What's On Your Mind

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What’s On Your Mind?


I.       (RD vs 4) Rejoice! (In fact, I’ll say it again – rejoice!)

A)     Paul reminds these believers to be happy! Odd, huh? In fact, it’s kaeeriti – pres, act, imper. “I command you to keep on rejoicing in the Lord!” That’s their answer. That’s step one in getting past place where all doing is glaring at problems! Be happy in who and whose you are!

B)     Listen, this is advice, not from me, a guy who has greatest work ever in greatest cong ever – but from guy stuck between couple of sweaty Roman soldiers in jail! Do we have issues? Yeah, we do. Do we have struggles in Lord’s body? Sure. We are going to have problems that don’t make us “happy.” We’re going to deal with circumstances that bother us and rock us to the core. But, God never changes!

1)   This is why we rejoice “in the Lord” not in life or job or __________, but in our R w/ God! People change. Circumstances will change and life constantly changes, but the Lord never changes!

2)   Cuz that is true – believe that don’t you? Since it’s true, we find our joy in Him – in who He is and what He has done for us.

C)     When we can get our thinking THAT way, then psg like Ps 37:23-24 really take root in our lives. David says, (RD). God is looking out for me. That will be reinforced in a minute, too. But, when we develop a mindset that celebrates our R w/God, my problems, their issues, those guys’ struggles will not get us down! Even when you can't be happy about your life, learn to rejoice in the Lord!

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II.     (RD vs 5) Let the World See Your Gentleness

A)     What? What does that mean? Well, same thing he means in 2:2-4, look back there (RD). Remember, in context, we have a cong fighting. He says, “Cut it out!” Be patient with each other. Give way to others’ thoughts and wishes once in a while.

1)   Now, hear me clearly – Paul is not saying, and I’m not either, that we should be compromising in what God’s word has to say. Many will say that – that being gentle means we cave in and let people push unbiblical teaching over just to avoid conflict.

2)   Not at all! But, be willing to take the back seat every now and then. Why he says “Lord is at hand.” This is a plea for unity. God is in charge and will take care of you – just treat one another right!  <Geo. McDonald quote (RD)>

B)     Paul saying: reality of faith s/b demonstrated to world around us by how deal w/ others. If our focus solely on selves, then - when people hurt us, slight us, cross us, will be desire to retaliate - vengeance. Paul says get focus off selves, and on to others. When focused on others, what they say won't sting so bad. How they act can be passed over more easily.

C)     If we can learn to think in way that accepts others just as they are - overlook how act - what they do, that will protect mind from dwelling in negative areas. This kind of thinking builds wall of protection around mind that others, no matter how they act or treat us, cannot penetrate!

1)   Satan loves nothing better than to get our eyes off Jesus - on faults of others! Why? Because it’s defeating! If I’m picking on Richard and Richard’s picking on Butch and so on, we’re not changing the world around us!

2)   And – truth is - flesh loves nothing better than to go along with the devil in this matter. Why? It’s easier! Easier to point out everyone else’s faults than to go into all the world and preach the gospel, isn’t it? But, when this happens, the mind is in danger!

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III.  (RD vs 6-7) Don’t Worry – Pray!

A)     Now we get more into obvious mindset – obvious references to “thinking.” Paul says, “Don’t be anxious.” Now again, keep in mind our context here – problems in a cong. We get that, don’t we? But, he says to not allow your thinking to focus on the problems!

1)   OK – let’s get real here. We all worry, right? We all have concerns. To a degree, we have to. We have to provide for families, take care of work, etc. We all have concerns. BUT – the problem arises when our concerns have us!

2)   Worry dangerous cuz it allows mind to conjure up false notions about God. Worry says "He obviously doesn't care about me and my situation."

3)   1 Pet. 5:7 just one of many vs that tell us that’s false! (RD) God is alive, and does care! So, we can’t allow thoughts to stray into worry – anxiety!

B)     So what do we do? When problems come our way – and they will, these vs give us great advice:

1)   Paul offers the antidote to worry - pray about everything! Prayer battles worry by allowing to off-load our stress onto God. Take all energy used in worrying - put it into prayer - about everything! No request is too small, difficult, or inconsequential to God.

2)   Paul encourages believers to pray about needs - then thank God for all He has done. Learn to praise God regardless of circumstance. May seem impossible not to worry about anything, but Paul explained this can happen if believers truly give worries to God. Nothing brings God nearer or drives Satan away faster than a truly thankful heart. Worry and earnest, thankful prayer cannot coexist.

