2017-01-15 Luke 19:44-48 Cleansing the Temple
(Luke 19:44-48)
January 15, 2017
Read Lu 19:45-48 - The maître’d at a plush restaurant was asked what he
would do if a streaker showed up. "First," he said, "I give him a tie. No one is
allowed in without a tie." That’s what religion does. It gives you a tie, in the
form of ritual and says, “Hopefully God will accept you now.” Meanwhile,
you are naked as a jaybird because that is not at all what God requires.
The Judaism of Jesus’ time were handing out ties right and left – charging for
them, in fact. But it was all dead formalism -- an abomination to the God they
thought they had bought off. It was a long-term problem. Isa 1:11, “What to
me is the multitude of your sacrifices? says the LORD; I have had enough of
burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed beasts; I do not delight in the
blood of bulls, or of lambs, or of goats.” But wasn’t it God who defined those
sacrifices in the first place? Yes, but their heart wasn’t in it. They were going
thru the motions, and sacrifice without faith equals religion, and God hates it.
That’s Jesus’ message in cleansing the temple. He did it twice – once at the
beginning of His ministry in John 2, and here again near the end. He looked it
over the night He entered, then came back with a vengeance the next day.
Of course, the people are thinking, “This may be the day. He’s going to
attack the Roman garrison at Ft. Antonia overlooking the temple – or
maybe Pilate’s home.” But instead of attacking the despised Romans, Jesus
attacks the heart of Judaism, the temple. He’s not declaring war on the
Romans who have enslaved the people physically; He’s declaring war on the
vile religion of Judaism that is enslaving people spiritually and taking them
straight to hell. The Jews were in far more danger from their leaders than
from Rome. The hucksters and frauds Jesus saw in the temple lit Him on fire.
For a few days, at least, the temple was going to be what it was meant to be.
The temple was where God met His people based on sacrifice and forgiveness.
But the Jews had turned it into a works-righteousness system complete with
prosperity-gospel trappings for the leaders who were outwardly pristine, but
inwardly rotten. Jesus’ display showed God’s opinion of their religion.
Of course, this cleansing was temporary. A new temple was coming -- Jesus
Himself. He was soon to be the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate priest and the
ultimate temple. Now God comes to us and we to Him thru Christ alone.
But we can turn that privilege into a religion just as easily as these Jews did.
Religion can hand us a tie and say, “There you go. All is well,” leaving us
naked before a holy God. So how do we prevent that? In cleansing the temple,
Jesus shows us what defines a true relationship with God.
Delivered by Christ
When Jesus entered the temple that morning it was partial fulfillment of Mal
3:1-2: “Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me.
And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the
messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says
the LORD of hosts. 2 But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can
stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap.”
Note 2 messengers here – one who prepares the way, and a 2nd who is the
Lord and messenger of the covenant. The 2nd is Jesus who initiates the new
covenant of Jer 31and Ezek 36 which provides for forgiveness and cleansing
– all paid for by Jesus’s death -- “the new covenant in my blood” (Lu 22:20).
But who’s the 1st messenger who prepares the way? Mal 4:5 identifies him as
Elijah. But Jesus identifies Him as John the Baptist in Mt 11:7-11. BUT with
conditions. Mt 11:13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John,
and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come.” John is the
forerunner “if you are willing to accept it.” But in rejecting Jesus, they have
also rejected John. So Jesus’ coming to cleanse the temple is not the final
fulfillment of this prophecy. It is a preview of coming attractions. There will
be another coming and another cleansing that will be final.
Meantime, the preview is convincing. Lu says, “45 And he entered the temple
and began to drive out those who sold.” Matt adds flavor! Mt 21:12 And Jesus
entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and
he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who
sold pigeons.” The temple was actually a complex of courtyards surrounding
the great Holy Place where priests performed sacrifices. Outside that was a
courtyard of Jews – men only – then a small courtyard of women – Jewish
only – then a large courtyard of Gentiles. That had been turned into a great
market to serve traveling pilgrims. At Passover between 1-2 million visitors
descended on the temple, most with coins to change and animals to buy for
sacrifice. The chief priest and Sadducees have gone into business to supply the
need, but in so doing they have corrupted the temple. What should have been a
place of prayer sounds and smells like a barnyard and Jesus isn’t having it!
Not meek and mild, He is all fury and ferocity as He single-handedly throws
out scores of merchants – driving the animals, overturning money tables and
creating absolute havoc. He’s demonstrating divine authority! It’s a preview
of the greater judgment of His Second Coming, but it’s impressive in itself.
