Living for the Lord (Leviticus)

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All right, take your Bible and join me in the Book of Leviticus Leviticus chapter number 16 Leviticus chapter number 16. I would like to take the time to read a good portion of this chapter in light of what we're going to try to do today. And so I invite you to look with me hear you're listening and watching along with the services of the Broomfield Baptist Church and this pastor bringing the Sunday morning message. I've simply entitled living for God and our text is found in the Book of Leviticus. Obviously, I'm not going to read a whole book with you this morning, but I think chapter 16 will get our minds going where we want to spend some time today. Leviticus chapter number 16 beginning and verse number one the Bible says the Lord spake unto Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they offered before the Lord and died. The Lord said unto Moses speaking to Aaron. Thy brother that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat, which is upon the ark that he died. Not sure I will appear in the cloud upon The Mercy Seat. Verse 3 bus shell Aaron come into the holy place with a young bullet for a sin offering and a RAM for a burnt offering he shall put on the holy linen coat. He shall have the linen breeches upon his flesh and she'll be girded with a linen girdle and with a linen miter shall he be a tired? These are holy garments therefore shall he wash his flesh and water and so put them on you shall take of the congregation of the children of Israel to kids of the goats for a sin offering and 1 RAM for a burnt offering and Aaron. She'll offer his Bullock of the sin offering which is for himself and make an atonement for himself and for his house. You shall take the two goats and present them before the Lord at the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation and Aaron shall cast lots upon the Two Goats one lot for the Lord and the other lot for the scapegoat and Erin she'll bring the goat upon which the Lord's lot fell and offer him for a sin offering. About to go on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented a live before the Lord to make an atonement with him and to let him go for a scapegoat Into the Wilderness and Erin she'll bring the Bullock of the sin offering which is for himself and she'll make an atonement for himself and for his house and he shall kill the Bullock of the sin offering which is for himself. He shall take a sensor full of burning coals of fire from off the old her before the Lord and his hands full of Sweden since beating small and bring it within the Veil. and he shall put the incense upon the fire before the Lord in the cloud of incense make cover The Mercy Seat that is upon the testimony that he died not and he shall take of the blood of the Bullock and sprinkle it with his finger upon The Mercy Seat Eastward, and before the mercy seat, shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times? Then shall he kill the goat of the sin offering this is for the people and bring his blood within the veil and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bullet and sprinkling upon the mercy seat and before the mercy seat. You shall make an atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel and because of their transgressions in all their sins. And so shall he do for the Tabernacle of the congregation that remain as among them in the midst in the midst of their uncleanness? There shall be no man in the Tabernacle of the congregation when he go within to make an atonement in the Holy place until he come out. And have made an atonement for himself and for his household and for all the congregation of Israel and he shall go out onto the altar that is before the Lord and make an appointment for it. Michel take of the blood of the bulletin of the blood of the goat and put it up on the horns of the altar roundabout and he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger seven times and cleanse it and how it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel. And when he has made an end of reconciling the holy place in the Tabernacle of the congregation and they alter he shall bring the live goat and Aaron Chalet both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel all their transgressions in older sins putting them upon the head of the goat. He shall send him away by the hand of a fit man Into the Wilderness and the Goat shall be upon Him hold their iniquities unto a land not inhabited and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness. And Aaron shall come into the Tabernacle of the congregation until put off the linen garments which he put up put on when he went into the holy place in shall leave them there. You shall washes flush with water in the Holy place and put on his garments and come forth and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the people and make an atonement for himself in for the people. In the fat of the sin offering shall he burn upon the altar? And he that let go the go for the scapegoat shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water and afterward coming to the camp. The bullet for the sin offering and the Goat for the sin offering whose blood was brought in to make an atonement in the Holy Place shall one carry forth without the camp and they shall burn in the fire their skins and their flesh and they're done and he's at Vernis them shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh and water and afterward he shall come into the camp. And this shall be a statute forever unto you that in the seventh month on the 10th day of the month you shall afflict your souls and do no work at all. Whether it be one of your own countrymen or a stranger that surgery North among you were on that day. Shall the priest make an atonement for you? To cleanse you that you may be clean from all your sins before the Lord. It shall be a Sabbath of rest unto you you shall afflict your souls. Buy a statute forever.

