The Bride of Christ

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The Bride of Christ

»     Who are we? Pattersons, Davisons? <PP> Citizens of US-ID-Meridian? Xians? Individ., yes. Ax 11:26 – 1st called @ Antioch. But collectively – who? Rom 16:16 – unit -<PP> church of Christ. Not only term used in Script, but we’ll focus our attention there together AM. <PP>

»       And here’s why: Because we are the church OF Christ, must understand why church is special.

»       Need to understand that it’s not the name on building that makes us special. It is who we are and what we mean to GOD! The name is an identifier – this Bible is Clint’s Bible or the Bible of Clint. We are Christ’s blood-bought possession.

»       Using Ep 5:22-27 as a basis, we will look at one of most beautiful comparisons of “R” of Christ and church Bible offers <PP> Christ as husband (groom) & church <PP> as wife (bride). (RD - Ep 5:22-27) We see in this passage some beautiful descriptions and identifiers that make the Lord’s church both special and unique.

Þ     TRANS – Let’s look at 1st idea found in vs 25 (RD)

I. <PP> Special because we are the beloved of the Lord.

A. Turn to 2 Thess 2 – Christ loves the church, God loves church. We get that. But, Paul provides further instruction here...(RD 13-14). The church beloved by the Lord. How do we know? Chose us for salvation. Now many here would cry, “Predestination!” But is that the case? No. Read on…

B. Chose us for salvation how? (SEE VERSE). He chose us for salvation through our belief and our obedience. <PP> We are chosen or appointed to the predetermined plan of God IF we are obedient. God loves us enough to allow us to obey His plan.

1. However, Mt 22:14 tells us that many are called BUT few are chosen. Not all will be obedient. But God’s love calls to everyone. AND, when we do obey…

2. We’re told in Ax 2:41 that God, <PP> in His love adds us to His church! Interesting picture. See the Lord’s church is not a country club where we join, pay dues, come and go, but we’re added by God! That alone ought to make a huge difference in our commitment level.

C. Before we were part of church, He loved us. Ro 5:8 – while we were sinners He died. Christ had to die to bring us in. In sin we were dirty, unholy, dead in sin and He became the sacrifice out of love – our Redeemer…out of His love for us.

1. Turn to book of Hosea – pg# 1449. May be best picture in Bible. God told him to marry a harlot – a prostitute. Not bad enough name’s GOMER! She cheats, apparently has children that not Hosea’s. Yet – <PP> in 3:1-3 (RD). Hosea bought her out of sinful, shameful state! <PP> That’s redemption!

2. That’s the love of God for us – sinful, dirty, yet He loved us enough to send His son to die to bring in those who would belong to the church.

Þ    TRANS – Which leads to our 2nd characteristic – look at Eph 5:25b-27 (RD)

II. <PP> Special because she is cleansed.

A. Chances are we don’t picture ourselves as sinful as a harlot – not THAT bad! But - what sin was it? In sin we cannot be connected to God.

1. Paul says church<PP> is sanctified and cleansed by the washing. What washing? Well, he says “washing of water by the word.” We are cleansed by the info found in God’s Word.

2. But, specifically, we also know that <PP> New Cov “washing” is immersion for the forgiveness of sins. That’s what the WORD says – that’s how we physically SEE the cleansing.

B. Consider Saul of Tarsus – persecutor, compliant witness to murder. Ax 22:16 – RD. Ananias tells him to be washed of his sins. Now can look at this 1 of 2 ways:

1. Even sin of Saul of Tarsus be washed away by blood of Christ. That’s incredible. I’ll take that point of view.

2. Or consider – option #2…this man SAW JESUS but still had to be immersed or washed to remove sin.

3. Not the water that does it! When you, I were immersed into Christ, wasn’t water that cleansed, it was perfect sinless blood of Christ shed on cross. <PP>

C. Look Rev 7:13-14 – John tells us what it is that cleanses. (RD) The blood of Christ is agent of our cleansing.

1. In 1 Cor 6:9-11, Paul lists who won’t inherit the KOG. But key – vs 11(RD)!! They were counted among those outside - but they stopped! They repented and obeyed God’s plan and now they are washed.

