Luke 20:27-40 - The Resurrection Dilemma
Joy sermon series in the Gospel of Luke
a sermon called the resurrection dilemma the resurrection dilemma. We're going to go directly to God's word this morning reading from Luke Chapter 20 verses 27 through 40.
The 4th confrontation the Jesus highs in the 20th chapter of Luke. Starting at verse 27 there came to him some Sadducees those who deny that there is a resurrection and they asked him a question saying teacher Moses Road for us to set up a man's brother dies having a wife but no children. The man must take the Widow and raise up Offspring for his brother are there were seven brothers the first took a wife and died with our children and the second and the third took her and likewise all left all seven left. No children and died afterward and died afterward the woman also. In the resurrection there for whose wife. Will the woman be for the seven had her as wife and Jesus said to them the sons of this age Mary and are given in marriage but those were considered worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, but they cannot die anymore because they are equal to angels and our sons of God being Sons of the Resurrection but the dead are raised even Moses showed in the passage about the bush where he calls the Lord the god of Abraham and the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob know he is not God of the dead but of the living for all live to him then some of the scribes answered teacher you have spoken well for they no longer dare to ask him any question. Let's pray father God. We thank you for your word. We thank you that you inspired Luke to include this episode that you has will decide to cease and his gospel and we pray that you would use it teach us father God from it this morning. And changes father God this morning. I pray that you would help us in this. You by your spirit alone. Can apply this word to our lives we ask for your help Father. Would you help me to communicate your truth? In a way, that's faithful. And help us father God to see Jesus this morning. It's in his name. We pray. Amen.
Now if you were to go on the internet and look up a list of the greatest boxers of all time.
Almost any list that you pick you will see two names that stick out two names that are generally found in the top 20 boxers of all time. This is because in that list there are two boxers. Who remained for the entirety of their career undefeated? Think for a minute see if you know who they are. Don't say it out loud. There's no prizes. Jim you get most of the sports questions, right? One of them was Rocky Marciano and the other was Floyd Mayweather Jr. What's interesting if you ignore Mayweather's belt with UFC Superstar Conor McGregor both him and Marciano were 49 wins zero losses 0 draws undefeated champions of the world. They were never beat. But I did never being beaten that I want you to focus on this morning because as we consider, once again Jesus as we consider the opponent that he is facing as we consider the confrontations that Luke lays out for us in this 20th chapter of his gospel. You can be rest assured this morning that in regards to his opponents in regards to his enemies he is was and forever will be undefeated. Main idea this morning is that Jesus is greater than all his adversaries. Jesus is greater than all his adversaries. And this case we look at an adversarial interaction with the Sadducees. Can we see a denial and a dilemma in verses 27 through 33? In verse 27 the confrontation we see comes from the Sadducees who deny the resurrection. Jesus has a new opponent in chapter 20. It's not the scribes. It's not the Pharisees who we've heard about the last couple of weeks now, it's the Sadducees and this is the only time in the Gospel of Luke that he mentions sajha cease and I will become important later on in this sermon the Sadducees emerged in the second century BC. They were likely to send it from zadok the priest and that's where they would get their name from and that's they were a Priestly group of people most of whom were wealthy. No, they only believed in only followed the Books of Moses finding its Superior those books Superior to say the wisdom literature the songs in the profits religiously speaking are the most conservative. After 87 did they would lose control of the people's hearts and Minds to the Pharisees? And it's important to know they did not believe in the resurrection of the Dead. I'm moving on to verses 28 to 33 the Sadducees present Jesus with a dilemma. Which they believe this proves the resurrection of the Dead another deal under they raised centers around. What's the Illusions called levirate marriage? We read about this in Deuteronomy chapter 25 verses 5 and 6 if Brothers dwell together and one of them dies and has no son. The wife of the dead man shall not be married outside the family to a stranger her husband's brother shall go into her and take her as his wife and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her and the first son who she Bears shall succeed to the name of his dead brother that his name may not be blotted out of Israel biblical law required a man to marry his brother's widow. If they did not have any children and specifically a son and a purpose of this law was to preserve and to perpetuate a man's lineage his family name The dice obviously was seen to cut off a man's life, but it was also seeing two if you had no heirs cut off the very remembrance of that man from the Earth.
