Wisdom In God's Will
GOD'S WILL: Why People Need To Live According To God's Will
UVCC Preaching Series for August 2020
Aug 30, 2020
1 Kings 3:16–28
What Is The Use Of Wisdom In Doing God’s Will?
Today, i want to share with you about the wisdom you need in doing God’s will.
Let’s start by sharing you a story then followed by understanding key words (knowledge, intelligence, wisdom)
Knowledge – is the accumulated information from facts and skills via education and experience.
Intelligence – is the ability to receive or acquire knowledge
Wisdom – is the ability to use knowledge and intelligence for use in different life situations.
So my point is we all need wisdom in doing God’s will?
Read 1 Kings 3:16–28
What Is The Use Of Wisdom In Doing God’s Will?
Wisdom Lets You Discern The Situation. The story in our passage is big challenge that will take time given the due process of law. This was a difficult situation since there was lying, lack of concern, injustice, and no righteousness [me: story telling time]. In this kind of difficult and highly emotional situation, discernment is needed to recognize the real deal in the situation. Wisdom lets you discern what is wrong or what is right in the case or the situation. Wisdom let you rise above the emotional inclinations that may hinder your wise judgment on the situation. As older people here may know, the Fiilipino saying “nasa huli ang pagsisisi”. Wisdom in doing God’s will free you from this trap.
Wisdom From God Make You Supernaturally Wiser. God was the one who gave Solomon a wise and discerning heart (1 Kings 3:12). Let me tell you a quick story of how this great wisdom came about into the life of young King Solomon (1 Kings 3:1–15). The discussion between God and young King Solomon happened within the a dream [me: story telling time]. The part in the story where King Solomon gave a supernaturally wise verdict (1 Kings 3:23–28) was a result of God giving King Solomon a wise and discerning heart (1 Kings 3:12). God gave a wise and discerning heart to Solomon in response to his humility and belief on God to help rule a great nation (see 1 Kings 3:9 Solomon’s request, God’s response 1 Kings 3:10–14)
Wisdom Further Promotes God’s Righteousness. God’s display of wisdom through your life of obedience to God’s will, promotes the righteousness of God. Our world is full of unrighteousness. You won’t need to get far to see and hear unrighteous actions. There everywhere (family, religious people, government, educational institutions, etc). Unrighteousness seems to be so ingrained deeply into the worldly system that it has become so normal. We need wisdom in obeying God’s will so that people will know that the normal thing should be the righteousness of God within us and around us. There has got to be ordinary people who need to stand up on God’s will in order to further promote righteousness. Not to mention, the increasing knowledge of God among people both young and old. This is where the higher level of commitment to God comes in. Are you willing to take the challenge to level up your obedience to God’s will. Well, wisdom will help you do just that.
God’s wisdom is highly needed in doing God’s will. If you want to grow in obedience to God’s will, there is always the wiser approach in doing this.
Prov 14:12