The Attraction of the Cross

The Attraction of the Cross
o In religious world, do anything to draw a crowd, won’t we? Today attention given to “contemporary worship” services - use of modern music and innovation to get people’s attention. In fact… <<PP>> <ARTICLE>
o Begs question – what really is great attraction to men today? Granted, big productions in worship get people’s attention. Certainly movies, <<PP>> with drama and effects draw crowds. This one did OK. But, this movie even indicates…and history has shown us that nothing draws men and women and HOLDS them like Christ <<PP>> lifted up on the cross.
o 20 centuries of Xianity has proven drawing power of Christ when His sacrifice & love is presented to mankind. That’s what men need today – church needs today – <<PP>> religious world needs is Christ & Him crucified.
o Jesus knew this. He knew that He was just what the world needed. In John 12:20-32, He addresses this very idea. He knew the time was coming for the end, for Him to be glorified when He says in <<PP>> 12:32, (RD).
» This morning, look at 4 parts of this verse – of just 12:32.
» Then look at what it is about Christ on the cross that draws all men to Him.
I. Initially, let’s look at the text itself. <<PP>>
A. #1 – Jesus speaking, consider the phrase, “If I am lifted up from the earth…” We know it’s Jesus – it’s in red, right?! But, let’s really think about that!
1. John says in John 1:14 – (RD) – that’s Jesus <<PP>> that makes this proclamation. Son of God – very essence of God, who gave up His glory, for a time and came here and lived among men, who was seen, heard, touched by men.
2. We find in Jn 12:20-21 some Greek men come to worship came to Philip, made most noble request: “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” In this Jesus sees desire and need of Jew and Greek alike for a Savior. It took Jesus, the Son of God, to make this statement.
B. #2 - “lifted up” - What is He referring to? Some say that if Christ is lifted up in our preaching, men will be drawn. Christ exalted in our teaching, men will be drawn. <<PP>> May be true; but not the meaning here. Next vs. clears that up – 12:33 (READ). It is Christ crucified who draws men. It is idea of atoning, sacrificial blood that draws mankind. Preach or teach any message not based in atoning blood of Christ on cross and it will not KEEP men with God.
C. #3 – the next phrase: He will draw all men. Jesus’ ministry, as He points out in Matt 15:24, was to Israel.
1. But, when these Greeks, as we have seen, came to Christ so close to the time of the cross, He saw ahead to the days when by His death the barrier between Jew and Gentile would be <<PP>> broken down and all men would have access to Heaven by His blood.
2. Jesus is a universal Savior. Christianity is a universal religion. Christianity, with the crucified Christ at its center, is for all men in all places.
D. #4 – Finally notice then, the last part of the phrase – “…to Myself.”
1. There is NO mortal man that can truly draw men to Christ! (We can lead and teach.) BUT – it is not a creed that draws men. It’s not great preaching. It’s not a building, a program. It is a crucified Savior! Were other men crucified? YES. Have other men given their lives for their great cause – YES! But, sacrifice of the <<PP>> very Son of God was able to draw men to HIM!
2. Church is great value – Lord’s body represented on earth. Christ died for church - we cannot be in right relationship with God outside of church. But “church” in itself CANNOT save. See – church IS the saved.
3. Jesus Christ saves us. His sacrifice on the cross is what saves mankind. So Jesus says, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself."
Þ At this time of year, spend much on gifts. B-days, X-Mas. Gifts are a big deal. Great memories of birthdays, Christmas mornings – gifts! Of all gifts – what’s most amazing one ever? Why? <<PP>>
Þ What makes a really great gift? <<PP>> Was it love and effort put into it? <<PP>> Was it something you needed really badly? <<PP>> Was it expense? <<PP>> Or way it made you feel when you got it?
Þ We have been given greatest gift of all time. Rom 6:23 says (RD). Greatest gift is Christ lifted up on the cross!
4 aspects of cross that make it greatest gift of all time. 1st aspect to notice is how gift was given. <<PP>>
I. Given out of Great Love
A. What would you say is the most well known verse of the Bible? <<PP>> John 3:16 – Everyone knows. Most know what it says. Do they know what it means? Do we? <<PP>> (RD 3:16) Define “love”? “Doing what is in someone else’s best interest in spite of what it may cost me.” Read John 3:16 this way – <<PP>> “For God so wanted to do what was in world’s best interest, that He willingly gave up His only begotten Son!”
