11.8.20 Unhindered Life (11am)
Go over to you got to go over to Mark chapter number 11 in depaul's there for a moment that they were going to be talking about continuing our Siri stock and unhindered life. We're talking about prayer Like a Prayer life unhindered prayers today. And it's I want us to take a look at that thought because prayers are one of the Foundation I use this word here disciplines of a child of God or disciple got what I need discipline. It should be a part of our everyday while it should be something that we consistently do. It should be something that we we do without even thinking about it because prayers that connected point that we have with the Lord and as we're looking at this this this whole thought of living unhindered life is about living a life that is not restricted. It's been busy Sprint pretty unique as well. As I was making mention this morning when we were been looking at it. It really has been kind of in the thought of it when the sun hit your life were talking about. How do we live our lives? Not only with the relationship with God and not only in the relationship with having understanding ourselves, but as well as that this enzyme in the wind in this thing in this whole series of wives with others because relationships matter in our lives, and I want us to be in on that as we get ready to dive into this stock and its prey father. We thank you today. As always as we come to your work we pray that you will open our eyes that we would see our ears that we may hear the heart that we were receptive to what you say speaks so clearly to us today in Jesus name and everybody say amen and amen and I want to see I want to start with this question this morning. How would you describe your prayer life? I mean that's that's just thinking of you just in your own mind if you would say a prayer life and sometimes when we say the prayer some people like oh my gosh, I guess I got to do it or all my goodness. You know, what an exciting time. Is it something like that? Just I guess I got to do with the group just kind of make it through. Is it something that we just look at prayer just kind of relevant to your life is that's just what I do when I bless my food before I eat or is it something that you do with a sense of exhilaration because oftentimes prayer can be in our summer. I lost you can feel his doll as lifeless as well any kind of passion, you know, but are there but it should not be that way. I think it should be full of exhilaration. That means that there's an excitement. There isn't a joey there's a connectedness that we're realizing that should come through this mean that God has given us to communicate with ham in it should be full of confidence in it cuz we're connecting with God we thinking about prayer and there's a strong sense of happiness. I was given this This analogy this morning when you think about your prayer life is it like when you have to think about you have to do the dishes at the house. I know that's doing the dishes at the house is not something that you get excited about or you get all wow, man. I get a chance to wash dishes today. I am not we don't have that sense of excitement in our house when it comes to dishwashing. It's like if you if it's your plate you clean it out before you put it in there. So it's not an exciting thing, but it should be in our lives that we're not looking at prayer from that standpoint. We should be looking at prayer from a different perspective. Because I believe our prayer life should be intended. It should be engaging that means we should be engaged. It should be full of hope we should be full of Hope of everything that God has promised and everything that God has said that we're putting our full weight in our trust and it should be fruitful and everything that we do until I want today to explore this a little bit with us that as we're talking about our prayer life and living away that I prayer life is not restricted as far as receiving from God that will be wide open that will receive everything that Jesus has for us and everything that God has for us that will come into my life and Mark chapter number 11, cuz I want to sit here this a few moments of the foundation and Mark chapter number 11 verse 22. I want you to hear what Jesus said regarding prayer. Mark 11:22 is have faith in God. Jesus said in response to them. What is the walking along with the disciples first 23:6 truly. I tell you if anyone says to this mountain go throw yourself into the sea and and does not doubt in their hearts, but believe that they make that what they said will happen. It will be done verse 24 says before because of that believe therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it's yours. This is from the very mouth of our savior in his perspective is what he's saying to us regarding our prayer life is he's teaching his disciples feet is a 10 verse 25 in the Eagles on and say and when you are standing praying if you hold anything against anyone forgive them So that your father in Heaven May forgive you your sins. Let's look at another place. Now. This is not exclusive look at another place in Matthew chapter 21. Here's another thought that Jesus shares regarding prayer. If you believe you were received whatever you ask for in prayer and I did not know that the thought of prayer from the Lord that goes a little deeper than what we're staying here because there's some things on the background that talk to out that our prayers have to be in according to God's will our prayers have to be in a lime with in harmony with the Lord and it has to be you know other aspects that has to go along with it has to be according to God's will for your individual life, but then the on the outset in the contact Jesus is giving us this picture about how the father feels toward prayer in the Believers, and I think that if I would come to this thought And you come to this thought that the heart of the father is it's a listen to our prayer life intently to be able to bless us according to our prayers and what he has for us and I would think that our lives I don't know about you but our prayer life restricted to the sense of the things that I'm praying for. I'm really not seeing them, I mean, I see the doors opening of the things that I'm praying for manifest and the way that I think that it should be manifest. What I means is come into existence where I can text them in my life and experience them in my life, but I want to tell you when that is happening that is not because God is big lie, like the carrot stick in front of a kind of teasing us a long as it's not like gods playing games without I'm just going to tell you that whatever you ask, but I'm never going to do anything that you ask me for. I'm never going to answer any of your prayers. This is just kind of the care just to keep you moving forward and keep your trust and coming back to I just want you to keep coming to me and coming to me, but I'm never going to do it. That's not the heart of our father.