C)     Lord's promise - He will replace worries w/ His peace when we take all to Him in trusting prayer. It is peace that in John 14:27, Jesus promised disciples - all who would follow him (RD).

1)   See, true peace not found in positive thinking, absence of conflict, or in good feelings; it comes from knowing that God is in control. Rom 5:1 tells us (RD) - have inner quiet of peace of God as walk with Him.

2)   Word "keep" in vs 7 means "to build fort around, to post a guard". God promises to post a guard around heart and mind of person who trusts Him with needs of life. Phils, living in garrison town, familiar w/ Roman guards, maintain watch, guarding city from outside attack. God’s peace like soldiers surrounding believers’ hearts & minds (emotions & thoughts), securing them against threatening harmful outside forces. So, ISO worrying self sick about things you can't change, learn to lean on the Lord in prayer!

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IV.   (RD vs 8) Think on These Things!

A)     Here is where we get down to it. Here is where we get to the point of really Restoring Healthy Thinking! If one is to have this inner peace from God; maintain a life free of worry, then certain steps must be taken, notably in thoughts. This list describes what should saturate Xians’ minds. Now, could analyze and discuss each word, but – you can read.

1)   What interesting - each these words is characteristic of God - of His word! Jesus says, “Thy word is truth” – John 17:17. God cannot lie – Heb 6:18. Noble, just, lovely, of good report, and praiseworthy – all are pictures of who God is and all He past on to us. Purity and excellence also are traits of God that we as His children should pursue! Think on these things!

2)   THESE are what body of believers in Philippi should dwell on – not own fighting or problems. Same can be said of Meridian or Boise or Salt Lake or wherever Xians dwell…think on THESE things! NKJV – “MEDITATE”!! Not casually thought.

B)     What we have is call to fix minds on things of God. How? Source for finding out about those things is Word of God, as been mentioned! In other words, if we will fill minds w/ Words of God, be no room for evil, for worry, for fear, vengeance, confusion and trouble. A mind filled with and led by Word of God is a stable mind!

1)   Think of it like this: Paul just said that God’s peace will post a guard at the door of our hearts, right? Then allow these 8 items to serve as the guards, or, as Bro. JJ Turner describes them – the “Thought Sentinels.”

2)   We can consciously think one thought at a time. So, it’s our control to say, “Does this thought pass these criteria?” If yes – pass; if not – don’t think on THAT thing.

C)     Prov 23:7 says (RD) & 4:23 says (RD). Our thoughts make us. <Outlaw Quote (RD)> We may not be what we think we are, but we are what we think. In Matt 15:18, Jesus says the same, doesn’t He? (RD). He warns Pharisees of futility of washing outside of cup and leaving inside filthy in Matt 23:25-26. What lies within us is what truly matters – what makes us who we are.

1)   If you want stable mind, only place get it - Word of God. You and I must take initiative, force thinking to dwell on Bible and what it says, ISO allowing mind to run to worry, or gossip, or think too much on others - what they’re doing, or on problems. Mind saturated with and fixed upon these 8 traits of God and Word is a stable mind.

2)   Must do for yourself! Wonder why don't get much out of preaching - worship sometimes? Answer lies in fact that everyday we allow minds to feed on filth of world - dwell on problems and problem people of life. If give much energy to dwelling on Words of God, it would transform our lives AND time in worship together!

   In vs 9 Paul says, (RD). In other words, make it a lifestyle. Paul had lived out and was continuing to live out his words, so he could urge the believers to put into practice what they had learned from him, from his teaching & training. Paul could speak confidently; people could follow his example because he was following Christ’s example (1 Cor 11:1). If the believers would keep on practicing the virtues that Paul cited above, they would experience God’s peace.

   Your mind, our thought process is a precious gift from God. Can be used for good or for evil. All forces of good & evil are battling for your mind all the time. Who wins…is determined by you! No one can control your thinking but you. We are told in the Bible that we need to fortify the mind, it is our job, individually, and it cannot be passed off to another.

   This is a very critical matter, because how you think determines how you will live your life, Prov 4:23 (RD). In Matt 22:37, Jesus repeats the “Great Command” – (RD). We are to see that our minds are in love with God.

   That’s the importance of restoring healthy thinking. Without it, we lose our joy, we don’t treat others the way we ought, we worry, and we forget to pray. Without healthy thinking we are not all that God calls us to be.

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