saying, “You
should try it; you might be surprised.” Actually, it’s interesting Jesus’ had to
give this advice to supposed Law experts. The advice comes straight out the
OT they claim to revere: Prov 25:6-7 “Do not put yourself forward in the
king’s presence or stand in the place of the great, 7 for it is better to be told,
“Come up here,” than to be put lower in the presence of a noble.”
Note, Jesus does not say, “Go and sit in a lower place.” He says, “sit in the
lowest place.” Go to rock bottom. That’s tough, isn’t it? Consider yourself the
least of all who surround you. Not many of us can do that. The great
sportswriter, Grantland Rice, once lost his press pass to an Army-ND football
game. So he went out, found a scalper, bought a ticket and watched the game
from the stands, typewriter on his knees. Afterward, he went to the press box
to complete his story where a friend asked, “Why didn’t you throw some
weight around?” He replied, “Tell you the truth, I don’t weigh much.” That’s
Jesus’ point. None of us weigh much. We’d represent Christ so much better if
we waited to hear, “Come up here,” than to assume too much. But that goes
against every natural tendency. It’s humbling, like God wants us.
But is that what this is all about? Is Jesus just suggesting a gimmick of
“reverse psychology” to gain recognition? Of course not. The advice is not
simply a strategy to gain position thru cleverness. It is pointing us to a lifestyle
of true humility. But there is a much deeper spiritual truth.
The Spiritual Point
To get the impact, remember the audience – a group of unbelieving Pharisees
who would soon kill Him. This is not mere advice about how to act at a
wedding party. Jesus often used a feast to depict the kingdom of God as in Isa
256) “On this mountain the LORD of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of
rich food, a feast of well-aged wine, of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine
well refined.” So how does this parable represent spiritual truth?
A. Human Tendency
What is the natural tendency with regard to the kingdom of God? Selfpromotion -- the thought that I must be my own press agent, promote my own
cause, extoll my own virtues, insist on my own worth and value. That is
exactly what the Pharisees were all about as seen in their mad scramble for
lunch seats. Jesus saw hearts that were full of themselves and would take the
same approach to entrance into God’s kingdom. Their ticket was keeping the
law as they defined it. They believed that they, as opposed to the average guy,
were earning their way in thru fasting twice a week, paying tithes, keeping
Sabbath regulations and offering sacrifices. No one was more qualified than
they in their minds. Jesus’ message of repentance was abhorrent to them. It
violated every natural inclination to do something to gain God’s approval.
They would not accept the truth of Rom 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God.” They and we are like the guy who bored friends to
death bragging on his hybrid car. He said, “They should have a special lane
for people who care about the environment.” A friend responded, “They
already do. It’s called the sidewalk.” What that man thought was so good
wasn’t nearly good enough when compared to perfection. Just like all our
goodness before God’s perfection – way short. So what’s the solution?
B. Heavenly Transformation
The Pharisees should have known this, too. In a thousand ways, the Bible
shows we can never come to God based on our merit. He comes to us, not
we to Him. The Pharisees had it all backward because they put their traditions
above what the Bible taught. One fascinating example. Right after the Ten
Commandments God gave Moses an extraordinary instruction. Exod 20:2425: “An altar of earth you shall make for me and sacrifice on it your burnt
offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen. In every place
where I cause my name to be remembered I will come to you and bless you.
If you make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stones, for if
you wield your tool on it you profane it.” What is that all about? This is God
saying, “You know you can’t keep those commands and I know you can’t
keep them. But offer a sacrifice of repentance and I’ll forgive. But even the
altar must be without any human embellishment of any kind! No fancy
scrollwork, no brilliant design; don’t even square the rocks. You modify it in
any way and your profane it.” God is saying, “No human effort accepted.”
Forty years later when Joshua took over from Moses, guess what? Josh 8:3031: “At that time Joshua built an altar to the LORD, the God of Israel, on
Mount Ebal, 31 just as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded the
people of Israel, as it is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, “an altar of
uncut stones, upon which no man has wielded an iron tool.” Do you see the
point, Beloved? The Pharisees did not, do you? It was there all the time. No
works allowed. You must take the lowest seat at the table. You must check
your pride and all your accomplishments at the door. Only the HS can prompt
that kind of humility in a person’s life – one where they want God so much
that they are willing to give up all they have. Like Paul in Phil 3, after listing
all his earthly accomplishment and good works he says: 7 But whatever gain I
had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. 8 Indeed, I count everything as
loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his
sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order
that I may gain Christ.” To gain Christ, I must give up me. It takes a lot of
humility to confess my sin and give up my accomplishments – to take the back
seat at the table. But that’s what is required to get in.
There is a further secondary application, obviously. Once I have come to
Christ by faith, tossing aside all my efforts, now Jesus is asking me to live a
life consistent with that – a humble existence that recognizes anything I am or
have of value is because of Him. Having become a child of God by this
principle: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who
humbles himself will be exalted,” now I am to live like it. I derive meaning by
being His and seeking His will, not my own. It’s a great life.
Conc – Human pride is an ugly characteristic. It must move out before Christ
can move in. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tells of a time he was invited to speak at
Oxford University. Lloyd-Jones says he went and preached the simple gospel
message as he would have anywhere else. Well, a Q&A followed and a bright
young law student and head of the debating team stood up. He complimented
Jones and his delivery and style, said he enjoyed the presentation, but then in a
superior and sarcastic tone suggested that the content was certainly deficient,
being such as might have been easily understood by an audience of farm
laborers or anyone else. And then he sat down to a chorus of jeering laughter.
The chairman then turned to Lloyd-Jones for a response. Jones – a university
trained doctor as well as theologian, stood and replied, “As to your objection
to my content, I confess that while I might be a heretic, I had, until being
enlightened by the gentleman, considered the undergraduates and indeed
the graduates of Oxford University as being just ordinary common human
clay and miserable sinners like everybody else and thus with needs precisely
the same as those of myself, the agricultural laborer or anyone else. I
preached as I did deliberately, hoping the Oxford crowed would be able to
understand what the agricultural crowd did.” He said that provoked another
round of laughter and cheering by the students, this time in his favor and
resulting in an attentive hearing thereafter.
We’re all in the same boat, Beloved – Pharisees and 21st century churchgoers,
and Oxford students alike. All experts at sin – all in need of a God who comes
to us and can only be accepted, never earned. The Jesus who gave the
parable, soon paid the price for the sin of those present that day and this. But
have we swallowed our pride and accepted Him? That’s the question. Once we
take that back seat at the table, the promotions are up to Him. Let’s pray.