1030am Sunday 11-8-20
The gospel for today is found in Matthew the 25th chapter.
Then the kingdom of heaven will be like this 10 bridesmaids took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five were wise when the foolish took their lamps. They took no oil with them, but the wise took flask of oil with their lamps and as the bridegroom was delayed all of them became drowsy and slapped. But at midnight there was a shout look here is the bridegroom come out to meet him. Then all those bridesmaids got up and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said to the wise give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out. But the wise replied know there will not be enough for you and for us you had better go to the dealers and buy some for yourselves. And while they went to buy it the bridegroom came and those who were ready went with him into the Wedding Banquet and the door was shut. Later, the other bridesmaids came along also saying Lord Lord open to us. But he replied. Truly I tell you I do not know you keep awake there for for you know, neither the day nor the hour. the gospel of Our Lord
Matthew When he recorded what Jesus had said in this Parable, his church was at the end of the century first century and they knew that Jesus had predicted that he would come again. And yet the church was growing impatient worried there was much persecution and many were dying for their faith. Matthew hope that Jesus is parable about the wise and the foolish maidens that we hear today about the Kingdom of Heaven would encourage him and them in their waiting. We to know what it's like to wait. I think we've done a lot of that this week with our voting nerves can get the best of us. And so 24 Matthews Church. Just knowing that Jesus knew that there was going to be a wait of sometime and he's talking to his disciples and telling them this Parable to encourage them and us when it comes to the second coming of Christ and how we are to be found while we wait.
As we wait for the kingdom to come where the final call is made for the winter, and that's our God and Lord. So as we understand this Parable in trying to it would be helpful. I think you understand the wedding so that time little different from our own at least the timing when the couple was going to be married betrothed the groom would prepare or have to prepare a a room. That's an add-on to his parents home for the bride and himself and it was usually to be a test of course, but the father would take care of all the building project not the groom and the father was the one that would say when it was done. And when the marriage Feast was to begin And it was no in that day that the father's with this timing and sometimes would come quite late and certainly even at night like this story happened at midnight. And so the Bridesmaids had heard somehow that the wedding is near they've come close to the bride their near and in her house or near the house and they're waiting for the marriage Feast begin waiting for the crier of the the town that announces the broom groomer on his way and the job at these bridesmaids or 10 of them was the light the couple's way light the people's way from the bride's home to the groom's home where the marriage-feast would begin and it was customary at this time when everyone would get into the home of the groom for the big party and they were big parties. These people were excited about marriage Feast because it was a big deal. And they look forward to the joy of being included. And these things would last for days and days, but when everyone was in the doors were locked customarily locked. So the big problem Rose for these bridesmaids for all of them. They should have known that they might be having a considerable wait for that bridegroom himself to arrive the father of the groom wear always quite unpredictable about their timing but only 5 rot well enough enough for the marriage-feast if it were to be delayed. Now at this Parable is considered an allegory and it is every part of this Parable allegory mean something much more deeper pointing towards the kingdom of heaven and how it all comes down. The wedding itself refers to Revelation 19:9 the marriage supper of the Lamb. And the end times when the groom Christ comes to take his church the bride us. To the Eternal places and God is the one who readies the place and calls the time just as the father of the groom. And so as we wait along with the church of all the ages to come and behind us have left and waited. We stand with our lamps so to speak. The story doesn't make easy preaching. However, especially when she says the groom in the story. Tell bridesmaids you have to go to get their oil because they didn't bring enough that they are not allowed in and that he does not know them. Apart makes us all just a little nervous least. It does mean at times. It seems like a harsh judgment said after all those five bridesmaids that's had to go back to get their oil. They had done their best to show up at least. Yes. They had forgotten hadn't gotten everything right like we bumble around in life at times. And they did have to get extra oil but they did that's the other five bridesmaids if they could share their oil so that they could all go to the feast. And aren't we as Christians supposed to share with those in need and yet they were denied. Well, it seems there still a deeper meaning a question of asking Jesus. How is it that we are to wait then and to continue to wait and not get closed out of the end times out of the great Heavenly call. Especially when there's so much Discord in our lives these days so much happening to distract us sometimes to trip us up. Every sigh daily it seems I remember my internship Pastor saying this when the Messiah comes again, and he would do that after some rough calls. Because we we wait for the time these things all to pass away the where there's no more tears or sadness no more unrest or