06AM August 27 Mark 7 1_23

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August 27, 2006—Morning Worship

The “Life of Jesus” Series – Part 4

What Matters Most?

Issues at the Heart of True Worship

Mark 7:1-23

Intro:  Someone once said that, “The last 7 words of a dying church are, ‘We’ve never done it that way before!’” Some churches are so steeped in their traditions that it would be impossible for them to change their practices.

          Now not all traditions are bad. Some are very helpful. But by & large, when it comes to a church’s true worship habits, traditions do more to interfere w/true worship than they do to influence true worship.

          So what we should be most concerned w/in churches today is, “What matters most?” Is it our long standing, time honored traditions—or is it the absolute truth of the Bible?

          I hope that, by now, you have come to realize that God’s word is the authority for our lives. The Bible is the definitive, authoritative manual for the human life in experience & practice. The Bible teaches us, not only how to live, but also how to worship.

          In our text today, Jesus is confronted by this very question, “What matters most?” & so we find the Lord discussing the issues at the heart of true worship w/the very people who were charged w/teaching this same subject to the nation of Israel. It makes you wonder, “If they don’t know the answers to these questions, how can they be properly teaching the Jews?”

          So from Mark 7:1-23, we’ll find Jesus setting the record straight about 3 issues at the heart of true worship. #1 is the issue of traditions found in vv. 1-4. #2 is the issue of testimony found in vv. 5-13. & #3 is the issue of truth found in vv. 14-23.

Let’s begin w/ (READ) vv. 1-4 of Mark chapter 7.

1. The Issue of Traditions (vv. 1-4)

This group of Jewish leaders had traveled over 120 miles to determine…

   A. What was the Practice of Jesus’ disciples? (v. 1)

          1. Pharisees were the strictest sect of Judaism.

          2. The “kept” the law. Paul b/4 conversion claimed to be blameless b/4 law.

          3. Scribes were the experts in the law w/extensive knowledge of application.

          4. Pharisees/scribes in great effort to keep Jews ‘holy’ built ‘fences’ near the law.

          5. If law said, stay 3 ft. away from trees—they said, stay 7 ft. away from trees.

          6. They took laws that applied mainly to priest & applied them w/their added traditions to the people.

          7. They fancied themselves to be “Policemen of Law” IOW enforcers of the Law

          8. So they naturally would have had great interest in what Jesus taught followers

Based on what we’ve just learned about the Pharisees, we can answer the question…

   B. What was the Purpose of the Pharisees? (READ vv. 2-4)

          1. They came to observe & to learn Jesus’ teachings

          2. They felt it their duty to point out any discrepancies/any inconsistencies of law

          3. v. 2 “unwashed hands” is not objection to hygiene practices/”ritual washings”

          4. All the Jews had bought into this ritualistic practice.

          5. Handful of water/rub hands together/water run down wrists/drip off fingers

          6. v. 4 says many other traditions about washings/cups/pitchers/pots/couches!

          7. Some versions have tables/word means small bed/couch recline on at meals

          8. IOW Pharisees where clean freaks but not for hygienic purposes/but spiritual

          9. But even then it was not a pure purpose or motive! It was for SHOW!

So that’s what Jesus was talking about in vv. 5-13 when He spoke about…

2. The Issue of Testimony (vv. 5-13)

The Pharisees questioned Jesus’ teachings & His disciples as we see…

   A. The testimony of their Actions (READ vv. 5-8)

          1. Why don’t Your disciples “toe the line?”/follow the traditions?/heed the elders?

          2. Jesus begins to point out the false front of the Pharisees

          3. Isaiah’s prophecy in vv. 6-7 describes them perfectly!

          4. I’m afraid that many today honor God w/lips but not w/lives!

          5. World’s main complaint against the Church is “It’s full of hypocrites!”

          6. When we follow teachings of men over the truths of God, we are hypocrites!

          7. When we say one thing & do another—hypocrites!

          8. Jesus rightly accused them of v. 8

          9. They rejected truth of God’s word for the weight of men’s rules! WORTHLESS!


& that not only showed in the testimony of their actions but also in…

   B. The testimony of their Attitudes (READ vv. 9-13)

          1. Jesus said Pharisees good at rejecting/disregarding/nullifying/setting aside God’s commands in order to follow traditions of mere men!

          2. He gives the example of Moses receiving the 10 Commandments from God.

          3. Honor means to set a value/to esteem/to revere

          4. Corban means a gift offered to God or a gift to be offered to God

          5. They could not help their parents b/c they declared all their goods as corban!

          6. Their parents could have been starving & they would do nothing to help!

          7. Almost as bad as some who put their parents in Rest Homes & never visit!

          8. BTW you could help your parents in everyway & still not honor them! Attitude!

          9. Pharisees were so concerned w/being defiled / built extra precautions n2 law

          10. IOW it was as if they were saying to the people, “We can protect you from sin better than God can. Just follow our rules!

But then Jesus brings to their attention…

3. The Issue of Truth (vv. 14-23)

& in His words we find…

   A. The conclusion of the Matter (READ vv. 14-16)

          1. Pharisees were concerned w/touching “unclean” things/dead bodies/unbelievers/etc.

          2. Having come in contact w/”unclean” things they were defiled/not to worship

          3. Jesus said “It’s not what you touch; it’s not even what touches you! IN YOU!

          4. The only things that enter you are foods

          5. What about things we see & things we receive while sinning?

          6. The thoughts to receive these things originated in you!

          7. What defiles you are the things that come from w/in!

          8. It’s your own depraved/selfish/hateful self!

          9. These desires of the flesh cause us to sin when we give in to them!

But even Jesus’ disciples didn’t catch what He said, so He gives them…

   B. The clarification of the Meaning (READ vv. 17-23)

          1. It’s what’s in your heart! Evil thoughts/adulteries/fornications murders/thefts/etc

          2. Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, & desperately wicked; who can know it?

          3. All these horrible things in vv. 21-22 are in the hearts of sinners/unbelievers!

          4. That’s true – but these things can also proceed from the hearts of saints!

          5. Saints who are walking in the flesh / out of God’s will / living for self / like pagan unbelievers!

          6. We can be defiled by our imaginations/desires/attitudes/actions/sinfulness!

          7. Jesus’ point here is not so much what we believe – but how we live!

          8. You can believe all the right doctrine & still not live a life that glorifies God!

          9. IOW don’t just follow the traditions of men; don’t just live by the letter of the law; don’t just honor God w/your lips—but honor Him w/your life!

Conclusion:  These issues are at the heart of true worship! We are either worshiping God in spirit & in truth or we are following the dictates of our own hearts & are being defiled!

          I’ve told you on many occasions not to believe something just b/c your pastor or SS teacher said it. You check it out for yourselves & see if it is true! IOW don’t follow the traditions of men but you make it a point to follow the Bible!

          So let me ask you this morning, what matters most to you? Is it the long standing, time honored traditions of men—or the eternal truths of God’s word? & let me also ask you, how does your life reveal what matters most in your life to those around you?

Invitation:  Is God calling you to salvation today? Repent & believe! Come to Jesus!

Is God calling you to a new, close, effective, everyday walk w/Him? Come as we sing...

Hymn 316 Jesus Is Tenderly Calling

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