This clears space for teaching and returns the temple to its rightful use for a
few hours. It also establishes Jesus as the new temple. From here on, God
meets man only thru Jesus. And He provides that access in two ways.
A. As Mediator (go between) – Jesus’ authority stems from His
deity and His payment for sin. In cleansing the temple, Jesus removes the
sacrificial animals. Why? Because they are no longer needed. He is about to
become the once-for-all, one-and-only sacrifice that matters. He is the ultimate
go-between – representing God to man and man to God. Only He can deliver a
relationship that only He paid for! I Tim 2:5: “For there is one God, and there
is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave
himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.”
This is unbelievably good news, bc Rev 12:12 depicts the devil as accusing
believers “day and night before our God.” And believe me, Beloved, though
he is a liar, he doesn’t have to make stuff up for this job. Every day we give
him all the material he needs. Given God’s intolerance for any sin, we’d be
gone by sunset. Except. Except what? Except for Jesus. I Jn 2:1, “My little
children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if
anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the
righteous.” Satan accuses rightly! But Jesus intercedes: “Yes, Father, it’s
true. Dave messed up again – but He’s forgiven; He’s cleansed – covered
with my perfection. He is untouchable.” Isn’t it good to have a mediator?
One student defined a grandmother: “That’s someone who comes to visit and
keeps your mother from spanking you.” Great mediators, right?! But nothing
like Christ. He stills forever the judicial hand of God because He took the
punishment we so richly deserve. Judgment can never fall on the believer. It
would be double jeopardy. Discipline as a parent? Yes. But never judgment.
B. As Master – Do you see Jesus asking permission to clean out
the temple? No! When He comes to the temple, make no mistake, He is in
charge. He is rearranging the furniture, and the only one who can rearrange
the furniture is the one who owns the house. He acts like He owns the place
– because He does. He acts like God – because He is. And there is only room
for one God in the temple, and there is only room for one God in every life.
So, if you think you can invite Jesus in as Savior and go on living any old way
you want, I have bad news. You are not saved. He comes all or nothing –
Savior, King, Lord. Rom 10:9, “Because if you confess Jesus as Lord and
believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Jesus doesn’t show up and say, “Let’s negotiate! How do you see my
commandments? Which do you accept, and which are outdated? And if you
can’t at least tithe, well, what could you do? You want Sundays for yourself
because you work hard all week? Well, could you make church once a
month? You think that’s how it works? Really? That’s using Jesus’ name in
vain. Let’s call it what it is. Self-deception! When the real Jesus comes, He
transforms, He changes, He rearranges the furniture. Otherwise, you have
no relationship; you just have an active imagination! Good luck with that.
Alain C. Enthoven was one of Robert McNamara’s “Whiz Kids” in JFK’s
Defense department. Young and cocky! He once visited US Air Force
Headquarters in Germany. He was met by an assortment of generals with
decades of experience, yards of ribbons. Enthoven, baby-faced and youthful,
listened impatiently as the number one general outlined plans for a briefing. At
that point, Enthoven interrupted, "General," he said, "I don't think you
understand. I didn't come here for a briefing. I came here to tell you what
we have already decided." That’s just how Jesus moves in. He does say in Mt
11:30, “30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” But make no mistake,
it is His burden; His mission; His calling; His script for your life if you invite
Him in, not yours. His is infinitely better, but you must accept it or no
relationship – just you standing naked with only a tie for cover.
Devoid of Hypocrisy
That was not the case with these scoundrels. As Jesus drove them out He
commented: “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have
made it a den of robbers.” (46). This combines 2 OT passages. The first comes
from Isa 56:6-7 which speaks of foreigners, non-Jews, who want to meet
Jehovah in prayer and worship at the temple. But now the Jews have turned
the Gentile courtyard into a commercial enterprise to fatten their own wallet.
It is an inexcusably arrogant abuse of God’s whole intention.
Equally bad is the 2nd quote referencing the fact they are charging exorbitant
prices to exchange money and sell animals for sacrifice. It’s from Jer 7:11:
“Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your
eyes? Behold, I myself have seen it, declares the LORD.” It’s a rhetorical
question, Folks. “I already know the answer; I’ve been watching.” Back up
to Jer 7:8-10 you’ll see what He saw: “Behold, you trust in deceptive words
to no avail. 9 Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make
offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, 10 and then
come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say,
‘We are delivered!’—only to go on doing all these abominations?” God has
seen the Israelites will worship any idol, participate in any sin, cut any
corner, cheat any rival and then come to temple and think that wipes the slate
clean. God says, “Yeah! I see you on Sabbath – but I also see you all the
other days of the week living like pagans. You’re a bunch of hypocrites, and
it will not play.” Jer 7:15, “And I will cast you out of my sight.” In fact, He
says in v. 16, “BTW, don’t bother to pray for these folks. I won’t hear you.”