I want to hear that because if you realize that if that is the case, you know that s*** energize our prayer life because I know that I have a father that wants to supply all of my needs. I have a father that wants to help me in every circumstance I find myself and when I'm crying out to him if he wants to he will be right there for me because that's the foundation and that's what Jesus was laying out for his disciples talking to them about this prayer life that we should have. That's why the Bible also says that men ought to always pray and never went faint but sometimes the biggest struggle if we will be honest with each other in our individual prayer lives, maybe not everybody but it not individual individual lives is our prayer life, and I'm not talkin about
Mighty powerful prayer life you have to pray for X number of hours. I'm not here to talk about we have to measure the quantity of time Bet you pray. That would say that now you check the block. But it is the quality of time that you spend with your father. That makes the difference, you know, sometimes you know with you know, it has become a part of our tradition. Is that twice a year? We spent 21 days in prayer and that's in the month of January in the month of August. It's just kind of something that we found a routine and over the last three or four years that we're finding out routine and so in a couple of months will be hitting a new year until 21 days of golf in a while. I just need to show up we'll have prayer on Sundays 3 out of those 21 days 3 Sundays out of those 21 days will be here from 5 to 6 p.m. In and when you think about that, do you come with a sense of excitement that meant I get a chance to go to church one more time on a Sunday and I can pray on it with my brothers and sisters or do you say will let me make sure I check the block the paths. You can see me on my other brothers and sisters can see me that I'm showing up. I'm really not coming cuz there's a year.
I'm coming because I know it's a God knows our heart. And so there should be something in there that when I'm coming and I'm crying out for the Lord to come in to invade our world. Is ready to invade aware because I'm inviting him in. If this is the picture that I believe Jesus is giving us because he's giving us his promise. He just whatever you ask if you can believe it you in prayer that God wants to do it for you. I believe that's why we have to break prayer. A prayer life has to be life-giving prayers. We have to learn to pray life-giving prayers and I wanted to find life-giving prayers and described it as prayers as full of Faith prayers as full of Hope prayers When you pray that you are not only your brain is full of face of Jesus says that that's your hope is it that you're know that you're putting your trust in your confidence in the Lord God Almighty that can do whatever you can do the impossible that there is an assurance that when you pray according to God's will that got here and you're playing a knowledgeable prayers know I know there's hard it when we listen to it, but why is giving prayers is based on our faith is based on the hoax is based on an insurance, but it's also Based on the knowledge what knowledge the knowledge according to God's word? Does a life-giving prayers because you know, we're not praying life-giving prayers and I'm not everything has to be exactly you have to quote versus exact. But if you're not pray according to God's word. What is he's obligated to answer his work? He said got the word of the Lord God watches over his what word to perform what his word. Obligates himself to perform his word and you're not brave his word in regards to your situation. There is no obligation. On behalf of God to intervene into your situation. And so that's why I say that like it in prayer has to be according to the knowledge of God's will his word and how we should be praying and then. Comes in because he's obligated himself to his if those other things and giving prayers happen in my life.
