2017-06-11 Luke 22:1-6 Ridding the World of Jesus

Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  45:37
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UPCOMING EVENTS June      Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18 – Resource Center baby bottles due Men’s Fellowship, Thursday, June 22, ECC, 6:30 am VBS Organizational Meeting, Saturday, June 24, 10:00 am Monthly Church Prayer Meeting, Sunday, June 25, 4:00 pm Vacation Bible School, June 26-30 Free Day – Thank you to everyone who helped with our Free Day! We had a wonderful turnout of people from our community and couldn’t have done it without your hard work and generous donations. May God bless you for your willingness to share the Gospel. FCCEA Ladies: The Baptist church has invited us to join them on Wednesday, June 14, for an evening with our mutual missionary, Jan Springer. Come hear what Jan has to share; 7:00 pm, Baptist Church fellowship hall. Guatemala Mission Trip – Anyone interested in making the trip to Guatemala next year needs to let Jesse or Patty know and have a $100 deposit in to the church office by June 15th. Resource Center – Baby bottles are due back June 18. Missions News – Dan Sered, Israel Director of Jews for Jesus, Tel Aviv In the coming weeks, we will be holding our 2017 Behold Your God evangelistic campaign in the Aravah region of Israel. Many of the area’s residents work long hours in the tourist industry, often overworked and underpaid. So, our outreach theme is Matt 11;28: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” We all need a vacation, a Shabbat from our daily lives, not just “menucha” (physical rest), but also eternal “margoa” (rest for the soul). We hope to share this rest with the residents of Aravah region by telling about Jesus and His promise of true rest. I thank the Lord for you and your continued prayer and support for my family and our ministry in Israel. Pray for our Youth and Leaders at REACH Camp this week 325 2nd St. | Eaton, CO 80615 | 970.454.2481 | eatoncc.org | info@eatoncc.org WELCOME JUNE 11, 2017 Organ Prelude Welcome & Announcements Mission Moment Bob & Jan Springer Memory Verse Hebrews 10:23 Hymn 336 “O Worship the King” John 4:24 “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” Scripture Reading & Prayer Psalm 32 Congregational Singing “My Savior Lives”  Luke 1:33 “…of His kingdom there will be no end.” “Above All”  John 3:31 “He who comes from above is above all.” Children Dismissed & Prayer Offering/Offertory: “My Jesus, I Love Thee” Hymn 456 Psalm 18:1 “I love You, O Lord, my strength.” Sermon: “Ridding the World of Jesus” Dave McNeff Prayer Closing Song “I Come to the Cross” John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Benediction MEMORY VERSE “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 TO KNOW HIM TO GROW IN HIM TO GO WITH HIM OPPORTUNITIES Vacation Bible School – Donation signup sheets are located in the kitchen. Sound Techs needed! If you would be willing to occasionally help run the sound board during the service, please let Bill Hudson or Jesse Griffin know. Training will be provided. Colorado Rockies Faith Day – Sunday, Aug 6, 1:10 pm. Ticket includes the Rockies game and postgame concert featuring Newsboys. Contact John Bowness for additional information. Recommended Reading: No God But One: A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam & Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi Qureshi is a former Muslim who came to faith in Christ after an exhaustive investigation into the claims of the two faiths. No one better understands Islam and how the Christian faith provides more compelling answers to life’s questions. If you want to know what Islam teaches and why, this is an excellent resource. It also gives compelling explanations of and evidences for major tenets of Christianity. Northern Colorado Christian Academy would love for your child to join us for the 2017/2018 school year! We have extended our enrollment deadline to June 30th. If you have a child entering Kindergarten through 5th grade in the fall of 2017 and are interested in learning more about a classical Christian education, please contact Adrienne Haythorn at 970-703-6222 or ahaythorn@nocochristian.org. CONTRIBUTIONS BUDGET FOR 2017 $308,000.00 Year-To-Date Budget: $136,229.00 Actual: $143,299.00 Difference: $7,070.00 Weekly Budget: Actual: Difference: WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 130 BUILDING FUND: $3,330,282.89 $5,923.00 $5,445.00 ($478.00)
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