Lord I ask and pray that you will help us this morning as we study or work together. I pray that as it's preached in gone forth. I asked Lord that your Divine sanction would be upon me as I deliver your word that I would say nothing that would detract from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for these words. We've just read Lord. I pray that it would burn in our hearts what Jesus has done for us and fulfilling all of this Lord. He's our hope and threw him and his blood that was applied to The Mercy Seat in heaven Lord. All of this is just a picture of what Jesus did for us. I pray Lord it I would do justice to your word in this these few moments. I have bless the heroes Lord and may we look at the Book of Leviticus different than when we approached it originally this morning Lord. I pray to be a help in a blessing to all who have the chance to watch along here with us at Broomfield Baptist Church. Thank you for what you accomplished and do in Jesus precious name. I pray. amen, amen Well, we coming our journey to Leviticus and some of you might need a little explanation on that because last time we were together we were in Genesis and you might say what Pastor there's a whole another book in between Genesis and then Leviticus. Yes there is and if you're with us in our other services, like we've spent much time and exodus and I plan to continue to spend time in Exodus on Wednesday nights. And so I wanted to move ahead to Leviticus because I think I if you've been with us on these Journeys, you'll have enough of what we've studied in Exodus to piece together by what we can cover so far and I think once we see the bigger picture, it'll stir you like it's stirred me. I don't know how many people would perhaps have come to Leviticus and said something like what others have said in this regard how many people for how many people is The Book of Leviticus one of your favorite books in the Bible, would anybody raise their hand pay is Leviticus the place that you think of first when you open your Bible and say hey, I want to read something encouraging from the Lord today. I'm going to go straight to Leviticus. Well, I don't know how many people actually razorhead I'm sure subdue but it's probably very very few most of us. When we come to the Book of Leviticus have some legitimate struggles with reading through the book and fact as counseling those that would want to read their Bible through in the past. I have I have tried them away from starting in Genesis mainly because I know if they start in Genesis and they're only two books away from getting to Leviticus. And then if they don't understand what they're reading in the full context of what Moses is trying to drive home, which I hope to help explain a little bit of that today with you then they will end up falling off the wagon on their Bible reading and they never make it past Leviticus because there are some things that are hard to be understood in here when it comes to the laws of the nation of Israel and that's what this is as you look at the Book of Leviticus. It is predominantly of the genre of law now as it Into the rest of the Bible. It does flow with the rest of the narrative of scripture. We understand how that can work. But I'm your one person said as they were trying to read through the Book of Leviticus black and never get to the book before in this year. I finally did and I was so thankful to do that. I wrote on the last into the page the last the end of the last pay this one. He wrote thanks be to God that he made it through the vehicle and somebody else came and said, you know every time I finish reading The Book of Leviticus, my main part is praise God because well, I don't have to do all of this stuff, right you read all of those the things that Israel was required to do and and how to be a nation that was set apart for God. God was calling them out of the out of the world out of Egypt and so as we look at Leviticus, we understand this is a a difficult book in some ways because it is almost entirely Aside from lol. There's no there's one chapter of blessings and cursings and and there's way more curses in that section than blessings and then there's two stories in which a person gets killed because of disobedience. In fact, we just read his chapter 16 open that they having to buy who were slain because I didn't do things according to what the Lord had prescribed. There's there's some difficulty with Leviticus with these areas, but I do apologize but also because of what's been called The Strange in his Factor if you will in a land far away a long long time ago in a culture that you know, we don't really understand. Sometimes we can struggle with was presented to us in Leviticus because of how worship is presented. For example that mean it looks completely different from what we do in our Baptist Churches today and in other churches as well, but even in our church to me as we came to church this morning You can see you know, my shirt still pretty white. It's not covered in in blood because I didn't have to kill any animals on the way to get here and and and I didn't have to you know, go through the labor and then we'll I don't have any incense burning in the office and soap in the in the in the in the church are here where we're live streaming. So there's some things with their worshiping and what they were told to do that it's just foreign to us in so many ways as to how we worship God and we think of that today when we have weddings in the church, you know, sometimes people