06AM August 6 Matthew 2 13_23

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August 6, 2006—Morning Worship

The “Life of Jesus” Series – Part 1

That It Might Be Fulfilled

The Plans God Has for His Children

Matthew 2:13-23

Intro:  John wrote in the last verse of the gospel that bears his name, 21:25 “& there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”

          Today, we begin a series of messages about the life of Jesus. We cannot begin to describe all the events that took place in the earthly life & ministry of Jesus, but we will look at 6 different events that cover the broad scope of the life of Jesus Christ. & hopefully, we’ll see how His life impacts our own.

          The OT, written over a period of 1,000 years & written several hundred years before the time of Christ, contains over 300 prophecies of the coming Messiah. Over & over again in the NT, especially in the gospel of Matthew, you find the phrase, “that it might be fulfilled” connecting the prophecies about Christ w/His fulfilling of them.

          My point is that if God prophesied the coming of Christ hundreds of years before the actual event, & since there is a proven fulfillment recorded in the NT, don’t you think that God has plans for you? Don’t you believe the Bible when it says, “this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”?

          God has plans for His children! Those plans are always for our good & His glory! I cannot stand here today & tell you that I know God’s specific plans for your life. But I can tell you that there are some plans God has for His children that are applicable to every child of God.

- Using this 1st event in the life of Jesus as our guide, let’s begin in Matthew 2 vv. 13-15, where we find that God’s plans involve…

1. His Provision (vv. 13-15). 13 Now when they [the wise men] had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Arise, take the young Child & His mother, flee to Egypt, & stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him." 14 When he arose, he took the young Child & His mother by night & departed for Egypt, 15 & was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, "Out of Egypt I called My Son."

- From this event in the early life of Jesus, we can see that God’s provision…

    A. Requires Your Sensitivity (v. 13).

- God can & does provide for your every need. But unless you are sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God at work in you, you could miss His provision.

- You could be so caught up in your situation that you fail to hear the instruction of God.

- Joseph is described in the Bible as a “just man.”

- IOW he was a man of godly character; he was a man of great faith; he was a man w/a willing heart to follow God!

- Joseph was a man who listened to God! He was a man who listened for God!

- I’m not saying that Joseph was perfect—but we don’t have 1 verse of Scripture that implies that he ever missed God’s instructions!

- He was constantly listening for God! Constantly waiting for God!

- That could have been the reason God selected Joseph to be the earthly father of Jesus! We don’t know for sure!

- But what we do know is that Joseph was sensitive to the voice of God!

- Are you fully aware of the will of God for you? Do you know the Lord’s instructions for you?

- If not, could it be that you are insensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading? Could it be that your life is not modeled after Joseph?

- He was sensitive to the Spirit’s direction & he gained God’s provision!

- You can do the same as God works in you for your good & His glory! You can know the will of God; you can follow the will of God; you can gain God’s provision for your unique circumstance!

- His provision requires your sensitivity & His provision…

    B. Requires Your Obedience (vv. 14-15). 14 When he arose, he took the young Child & His mother by night & departed for Egypt, 15 & was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, "Out of Egypt I called My Son."

- You see, it’s not enough to hear the instruction of God – you must also follow the instruction of God!

- If you are going to walk in the abundance of the blessing of God you must be obedient!

- Some may say, “Well if that’s the case, then God only blesses those who are working to please Him!”

          [What if you had 2 children; 1 was eager to do all you asked & the other was unwilling to do anything you asked. You would still love them both, b/c they are your children. You would still provide them w/the basic necessities. But the 1 that was eager to please—you would reward w/privileges the other child did not experience.

          & that’s basically what God does. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He rewards obedience & w/holds privileges for disobedience just like any parent would do.]

- So what did Joseph do when he knew God wanted him to take his family to Egypt?

- Joseph packed up all his belongings & headed out of town quickly!

- The Bible says they traveled by night, meaning that Joseph didn’t even wait until morning! God said go & he went!

- & I want you to notice that he stayed where God said go, until God said go again!

- Many people are asking God, “How long Lord?” How long will I be here or endure this?

- & the best thing we can do is to stay where God sends us until God says it’s time to go!

