2017-11-12 Luke 23: 44-49 Lights Out In Jerusalem

Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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UPCOMING EVENTS November ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Men’s Fellowship, Thursday, Nov 16/30, ECC, 6:15-7:30am Women’s Bible Study, Thursday, Nov 16/30, 9:00am Women’s Bible Study, Tuesday, Nov 14/21/28, 7:00pm @ Susie Magnuson’s Truthseekers, Sunday, Nov 12/19, 6:00pm Women’s Bible Study, Monday, Nov 20, 2:00 & 7:00pm@ Sharon Hill’s Thanksgiving Day – Nov 23 No Sunday School, Sunday, Nov 26 Monthly Prayer Meeting, Sunday, Nov 26, 4:00pm Recommended Reading: The Vanishing American Adult, by Ben Sasse. This book is a thoughtful, comprehensive analysis of American culture. Positive in nature, but spot-on in applying biblical and common sense to identifying weaknesses and suggesting solutions in areas such as passivity, education, age segregation, work ethic, consumerism, travel, and reading. Thought-provoking and challenging, especially for parents. Loading the Operation Christmas Child boxes after church for transport to our area collection center will be done after church services. Help in the assembly line will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! 325 2nd St. | Eaton, CO 80615 | 970.454.2481 | eatoncc.org | info@eatoncc.org WELCOME NOVEMBER 12, 2017 Organ Prelude Welcome & Announcements Dedication of the Boxes for Operation Christmas Child Memory Verse Psalm 51:17 “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” Hymn #84 John 6:68-69, “…Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” Scripture Reading & Prayer Amos 5:6-9 Congregational Singing • • “Because of Your Love” Psalm 31:7a, “I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love.” “The Power of the Cross” 1 Corinthians 1:18, "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." Children Dismissed Prayer Offering/Offertory: ”Speak, O Lord” 1 Samuel 3:10b, “…Speak, for your servant hears.” “Lights Out in Jerusalem” Sermon: Dave McNeff Prayer “Above All” Closing Ephesians 1:21, [Christ is] “far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.” Benediction MEMORY VERSE “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” Psalm 51:17 TO KNOW HIM TO GROW IN HIM TO GO WITH HIM FOR YOUR INFORMATION The new Daily Bread devotionals for next quarter are available at the back of the church on the Missions table. In addition, there are a few booklets called “The Hope of Christmas” for the holiday season. Nominating Committee A nominating committee comprised of Mike Hungenberg, John Bowness, Duane Robson and Dave McNeff is currently active to nominate two elders, one deacon and one deaconess for presentation at the Annual Meeting. If you have candidates to suggest, please contact those listed. Qualifications are listed in I Timothy 3. Ushers – If you would like to sign up to usher, both November and December are available. Contact Dan Haythorn if you have questions. Fellowship – If you would like to help out with Fellowship time, there are a few Sunday’s left this year. Please sign up on the sheet in the hallway for these remaining dates or for 2018 if that works better with your schedule. CONTRIBUTIONS BUDGET FOR 2017 $308,000.00 Year-To-Date Budget: $266,535.00 Actual: $294,315.00 Difference: $27,780.00 Weekly Budget: Actual: Difference: $5,923.00 $6,452.80 $529.80 WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 127 SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: 65 BUILDING FUND: $4,218,817.54 Our sincere condolences go out to Butch and Deb Helzer. Butch’s brother passed away this past week.
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