In to experience the all that God has for us because Jesus said I want to set the platform. Jesus is already connected to God. My father is going to hear you. He wants to do those things in your life. He wants to release his fullness. Why was it is a Father's Heart to give you the kingdom, but give us the kingdom unrestricted access to all that he has for us and all that belongs to you is his heart to do it. With those things in mind I want to look at three things this morning that we can understand how to pray this life these life-giving prayers that will that our prayer life will not be hindered don't look at three things that it takes in our lives. If you put this up that we can cultivate that means we can work on we can kind of break up sometimes called you but you got to break up some ground the Bible talks about in the heart that sometimes get a break up that Stony heart never break up the grounds before the the season can see it flourish of anything that you were playing up. I'm not going to a gardener or I don't even try to pretend that. I'm in order to have a desire to do it but there's something that's when you go in your garden, you got to kill the ground a little bit. You got to cultivate that ground to make it ready. So it gets at the end of it. Once you plant the seed that the sea will be able to what come up and grow. We want our prayer life to grow an increase. And so we have to cultivate where the NRA allies when we may find that our prayer life has been a little restrictive or the answer to our prayers have been a little respect and it's all just think about number one. You have to maintain the right disposition What do you mean by that this position is our Tendencies and I'm going to read to you in Philippians chapter 1 in just a moment, but I stay right here for just a second this position is you know, how we think and how we react how do we respond? I moved out Tendencies under a given situation. How do we do with our disposition Change-Up needs our body language our response change begin based on the the thing what's happening in our lives? Number one. I want to look at Paul. It look at Paul's disposition was he was going through a troubling time and where Paul is dealing with is he was in prison right now and in a jail, I want you to hear what he say in regards to this ghost. Paul could have gotten the sour attitude regarding the people that he was writing to cuz he's writing to this church in Philippine these people that he's talking to I want you to look at it from this perspective. He picked it up and burst number three. He's as I thank my God every time I remember you talking to that one person, but that church they were sharing this letter that he had written to them it all my prayers for you. I always pray with joy Because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day on till now being confident to listen verse number 6 that he who has begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. It's reverse number 70 says it is right for me to feel this way nopales, and I'm feeling that you can get the context. It's just me and I'm feeling joyful. I'm feeling happy about the relationship. This is a relationship. You know, I reminded you in every aspect relationship is Kia part of our walking into things have got relationship with God how we feel about ourselves and relationship with others expressing and it's right for me to feel this way about you. the church there about all about all you said I have you in my heart by so this is how I'm feeling right now about all of you guys and where the I am in Chains or defending and confirming the gospel. All of you here in God's grace with me. God can testify how long how long how I long for all of you with affection of Christ? Look at verse number number 9 and this is my prayer that you love. Do you love me about more and more in knowledge and in depth and insight. I didn't put it in my notes, but I added it to me and I'll read in just a moment. And Paul is writing about the joy that he has his disposition while he's sitting in a jail regarding people that he's writing to the he's working in the ministry with and he's got joy, and then we will look at this loving everybody else and he's got such a joy and peace because everybody just great book of Joy love and Philippians is a book about Joy, but I don't know about you and I don't know how many people are in jail or in prison and their joyful. No, I don't know that how many all right now. I'm not trying to expose that and those but you know, you can find joy in the midst of everything you're doing. But Paula says man, I'm in I'm in this situation and I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about the work that you're doing and everybody is loving on everybody and everything is just right good and I got this right with this real warm fuzzy feeling in my heart about all of you. But if you skip down the number 15 verse number 15, if you have your Bibles read along with me, he said in the same contacts. He says it is true that some preach Christ out of envy. We just wrote about that's in that City in that church has he just wrote about that some of them that the same people that I just said that man. I find it a joy to pray about them because of this relationship and partnership, but even in the midst of relationship, it's true that some of those people that he's saying he finds the Georgia pray about their preaching Christ out of envy and Oliver robbery. Other there are how to get wheel puzzle. That's a that's a smattering or miss you a mixture of everybody that's in that City the latter do so out of love knowing that I am put here for the defense of the Gospel the Fall Of Reach verse number 17, the former priests Christ out of selfish ambition not sincere supposing that they can stir up trouble for me not want to pause right there. Now, we'll talk about maintaining the right disposition. I'm running up on how can you maintain a right disposition when you know that there are people that you'll pray for that their whole set in their focus is is it cause you greater heart or harm and hardship right? Where you at? We were talking earlier. I think it's how do I keep a disposition? How do you keep a disposition when you know that your neighbors or your coworkers are people that you're coming in contact with their whole heart is because it come at you will come towards you because you hardship in your life, but the Bible's is telling us that we have to maintain cuz your talk about unlocking a prayer lines under the restrictions Oregon can floor tile lives. And I think this is a great picture of that because Paul could have gotten sour Parker got bitter Parker got any kind of got Twisted as we say today. We got Twisted with them and said man, what a drudgery, you know, I pray that the the fire of Heaven comes down and consume you this very day.