anymore you shouldn't even throw rice because what does birds in those things but you know, whatever you have is birds eat, whatever your trunk if you're doing that indoors, you can't really throw that stuff around but in Leviticus, you got animals being slaughtered. I mean, there's just blood flow and everywhere. It just looks so different and then it has things that just seems so so strange to us sometimes like laws on ritual Purity ritual impurity It and Weep. The wonder why do we become in pure when I just touch certain things or or do certain things what is ritual impurity anyway at how does this impact? So there's a there's a few factors with that that make this book difficult to understand that there's another reason that can give folks difficulty with the Book of Leviticus. And sometimes we approached it and we look at Leviticus and we say will Fleming didn't Jesus fulfill all this stuff. Anyway, why do I need to keep reading this book friend? Let me challenge you that is the wrong mindset to approach this book with because there is so much here. This is a vitally important book in our in our Bible and we cannot neglect giving our time and attention to it. And so let me give you some some reasons why actually Leviticus really matters this book really matters. In terms of the genre speaking of the genre of law is primarily law like we mentioned a moment ago. It's important to remember that as we look at law itself. We look at law and it shows us some values and some characteristics of the one who gave that law. What do we learn about the law giver and that's a capital l I intend. What do we learn about him as we have these laws and so think about it, you know in society's most societies we have laws on the books against murder in rightly, so, What why is that because we have a respect for life. We have a value that that we believe you know, and if I could just speak as a pastor from a Biblical worldview for a moment here. We believe that every person is creating the image of God. And so there by every life has value every life has value not just some against another know every human life has value in God's eyes cuz we're all created in His image and murder. Is it ought to be against the law it is against the law. But what do we learn about that law? We learn some things about the values behind the giving of that law don't we certainly we do and so the values what drives the law and when we understand that we can read these things with fresh eyes and we can say what can I learn about God from this. How can I see God's mine behind this not get caught up in in so much of the detail of of you know doing this the right way and doing that. Right. What do I learn about God from this Israel had to do all those things. Okay, then when you don't you wind up with consequences like made Avenue by who and yes, Jesus fulfilled these things and thank God he did but as we come to Leviticus we must do so understanding. It's worth and its values because we see a reflection of our of our God and we get to learn his mind about certain things and we would be at a loss without much of what's revealed to us here in the Book of Leviticus giving us Eclipse. If you will go into the very heart and mind of God himself think with me just for a moment it where in Leviticus 16 just turn ahead may be 2 Pages a couple pages to Leviticus chapter XIX. Look at versus 19 9 and 10 Leviticus 19:19. He says when he reap the Harvest of your land that felt not wholly reap the corners of that. Neither Shall Gather the gleanings of the Harvest and thou shalt not glean The Vineyard neither shalt thou gather every grape a tie Vineyard Thou shalt leave them for the poor in stranger. I am the Lord your God as we think about that law. What does that tell us about the heart of God and how he how he has means in his heart is Help those that sometimes need assistance in this is built into that. Theocracy that God was establishing through the nation of Israel. What values are behind a law like like that? We learn about him. The Lord has compassion. The Lord is is merciful and gracious especially on those who who sometimes have to approach life at a great disadvantage the Lord values caring for those who are in a situation less fortunate than somebody else. In fact, he values that more than he values somebody that would maximize profits. In life, no think that through because our prophets always bad know we live in a capitalistic society and and well at least as of right now and as we think about prophets how we going to take care of people. I think it's a tragic thing that our government has gotten so deeply involved and trying to handle matters of welfare. That is God's people were following what God's heart is behind this we would be doing a better job of things like that and the government wouldn't have to have so much over reach in that area. What do we learn about his mind about his compassion about About these windows if you will Into the Heart of God and so the fact that Leviticus is law. Let's not let that deter us from getting into the book and and seeing the heart of God and seeing what it really should be an invitation to begin to understand more deeply about our Lord and what he values. Nellis speak to this idea, but being, you know in a land far away and a long time ago and and being removed from us things look so different, you know, we we have opportunities through the Book of Leviticus to understand so much more about our Lord. Think with me for example of Justice idea of sacrifice.

