2017-02-19 Luke 20:27-40 The Naivete of Naturalism (1): Underestimating God's Might

Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  51:02
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UPCOMING EVENTS February  Monday Bible Study, Monday, February 20, Sharon Hill’s, 2:00 & 7:00 pm  Elders and Deacons Meeting, Tuesday, February 21, 7:00 pm  Ladies’ Bible Study, Wednesday, February 22, Susie Magnuson’s, 7:00 pm  Men’s Fellowship, Thursday, February 23, ECC, 6:30 am  Women’s Bible Study, Thursday, February 23, 9:00 am  Coffee Connection, Friday, February 24, 9:30a.m, Karla Bowness, 1488 Red Tail Road, Eaton (454-3839)  Sole Hope, Saturday, February 25, 9:00-4:00 (drop in), contact Leslie Anderson for information or see poster in hall.  Truth Seekers, Sunday, February 26, 6:00-7:30 pm March  Ladies’ Bible Study, Wednesday, March 1/8/15/22/29, Susie Magnuson’s, 7:00 pm  Women’s Bible Study, Thursday, March 2/9/16/23/30, 9:00 am  Truth Seekers, Sunday, March 5/19, 6:00-7:30 pm  Men’s Fellowship, Thursday, March 9/23, ECC, 6:30 am  Monday Bible Study, March 20, Sharon Hill’s, 2:00 & 7:00 pm We are planning another mission trip to Santa Cecilia for February 2018! If you are interested in going, please contact Jesse Griffin, Patty McNeff, or fill out an information card. Mission News from Teresa Vanderford: It is almost hard to believe it has been more than a month since I arrived here in Bangladesh! . . . I am enjoying building friendships with some people who know English. . . . My primary responsibility right now is to learn Bengali language and culture so that I can communicate clearly and I go to Bangla class five days each week. . . . I have also had many opportunities to participate in cultural experiences. . . . I am trying to watch carefully to learn what is normal here so that I can act as un-foreign as possible. . . . Like Paul, I want to learn to live in a way that my neighbors see as honorable and un-foreign so that they see God in me and 325 2nd St. | Eaton, CO 80615 | 970.454.2481 | eatoncc.org | info@eatoncc.org I have opportunities to tell of His work in my life. . . . Thank you for your prayers and support for me. I am grateful for your part in the work here. WELCOME FEBRUARY 19, 2017 Organ Prelude Welcome & Announcements Memory Verse Philippians 2:9 Opening Song “Jesus Saves!” Scripture Reading & Prayer Hymn 667 Psalm 26 Congregational Singing  “Hallelujah”  “This Is Amazing Grace” Children Dismissed Prayer Offering/Offertory Sermon “Your Name” “The Naiveté of Naturalism (1): Underestimating God’s Might” Prayer Closing Song “God Is Good All the Time” Benediction Fellowship MEMORY VERSE “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,” Philippians 2:9 Raising Men of Honor and Women of Virtue with Chuck Stecker Young people are leaving our churches at an alarming rate. We have failed to equip them to be godly men and women while the world has seduced them to become ‘grown up’ through unhealthy rites of passage such as premarital sex, alcohol consumption, movies and other hedonistic activities. If another generation is lost to the moral decay of our world, it will have a dramatic effect on our churches, our nation, our world. Parents can help preserve this generation by lovingly directing their children towards godly rites of passage and ultimately godly adulthood. However, it takes all of us – grandparents, aunts, uncles, and every other adult to engage our young people and invite them to join us in the adventure of following Jesus for a lifetime. Please join Chuck Stecker, March 4th – 5th at the Evangelical Free Church, as he presents a strategy to see our young people with God’s eyes, bless them into their future and destiny, and expect the best! Saturday, March 4, 6:30-9:00 pm – Raising Men of Honor & Women of Virtue Adults over 20 years old Sunday, March 5, 10:30-11:45 am – R U Ready & R U Able – 5th Grade and up 3:00-4:00 pm – R U Prepared – Entire congregation 6:00-8:00 pm – R U Willing – Entire congregation CONTRIBUTIONS BUDGET FOR 2017 $308,000.00 Year-To-Date Weekly Budget: $41,461.00 TO KNOW HIM TO GROWBudget: IN HIM $5,923.00 TO GO WITH HIM Actual: Difference: $38,611.00 $ 2,850.00 Actual: Difference: WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 128 SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: 67 BUILDING FUND: $2,341,751.39 $3,693.00 $2,230.00
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