But Paul isn't praying that way. He's as mad I I know that even in that I got to keep my heart write it right. So I got to keep my heart, right? I know what you do, and it's something else. When you know what people are doing. against you it's it's it's something else to be somewhat blinding, but when when you know it. And you can see what's going on. And you got to still maintain your Christian walk because we're not talking about their prayers being answered. We're talking about your prayers being answered. Are you hear me this morning? Because this is the unlocking of the prayer line.
They're doing it out of out of spite. They're doing it to cause me some more pain in my life. They're saying this just to stir up trouble for me. I realized losses. I realized that. Look at first number 18, but it just but what does it matter? How do you keep the right disposition got it? Sometimes it don't really matter. You don't say it really don't matter. No.
I don't like your shoes. What does it matter? I'm going to go say let's go home then came up and say it Patty came up in my shoes Bible. I'm going home. I ain't going back there. And what does it matter?
Are you guys with me this morning? Because sometimes we we lose our disposition about what other people are doing. Rob's is about Joy. It Robs a Lil Rob. Peace. It steals from us what God has for us, but we have to be able to say what you know, what?
Cuz sometimes we want we want to retire and say they like this boy you like my shoes that shirt you wearing pretty there at 1 and then we want to go I want to say something.
These things in our lives.
Because in the spite of it, he says it really what does it really matter. So Twisted about stuff.
In the whole scheme of life. It really doesn't make that big of a deal. It hurts our prayer life. That's what we're talking about prayer we're talking about because we just we just talked about how Jesus says whatever you pray. We just talked about Jesus when you come for the father that father has a heart but we get so twisted.
Paul is here. He's realizing he says yeah, I know they doing it they doing it for the wrong reasons. But what is it really matter because Paul is looking at something at a bigger perspective. Then just that he said look at it. He's as what does it matter? Look at the very next thought he's as important thing. That's what I'm looking at. The big picture. The important thing is that in every way even when they're coming against me, even when things are not going right. It really doesn't matter there because my my picture and I you hear me say this picture bigger than what you're going through right now. You can't just come till narrow Focus. What is it really matter? Because the most important thing is is not what they're doing what they're intending. Boston weather their motives or false or true what really matters to Paul was is not what they're doing a meeting coming against me, but Christ is being preached. That's what's really important to pause. I hear what they're saying and I know they doing for the wrong reason they try to cause me hard shift in my life but was really important to me is I didn't know they may be trying to hurt me but Christ is still being preached. The message is still going out and he's just because of Christ still being printed is going out in regards how they think it will affect me. I'm going to maintain my Joy purses. I am not going to lose. I am not going to lose my disposition where the joy of the Lord is my strength. I'm not going to lose my job because I kept coming sour or bitter anything like that. I'm going to keep on having the joy of the Lord in my heart because I was doing what God has called me to do. I was walking the way that God has called me to walk in and I'm not going to lose anything. He says yes. I will continue to rejoice. I love this when I start who we start talking about it because all of us we've gotten sometimes we get our hearts. So Twisted in life that we get hurt or we somebody said something to us that we don't like it. We get twisted it in in Tango because of what affects us. More than it affects them and they're walking around these guys. They just walk around just as happy. They just going to walk around just is at peace. They just walking around like there's no problem. No problem in life. And you walking around here all your hearts all twisted your thoughts all twisted. Have you ever been there? I have been there. So let me just tell you that so I know some of your more I always tell you more spiritual that I am that's why I think God uses had to use us to kind of get us. All right, but we know that you know, I just want to say something to you use why Okay. You just like this.