I think we could really use some more understanding in in a lot of our preaching today on what sacrifice of atonement propitiation with all these things really are. Where would we come to understand that if we didn't have the Book of Leviticus to go to to think about this idea of sacrifice? We don't excuse me. I'm sorry. We don't have to go through these rigors anymore.

We don't have to to to approach God the way that they were called to approach God because the veil is written to Jesus Christ pave the way I think about this with me. Okay, I was privileged when I was in Israel a few years ago to visit the life-sized model and display of the Tabernacle in the wilderness and I shared some things when I came back from Israel on that, but I'll never forget being there in the in the Tim the crater and we pulled up in the bus and and I kind of ran away from the group little bit not too far, but I went up on a Ledge so I can go take a picture and some of you have seen that picture that I took that's it is still I think on my Facebook picture whatever that is some of you seen that on there Will that I took that from up above looking down on the Tabernacle when you come to the Tabernacle in the wilderness. We got to understand how that would have impacted just approaching the idea of trying to come to God. There's a little bit of a maze of of of some curtains that were put up to get to the entrance. And as soon as you round the right turn, it opens up to that courtyard and you can see the holy place in the in the distance just the ways and you can see the labor but in between you and the place where God is said to dwell.

There's a big Brazen altar between you and him. And that tells us how important this idea of sacrifices. Leviticus is clear when it expresses to us that without the shedding of blood there is no remission. Why because the wages of sin is death and send must be paid for by Def. And sacrifice gives us the picture of that death. And we can see then how our sins are paid for by Death? And then to further approach and we have to go to the labor and then we enter the holy place in the holy of holies is behind the veil in there, but think about this God Is So, holy that in order to approach him. We need our sins. We need our impurities dealt with think of things like how strange it is to us considering ritual Purity ritual impurity.

What if if we were to come to the Book of Leviticus and just try to live The Book of Leviticus for even a whole week? Everything in here that it says to do we're going to try to do that. Now I'm praying that there's going to be some real challenges with some of that but I think we would get that by the end of the week. We would get some some complaints it in the midst of of something like that. What made it so hard to even find clothes because what I can't wear clothing made of two different fabrics and some people have implemented that in their life styling and they've gone to the Book of Leviticus to find these kind of things but Well, I mean, you know if I only had two Fabrics to work with that kind of works to be in a wipes out about 90% of my wardrobe. So what do I get to where I'm going to have to get a new wardrobe?

We can get so caught up sometimes in focusing on the issues of the ritual purity. And if we could just get a taste of what they had to go through just just a smidgen. What it would look like. to be in in the midst of ritual impurity just because I touched something wrong or where I wore something wrong or are you with me? I think if we had to even live for a week like that we might come to realize. That might be a good idea for us to put the same kind of attention that they had two on ritual Purity and ritual impurity on issues of moral Purity and moral impurity of our day. Leviticus can help us understand the truth that the Lord said to his people that Peter repeats to us New Testament Christians, by the way. Yeah, we're under grace Runner the law understand but even Peter reminds us that we are to be holy for our Lord Is Holy. And if we could get a glimpse of how they had to live and do that we might just come away with a better appreciation of moral Purity moral impurity. In other words while all this might seem far away from us at times. Had a very practical function for the people of Israel. She's were reminders to them that just as they had to be a people of ritual Purity that they had to deal properly with with ritual impurity. So too, they had to be a people of moral purity. And they had to deal with the moral impurity that was in her life. Did you catch that when we read through this chapter? It was in the midst of their uncleanness and that was mentioned more than once When God Says something more than once we need to pay close attention.

So let me give you one other idea here with just the brief moments. I have less as to why I think Leviticus is so vitally important to our walk with God. Going back to this idea of thinking about you know, we'll Jesus fulfilled all of this. And so why do I need to keep reading this book over and over actually? Well, that's just the point.

It's because Jesus fulfilled. How many of the things that are talked about and discussed by Moses in Leviticus that you know things like sacrificing in atonement and and being a priest? Hey if I want to understand what Jesus what Jesus did for me and I want to know about that better than I actually need to understand the things that are found in the Book of Leviticus.

