2017-10-15 Luke 23:18-19, 25 Barabbas
(Luke 23:18-19, 25)
October 15, 2017
Read Mt 27:15-23 – A prof was out one day and the hard-nosed head of the
department subbed. When the regular teacher returned, she thanked the class
for its patience saying, “I know it’s difficult with a sub.” A guy in the back
groaned, “Sub? That was no sub. That was a destroyer?” Well, a sub can be
a good thing or a bad thing. Barabbas illustrates how God uses it to the good.
Mt expands on Luke’s brief account. He’s here for a reason. Clearly God
strategically placed him in jail at that precise time to illustrate both the folly
and the greatness of substitution. It’s a physical event that depicts profound
spiritual truth. He illustrates the folly of placing anyone or anything above
Jesus in our life. But in a larger sense, he illustrations substitutionary
atonement. Two scenarios picture the greatness of God’s gift of salvation.
Barabbas as Substitute for Jesus
Pilate is trapped. He doesn’t want to kill Jesus, knows He’s innocent. Even his
wife has warned him not to fool with Jesus. But the Jews are set on death. So
Pilate seizes on one more possibility. It is a feast time custom for the Romans
to release a prisoner. So Pilate offers a murderer, thinking, “These people
were cheering Jesus 5 days ago. Surely they will choose to release Jesus
over a desperado.” He didn’t know how dramatically feelings had changed. It
was driven by the leaders, yes. But the cheering crowds had anticipated a
revolution by Jesus, driving out the Romans. Instead, Jesus had attacked their
own temple, badly outdebated their best and brightest and dashed their fondest
hopes. Pilate had not sense of all that. So he offered -- Jesus or Barabbas?
So, who is Barabbas? Mt says he’s “notorious.” John 18:40 says a “robber.”
Mark 15:7 says a rebel who “who had committed murder in the insurrection”
– not a nice guy, but perfect for what God wants to show. His name means
“son of a father”. But Origen says his first name is Jesus, and Pilate hints at it.
Mt 27:17b: “Whom do you want me to release for you: Barabbas, or Jesus
who is called Christ?” Which Jesus do you want – Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus
Christ? Jesus – son of a father, or Jesus, Son of the Father? Pilate was amazed
when the crowd said, “Give us the murderer – crucify the other one.”
Looks insane to us. Release the murderer and kill the Son of God? But we are
all faced eventually with a decision – will we follow Jesus Christ as Lord, or
Jesus Barabbas, -- whatever idol in our life is above Christ? We all worship
something. We all bow to something or someone we cannot live without.
There is some god who gives out life meaning more than any other. If that
someone or something is not Jesus Christ – then it is Jesus Barabbas – and it is
just as spiritually murderous and rebellious as he was physically murderous.
The Jews wanted a Messiah who would march to the beat of their drum. If
Jesus would not do that, they’d find a substitute. So who or what is our
substitute? An idol can be a truly evil habit or desire that we just can’t live
without. But more often it is some good thing that has been elevated to a place
above Christ which makes it a murdering presence in our lives.
F. Scott Fitzgerald fell in love with Zelda, married her and they enjoyed a
brief time of paradise together. But the stock market crashed; the rich became
poor and Zelda suffered a breakdown requiring hospitalization in Switzerland.
Scott worked tirelessly to support her recovery. He wrote: “If she would get
well, I would be happy again.” She didn’t and he wasn’t. She alone made life
worthwhile. He spent his last 10 years plagued by alcoholism and depression
saying: "in a really dark night of the soul it’s always three o’clock in the
morning." Anything wrong with loving your wife? No! But a good thing that
pushes Christ out is an idol that will eventually kill. God’s gifts are rightly
enjoyed when they are second to our love for Him. Not substitute is adequate.
Jesus as Substitute for Barabbas
Barabbas is also here to picture the profound concept of double imputation.
Please don’t go to sleep; it’s actually an exciting concept with an intimidating
name. Double imputation. So what does imputation mean? It means a
transfer of credit. To impute is to credit someone with something they didn’t
really do, good or bad. Like Groucho Marx got a letter from his bank with the
standard phrase, “If I can be of service, do not hesitate to call.” Marx wrote
back, “Dear Sir, the best thing you can do to be of service to me is to credit
some money from one of your rich clients to my account.” That would have
been a favorable imputation. He’d have gotten money he didn’t earn.
