Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Spiritual Vision
ð Can look thru culture, history - see many examples.
Go all way back to mid-1700s when leaders of some loosely-affiliated colonies revolt against most powerful nation on Earth at time – launched great democratic experiment called USA.
o        Fast forward to 1803, Pres Thomas Jefferson, realizes western boundary of US Miss River, but 2~/3 of pop.
lived w~/in 50 ml of Atlantic, negotiated Louisiana Purchase - commissions Meriwether Lewis & Wm Clark to set off, in 1804, explore and open up West.
o        Moving forward to 1976 when Steven Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak had crazy idea PCs be in every US home - started little company Apple Computers.
Grew to point where, in 1983, attempting to lure Pepsi’s marketing exec to Apple, Jobs asked (QT).
ðWhat all these have in common?
(DEF) People who radically affect world around them have this thing called VISION!
But – we need to be more specific, don’t we? Need to deal with us – here tonight.
Well then, consider 12 men 2000 yr ago given greatest commission ever – Mt 28:19-20 (QT).
All thruout Acts we see these men (11 & replacement) and those they contacted living out this God-given spiritual vision.
Well, let’s define SV then: “Ability to see God’s presence, to experience God’s power in all that we do, in SPITE of obstacles.”
ð Too often we focus on obstacles at hand at EXPENSE of seeing all the good we CAN do and that is BEING done.
You & I, as Xians, are to be X-like. 1 John 2:6 makes very clear, where John simply writes (RD).
Walk as, talk as, think as X does! *Living in and for X /should /change our vision*, and if hasn’t, now is time for us to make that change.
No better time than now for me and for you to truly develop SV.
And when we do, we will marvel at the changes.
ð */T/**/ – /*/So, how do we?
How does true SV manifest itself in my~/your life?
To begin with, SV…/
//Changes How We Look at Others/
//Open to John 9.
Here find Jesus passing from Temple, coming upon a man blind from birth.
What we see is that even to those closest to Jesus, this man seen as not much more than question of debate.
See, common belief is illness is result of sin – same as Job’s friends.
Man seen simply as subject of intellectual, theological discussion – NOT as a poor, miserable human with NO SIGHT!/
//Look in vs 8 – listen how people describe this guy (RD).
He is just “blind man” – that’s it!
It’s almost like his name rolling through credits of life: “boy on corner” – this guy; “blind man” played by this man in John chapter 9!!/
//Even his parents don’t seem to connect him with an actual /person/!! (RD 19-20) – He is our blind son and that’s just about it./
//But, look at Jesus – look at Jesus’ vision of man in a desperate, hopeless condition (RD 5-6).
Jesus saw him as a MAN! Saw a man in need of help – yes, He healed this man to glorify the Father, but He would not involve Himself in debate!
He went to HELP! That’s how Jesus saw people.
We see also in Mt 8, He encounters worst, most alienated sub-person in society (RD 8:2-3).
Sounds cliché, but Jesus Christ touched the /*untouchable*/!/
//Do we look at people the way Jesus did?
Do we see our friends~/neighbors~/co-workers as individuals – not as partiers, or loud people, or members of some ethnic group, or jocks, or drug addicts…but as /*souls in need of SALVATION*?!/ 1 Tim 2:3-6 makes God’s intentions clear to us.
Paul says (RD).
ALL men – Christ died for ALL people./
//Not best, brightest, wealthiest, cleanest or just for those MOST like us…He died for us ALL.
//Do we see people at work, school as a soul that God gave His only begotten Son for?
When we develop SV, we will.
We will see others as Christ sees them./
ð *Developing SV not only changes how we see others, but our **perception of world around us** should also…*
/*Change How We’re SEEN by Others*
/*Jesus saw people as people – souls who had a need.
As a result, masses saw Him differently.
In Matt 7:28-29, at end of 3 straight chapters of very challenging teaching – teaching that **/raised the/** /spiritual bar/**, Matt records (RD).
People saw Him as one who taught differently – lived differently, Back in John 9, healing of blind man, Jesus says in vs 4 (RD).
Now – we know that approach didn’t always go well for Jesus.
Cost Him His life!
But, want you to see **that Jesus KNEW how He /should be seen!/*
/*Look back, if will, to 1 John 2:6.
See this says about others’ perception of us as children of God (RD).
/*You and I are to live lives that CAUSE us to be noticed.
Not about being ostentatious or getting SELF noticed – but to be different!
/*Paul says, in Gal 2:20, Xians have given up lives to be X-like!
(RD) People then, should be UNABLE to NOT see us differently!
/*I’ll ask – should we blend in?
Should we chameleon with foul-mouth crowd at work?
Should our kids look just like every other kid at school – after all, those low-cut tops and saggy jeans are fashionable!? So, should we blend in? *
/*I propose to you that the people we’re around should regularly be asking US about our faith?
Why, you ask?
Because people at work, school know you’re a Xian don’t they?
Don’t they?
If not…why not?
Our lives should proclaim a /difference/.
/*In 1 Pet 2:9-11 Peter paints an incredible description of how GOD sees us (RD).
Incredible – this is how GOD sees me.
Shouldn’t world also see us as set apart?
And again – not to glorify ME.
Peter makes reason for it clear in vs 12 (RD).
World should see us differently because it glorifies God! *
ð Having SV changes how see others.
/Should /change how others see us…AND SV…
/Changes How We See Ourselves
/This may be the KEY!
How do we see ourselves?
As participants in same commission given apostles, we have a tough chore.
Our goal is to expand KOG w~/out compromise.
When we look at this group of 200-300, hard to imagine consistent, healthy growth to 400-500.
BUT – is it /impossible?/
/In Num 13, nation of Israel faced entrance into the Unknown – always scary.
You know story, 12 spies sent in to check out land. 10 of 12 came back w~/ a bad report (RD – 31-33).
/These men guilty of forgetting they’re */God’s chosen race – His holy nation – His own special people/*!
They have forgotten about seeing selves as GOD sees them and therefore see task as too difficult.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9