2017-03-05 Luke 20:41-44 A Challenging Question

Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  47:12
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UPCOMING EVENTS March           Communion, Benevolent Sunday, Name Tags, Sunday, March 5 Mom2Mom, Tuesday, March 7, 9:00 am DAYLIGHT SAVINGS Begins, Sunday, March 12 Baptism Service, Eaton Baptist Church, Sunday, March 12, 2:00 pm Ladies’ Bible Study, Wednesday, March 8/15/22/29, Susie Magnuson’s, 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study, Thursday, March 9/16/23/30, 9:00 am Truth Seekers, Sunday, March 5/19, 6:00-7:30 pm Men’s Fellowship, Thursday, March 9/23, ECC, 6:30 am Monday Bible Study, March 20, Sharon Hill’s, 2:00 & 7:00 pm No Sunday School for Adults or Children, Sunday, March 26 April         Communion, Benevolent Sunday, Name Tags, Sunday, April 2 Mom2Mom, Tuesday, April 4, 9:00 am Women’s Bible Study, Thursday, April 6/13/20/27, 9:00 am Truth Seekers, Sunday, April 9/30, 6:00-7:30 pm Men’s Fellowship, Thursday, April 13/27, ECC, 6:30 am Good Friday, Men’s Prayer Breakfast Easter, April 16, 9:00 Fellowship, No Adult Sunday School Monday Bible Study, April 17, Sharon Hill’s, 2:00 & 7:00 pm Baptism We will be having a baptismal service at 2:00 in the afternoon on Sunday, March 12 at the Baptist Church in Eaton. If you have not been baptized as a believer, this is an excellent opportunity to do so. As Christ symbolically identified with us in our sin (Matt 3:13-17), so baptism is our opportunity to symbolically and publicly identify with His death, burial and resurrection to a new life covered in His righteousness (Rom 6:3-11; II Cor 5:21). Please see Pastor Dave if you are interested. WELCOME MARCH 5, 2017 325 2nd St. | Eaton, CO 80615 | 970.454.2481 | eatoncc.org | info@eatoncc.org Organ Prelude Welcome & Announcements Memory Verse Philippians 2:10 Hymn 240 “Fairest Lord Jesus” Scripture Reading & Prayer Psalm 110 Congregational Singing   “Message of the Cross” “The Power of the Cross” Children Dismissed Prayer Offering/Offertory “Hands of the Healer” Communion Sermon “A Challenging Question” Dave McNeff Prayer Closing Song “He is Lord” Benediction Fellowship MEMORY VERSE “…so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, ” Philippians 2:10 OPPORTUNITIES TO KNOW HIM TO GROW IN HIM TO GO WITH HIM If you are interested in auditioning to play an instrument or sing on the Praise Team, please see Melody Long after today’s service. We are planning another mission trip to Santa Cecilia for February 2018! If you are interested in going, please contact Jesse Griffin, Patty McNeff, or fill out an information card. Mark your calendar - FREE DAY – Saturday, June 3 CONTRIBUTIONS BUDGET FOR 2017 $308,000.00 Year-To-Date Budget: Actual: Difference: $53,307.00 $51,361.00 $ 1,946.00 Weekly Budget: Actual: Difference: WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 137 SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: 62 BUILDING FUND: $2,342,051.39 $5,923.00 $8,880.00 $2,957.00
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