There was a story that was told about a tribe in Papua New Guinea one time this might illustrate this for you.

Years ago there were some missionaries who went to work with a A Tribe in Papua New Guinea and his tribe. They've never been reached in any way with the gospel. They knew absolutely nothing about the Bible to win the missionaries got there and they spent they just spent a lot of time some months. I spent some Years Learning the language learning the Customs learning the culture of the people. They finally got to the place where they're ready begin start teaching them the Bible The missionaries knew that well, if they just went straight to Jesus it would make sense unless they could help these people understand the larger larger context and what the Old Testament teaches us that leads up to what Jesus did so they started back in the Book of Genesis and as they begin to go through Genesis and exodus and Leviticus whenever they got to the book of whatever they got to places where it talked about sacrifice missionaries would stop and they would make sure to explain how sacrifice worked. That you could offer this sacrifice and especially the lifeblood of the sacrifices. Did the place of the lifeblood of the guilty offer? And how that would restore the relationship with God through sacrifice that often took place when you were sacrificing a lamb in particular one of the most common Old Testament sacrifices made it up to the to the time of the New Testament and when they got there they begin to tell the story of Jesus. in for a week, Jesus became the Village Hero people would get up before Dawn and they come to hear stories of Jesus healing those who are sick casting out demons all those different things Jesus did the things that Jesus taught Set the end of the week. They got to the story of. How's the trial of Jesus in the crucifixion and the missionaries actually brought some of the tribespeople, excuse me from another tribe that had already received Jesus as their Savior and began to follow him as Lord and when they had these tribes people there they had them reenact the the story of Jesus's crucifixion. And as those tribes people were acting this out. You can see the members of the other tribe. They were just here in the story for the first time. And they just look so confused. Wild Earth would anyone treatises this way? Why would they do this to him? So when they got to the story of the crucifixion the the person who is playing Jesus playing the character Jesus, he was wearing a shirt and undershirt the missionaries had it had put a bag of red. You see where this is going and you remember the story of the crucifixion John gives us the account. There's a soldier came with the spear and and he put that spear in the side of of our savior and forth with came can blood water. when that happened those tribes people mean they were acting out that the bag of die broke the shirt began to be soaked and looked looked like it was red with blood at that moment. Just like the light bulb will not stay clicked in their heart months and some of the people who were here in the story for the first time.

They were beginning to understand that Jesus is our sacrifice. He is the substitutionary vicarious sinless spotless sacrifice for our sins. Does the story went on Jesus went to the tomb and he came out the missionary explain. Jesus is alive again. He's not here. He is risen as he said, he's the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world and he'll take away your sin 2 and you begin to explain that to him. He's the sacrifice for you all of a sudden the tribes people all around that Village. They began to stand up one by one and say I believe I believe I believe that Jesus is the one who died for me. I believe that he's the one that takes away my sin.

Finally through so many people that did this cord to the missionaries story here. They got to a Tipping Point where the whole tribe in in that tribe the way that they showed. You were so excited about what Jesus had done for them. They started to jump up and down right there on the spot. And when the whole tribe got into this you can just imagine what kind of ruckus they were creating there with him jumping up and down giving glory to God because of what Jesus had done for them that they understood the importance of sacrifice understood the kinds of things that are taught and shown to us in the Book of Leviticus.

I've just a few moments. So let me connect. the bigger picture Leviticus Falls right in the center of the first five books of the Bible written by Moses give Genesis and exodus numbers and Deuteronomy right in the middle is Leviticus where I began with you this morning as is right and what I believe is the heart of the Book of Leviticus and that's why I read so much of it to you because what we read this morning really is I believe the heartbeat of the entire pentateuch. Did you look at the Symmetry and how Moses weaves the entire accounts together beginning at Genesis all the way up to Deuteronomy? There's a symmetry that brings Beauty to his story. It helps us see. So much about who we are where we came from and who God is and how we get back to him. Let me explain.

Why is Leviticus here in our Bible?