Imputations can be good or bad. Suppose last parent, Dad, dies leaving you
the only child. You are about to receive an imputation. You are now legally
responsible for both his debts and his assets as tho you were him. You didn’t
create those debts. You didn’t earn those assets. But they are now your legal
obligation. His legal financial standing is yours, by imputation.
Similarly imputation is what happens when we come to faith in Christ. We are
credited a new legal standing before God that we did not earn and do not
deserve. II Cor 5:18: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin,
so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Jesus gets credit
for my sin; I get credit for His righteousness. He does not actually become a
sinner; and I do not become perfect. But my sin is assigned to him as tho He
did it; and His perfection is assigned to me as tho I did it. Double imputation.
Barabbas is a physical illustration of this most profound spiritual truth.
A. Barabbas’ Perversion is Imputed to Jesus
Barabbas is a thief, insurrectionist and murderer – all capital crimes. He’s a
bad guy, and his sin has caught up with him. So here he sits in his cell getting
ready to be crucified – probably that same day. Justice was swift in those days.
He knows all about crucifixion. He is thinking about scourging that awaits; he
is thinking about the nails in the hands; he is thinking about the suffocation; he
is thinking about the excruciating humiliation and pain. He hears the crowd
crying, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” and thinks it will be any minute.
Just then the soldiers open the door. Barabbas stands, resigned to his fate, but
the guard says, “You’re free to go.” Barabbas is startled. “Free to go? How
can that be?” The guard, knowing he is guilty as sin says gruffly, “Let me
show you, you scoundrel.” And he takes Barabbas out. Barabbas sees Jesus,
and having heard of the exchange, he thinks, “Wait a minute. That’s my
beating he is taking. That’s my cross he is bearing. Those are my nails he is
about to suffer. That is my death he is dying.” And he is right on the money.
What's happened? The insurrection of which Jesus had been wrongfully
accused has been credited to Him in place of Barabbas. Barabbas’ guilt has
been placed on Jesus. Barabbas’ penalty will be paid by Jesus while Barabbas
walks. Legally, it’s as tho he never did any of those things. He has no guilt,
and he owes no price. The law has declared him righteous. Is he actually
righteous? No. But his crimes have been imputed to Jesus.
It’s a physical illustration of a spiritual reality. Jesus wasn’t just dying in
Barabbas’ place; He was taking the guilt for every person who would ever
place their faith in Him. “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no
sin.” Jesus didn’t become a sinner; but He was credited with every sin of
every eventual believer. He took legal responsibility and paid in full for our
trillions of sins. Our amazement should be no less than that of Barabbas.
I Pet 3:18: “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the
unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but
made alive in the spirit.” Amazing! Staggering truth! Jesus took my guilt and
paid my price. My sins were imputed to Him so He could pay the price I owed
so He could bring me to God the moment I repented. And the Father? He
declared me righteous – not because I am, but because Jesus was and paid my
guilt in full. Every last piece of it. That’s the gospel. That’s good news.
There’s a great Stephen Pastis’ “Pearls Before Swine” strip. A mouse holds up
his cell phone. You see the words, “Clear Recent Calls”; the mouse deletes
them. Next comes up “Clear Browser History”; the mouse clears it. Then
“Delete All Texts”; the mouse deletes them. Finally; “Erase Every Bad Thing
You’ve Ever Done in Your Life.” With a single click, he deletes them all,
then says, “Cell phones just get better and better.” Right, but they can’t
actually delete your guilt. But Jesus can if you will repent and ask Him.
B. Jesus’ Perfection is Imputed to Barabbas
So, the sins that rightfully belong to Barabbas have been credited to Jesus. But
there is another aspect to imputation. Not only does Jesus get credit for
Barabbas’ crimes, but Barabbas gets credit for Jesus’ righteousness. 24 So
Pilate decided that their demand should be granted. 25 He released the man
who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder.” One moment
Barabbas is preparing for his crucifixion; the next, he is leaving the building –
like he never did anything wrong. Who should have been going to the cross?
Barabbas. Who should have been going free? Jesus. But Jesus gets Barabbas’
sin; Barabbas gets Jesus’ perfection. That’s double imputation!