Bless the Lord you could have you should have said this path will bless the Lord I'm thinking about.
Tasha call you. Because what everybody's human if we can get twisted. What you got song it like this one. You can't sing at all. So where you going to tell me how I should say when you get twisted. And what happens is we walk away is affecting our life and when it's time for us to praise of God and all while you're trying to say you're thinking about what somebody said to you. 2 days ago 2 hours ago and you have to really look at in the scheme of it. How does that really affect my life? What is really matter to my life? Is it going to stop me from doing what God has called me to do I make you say Amen to that. Is it going throw me off course from doing what God is calling me to do probably say that I'm a stop doing this is Mamo still find Rejoice. He said I'm not losing my disposition. I'm not losing the tendencies in my heart. I'm going to keep maintaining and doing what God has called me to do cuz the important thing is for the gospel. Jesus to be preached. The important thing is I like that. Jesus will be seen in and through our lives number to how do we unlock this this cold to make this unhindered prayer life is we have to keep proper Motors. We have to help proper Motors. Look over in James chapter 4 Verse number starting at verse number one Motors is our intent.
What causes fights and quarrels among you do not come from your desires that battle within you you you desire, but do not have so you kill. You covet that means you want something that is not yours, but you cannot get what you want. So you you get fight to get mad. Basically, you do not have because because you do not ask God when you asked you do not receive because you're you ask with wrong motives wrong and tint your Bible makes a wrong motives that you may spend in. The Bible gives us the answer about these Roe Motors is that you may spend what you get on your own Pleasures until one of the things that can hinder our prayers life. You can hinder us is that we have Roe Motors of hard. We have to work on our motives got to work on our reasons on why we want doing that. We don't judge anybody hard. I can't judge Our God says, he looks at the heart man looks at the outward far but God judges are hard. And so when you look in here James is kind of giving us a picture if you want to release and got to work on your part. This is what God is saying James is constructing up you got will not answer prayers as coming from the Wrong motives for having the wrong motives and hard. That's hard to say you can man but I'm saying the right things Pastor. I'm fasting before I'm praying it. I'm giving up this while I'm praying but there's your motive.
You look at it. There's two types of motives you have pure and then you have impure motives. You have pure motives are anything that you anything that you do this right for the right reasons and without you inside. That's right, but mean you doing it for the right reason and it's not all about you. It's not about you. What you need is that I know we said what do I have to now can I not pray for myself? Yes, you can. Right Motors is wipe his ass like that. I use this illustration early is not like Lord. I can be praying Lord make me a better and more effective communicator. Lord help me to connect with people while I'm preaching Lord increase my ability to connect it in. What's the right motive am I doing it so that you will grow and learn. Oh my God doing this a lot make me more than they can look at me and they could be in. Awe when I stand in I speak that's the wrong motive. Then I'm saying let me Lord make me more effective when I'm preaching that everybody looks at me and said, oh my God. What an amazing. Did you see the the glowing Aroma Pastor was standing there because we want All Eyez on ourselves.
That's the wrong motives. Cuz God is not trying to glorify you glorify glorify his son. And when we're doing things and we have the wrong motives in Harwich. We're praying for things based on what we want and we need God's not answering those prayers and our prayers can be restricted in our lives because they're not coming from the right place. Ace Hardware to do because
is all about
except Center prayers focused on what I need to unlock that. God bless me. We pray the Jabez prayer and everything. But why do you want to be blessed you want to be blessed that you can just say, I've look how blessed I am. What do you want to be blessed that you can be a blessing to somebody else? What you want to be blessed do you want to increase?
Do you want to do you want to grab that man? I know I can go out for I have more than enough for me and my family and all of this excess that I have I can go out now. I can bless others. I can give into the kingdom of God I can so see the others will be your motive right as it's not all about you you you but you're looking to do something until be a blessing for others in this world.