Israelites they have just come out of Egypt think about it from their perspective the history of what has happened up to this point. They're headed into the promised land Exodus chapter 19, the Lord calls them to be a kingdom of priests to be a holy nation. They've just arrived at Sinai if you go back to Exodus. And here they stand on the brink of the promised land there. They are about to receive the Covenant law that's going to be binding on them for this Mosaic Covenant for them to enter into the land with all the blessings that God has promised and the Lord has them stop right there at Sinai the Mountain of God if you look at Exodus chapters 20 through 24, he's basically if I can summarize this way telling them you're going to be to me a kingdom of priests. You're going to be a holy nation. She God has a purpose for Israel going into the promised land. He wants to get his glory to the ends of the Earth through them. Cesaro so you might think you know after he gives them the law. Okay. Well now ready we're ready to go to the prom so we got the law but not yet. Not yet. The Lord has some stand Sinai because he wants them to build a tabernacle so he can come and dwell in their midst so they could think of it this way The God Who has tryst redeem them from Egypt to the Red Sea salvation a picture of salvation. It's not just the God who saves them. She's The God Who sanctifies?

He is the one who is going to give them these Covenant promises. That if they will uphold the law of Moses to which they agreed by the way full heartedly. They said yes, you you're our Lord. We will serve you we will follow they agreed to follow the law of Moses. He is their redeemer. He is the one that bought them back from corruption in Egypt from bondage and slavery in Egypt in and set them free. And so just as they all have their tents in a raise their camping there at Sinai he wants his tent to be right in the midst of them. So then X is 25 through 40 is focused on giving them instructions on how to build the Lord's tent right in the middle of what is going on the Tabernacle. And he's going to come and he's going to dwell in their midst Exodus chapter 40. last chapter of the book right before Leviticus Tabernacles built the Lord descends, in fact the book of Exodus ends with these words. If you turn back to the the close of Exodus look how that book closes. Closest with these words been a cloud-covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the temple the Tabernacle, excuse me, and Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation because the cloud above their on and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle and when the cloud was taken up from Over the Tabernacle, the children of Israel went on word in all their Journeys, but if the clouds were not taken up then they journeyed not until the day it was taken up for the cloud of the Lord was upon the Tabernacle by day and fire was on it by night in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their Journeys. And so This Cloud talking about the Shekinah Glory of God the glory concealing the Lord's presence it covered over this tent of meeting. This Tabernacle the glory of the Lord.

And Moses he couldn't even go in. He couldn't even get into the Tabernacle. You know, why?

It's right after that Moses couldn't go in right after that. We get Leviticus. Cuz that's the way in that's the way in so why does Leviticus belong here? Well, if if you're an Israelite in this day and time and understand the church is not his real we make that very clear. But if you're an Israelite and you're living in this day and time in your part of this nation, I imagine you got plenty of questions by now.

How can we live with this? Holy God. In our midst with his Holiness melting us in our sent melting us in our Purity. We just saw what he did to the Egyptians. And he's a Thrice. Holy God, even if we can live with with him it in the midst of our nation in the midst of our people. What's it going to look like for us to carry out what he's asking us to do? We're supposed to go into the promised land in and where to bring him glory. But what's that going to look? Like? What does it mean for us to be a kingdom of priests? What does it mean for us to beat a holy nation in the answer? is in Leviticus It's in Leviticus and starts with chapters 1 through 7, which which talk about the sacrifices to to address sin and impurity to help him. No. Hey, this is how we worship a holy God who is in our miss? This is how we worship him. Then Leviticus moves on with chapters 8 through 10 in and it talks about the ordination of priests. So that Israelites can have mediators to offer sacrifices on their behalf. Help them know understand the law of God to teach them these things. Leviticus which in chapters 11 through 15 tells him how to properly address the ritual impurity in again. All of this is so that a holy God the king mind you the king of kings can dwell with them in their midst and be their God and they can be his people. That's the whole idea.

Leviticus in which chapter 16 describes at great day of atonement the one time of year. Deep spiritual cleansing and toning of all there since it's so that God can continue to dwell in their midst Leviticus which in chapter 17 through 27 Gibson, the whole series of laws to help them understand what it means to live as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. So while we look at Leviticus as a burden sometimes which we shouldn't Israelites, they looked at Leviticus as life-giving instruction. This was exactly what they needed for where they are at this moment in time.