- If we move on our own, we abandon the will the God & live in open defiance & rebellion against Him!

- Some of the best advice I ever received was, “Grow where God plants you!”

- IOW don’t pick up roots & try it over here or over there! Stay put until God moves you!

- Just keep on doing what God said do until God tells you differently!

- If you do, you will receive the abundance of His provision for you in that situation!

- God’s plans also involve…

2. His Providence (vv. 16-18).

- & in His providence...

    A. God Knows the wickedness of men (v. 16) 16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; & he sent forth & put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem & in all its districts, from 2 years old & under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men.

- God knows your heart & He knows the heart of all men everywhere!

- God know the heart of men – in general – is full of wickedness.

- The Bible teaches us that God destroyed the world by flood b/c of the wickedness of men & the Bible also tells us that even after the flood, the heart of men is continually wicked!

- All men everywhere are born w/a depraved heart; a wicked heart; a heart of rebellion.

- God knows that! He knew Herod’s heart; He knew his mind; He knew what his reaction would be to the wise men deceiving him.

- History tells us that Herod was an exceedingly wicked man. He murdered members of his own family b/c he feared them taking over his reign.

- Some men will do anything to hold on to what they have! Herod was 1 of them!

- He had determined from the wise men that it was approximately 2 years ago when they saw the star & began their journey to worship the one born King of the Jews.

- & in his anger & greed & selfishness, Herod killed all the male children in Bethlehem & around Bethlehem who were 2 years old.

- & just to make sure, just in case there was some miscalculation, Herod also killed all the male children under 2 years old.

- Herod didn’t care about the people he governed. Herod only cared about himself!

- & the wickedness of the hearts of men produces such an attitude!

- God knew it would happen!

- & so, in His providence…

    B. God Uses the wickedness of men (vv. 17-18) 17 Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying: 18 "A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation, weeping, & great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted, B/c they are no more."

- This demonstrates the depths to which men will sink & the lengths to which God would go to save them.

- The appointed king of the Jews – Herod, trying to kill the one born King of the Jews – Jesus!

- In that event, God was revealing the disgrace of men & the exceeding grace of God!

- God was exposing the selfishness of men & the self-less-ness of God!

- Yes there were many, perhaps 1,000’s of innocent children killed, but God did not kill them; Herod killed them.

- The brokenhearted cries of the mothers helps us to understand how the wickedness of men breaks the heart of God!

- He grieves over the spiritual condition of men! God longs to make them whole!

- But God used the wickedness of Herod to reveal the grace & providence of God!

- It was as if He were saying, “This is the reason I have come! I will die for sinners! I will die in their place & eternally save them from wickedness & from the wicked one!”

- There is still wickedness in the world & in the hearts of men today. When you take a good look at the true condition of the world—it appears that wickedness & sinfulness run rampant. & IT DOES!

- But God uses even that to help men see their need for the Savior!

- God’s plans involve His provision & His providence & God’s plans involve…

3. His Precaution (vv. 19­22).

- You see, it’s through His precaution that…

    A. Your every Need is addressed (vv. 19-20) 19 Now when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 20 saying, "Arise, take the young Child & His mother, & go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young Child's life are dead."

- God knows all things! He knows exactly what your needs are! He knows exactly how to best meet those needs!

- Joseph was obedient to God’s word to go to Egypt AND TO REMAIN there until God called him back to Israel.

- When you are in the revealed will of God, God provides, God protects, God addresses your every need!

- But you ask, “Does that mean that if I’m not walking in the revealed will of God for my life that God will not provide & protect & meet my needs?”

- If you are a child of God, God will protect you & provide for you but you will have to suffer the consequences of walking outside the will of God.

- IOW you will miss God’s best by deciding to go your own way rather than follow God!

- If Joseph had not taken Jesus to Egypt would God have allowed Herod to kill Him w/all the rest of the baby boys in Bethlehem? Of course not! Jesus is the Savior of all who believe! He is the only way to eternal life! God could not allow Herod to kill Jesus! & God’s plans cannot be thwarted!

- But Joseph would have suffered the consequences of his disobedience!

- The real point here is that God can meet your needs!