hate or anger only the healing love of God surrounding us forever. We are in for that. So how do we have enough preparedness enough oil? Some Scholars have different answers about this. In fact, if the thrust of this Parable is that we must be waiting we have to wait and while we wait we must be prepared with enough fuel oil for the Light of Christ to be carried forth. What is our oil? Some of said it's our good works or it's the quality of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Yes some list ways in which we can stay faithful. Some say that we need to prayer Pray more maybe longer prayers, maybe fervently all day long. Maybe we should memorize scripture or not just read it, but memorize it so that when there's times of trouble those words as Promises of God come to us and comfort us. We could be feeding the hungry clothing the naked visiting the Widow and the Prisoner or we could just accept the fact that we have to wait and kind of just save it is what it is. Or maybe you have a list of things that you follow things that make you ready get you up for the final days. Martin Luther went down that rabbit-hole that path at his Monastery. He fasted and fasted way too much. He prayed and prayed all day long and not even flogged himself beat himself for the thoughts that he had that he could not rid himself of. Until he fell upon the scripture that said saved by grace through faith Hallelujah Luther set of this Parable with the oil that we need to light the path of Christ in our lives and the lives of others to make it to the final days. It's faith. Think of it faces what makes the waiting Parable it's what leads us to trust in the word of God and his promises. Some of those are these Matthew 11 come to me all you who are laboring and are heavily burdened and I will give you rest. Psalm 23 Yahweh is my shepherd. I shall lack nothing. He makes me to lie down in Green Pastures. He leads me beside Still Waters. He restores my soul.
Deuteronomy 33 Old Testament, the Eternal God is your Dwelling Place underneath are his Everlasting Arms when we were left in them John 14. Don't let your hearts be troubled believe in God believe in me in my father's house that Jesus are many rooms. 2nd Corinthians 5 for we know that if the Earthly house our tent is dissolved. We have a building from God a house not made with hands by the Eternal in heaven. John 11 says I am the resurrection and the life and he who believes in me will still live even if he dies. Eucharist John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life in the moments of uncertainty when everything we are used to has passed. And these words of encouragement assure us of his presence in his promises to be with us bolsters our faith every time increases our ability to trust in him more and more as we wait Faithfully. It doesn't mean that we sit back and wait for Christ to come second coming and do nothing. What God has given us through Christ and his dying Resurrection is Ascension his promises pulling us forward is that he gives us the fuel of Faith which is the spirit of Christ that dwells within. It leads us forth with the hope that God will turn all things into his good makeup. Best of who we are and what we are. Cover our weaknesses cover our sin with the blood of his son. Jesus the Christ gave his life for us so that we can give our lives into his better work on Earth. It has been said faith without works is dead. It just means that when we are full of the spirit is Spirit in US it just burst out into the world. It shines its light on others to bring others into the Eternal banquet where we can all Feast upon the lamb slain and all those that come will know. It's been worth the wait.
I still find it on. That spiritual encouragement that I read to you are the ones that we read it funerals. for each one of us as we wait for the end times and do not know when we also do not know for our own lives when they will and so let us exercise the gift of faith given to us in Jesus Christ revealed by him to us. In the Pentecost and through his people. And draws us into the kingdom. What is as clean and are baptisms where we came as babies many of us Kicking and Screaming into that Kingdom wear his forgiveness Watches Over Us everyday.
Stuart Briscoe told this story
is of a man and a woman neither of them can read or write but he has been converted to Christ through the Salvation Army. Maybe you've heard the story. It's sweet. And one day he comes home from worship at the Salvation Army and he says Joe's wife everyone at church. Where is a red sweater? Okay, she says I'll get to one and she does the next Sunday. He goes with his red sweater on and comes back and he still doesn't seem satisfied and says the people with the red sweaters they have something written on them. She said hello. Well write something on your sweater. Not knowing how to read not knowing how to write. She goes downtown and she looks and all those shop windows and she finds kind of short little phrase. So she jotted down the best she can and she goes back embroiders that on his sweater itself. Can you imagine what it is? Because when he went to church next Sunday, everybody was excited they gathered around him and they said we want a sweater just like yours. What is wife copied onto it was Under New Management?
That's what it means to be a Christian, isn't it? It keeps us ready to make our meet our maker to have him as Lord to lead us through our life to listen to his word in 250 it at least try. We are on kingdoms path. We are ready for anything when it comes. And I give this a piece a piece is going to pass all understanding for those of us who keep our hearts and Minds in Christ. Jesus know that he is in charge and he is our new management.
And may He Faithfully lead us and maybe Faithfully trust and all that. He has promised and then our lives shine forth his light on to others as we dance along the path. Toward eternity.
I'm in.