Sweet think about how God created man in the garden. and Mansell before he fell he knew what God's rest was and that rest was perfect and we fell away from that rest in our corruption and in our shame we had from God. And God began working a Plan of Redemption that one day will lead up to the one who would come to see the woman. And through that Journey we learn that. Adam had descendants through Seth and Seth had to send them down through Noah and Noah through Shem and Shem through Abraham and Abraham through Isaac and Isaac story of Jacob and Jacob his sons became Israel and one of his sons Judah would have a descendant named David and David would have a descendant named Jesus. You see all of this is to point us to the one. That fulfills everything. To bring us back to a place of rest with God.

That place where we can walk with him in the cool of day again, and he can be our God and he can Grill in the midst of a sinful people. How can this be only through Jesus Leviticus should not be approached as a way to find Salvation from salvation happens in Exodus. Leviticus should be approached by a Believer by Christian to say I want to learn to mind of God because I want to be more holy like my God is Holy now. I'm not going to be perfect all the time understand that. I'm not going to send listen that regard until I am glorified and I'm at home with Jesus, but I can try to do better. I can strive to learn more about my God. I can strive Schreiber walk closer to him everyday. God yearns to have that fellowship with us Leviticus. I could be considered to be the first John 1:9 of the Old Testament. You want to think about it? That way we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. You see there's always a way for us to be right with God and it's through the blood of Jesus Christ his son that cleanses us from all sin, and this book challenges us to live with moral Purity and withholding us so that we can see God move and work in our lives all we need to be in Leviticus. We need the truth that's here. We think about the vision of Leviticus. And how we can see God. I'd like to just close by challenging you with these ideas of of Separation blessing and calling. When we go back to the Garden of Eden we find out.

Leviticus gives us a glimpse for the people of God to return to the Lord's purposes in creation. What he created us to be separation blessing calling. You see that in the garden. You see that is God divided the light from the darkness. He divided the waters from the land he divided. all through creation and then he gave his Blessing. He created a perfect environment he gave adam a place of rest and then calling he gave adam work to do. We gave him a task that would fulfill him and complete him and he made sure you hadn't helped me that was suitable to compliment and complete him. And there was a calling. Man fell away from that and through Israel God began to restore that separation. If they are to be the nation the holy nation in this royal priesthood. They are to be separate from the world separate that they received blessing from the Lord keep promises. If you go into the land and you you do these things that I give you to do these things that are for your best in for my glory these things that will help you learn my my my heart my mic and how to live and treat each other if you'll learn these things then you can fulfill You're calling for me. I will use you then to reach the ends of the Earth with my salvation in my plan. And you can fulfill what I've created you to do with rest in peace and Harmony Leviticus. We see these