A man with children had a future in regards to his name it would continue on but a man with no children his name and his lineage would die with him. That's what that law is about. And so they take this law and presented a lemon to Jesus which they feel this proves the resurrection of the Dead. What was the Dilemma? Well, there is a chain of marriages with apparently a very large family at least on the husband's side 7 boys.
The first marriage sees the husband who is called the first brother died with no children. Cancel the second brother marries the first brother's widow, but he also dies without providing children for his brother and it continues all the way to the seventh brother who also marries this Widow. But who also died before producing any children? This childless woman has exhausted the family tree of her first husband seven marriages seven husbands. one wife but zero children They presented the one with the Jesus and then they asked him whose wife. Will this woman be? In the afterlife believing that the situation they have described is so absurd that believe in some sort of Resurrection would also be observed. That is of your belief in whatever it is results in a situation. So absurd then the belief itself must be absurd as well. Well, Jesus has an answer in an assurance in versus 34 through 38. And versus 34th and 36th Jesus answers the Sadducees dilemma declaring that they do not understand the resurrection. Is he the Sadducees have undermined a concept that Jesus doesn't believe in? They try and and destroy the belief in the resurrection, but it is a resurrection. They have created in their own mind. Not one that Jesus holds two. In the Sadducees version of the Resurrection Life continues on very similar to the life that we all live now and therefore an institution like marriage would continue on in the resurrection just as it does today. However, Jesus exposes the Sadducees Ignorance by indicating that in the resurrection age things are not so similar to the age that we now live in certainly not in regards to marriage. He says the sons of this age marry and are given a marriage but those who are considered worthy to attain to that agent of the Resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. Jesus brings some clarity and some truth to their understanding this age men. Marry and women are given in marriage in the age to come. Neither do people marry nor are they given in marriage? A Jesus gives us an explanation. Why is he marriage is no longer needed in the age of the resurrection of the dead because people don't die. It's not needed to perpetuating preserve a man's name. Those who are worthy of the Resurrection Life Will Not Die their names will be preserved a perpetuated forever.
Banana versus 37 and 38 Jesus Asher's the Sadducees and us that there is indeed a resurrection of the Dead Jesus insists. The dead are raised and then he points to the Sadducees beloved Torah the Books of Moses for all the proof that he needs he ground his arguments in the existence of the Resurrection age in what he calls the passage about the bush. Why doesn't he give us a chapter and verse? Well, they didn't have them then. I remember that if they wanted to talk about a particular part of scripture that had to refer to it by the content the passage about the bush. They would know what Jesus is talking about. We would say numbers 23, perhaps Jesus knows that Moses called the Lord the god of Abraham and the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob by which he means that God. The Lord is God of the promise is to the Patriarchs. He's the god of the covenants with the Patriarchs. And if the Patriarchs are truly and finally It ultimately dead then God will not have fulfilled his promises. To the Patriarchs Norwood hate give been faithful to his Covenant with them. But God does not lie until these Patriarchs must not be finally dead. They must not be eternally dead, but will rise. And that is why Moses called the Lord the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob Jesus concludes now, he is not God of the dead but of the living for all live to him that is to say if God is the god of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and if God is a god of the living than Abraham Isaac and Jacob must be or will be alive again at some point now, he doesn't give much more clarity than that. other than to say The Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob though. They are dead. Their death is not permanent in some way. They are alive and will live again if God is their gods
and so we see the Dilemma that they present to Jesus this dilemma by people who deny the resurrection. When we see Jesus giving him an answer in regards to what they misunderstand about the resurrection and give them assurance and all others who were there and those of us who read now that there is indeed. Resurrection from the dead
The last point this morning comes from verse 39 and 40.
Jesus is The Undefeated one. Jesus overcomes in 39 and 40. We see that he overcomes some more adversaries this time the Sadducees but keep in mind that this is after he's done it time and time again against others who have opposed. Andrew have come against him who have confronted him.
But he overcomes. The Sadducees as well. We read they no longer dare to ask him any questions. One more time. Jesus has silence his opponents confrontation after confrontation has shown that Jesus is superior to his opponent Superior to his adversary Superior to his enemies. He's Superior in Supernatural wisdom. He's Superior in biblical wisdom. He's Superior in Authority Superior in the right and power to do things and in this case Superior in the interpretation of scripture. When it comes to facing opposition, Jesus is undefeated.
