Matthew 25:14-30
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The parables of the bags of gold
Like the parable of the two servants, the master goes away for a long time (The master is Jesus). he has left the servants with responsibilities to fulfil.
The issue is who will be ready for the masters return.
Whats really obvious in this parable is the readiness is not waiting around for the master to return, but getting on with the job and making the most of the oppertunities given to us.
The bags of gold or talents (We get our english word talent from this) represent the God given gifts given to us.
The different amounts although all large, were given to the servents according to their ability, and the expected return was proportionate to the sum given... depends on their ability, we aren’t all Billy Graham, we want all be missioniares, we want all service on the PCC
God recognises we are all different and only expects realistic returns.
The two good servants recieve the same praise even though their achievments are different, our achievments will look different, but each is equaly important.
To have a lesser gift does not excuse us from putting in the effort. the problem with the third servant is that he didn’t recognise the master intention and instaed of serving he played it safe and did nothing in fear of getting it wrong, but ended up doing everything wrong.
v24 isn’t ment to show God as an angry task master, it would be hard to love and be open to Him, but God does expect and reward the use of the oppertunities to serve which open up to us.
we are to use Gods gifts responsibaly but also not be afraid to be adventurous so we are ready for the return of Jesus.