- God will meet your needs! God longs to demonstrate His love & power & grace to you & through your particular situation!

- His precaution meets your needs & through His precaution…

    B. Your every Move is directed (vv. 21-22) 21 Then he arose, took the young Child & His mother, & came into the land of Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea instead of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. & being warned by God in a dream, he turned aside into the region of Galilee.

- Have you ever come to the place in your life where you stopped & asked yourself, “Well what am I supposed to do now?”

- What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

- I’ll tell you what to do—YOU TRUST GOD!

- Joseph had learned that if he listened to God, God would tell him what to do!

- The Bible tells us that we are not to lean on our own understanding, but in all our ways we are to acknowledge God & He will direct our paths!

- You don’t need a map to navigate this world; you don’t need a compass to lead you in life; you don’t need a GPS to get around—all you need to do is trust God & seek His direction!

- God will direct the paths of your life if you are sensitive to His leading & listening to His Spirit!

- God will direct your every move if you are following His word & faithful to obey it!

- Just a simple prayer asking God’s direction for your life opens to you the wisdom of heaven!

- “Step by step, Jesus! Guide me step by step!”

- Ask God that & then be willing to follow His leading & your every move is directed for His glory!

- & finally, God’s plans involve…

4. His Precision (v. 23). 23 & he came & dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, "He shall be called a Nazarene."

- By His precision…

    A. You are Where you are (v. 23a) 23a & he came & dwelt in a city called Nazareth….

- God not only knows exactly where you are, He knows exactly where you need to be!

- By the precise leading of the Spirit, God places you exactly where He wants you to be!

- He places you exactly where He knows you can do the most for Him; where you can have the greatest impact for Him; where you can bring the most glory & honor to Him!

- God wanted Jesus in Nazareth—not Egypt; not Bethlehem; not Judea—Nazareth!

- God lead Joseph to that very place & established him in that very place & used him in that very place!

- You are where you are today for the same purposes of God! He wants to establish you & use you in that very place!

- But you may say, “Well I don’t like the place God has put me!”

- I can tell you that the place God puts you is a better place than any other place you can be!

- A wise old man once told me, “You can’t hardly stand it where you go—but you can’t hardly leave where you’ve been sent!”

- If God put you where you are by His precision, you are there for His purposes!

- & if you are there for His purposes then God wants to use you; God can use you; God will use you in that very place!

- So keep on walking in the will of God & if you’re not there, find it & get in on what God is doing & you will be blessed for your efforts!

- You see, it’s by His precision…

    B. You are What you are (v. 23b) 23b …that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, "He shall be called a Nazarene."

- Jesus was called a Nazarene b/c He was from Nazareth.

- Jesus was a carpenter b/c He followed the trade of His earthly father.

- Jesus was a minister b/c He was about His heavenly Father’s business.

- Jesus was a good teacher b/c He knew the Scriptures so well. After all, He wrote them!

- Jesus was a healer b/c He is filled w/the power of God.

- Jesus is the Savior b/c as the divine Son of God; He gave His life in exchange for ours.

- You are what you are according to the divine grace of God!

- You are all that you are b/c God made you & gifted you & plans to use you just as you are!

- It’s wonderful that you can better yourself through exercise & education & experience.

- But never lose sight of what God wants you to be! Be that & you will be wonderful!

- Jesus said, “You shall be witnesses unto Me in Jerusalem, & in all Judea & Samaria, & to the end of the earth.”

- If you are a believer you are to be a witness for the glory of God & the good of others!

Conclusion:  God’s provision requires your sensitivity & obedience. God’s providence knows the wickedness of men & uses even that to draw men to Christ. God’s precaution meets your every need & directs your every move. & God’s precision puts you where you are & makes you what you are for His purposes & glory.

          These are God’s plans for you & this is how God wants to use you as you walk w/Him in life. Never fear the plans of God – simple trust & obey as you walk w/Him step by step each day!

Invitation:  God may be calling you to salvation—would you come? God may be preparing you for service—will you obey? However God is speaking to you now—will you respond to His grace in faith? Will you come today & be made whole?

Hymn 447 Trust and Obey

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