Now having said that and haven't connected it to the opposition that Jesus has faced throughout chapter 20. There's something peculiar about this particular Passage. There's something peculiar about. This interaction that Luke has included in this group of confrontations. We see in chapter 20, as I said Jesus is normal targets are the scribes and Pharisees. Luke has never previously mentioned the Sadducees and he will not mention them again. Any other confrontation Jesus opposes The Stance of the scribes and the Pharisees, but in this one he finds agreement with those groups in regards to the Resurrection the scribes and the Pharisees agreed with Jesus that there is a resurrection from the dead. And the previous confrontations were about who Jesus was and what he was doing. Where's this confrontation is about a Doctrine. The resurrection that to be honest doesn't seem to be too pertinent to the rest of the confrontations that Jesus is having. And yet Luke has included in chapter when we call chapter 20 in this collection of confrontations. We should ask ourselves. Why? Why did Luke decide as inspired by God to put this particular story Into His gospel? Why does Luke include this doctrinal confrontation with the Sadducees? Well the zondervan exegetical commentary on the New Testament recognizes this peculiar tea. And ice and answers the quiet that question in the right way. I quote why the Sadducees Luke has no interest in informing his readers about the Sadducees who they were or what they believed and why except for this one crucial issue. They simply serve as a foil that allows Jesus to assert the Assurance of the resurrection and quote. This is a very important point. I believe in regards to this passage. This chapter in the various confrontations found in at all point to the superiority of Jesus over his enemies over his adversaries. We see that Jesus is greater than the Pharisees greater than the elders greater than the national is greater than the scribes. Greater than the leaders of the people and in this case greater than the Sadducees. Of course he is. But now I believe Luke raises the doctrine of the Resurrection to foreshadow the fact that Jesus is also greater than Mankind's greatest enemy death. Lucas pointing now to the cross see from our post cross post-resurrection vantage point we can think about Jesus's enemies. And we can realize that his enemies went beyond the people that he lived around the scribes and the Pharisees and the elders in the chief man and the Sadducees in the Nationalist. There is in fact a greater enemy out there. The Jesus would also demonstrate his superiority to as well. Death caused by sin. Like to use this point in my final few minutes here to apply this passage in Luke to our lives. Keeping in mind that Jesus is the Undisputed champion in all conflicts against all enemies. and now focusing our attention on this enemy Called Death In 1st Corinthians Paul discusses, the end of this age in the initiation of the age to come the initiation of the Resurrection age verses 24 through 26 through chapter 15 of 1st Corinthians. Paul writes this then comes the end when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every Rule and every Authority and power for he must Reign until he has put all enemies under his feet The Last Enemy to be destroyed is death. Jesus will defeat death. He's already defeated death in his own Resurrection butzke will defeat and Destroy death for all of his people. And so we have this morning In this passage in Luke 8 promise to believe. Death will be destroyed Jesus overcame it when the father raised him up from the grave. Jesus defeats every anime. And he will defeat that and we need to believe that promise.
Second application Paul also encourages Timothy by speaking of the Resurrection. Am I speaking of Christ defeat of his enemies in ours and he connects that to Jesus is common to both those who are worthy to attain the resurrection. We read and 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verses 8 through 11. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about are north of me is Prisoner but share and suffering for the gospel by the power of God who saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of our works but because of his own purpose and Grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began and which now has been manifested to the appearing of our savior Christ Jesus. Who abolished death? And brought life and immortality to lie to the gospel for which I was appointed a preacher and Apostle and a teacher in our passage from Luke. We are given by Jesus a condition that needs to be mad. Only those who are found worthy. Will experience the resurrection age the life with God forever and ever?
Nepal touches upon this I believe you explain to us how it is that we are to be found worthy. What does it mean to be found worthy of the Resurrection? He says God who saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of our works but because of his own purpose and Grace when she gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages, but yeah, let us understand this morning that we cannot be found worthy for life with God after death by our own works. That is not how one is made worthy for the Resurrection Life.