Hypocrisy may be a little deal to us, but it’s a big deal to God!
If we think we can pursue our pleasure and our way all week in exchange for
giving God a couple of hours on Sunday, we are tragically mistaken. A couple
of men went fishing one Sunday morning, One said, “You know, I feel guilty
being here on Sunday morning. We probably ought to be at church.” His
friend said, “Well, I couldn’t be there even I was home. My wife is sick and I
wouldn’t feel right leaving her.” That’s hypocrisy. You don’t even see it. But
hypocrites have no relationship with God. We have to realize we’re not going
to answer to the pastor or church friends, or fellow hypocrites one day. We’re
going to answer to the Lord. Those who know Jesus avoid hypocrisy like the
plague. They get accountability, and they love Jesus more.
Devoted to Truth
After Jesus cleansed the temple, for the next 3 or 4 days, peace reigned. No
commercial activity. No cheating the people. Jesus moved in and took over. It
was, after all, His Father’s house. He left each night. With Passover coming,
people were camped out everywhere and there was no room in the city. He’d
go to Bethany for the night and be back teaching next morning. 47 “And he
was teaching daily in the temple. The chief priests and the scribes and the
principal men of the people were seeking to destroy him, 48 but they did not
find anything they could do, for all the people were hanging on his words.”
Mark 11:18: “all the crowd was astonished at his teaching.” It was the Word
that led them to God. Want to know God? It doesn’t happen by visions and
dreams and feelings and emotions. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing thru
the Word of Christ.” What Jesus was teaching, we have recorded in the Bible,
and it should be as astonishing to us as was Jesus’ teaching to these people.
Why were they astonished? Because Jesus spoke with authority about things
beyond human comprehension. He spoke truth about heaven, hell, judgment,
God’s love and other things that can’t be tested in laboratory but can only be
revealed. Jn 17:17, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” That’s
why astonishment followed Him. He told them things they could learn in no
other way. He revealed God to them, just as His Word does now. And if that
Word is accurate about things that can be tested (archaeology, history,
prophecy), which it is; then surely it can be trusted for its revelation of
things outside the realm of physical confirmation. Relationship is built on
communication and God’s communication is the truth of His Word.
How do two distant young people fall in love? Used to be they wrote letters;
then they phoned; now they text – but it’s all words. And that’s what we have
here – God’s permanent, exclusive, gift to His people. You can’t bypass it if
you want to know Him. No shortcuts. No excuses. I Pet 2:2, “Like newborn
infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into
salvation.” That means more than reading – that means deep dives, digging,
meditating, being absorbed in the Word. Like the college student going thru
the checkout line at the grocery store. He had a bunch of ingredients for
cookies, but also a bag of cookies. “So, are those in case the homemade ones
don’t turn out?” The guy answered, “No, they’re for me to eat while I wait
for the others to bake.” That’s hunger! – the way we must be about the Bible.
Our relationship with God will be only as good as our devotion to His Word.
Conc – So Jesus is the new temple – the new place where God meets us and
we Him. The Jews had turned Relationship into Ritual; Ritual into Religion;
and Religion into Retail. Jesus’ cleansing of the temple teaches that a true
relationship with God is Delivered by Christ (as Mediator and Master), is
Devoid of Hypocrisy and is Devoted to Truth.
A renowned British minister Dick Lucas once imagined a conversation
between an early Christian and her neighbor in Rome. The neighbor says, “I
hear you are religious. Where is your temple?” The Xn replies, “We don’t
have a temple. Jesus is our temple.” “No temple? But where do your priests
do their rituals?” “We have no priests. Jesus is our priest.” “No priests? But
who offers your sacrifices to obtain God’s favor?” “We don’t need a
sacrifice. Jesus is our sacrifice." The neighbor sputters, “No temple, no
priests, no sacrifices? What kind of religion is this?” It is no religion at all. It
is Jesus Christ. Religion is like wearing a tie with nothing else. To be in Christ
is to be fully clothed in His righteousness. Let’s pray.