finally we might summarize it this way Leviticus. answers questions of immediate context we think of Of this last portion. How can we live with this? Holy God in our midst. How can we move forward? It helps us with that to see it gives us a vision rooted in God's purposes for Humanity walk with him walk with him to enjoy his care to enjoy his Blessing to reflect his character to extend his glory to the ends of the Earth is that not what we is New Testament Believers are also called to do we are not is real but doesn't God used to church today did not separate his disciples. Did he not call them out from the world did he not bless them and promise to be with them all the way even unto the end of the Earth. Does he give them a calling to go and teach All Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. He's commanded us and low. He's with us always does he? Has he not given us to the same things? So just as they had these rituals and things that they they had to live under Jesus Christ fulfilled all of that. Now we get the blessings of the internal the indwelling. Holy spirit in us that that conscious that still Small Voice that says you're drifting away from God you're drifting away from God. You're you're losing separation from the world becoming painted and you're going to tarnish the testimony of Christ. You're not going to be effective in your calling forgot. You need to get right. You need to come through the blood the blood of Jesus Christ. His son cleanseth us from all sin is the place of rest that remain as he had a rest well at a time this morning, But I hope you get my heart and I hope that you can come to the Book of Leviticus and read it with fresh eyes and say I want to see my savior. I want to see God's heart. I want to see God's mind and if you'll do that friend as you approach Leviticus, you'll find Jesus there. It is a commentary on the book of Hebrews in the New Testament. And if you have a good handle on The Book of Leviticus, do you understand so much more about our high priest who's after the order of Melchizedek who can save to the uttermost all who would call upon him. Would that be you today? Would you be one that would say? Yes, I understand that. There's something between me and God. It's my sin and the wages of sin is death and I need that sacrifice. I need Jesus To Be My Sacrifice print you can trust him today and have your sins forgiven and washed under the blood. Maybe there's a Christian who's watching. It's drifted. Why don't you come back home to the Lord today? Why don't you find that place of sweet rest? Why don't you get back doing what God called you to do rather than what you been engaged in that really hasn't brought you satisfaction in the end anyway. Why don't you fill that void with Jesus? Why don't you find his Blessing now? I'm not not telling you that you need to go and put yourself under a bunch of laws like Leviticus spells out, but are there not Commandments in the New Testament that the lord gave us to love one another as he loved us. And so let's learn to do that. Let's learn of our savior so that we can be holy as he is Holy and we can walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and God can fulfill his purposes in and through us once you pray with me as we close Lord. I Thank you for this time that we've been able to spend in your word and I asked Lord that you would help us to approach The Book of Leviticus with humility. It as we read it Lord, we would have a good foundation to understand that all of it points to Jesus and his ultimate fulfillment on Calvary of these things that God you just desire a walk with us. Do you want to walk with us like you walk with a time you want to walk with us? Like you walked with Enoch you want to walk with us like you walk with Noah you want to walk with us like you walk with Abraham Lord that restoration of Fellowship can happen as we come through the blood of Jesus Christ your son that cleanse us from all sin that one right. Now that needs salvation. May they find Jesus to be their savior their sacrifice as he died in their place as though he were them for them Lord substitutionary vicarious life giving blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for their sins Lord made a trust to that today and find life Everlasting. I know it was Jesus Promised it would spring from their their belly rivers of Living Water. They can know that thirst-quenching soul-stirring power today were made a come to Jesus before it's eternally too late for that one. That's drifting Lord that one that needs to return. I pray that they would come through the blood of Jesus Christ for sanctification. They would begin to take an inventory of the things in their life that have caused them to drift from where you have them to be Lord that they would confess and forsake those things and walk in Holiness before you that they can be filled with the Holy Spirit and fulfilling your calling your purpose for their life lore. Give them the desires of their heart as they humbly come to you and these moments Lord to seek your your will and to do your way now, thank you for what you accomplished. Friend pandas playing once you come to Jesus as we wait.

Lord Jesus thank you for paying it all for us all to you you Lord I pray that as we arise from this hour that you will bless your people as they would live for you and as they serve you give us a good rest of the day bless her afternoon time. Thank you Lord for what you're doing an opening doors blessing us to continue to serve you here in this Northwest Denver area. I Love You Lord and I pray that you will give us your blessing as we depart from this livestream in Jesus name. I pray. Amen. Amen. Well, I want to just take a brief moment before I sign off to tell you that if you if you can join us for our afternoon Zoom call. We sent out instructions for our church family be able to do that. You're going to want to be on that call because we have some exciting things to share with you some things that the Lord is opened up for us that I I believe this this could be a real answer to our prayers that we've been praying for a long time live streaming is all fine and well for For the purposes that we've had to use it for but I have learned as you have for so long to be able to get back to in person services. And so we have some information for you regarding that. So please join us this afternoon for that Zoom call and the details are in your email box or they are in your mailbox. And so we will make sure that we communicate that to you if you're on our mailing list, if you aren't and you have questions about what's going on, please go to the contact page if you don't have my info and send me an email send me a text message to the church office call the church office, whatever you have to do to connect with us want to make sure that nobody slips through the cracks on getting the information that we need to share with you. So sign back on for our Zoom service this afternoon will be more intimate service. And so I'll be able to share some things with you dare answer questions. I'm sure there will be some but I'm just thankful to be used of the Lord. So signing off now on. Sunday may you have a blessed rest of the Lord's day and I'll see you shortly for afternoon service. God bless you.

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