B. This is why Paul says in 1 Cor 2:2 that he has determined to not know anything but “Christ and Him crucified.”
C. Rom 5:8 says it all. (RD)
Given out of God’s love. The 2nd feature of the cross is how badly we HAD to have it happen. <<PP>> Cross was…
II. Desperately needed
A. What Rom 6:23 say? (RD). Heb 10:4, 10 says (RD) <<PP>> Blood of Christ HAD to happen. CROSS had to happen.
B. X-ianity is the only religion that <<PP>> offers a compensation for sin BY its leader. Islam offers Mohammed – great teacher, prophet – but no sacrificial Savior. Buddhism offers Buddha “Light of Asia” but no Atoning Savior. Blood of bulls and goats can no longer do trick. Christ “lifted up” is only option to provide atonement for our sin.
C. Without the cross, we have nothing! The world, next month in particular, is celebrating the birth of Jesus. We <<PP>> need to be celebrating the fact that He loved us enough to go to the cross and die on our behalf.
Christ on cross was God’s gift of love that met our greatest need. 3rd aspect makes greatest gift is fact that... <<PP>>
III. Came at a great price
A. Jesus, in Luke 4:16-21, reading from prophet Isaiah, <<PP>> 1st mentions that He is the Anointed – the Messiah. The cross is His destiny. His entire ministry was <<PP>> a mad dash to the finish line – the cross.
B. When he got to the end of the race – the last few days of His life, let’s look in Matt 26 –<<PP>> at point of agony He prays, “Not my will but Yours be done.” All the while those closest to Him sleep. But, the price continues to go higher…
1. In Matt 26:56 – at His arrest, closest to Him RAN OFF! But it gets higher…<<PP>>
2. Matt 26:59 – see His trial not only unlawful, but his accusers looking for false witnesses! But, higher still…
3. Matt 27:26 – in spite of Pilate wanting to release Christ, <<PP>> people, HIS people, people He came to save – to restore – insist on His death and He is handed over to be scourged. But it gets higher…
4. Still in Matt, now 27:26, <<PP>> He is delivered to be crucified – the worst possible death. Made to carry His own cross until He could no longer carry it.
5. It even gets higher<<PP>> …He is nailed to the cross, dropped in a hole. Matt 27:38 says He <<PP>> was mocked by passers-by and Chief Priests; even those hung with Him reviled Him. But, it gets higher…
6. At this point, God Himself apparently has had enough. Matt 27:45 says that at noon “darkness fell over the land”, that the sun was darkened. I know what darkness at noon would do here – imagine in their day. God says, “No more will you look at my Son.” <<PP>> And it goes dark!
7. Jesus, Jn 19:30 says, “It is finished”. Greek is teleo – “to discharge a debt”. The bill is paid. 1 Corinthians 6:20 says we were bought with a price – indeed!
C. So…Christ gave up glory of Heaven for a manger, maybe a cave. In Heb 12:2 find and interesting use of phrase (RD). “For” – anti - literally can mean “instead of.” Instead of…He came here! He gave up throne room of Heaven for carpenter’s shop; He, the Creator, became creation and the sacrifice for our sins.
The final aspect that makes the most incredible gift is what it does for us.
IV. Because of the cross, <<PP>> God counts us worthy.
A. Turn to Heb 2. Want you to see this. Heb 2:9-11(RD). What tell you? Jesus, cuz of what did on cross, counts us worthy to be called<<PP>> brothers. HUGE!
B. What did we do to earn the gift? Nothing. It’s a big deal for athletes to receive honorary degrees. They do nothing and receive a degree. Makes me angry!
C. Because Christ became worthy sacrifice on the cross, we’re worthy to have <<PP>> Advocate in Heaven interceding for us. He took on sins of the world – all the world!
Jesus Christ says that if He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Him! Because of that, we have an opportunity of Heaven. We’re given greatest gift – Cross. Thanks to Christ on the cross, we have salvation. Why Paul says<<PP>> in Rom 1:16 (RD).
No gift is worth much if it’s left in the box, is it? When we live our lives outside the lines of obedience put forth in the word of God, we leave the gift of the cross on a shelf. Would you do that? I wouldn’t.
You have opportunity to open gift. To contact blood on the cross, Rom 6:3-4 we are buried with Him in His death…in baptism. Maybe this is the morning that someone here is ready to do that.
1. Or maybe you opened the gift once and have for whatever reason, put it back on the shelf.
2. Maybe this is the morning that you would like to make your life right with God – in your seat or here.