Psalm 8
Relational Spirituality
Palm 8:3-4 When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained; what is man that you take thought of him, and the son of man that you care for him?
Wrote the words only a few thousand starts were visible to the unaided eye
Not as impressive as reality
In the 17th century did Galileo discover that the earth wasn’t the center of the galaxy
IN the 1920s we thought that the Milky Way galaxy was the universe of 200 billion stars
Extends 100 thousand light years
Light year second is more than 186 thousand miles
It takes 8 minutes for light to go from the sun to us which is 93 million miles away
But Milky Way is a mere cluster of 20 galaxies
Which is just one galaxy of galaxies of a supercluster of thousands of galaxies which is estimated at
100 billion superclusters
What is humanity? Isa 40:26 says that God calls them each by name and yet seeks us and knows our little problems.
Even Heaven stops to listen to our prayers is unimaginable how great our God is.