The Power of the Gospel
20200927_Acts 8v4-8_The Power of the Gospel
Acts 8:4–8 (NIV)
4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.
5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there.
6 When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said.
7 For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed.
8 So there was great joy in that city.
Today, we read an amazing story in the Bible.
The story is about a remarkable change in Samaria.
There were a lot of miracles of healing and great joy in the city.
Don’t you want to have healing and joy?
I really want to have the great experiences in my life.
You may also want to taste them.
So today,
Let’s see the reason of the amazing changes that took place in the Samaria region, and
Let’s live according to what the Bible says.
# Body
At first, let’s see the reason why the Samaria was changed.
The bible says it to us.
Look at verse 4.
4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.
Who are they?
You may know the story of persecution in The Early Church.
There was tremendous persecution in Jerusalem.
So Christian in Jerusalem should be scattered to other regions.
They were scattered by force.
It was so difficult times.
But they did not forget what to do.
What is that?
They remembered what Jesus said.
Jesus said,
“Go and make disciples, by baptizing, by teaching them.”
(Matt 28:19-20)
So they preached the word wherever they went.
Look at verse 5.
5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there.
Who is Philip?
He is one of seven Deacon in The Early Church.
He went to Samaria and
He proclaimed the Messiah there.
When Philip preached the news of Messiah there,
There were amazing miracles in the city.
Look at verse 7.
7 For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed.
And people gathered around Philip and they all paid close attention to what he said.
They cannot help believing in Jesus Christ.
As a result, there was great joy in that city.
# Lesson
Through today’s story,
We can see the secret of changing of the city.
What is the secret?
The secret is the gospel.
The Samaria was changed by the gospel.
Q. What is the gospel?
The definition of the gospel is “Good News.”
Especially, it is related with Jesus Christ.
The good news is announcing of Jesus.
Why is it good news to people?
The Bible says, that
When every people were doomed to die because of their sin,
At that time, God promised the Messiah to save people.
Some day, God will send the Messiah and through Messiah, people get the salvation.
That is God’s promise and the Good News.
according to God’s promise,
Jesus came to the world as the Messiah.
Jesus was die instead of sinner for saving.
And then
Jesus showed us resurrection after death and
Ascension to heaven.
We can know what will happen to us through Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
We will have same experience in Jesus in the future.
Isn’t it good News?
# The affection of gospel.
But everyone could not have the salvation.
The bible shows us the exact method.
If anyone listen to the gospel and believe in Jesus,
The people can get the salvation.
That is the only way which God made for salvation.
So Jesus commanded to his disciples.
“Go and make disciples,
by baptizing them,
By teaching them.
The Apostle also obeyed to Jesus’ command.
So they preached wherever they went.
When the gospel were preached,
There were two kind of reaction, whether accepting the gospel or not.
The Bible says in
John 1:12 (NIV)
12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—
It is God’s promise.
If people just receive Jesus and believe in his name,
They can have the right to become children of God and
They can get the salvation.
# Lesson
Therefore, we can know that
If we believe in Jesus, and
If we accept the Gospel,
First, we can have the salvation.
It is the promise of eternal life and
the right to become the children of God.
Second, If we believe in Jesus,
God gave the healing miracle.
There are two kind of healing, which are spiritual and physical healing.
Look at today’s bible.
The impure spirits came out, and also
Paralyzed or lame were healed by the Gospel.
Last, If we believe in Jesus,
We would be full of Joy.
In today’s bible, we can see what happened in Samaria city.
the Bible said,
“there was great joy in that city.”
# Application
Let’s apply this lessons to us.
We also need to believe in Jesus.
It is the God’s only method to save people.
Therefore, we should believe in Jesus.
How can we know whether we have faith or not?
Romans 10:9 (NIV) said,
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
This verse show us what to do and what to believe.
We should confess “Jesus is Lord” with our mouse.
And we should believe that God raised him from the dead.
Do you confess Jesus as your Lord?
Do you believe the resurrection of Jesus?
According to the faith,
Do you live?
Never separate your mind and action.
James 1:22 (NIV)
22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says!
The apostle James said to us.
If you believe something,
You would live according to your faith.
In the same way,
We should have good behavior according to our faith.
Actually, behavior is not the condition of salvation.
Only by faith, we can get the salvation.
But… How can we know our faith?
The bible said, “by your action, you can know your faith.”
Therefore, let’s check our action in our life.
# Conclusion
We looked at the amazing change in Samaria region.
It is by the Gospel.
We also know the gospel.
The Gospel has the power of God.
Through Gospel,
Many people have been changing at their spirit and body.
In the same way,
Let’s believe in the Gospel and
Let’s have the experience of Samaria city.
If you really believe in Jesus and
If you confess Jesus as your Lord, And live according to your faith,
You would taste the power of the Gospel in your life.
# 설교의 목적
사마리아 지역에 일어난 놀라운 이야기의 원인은 복음 때문이다. 이것을 살펴봄으로, 우리 역시 복음을 믿음으로 받아 들이고,
복음의 능력을 체험하는 성도가 되게끔 설교한다.
# 개요
오늘 우리는 성경에서 놀라운 이야기를 읽었습니다.
그 내용은 바로 사마리아 지역에 놀라운 변화가 일어났다는 사실입니다.
사실 사마리아 지역은 예수님을 믿지 않는 동네였습니다. 그런데 예루살렘에서 일어난 핍박을 피해서 간 성도들이 전한 복음 때문에, 그 지역에 놀라운 변화가 일어났고, 그 도시는 기쁨에 넘치게 되었습니다.
이런 이야기를 읽게 되면, 우리 역시 이러한 변화를 맛보고 싶어집니다. 여러분은 그렇지 않습니까?
그래서 오늘은 사마리아 지역에 일어난 놀라운 변화에 대해서 살펴보고, 우리 역시 그런 역사가 일어나기를 소망합니다.
# 문제제기
무엇 때문에 이러한 일이 일어 났을까요?
4절에서 명확히 말하고 있습니다.
1) 복음이 무엇인가?
: 굳 뉴스 / 무엇이 굳 뉴스 인가?
- 하나님의 구원 계획, 예수 그리스도를 통한.
2) 복음의 속성
: 하나님의 능력이 나타난다. 로마서 1:16
: 변화 시키는 힘이 있다. -
(어둠에서 빛으로, 죽음에서 영생으로)
: 복음을 통해서, 구원을 얻는 것이다.
3) 이 복음을 어떻게 받아 들여야 하나?
: 믿음으로. / 그 이름을 믿는 자에게 하나님의 자녀 권세. 요 1:12
: 믿음이란 마음으로 믿고, 행동으로 나오는 것. (주목과 한마음) /
3) 복음을 믿을 때 일어나는 변화
: 병고침 (영적, 육적으로)
: 영생을 얻게 된다.
: 감정의 변화 (기쁨이 넘치게 된다.)
# 적용
1) 예수님이 우리의 구주가 되심을 믿고 고백하자.
(로마서 10:9-10)
2) 말씀을 듣고, 주목하자. (삶의 변화)
결과.. 우리도 놀라운 기적을 체험하게 될 것이다.
병고침, 기쁨.
# 결론