The Greatest Child - Inductive Sermon

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Movement A - Narrative at the House in Capernaum

Text: Matt 18:1-5, Lk 9:46-48, and Mk 9:33
The disciples and the master drug themselves to the table after a long journey to Capernaum. The disciples where weary, tired, drained, and most of all frustrated towards one another. To make matters worse, they knew that there frustration would not be met with compassion by their master. You see, the disciples wanted to know who was the best; who would have the most anointing; some even may have wondered if they weren’t the master’s favorite! These self righteous concerns led to an argument demanding that one man be the greatest out of all the disciples.
While they thought their secret was safe, the master somehow knew what they had been thinking. How could it be? Did he hear us? No that couldn’t be possible they must have thought. Yet Jesus discerned that they had been arguing about who was greatest. His answer was not one of the trivial sort, instead it was complex and demanded a transformation of heart!

Movement B - Children

Yesterday I was unpacking my home when I met several of our neighborhood kids. They came up to me with genuine curiousity - who are you? Are you going to live in that house? Will you be putting out candy for Trick-or-Treat? Overwhelmed by questions, I broke a smile and introduced my wife and I and let them know I would be living at that big blue house!
The interesting fact is that no child I talked to came up to me and said, “I bet you I’m better than you in life. In fact, I bet Jesus loves me more and has given me more authority in this world. You never could amount to the power God has given me.” Surprisingly, no not one child said that.
Instead here is what I observed the children doing:
Playing pretend with one another - enjoying life as friends do
Encouraging one another
Growing up together
The reality is that not one of the children asked the question “who is the greatest amongst all of us?”

Movement C - Jesus’ Answer to “Who Is the Greatest?”

18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 He called a child, whom he put among them, 3 and said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

Matt 18:1-5
Jesus answered the disciples by using an illustration of a child. The child was innocent, but the child also lacked prestige, a title, and even a VIP ticket! Jesus called his disciples to humility...notice that Jesus states, “Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
How do I become humble in the Kingdom of God?
Jesus calls the disciples to be servants!

35 He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.”

Mk 9:35
Jesus has called us to serve one another

Movement D - How This Applies to Me

So many times, we become frustrated because Sister Debby was recognized and I wasn’t on Sunday. Or maybe, your struggling to understand who in your family is truly greatest. You might find yourself saying, “I’ve gone to church the longest and I’ve been faithful in everything God. Why would you bless them and not me?”
With the season that our church is in, we are growing! Growth brings change and change brings new problems, people, and alterations to one’s control. Maybe you feel intimidated by the new minister in the church. Or maybe you don’t like a family that just came into the church. Just maybe, your struggling with some insecurities about your own abilities.
I’d like to encourage someone today by letting them know, Jesus has called you to be a servant. He’s called you to humble yourself as child and seek the Kingdom of God first in your life.
Don’t become distracted by the caustic nature of some, a servant is valued by God.
Be a servant when no one’s looking…God will reward you openly.

Movement E - The Big Idea

Living as a disciple of Jesus isn’t about arguing on who’s the greatest, it’s about serving the most.
If you desire to be recognized for hard work, work hard. Serve hard. God will reward you openly
Don’t be driven by the level you are with others. God has called you for your own specific purpose.
Win the lost (Matt 28:19)
Grow closer to God in relationship (Jas 4:8)
Work on allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your actions, decisions, and thoughts (Rom 8:29) - grow into the characteristics of Christ!
The reality is that any of you who have children love them equally! While we may joke about favorites, we love all of our children. God does as well, and he has called us to grow and mature together as his disciples. Let us run the race, as Paul said, together. In the Kingdom of God, the greatest child is the one who humbles himself as the servant of all. Jesus set the example by humbling himself by the cross for all who have sinned. “While ye were yet sinners” he died for you is what the Bible says.
While we will never be Jesus, let us strive to be like him
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