I pray God is answering your prayers and number three. I want to look at how do you live unlock your prayer life is you have to you have to understand that when you mistreat others, but your mistreatment of others can hinder your prayers. Your mistreatment of all this is a this is one that this is a learned one and looking 1st Peter chapter number three. I want to give you Bible references to everything. So when you're going your study is just not right about this is what the Bible saying about each one of these areas of Our Lives the Bible wants to bring illumination and Revelation to our own all of our Insight that we can grasp it and we can walk with it. First number 7. Up First Peter chapter number 3 in the same way making reference here to husbands and wives relationships, but then we going to see it's a relationship to all at all. Like I said in the beginning that this hinges on our relationship with God a relationship with ourselves and then our relationship with others in the same way. You husbands must honor your wives treat your wives with understanding as you live together, so she may be weaker than you are but it seems your equal partner in God's Gift a new life treat her as you should so that so your prayers will not be hindered treat her the way that she should be treated that your prayers are not being hindered. I said that sometimes I want to release this this this prayer lives and no restriction. It doesn't just stop with husband and wives we talked about that pretty substantial a suite look at verse number 8 All of you should be off of one line. What should be the mine that's pervasive in our church in the kingdom of God. All of our minds will be sympathetic.
with each other all of my mind should be the love each other as brothers and sisters all in my mind should be let us be tender-hearted and keep a humble attitude with each other. All our minds should be don't repay evil for evil.
I'll remind you don't retaliate with insults when people insult you I'm telling you this is hard because it goes against the culture. It goes against the culture when it goes against our culture goes against our natural gray and because when you start thinking about that, but that means the same like the Bible tells me I got to be walked on I got a text say what they want to say to me and treat me how they want to treat me in and act anyway, they want the act with me and I just got to be okay with that's not what the Bible is teaching because sometimes we have to be able to say I understand where you at. I understand what you're going through and have to be that sympathetic is talking about I'm really looking at the heart of it is we're looking out for the best intentions of the other person. Instead of looking for a way that you say something crazy to me. I'm going to say something crazy to you. Everybody say Amen. None of us is excluded in this place today.
What the Bible says that's not the way that we should be living the Bible says that that's not it. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying that any but I don't believe I've seen it. Let me speak for myself cuz I can't speak for you. I've not know that.
But I do know what the standards are. Through the Bible is our standard. That we should live by. God's word is our standard that we should be trying to achieve to BisMan don't pay him back insult for insult instead pay them back with a blessing. Okay, that's great. Look at what goes on his ass. This is what God has called you to who's called us to this God.
anole eye doctor starts like this when we start creating your own doctor will God understands and when we say that that means everything else we're going to be going to another five with the word of the Lord say I know God's words that don't say you don't insult for insult but God understands that I need to you know, I need to do this. I know God but God understands and knows only what that means. We're about to nullify everything else because we going to do it a different way and I'm telling you home. We're doing it our way. God does not bless our way. God bless who his way. Are you listening to me this morning? Because sometimes we get so big so caught up with it and we're praying and we're crying out and we're we're rolling over on the floor and we're like why God not answering our prayers because we are restricting what God can do on our lives. If you want to move that restriction for what God can flow in our lives by looking at the word of the lord. We say God watches over his word. To watch over our tears.
He watches over his word to perform his word for us. This is what God has called you to do and He will grant you his Blessing. Look at verse number 12 and we'll get ready to finish here this morning. It goes on. It says that the eyes of the Lord watches over those who what do right. Still in the same book 1st Peter chapter 3 look at verse number 12. Is it that the eyes of the Lord? He's looking over watching over each one of us for those that live right? Those are trying to finish this morning that we're working towards this and it's hard. I'm telling you it's hard this morning. It's a challenge this morning. It's tough sometimes when we're walking through because I think what I mean about that it goes against who we are it goes against the very grains of our society because it comes up and you said I have to do it, but I know what God's word say but here's how I feel I need to do it like this. It was just like, you know is growing up and you tell your child you can defend yourself. Don't hit anybody.
