mini sermon Gen.22:2
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Is it TRUE? Big Idea
Is it TRUE? Big Idea
Gods provision in Trials
Is it CLEAR? Structure
God wanted to test Abraham
That test was to sacrifice his son
Abraham response
Issac response
Gods provision
Is it VIVID? Application/Illustration
when we are tested by God do you see that God provides for us what we need for the trial.
In our move to Tennessee, which we went on faith, we had many trials and God provided through it all.
Is it COMPLETE? Gospel
The place became known as God provides. It points to God providing a sacrifice for our sin, and God having to offer his son for that sacrifice. Issac too as who willing went to be sacrificed so did Jesus.
Is it WORSHIPFUL? Preaching to the Affections
You need God rather you believe in him or not and he has made provision for you to help you in your time of trouble.