2017-04-02 Luke 21:7-9 Recalibrating Reality (2): Reality-Based Hope

Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  48:32
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UPCOMING EVENTS April Communion, Benevolent Sunday, Name Tags, Sunday, April 2 Mom2Mom, Tuesday, April 4, 9:00 am Leadership Meeting w/Deacons and staff, Tuesday, April 4, 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study, Thursday, April 6/13, 9:00 am Truth Seekers, Sunday, April 9/30, 6:00-7:30 pm Men’s Fellowship, Thursday, April 13/27, ECC, 6:30 am Men’s Good Friday Breakfast, April 14, 6:30 am, Evangelical Free Church Coffee Connection, Friday, April 14th, 9:30 am, Paige Baessler, 1620 Carriage Drive, 454-3327  Easter, April 16, 9:00 Fellowship, No Adult Sunday School.         New Building Update The Building Committee will be providing an informational update in a brief meeting after the morning service on Sunday April 2. All are welcome. Good Friday Breakfast Most of you are aware that the Eaton Ministerial Association hosts a Good Friday breakfast for men each year. This year the breakfast will be held on Friday morning, April 14, 6:30 a.m. at the E. Free Church. Cost is $4.00. Speaker will be the chaplain for the Weld County Jail -- Duane Duran. Hope to see many of you there. Missions News from Jason & Nicole Spears – Nearly 379,000 college students gave their lives to Jesus for the first time last school year. That’s enough to fill Mile High Stadium 5 times! This is Cru’s most fruitful year ever, praise God! In addition, there were 36,800 students actively sharing their faith. That means each of those saw about 10 students come to know the Lord. Wow! There is no other organization in the world that has so many people and resources focused toward reaching young people. Nicole and I are honored God has called us to be part of this leadership engine for the body of Christ as we connect students to Christ, engage young people in life-changing discipleship and send leaders to expand God’s Kingdom around the world. Thank you for sending us to this mission field! Feb. 2017 “Until Everyone Has Heard,” Spears’ Newsletter 325 2nd St. | Eaton, CO 80615 | 970.454.2481 | eatoncc.org | info@eatoncc.org WELCOME APRIL 2, 2017 Organ Prelude Welcome & Announcements Memory Verse Philippians 2:11 Hymn 105 “Grace Greater Than Our Sin” Scripture Reading & Prayer Psalm 30 Congregational Singing  “This Is Amazing Grace”  “In Christ Alone Medley” Children Dismissed Prayer Offering/Offertory “God of Grace” Communion Sermon “Recalibrating Reality: Reality-Based Hope” Dave McNeff Prayer Closing Song “Softly and Tenderly” Benediction Fellowship MEMORY VERSE “…and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:11 TO KNOW HIM TO GROW IN HIM TO GO WITH HIM OPPORTUNITIES Easter Fellowship sign- up sheet is posted on bulletin board if you would like to participate. Thanks to your generous donations of jeans and time we were able to cut out 33 pairs of shoes in February! In fact you were so generous we are going to do it again as we have enough jeans to cut about 30 more pair! Join us Saturday April 29 from 9 to 2 in the fellowship hall. Bring sharp fabric scissors, we’ll supply the rest. For more information contact Lesli Anderson at (970) 834-1635. REACH Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser on May 6th. Tickets are now available. Spring cleaning? Save your unwanted clothing and small household items (in good condition) for a free garage sale to be held on Saturday, June 3rd as part of our "Free Day" community outreach! You can bring your donations to church after the worship service on Sunday, May 28th through Thursday, June 1st. Vacation Bible School – June 26th – 30th. Contact Karla to pre-register or volunteer to help. The Missions & Evangelism Committee is happy to provide booklets describing the missionaries and organizations that we support! Get your copy of "To Go With Him: FCCEA Missions" from the back table or the hanging folder in the hallway. “FACING DARKNESS” – A TRUE STORY OF FAITH: Set during the unprecedented Ebola crisis in West Africa, “Facing Darkness” tells the amazing true story of how God moved mountains on behalf of those who risked everything for Him! ENCORE presentation showing at the Cinemark in Greeley and Ft. Collins, Monday, April 10th at 7:00 pm only. CONTRIBUTIONS BUDGET FOR 2017 $308,000.00 Year-To-Date Budget: $76,999.00 Actual: $79,232.00 Difference: $2,233.00 Weekly Budget: $5,923.00 Actual: $8,755.00 Difference: $2,832.00
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