2. Blood makes us clean. Back in Ep 5:27 – He presents church glorious, no spot, no wrinkle, no blemish…holy!! That’s the church – special cuz we are cleansed by blood.

Þ     TRANS – For our 3rd characteristic, back to Eph 5:22-24 (RD)

III. Unique because of the <PP> agreement or understanding between bride and groom.

A. Christ is the head and the bride is in submission. This word<PP> defined is “voluntary subjection to a respected authority.” Used in military sense. Back to Hosea and Gomer – what should her reaction be? “WOW – you would do that for ME?! I’ll return that grace extended to me by honoring you in every way!” That’s the attitude we are to have toward Christ.

B. /And THANK GOD – isn’t that exactly how religious world is? NO! What do I want? What makes ME happy? I love God – love Jesus...BUT…I want things MY way!

1. Even in church – let’s worship how/when we want – let’s let whomever we want to lead – lead!

2. Bride, in spite of <PP> KNOWING what groom has done for her, is telling the groom that there are things that I want and I will have them! I have my rights – my desires and I will fulfill.

C. But, you see, when bride truly recognizes what groom has done for her – “whatever you say. I will willingly submit myself to your authority because that’s my role. <PP> That’s my response to your love.” Attitude of submission that SHOULD make church special and unique.

ðFor final thought this AM, look back up to Eph 5:22-23a (RD). <PP>

IV. The church is special because the groom (husband) has only one bride (one wife).

A. Look over at Ep 1:22-23 for another description (RD). How many churches listed there? One! How many churches listed there? One! <PP> Consider Mt 16:18 – “on this rock I’ll build churches?!” No!

1. Flip over to 4:4 (7 1s) (RD) – One body. Church is body of Christ. How many bodies can one have? One!

2. That clears it – body & church are equal to each other! There is one body and that body is one church.

B. Remember your wedding day? (Men – yes.) Of course. Not married, remember last wedding? I remember mine! Stood here – waiting…Kara shows up – beautiful! I’m waiting - down aisle comes my bride, then another, and another. Can you even IMAGINE!? How would the groom feel? I have agreement with HER!

1. True bride? There would be confusion, outrage, and sense of betrayal! <PP>

2. There just simply CANNOT be more than one bride.

C. When Christ comes to meet His bride, only 1 will walk down aisle. LISTEN – He won’t go to any particular bldg, welcome all those in just because they’re sitting inside! He will call His church, His people.

1. He will call those who have, as a result of realizing God’s love for them, have been washed and have submitted their time and their worship and their will and their very lives to Jesus Christ and HIS will!

2. <PP> Those who will walk down the aisle are the obedient – the true church OF CHRIST, His special bride.

°      Church is special because she is so loved by the Lord - special because blood of Christ has cleansed her. Lord’s church unique because of willing submission given to the Lord. And the Lord’s church – the church of Christ – is special because the church is Christ’s one and only bride. <PP>

°     Because, you and I, called-out people of God, those washed & sanctified are church OF Christ, we must understand exactly why the church is special – and make certain she stays that way!

°      However – looking from US perspective. In NT, couples were betrothed for year before actual ceremony. Why Mary in Luke 6:5 is referred to as “Joseph’s betrothed wife.” One year, then the official ceremony.

* The groom, after the year, would go to the bride’s home and get her to take her to the wedding feast where they would be married. <PP>

* 2 Cor 11:2 (RD) – Now, <PP> we’re betrothed, engaged. We’re in that waiting period before Christ comes to take us, His bride, home to Heaven. In Rev 19, we get picture of what we’re waiting for.

* Wedding seen in <PP> Rev 19:7-9. (RD) – Marriage feast being made ready – are you ready? Have you <PP> made yourself ready by being immersed, washed in the blood and living life clothed in the fine linens of the righteous acts of the saints? Couldn’t get this one all white!

* If not – make yourself ready today. You’ve been invited to become Bride – to become part of special people, church belonging to Christ – not because of name, but cuz it is church Christ OWNS – that He bought w/ His blood!

* If we can assist you in any way, either in putting your Lord on in baptism or praying with and for you to set your life right, please come as we stand…

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