2017-12-17 Luke 24: 28-45 Grand Openings (4): Open Minds, Eyes and Hearts

Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  49:49
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UPCOMING EVENTS December ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Safety Team Meeting, Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00pm (see below) Truthseekers, Sunday, Dec 17, 6:00pm Last day for cans for the Food Drive, Friday, Dec 22 No Sunday School, Dec 24/31 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, Sunday, Dec 24, 4:30pm The Church Safety Team is having another information meeting on the 17th, at 3:00 pm at the church. This meeting will allow the congregation members to ask questions and gain clarity on what the safety team does and why a few things have changed recently. Mission News from Preston Ranch Ministries: This has been a busy and blessed year. PR has had its problems this past year too. There have been broken water lines, a tornado, floods and just plain hard work but the Lord has had so many blessings. With your support and prayers we have seen God put things back together. There have been many repairs and one major project; each family now has designated acreage surrounded by wire fence. The most exciting event was when one of the families had the ceremony for the adoption of the last of their nine “foster-to-adopt” children. It was a great day! Thank you again for your prayers, gifts and visits. Call and come by – we would love to show you what God is doing at PR. Bob and Ellen Korthuis 325 2nd St. | Eaton, CO 80615 | 970.454.2481 | eatoncc.org | info@eatoncc.org WELCOME DECEMBER 17, 2017 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Organ Prelude Welcome & Announcements Advent Candle/Reading & Prayer Sharon Hill & Lesli Anderson Memory Verse Luke 2:11 Christmas Hymn #177: “Good Christian Men, Rejoice” Psalm 97:12, “Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to his holy name!” Scripture Reading & Prayer Genesis 49:8-10 Songs: • “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” Psalm 63:4, “So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.” • Hymn #325, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” Psalm 145:3, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.” Children Dismissed Prayer Offering/Offertory: Hymn #178, “O Little Town of Bethlehem” John 7:42, “Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David, and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was?” Sermon: “Grand Openings (4): Open Minds, Eyes and Hearts” Dave McNeff Prayer “O Come, Let Us Adore Him” Closing Song: Acts 17:28, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being…for we are his offspring. “ Benediction MEMORY VERSE “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 TO KNOW HIM TO GROW IN HIM TO GO WITH HIM FOR YOUR INFORMATION Northern Colorado Christian Academy will be accepting canned food donations for the Weld County Food Bank through December 22nd. Each month our students make a charitable contribution towards an organization chosen by the 5th grade class. For the month of December, we are looking to have as many canned food items to the church before the 22nd, which is when we will be holding a "can-struction" competition between classrooms. The classes will compete to see who can create the best structure (i.e. house, tower, sculpture, etc.) out of cans. Our goal is to have enough cans to fill the bed of a pick-up truck! If it does not work for you to donate a canned item, or you also want to make a monetary donation, the church will take a benevolent offering at the Christmas Eve service which will also benefit the Weld County Food Bank. If you have questions please ask Adrienne Haythorn for details! CONTRIBUTIONS BUDGET FOR 2017 $308,000.00 Year-To-Date Budget: $296,150.00 Actual: $322,590.00 Difference: $26,440.00 Weekly Budget: $5,923.00 Actual: $4,838.00 Difference: ($1,085.00) WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 148 SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: 79 BUILDING FUND: $4,240,259.54
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