It’s all illustrating a great spiritual truth, which is -- Just as Jesus takes the sin
of Barabbas physically, He spiritually takes the sin of all who will ever
believe. And just as Barabbas gets credit for Jesus’ perfection record, so all
believers get credit for Jesus’s sinless life. Your mess for His perfection!
This is the Bible message throughout. Seven hundred years before Christ,
Isaiah prophesied in Isa 53:6: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have
turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the
iniquity of us all.” Who gets credit for our sin? Jesus does. And once they are
credited to Him, He pays the price for every one clearing our way to the
Father. I Jn 2:2: “He is the propitiation (satisfaction – penalty-payer) for our
sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.” I Pet 2:24
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and
live to righteousness.” When we bow our heart to Christ, acknowledge our sin
and our desire to follow Him, God takes the book that lists every sin we ever
have or ever will commit – every one. He tears the pages of our record out and
pastes them into the record of Christ on the cross, thus freeing us forever from
being judicially charged with those sins before God. Great news.
But we still lack something. You say, “How could that be? What do we
lack?” Great question! Now we have no sin to answer for; but we also have no
righteousness. And Jesus says in Mt 5:20: “20 For I tell you, unless your
righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter
the kingdom of heaven.” So, get the picture. You cannot enter God’s presence
in heaven with any sin. But you also cannot enter without righteousness. You
say, “Well, isn’t lack of sin the same as righteousness?” No – it’s not!
Remember Adam and Eve? Created with no sin, right? No sin nature. No
personal sin. BUT no acts of righteousness either. They were innocent, not
righteous! To be righteous requires being tested and passing the test. So here
we are with sins forgiven, but with no positive righteousness. We no longer
have guilt, but neither do we have righteousness – EXCEPT, guess what? At
the same moment our sins are imputed to Christ – at that same moment the
perfect life He lived is credited to us. So in place of the record of sin that God
just tore out of our book, He inserts the record of the perfect life of Christ as
tho it were ours. This is the wonder of double imputation. That’s why II Cor
5:21 is just about my favorite verse in the Bible: “For our sake he made him to
be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of
God.” That’s priceless. The Father transferred my record of selfish ambition to
Jesus at the same time He transferred Jesus’ record of perfect obedience to me.
He goes to the cross; I go scot free – forgiven and cleansed from the inside
out. Remember the old Jerry Reed song – “She got the Goldmine; I Got the
Shaft”? In a far more profound way, that’s what repentance gets us. The
perfect Son of God gets all the havoc we have created; we get the perfect
record He’s created. It’s an unbelievable trade. And it’s all because what God
demands; God provides. He loves us that much. Never say God doesn’t care!
When Barabbas walked out of that prison, he was breathing the fresh air of
freedom that rightfully belonged to Jesus Christ. Did he ever breath the
spiritual fresh air that Jesus was about to pay for? Did Barabbas benefit from
the profound spiritual truth that his physical life illustrates? We don’t know.
We are not told. But we know this. We can. We can have Christ’s life in
exchange for our death if we will repent our old life and accept His new one.
Conc – Ernest Gordon’s book Miracle on the River Kwai is about some WWII
Scottish soldiers forced by Japanese captors to build a jungle railroad. But
unlike some groups, this group had degenerated into barbarous, individual
behavior. One afternoon a shovel was missing. The officer in charge was
enraged and demanded the shovel be produced or he would kill them all. No
one budged. But as he raised his weapon, one man stepped forward. The
officer put away his gun picked up a shovel and beat the man to death. When
it was over, the survivors picked up the body and carried it with them to a 2nd
tool check. This time there was no shovel missing; in fact, it was discovered
there had been miscount at the first check. No shovel had ever been missing.
Word spread like wildfire thru the whole camp that an innocent man had given
his life to save his companions. The effect was profound. Not only did the
men begin to treat each other like brothers, but when the Allies finally swept
in, the survivors, when confronted with their captors, instead of exacting
revenge said, “No more hatred. No more killings. We need forgiveness.”
That’s Barabbas’ story. He shows what God offers in Christ. My guilt for His
forgiveness; my sin for His righteousness; my death for His life. Let’s pray.