We can only be found worthy because of God's purpose and God's grace which has been given to us in Christ Jesus.
NSO this morning as we think about the condition that needs to be fulfilled so that we can experience Resurrection Life. We need to look to Jesus and understand that it's by the grace of God. It's by the work of Christ who we will see in the coming chapters suffered on our behalf. Was killed crucified he died and was buried but then he rose again.
If we want to be found worthy of the Resurrection, we need to be found in Christ. And were found in Christ through repentance and belief. If you're here this morning and you don't consider yourself a Christian. But you like the idea of eternal life as most people do. if you believe in life after death as most people still do
Hear me this morning. You need to be found worthy to be experienced it and there's nothing you can do.
To be found worthy. Worthiness is found in Jesus Christ by repentance and Faith by turning from our sins and trusting in Him this morning. encourage you to do that this morning, but if you are a Believer understand this the evidence of your worthiness as seen in the same thing as seen through repentance and belief. Do a continual repenting of our sins confessing them to God and then believing in Christ work on our behalf and demonstrating that believe by living in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
Whether we're Believers or unbelievers that we want to experience the resurrection and life with God internally. We need to be found worthy. Our worthiness is found to repentance and faith in Christ. third application point this morning will go and return to Paul once more Paul gives us an example. in Romans chapter 8 verses 31 through 39
taking our beloved Savior Jesus Christ
in comparing him A contrasting him with all of our enemies Paul gives us an example of comparing all of our enemies to the unbeaten undefeated unmatched and unparallel Jesus Christ. In this particular passage Paul was focused on suffering. Something less adversarial in our lives, but he gives us an example of what we can do with all of our difficulties with all of our enemies. We can compare them to Christ. Listen to what Paul says. What then shall we say to these things if God is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all how will he not also with him graciously give us all things who shall bring any charge against God's elect it is God who justifies Who is to condemn Christ Jesus is the one who died more than that who was raised? Who is at the right hand of God who indeed is interceding for us? And now he begins to compare and contrast all of our opponents all of our enemies all of those things that are adversarial to our lives. He Compares and contrasts and with Christ.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we are being killed all the day long. We are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered. No in all these things. We are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ. Jesus our lord brothers and sisters whatever enemies you have. Whatever it is that is in opposition to you in your life. Whatever it is. That is adversarial. To you and your walk with your savior. You can take those things. In fact, you should take those things and compare them to Jesus Christ compare them to what he is and what he has done. And in doing so get an accurate accurate picture what it is you are facing because whatever. It is Christ defeats it. Christ to his love defeats all of our enemies all of our ponies everything that is adversarial to us tribulation distress persecution famine naked danger sword Life Death Angels demon sickness suffering struggles, sin. All of them are defeated by Jesus Christ. He is the one who is greater than all his adversaries. Let's pray.
Father God we thank you for your word and I'm grateful this morning Father God that you by your spirit inspired Luke. To include these episodes where Jesus engages with those who are his enemies.
And I'm grateful this morning. I know we're grateful this morning Father God to see Jesus is Supernatural knowledge and is biblical wisdom. And his Superior interpretation of your scripture in his authority and power and right to accomplish things.
But in my heart this morning Father God I rejoice. That we are reminded that Jesus has conquered death.
He conquered death by paying for a sin. What a glorious savior he is.
He is indeed father. God undefeated unmatched unparallel. There is no one like him. And I pray father God that you by your spirit would use that great truth of Jesus Superior over over superiority over every enemy to encourage us this morning to encourage us to believe your promise of eternal life. Even as we sang this morning alive.
Help us father God with this. glorious truth of Jesus
Greatness that he demonstrates by overcoming all his adversaries to be found worthy of the Resurrection Life. Knowing that our worthiness is found in our connection with Christ. by your spirit Health each one of us to be people who repent and believe
And finally father God I pray that you by your spirit would help us to do what Paul has done here in Romans chapter 8 to take those things that he is facing that are his enemies that are adversarial his opponents. And compare them to The Undefeated Champion Jesus Christ.
Because we do so we will see in all these things. We are more than conquerors through Christ has loved us. Let that be an encouragement. To each and everyone who face is difficulty. in this moment and in the days to come
pray all this in the precious name of Christ. Amen.