What you got to defend yourself and we feel like you know, if I don't train my child how to defend itself that he can be taken up here. She can be taken advantage of and sometimes we feel that way that Lord. If I don't take my cell tower defense for myself that Lord everybody's going to take advantage of me, but God is saying I got your back if you just do it my room if you just leave my wife and you doing the way that I texted you, I'm going to fight every battle for you. Because I'll go before you I'll fight your battle. But often times we put more confidence in ourselves. Are you guys with me this morning? Then we do in the word of the lord. We trust ourselves which we trust what we can do. We trust our abilities We Trust our ability to be able to work things out instead of saying Lord. I'm coming to you right now. I'm doing my very best to live according to your work and I'm crying out to you because I know that you said that you hear the cries of in the petitions of your people. By the Lord watches over those that's doing right and we until the trappings of the enemy. Where will they are? Right God so I'ma
Are you guys are quieter than first service and that's not normal. But sometimes it's like that and be going to start playing so they can hear some music in the background and will skate out of this place in just a second because we want to talk to you right now cuz I don't want prayers to be hindered. I don't want my prayers to be hindered.
I want to keep saying Lord. I'm crying to you and we're trying to figure out what why am I my prayers are being answered why I feel like there's a restriction on my prayer as a feel. Like I'm not experiencing the Breakthrough that I'm praying for and I'm calling out to you.
We got some every time I look down.
I'm watching. There's nothing that happens in this world that is beyond the sight of it or the year of our heavenly father.
When things are going not going. Going out way.
We lose our disposition. We lose ourselves. We lose our momentum.
I hear you praying.
I see what you're going through. I know what you want my results. But I want to tell you if you want my results you got to do it my way.
And I'm telling you we can't do it God's way in our own natural ability. It takes the power of the holy spirit being really resident Our Lives to be able to do it. But here's what I have come to find out that we have is something that we can do. I can't make a choice. I keep my mouth closed. I can't make a choice not to do evil for evil. I can make a choice.
How to get back and how do I do it? Because the power of the Holy Spirit resides on the inside of me
And then too. I know it is or something that is doable because I just believe God will not call or something to call us to do something. That is way beyond our ability.
Because if he would call call us to do something this way beyond our abilities as man. I just I'm just sitting the snare at 4 because I know they'll never able to achieve that. I'm going to call this I'mma put a stumbling block him. I said you got to walk in love you got it. But I'mma put this stumbling block cuz I know they can never do it. No, that's not the way of a guy cuz he said don't put a stumbling block there. power
Holy Spirit
actively working Our Lives
the eyes of the Lord watches over those who do right. His ears are open to their prayers. That's what it all comes down to. Who do you want to hear you today?
Who do you want to hear you?
I want God to hear me. I want God to hear me. That's what I want. I want I want I want God to hear my prayer. I want to hear my words today in Our Moment of need.
I don't want to restrict.
What God is already said that he would do.
I don't want to limit what God has said he can do. And I don't know about you. But in this day in this area which we live.
The prayers and the petition of the Saints.
Butter from a sincere position from where we stand.
There's lives that need to be changed their communities. They need the presence of God to invade.
But their hearts and lies will be changed. If my people
Will call by my name.
This is one of the benefits for us. humble themselves and pray and turn
Turn turn turn.
Father would never want to be a people that celebrate stand.
We don't want to be a people.
DeWalt counter to your word
but one of your people Lord
but stands humbly before you
without bent toward you.
We want to be a people Lord that when we pray that we know that we're connecting to our Heavenly Father.
I bet you're hearing our prayers and our petition here that I World in our community and our nation is being changed by the by the mere mention of our voices to happen.
For we know that we're not perfect. We won't make it we won't miss the Mark will make a mistake look trip. However, we want to label it and however, we will try to explain it.
Let not our hearts. Find rest.
against your word
But our hearts beats per minute father. towards you
so we give ourselves to you Jesus.
a hearts our thoughts and our minds to you. And Jesus we pray. Everybody say amen. And amen and amen on me. I'm headed prayers, man. Turning a changing for the Lord a man. How many know that God answers prayers. How many?
How many know that he answers prayer prayer answering God?
But he's called us to do, we got to stay faithful to all that he's called us to do right you guys to come out this Friday come out and about Farmers Market. If you have time to come out and service just to give yourself to the things that guys doing they'll make a difference in our community.